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Alamat : Jl. II Desa Terantang Kecamatan Seranau Kode Pos 74312

SOAL PAS 1 TP.2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nama :

Kelas : VII Ruang :

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c or d

1. Daddy : Will, this is your homework book. Don’t leave it here!

Wiliam : ...
What does Wiliam should reply?
a. I don’t know it
b. Thank you very much, Dad
c. That is nonsense
d. I don’t care
2. Dinar : Hi, Afif, Long time no see.
Afif : ...
a. Hello, Dinar!
b. How much is this?
c. How are you?
d. You look so nice
3. Sarah : Okay, our homework is done now goodbye Luki ....
Luki : See you ....
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. What’s up
d. See you later
4. Ratu : Good morning, Mr. Reza
Mr. Aldo : ..., Ratu
Ratu : I am sorry sir
a. You’re very on time
b. You’re late
c. You’re good
d. You’re welcome
5. Farah : Alfi, can I borrow your novel?
Alfi : Sure. Here it is.
Farah : Thank you very much.
The underlined sentence expresses ....
a. Greetings
b. Apologizing
c. Thanking
d. Leave-taking
6. You meet your friends Indra in the street, what will you say?
a. Good night c. Hi
b. Good bye d. No way
7. What is the meaning of the word “great” in Indonesia?
a. Memaafkan
b. Menenangkan
c. Memberi salam
d. Memperkenalkan
8. Which one are not the expressions of leave-taking?
a. Good luck
b. Good morning
c. Goodbye
d. Good night
9. You say your fatner at 1p.m.
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good evening
d. Good night
10. What is the meaning of “see you later” in Indonesia?
a. Sampai jumpa lagi
b. Maaf
c. Bagaimana keadaanmu
d. Selamat tinggal

Text for number 11-12

Hello My name is Adrian. I am student. I live at Cherry street. (11) ... father is police officer and my mother is
a housewife. I go to school by bicycle. My bicycle color (12) ... green

11. a. His
b. Their
c. My
d. Our

12. a. Are

b. Is

c. am


13. Indra : Why are you holding your stomach?

What’s the matter, Indah?

Indra : I have a.......... I ate too many chilies,

Indra : Les’ go to the medical room now.

Indah : O.K.

a. Toothace c. Backache
b. Headache d. Stomachache
14. Erlin : Morning, dad.

Mr. Ad : Morning, dear. Your right eye is red are you all right?

Erlin : I

Mr. Ad : Don’t rub it. Let me put eye drops in your eyes.

Erlin : Thanks, dad.

a. sore throat
b. sore eye
c. backache
d. headache

15. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?

Rama : ...........................I have a flat tire.

a. Thanks c. I’m sorry

b. No problem d. Det well soon

16. Edwin : Erlin, could you accompany me to a bookstore?

Erlin : Certainly.

Edwin : ..................................

Erlin : Nevermind.

a. I’m sorry
b. Thank you
c. You’re wellcome
d. Very well, thanks.

17. She Is Coloring The Picture By Using…..

a. pen c. chalk

b. pencil d. pencil color

18. my father always using a ….. to cut the paper

a. pan c. scissors

b. knive d. cutter

19. It has two ears, sharp teeth and claw. What is it ?

a. A horse c. A rabbit

b. A duck d. A tiger

20. The day before Friday is………….

a. Wednesday c. Monday

b. Thursday d. Saturday
21. Today is Thursday .yesterday was………

a. Monday c. Friday

b. Wednesday d. Tuesday

22. I went to bed….. midnight and got up….. 06.30…. in the morning

a. On, on , a.m c. At, at, a.m

b. At, at , p.m d. On, at, morning

23. My Teacher Arrives School At Seventeen Past Six………

a. 07.30 c. 06.17

b. 07.00 d. 17.06

24. When do Indonesian people commemorate independence Day of Indonesia?

a. On August the seventeenth.

b. On April the twenty first.

c. On November the twenty second.

d. On May the second.

25. We celebrated Kartini Day on …………

a. May 2

b. April 1

c. April 21

d. December 22

26. 06.48 in British style………..

a. Twelve to seven

b. Seven to twelve

c. Forty eight to six

d. Six to forty eight

27. I went to bed ... midnight and got up ... 06.30 ... in the morning.

a. On, on, a.m

b. At, at, p.m

c. At, at, a.m

d. On, at, morning.

28. It eats grass. What is it?

a. A dog c. A goat

b. A cat d. A bird
29. a-d-n-p-a

The correct word for the letters is ...

a. Danpa c. Apdan
b. Panda d. Padna

30. Where do you find the blanket?

a. In the bedroom

b. In the kitchen

c. In the bathroom

d. In the diningroom

31. When you want to save your money, you go to the ...

a. Bank c. book store

b. Hospital d. library

32. ...... girl is coming every day to this place

a. An c. Some

b. A d. The

33. There was ...... scissors in the pencil case yesterday.

a. An c. A

b. The d. Any

34. The girls usually play dolls in the evening….. Play in the garden.

a. You c. We

b. They d. He

35. Duta : Hi, Brian . How’s Life?

Joni : ….., Thanks

a. How do you do
b. good morning
c. I am fine
d. d. see you
Fill in The Blanks With The Correct Answer!

1. Arrange the words into a good sentences !

Live – where – you – do ?

2. Arrange the words into a good sentences !

Meet – you - it’s - nice – to ?

3. Time : Waktu
05.15 : ...............................................

05.30 : ................................................

4. What day is Today…………………

5. Ordinal numbers

a. 2nd :………………………………………………...
b. 21st :………………………………………………

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