02-04-2024 Mac Morecho - The Importance of God's Word in Your Life

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TITLE of Sermon: February 4, 2024: The importance of GOD’s Word in your life

◽What instruction(s) did you receive from God?

I am very thankful that I heard this sermon with my wife online and looking forward to be with my wife seeking and
worshipping GOD in spirit and in truth.

As I hear this sermon personally, the LORD impressed me to stay firm and seek HIM more every day. Prayers and
Worship are nothing without the word of GOD because the word of GOD is life.

I have to give more time in Listening, Reading, Studying, Meditating GOD’s words.

◽What are the corrections it gave you?

Being connected with GOD through continuous seeking and reading HIS words are important in standing firm with
GOD. Many circumstances will give us distraction to forget that our GOD is perfect and our GOD is “The Source of
everything” we need. Therefore, if we are filled with the word of GOD, we are always focus and ready to say that
“our Source is GOD alone.”

◽What specific actions or changes do you need to make in your life?

Practice excellent time management because GOD gave us wisdom to manage, thus, we have no excuse to miss the
time. Also, it allows us to unleash our maximum potential in everything we do. We need to handle time accordingly
with enough and even more time Listening, Reading, Studying, Meditating then Applying the word of GOD.

◽How do you see God in this sermon?

GOD is Omnipresent, because GOD talks to us even HIS words are written and it guides us in our present situation no
matter how old it is written.

◽Right down your own prayer.

LORD, Heavenly FATHER, I thank you for YOUR words, YOUR guidance and Your Holy Presence always being with us.
LORD, please help us to understand more the things we need to understand, grant us wisdom that we may do the
things we do according to YOUR will, purpose and plan. Please continue to working in my life to be closer to YOU.
Lead me LORD to thing that I may do or say to help my whole family come back to you. I pray that one day me, my
wife, daughters and whole family are worshipping you in Spirit and in Truth. Holy is YOUR name LORD, I praise YOU
and I Worship YOU, In Jesus name I pray… Amen!

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