CAPIRAL Exercise 7 Overview of The Skeleton

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Name: Capiral, Adrian Orrick T.

Lab Time/Date: 09/13/2023

Overview of the Skeleton

Bone Markings

1. Match the terms in column B with the appropriate description in column A:

Column A Column B

spine 1. sharp, slender process condyle

tubercle 2. small rounded projection foramen

tuberosity 3. large rounded projection fossa

head 4. structure supported on neck head

ramus 5. armlike projection meatus

condyle 6. rounded, convex projection ramus

meatus 7. canal-like structure sinus

foramen 8. opening through a bone spine

fossa 9. shallow depression trochanter

sinus 10. air-filled cavity tubercle

trochanter 11. large, irregularly shaped projection tuberosity

Classification of Bones

2. The four major anatomical classifications of bones are long, short, flat, and irregular.
Which category has the least amount of spongy bone relative to its total volume?

The long bones have the least amount of spongy bone at the end relative to its total
volume because they need to support the body’s weight and endure mechanical stress.

3. Classify each of the bones in the chart below into one of the four major categories by
checking the appropriate column. Use appropriate references as necessary.

Long Short Flat Irregular

Humerus (upper arm) ✔

Phalanx (finger or toe bone) ✔

Parietal (skull bone) ✔

Calcaneus (tarsal bone) ✔

Rib ✔

Vertebra (bony segment of ✔

the spine)

Gross Anatomy of the Typical Long Bone

4. Use the terms below to identify the structures marked by leader lines and brackets in
the diagrams (some terms are used more than once). After labeling the diagrams, use the
listed terms to characterize the statements following the diagrams.

Key: articular cartilage epiphyseal line red marrow

compact bone epiphysis trabeculae of spongy bone
diaphysis medullary cavity yellow marrow
endosteum periosteum
diaphysis 1. made almost entirely of compact bone

red marrow 2. site of blood cell formation

periosteum 3. fibrous membrane that covers the bone

epiphysis 4. scientific term for bone end

yellow marrow 5. contains fat in adult bones

epiphyseal line 6. growth plate remnant

5. What differences between compact and spongy bone can be seen with the naked eye?

Compact bone appears solid and dense without holes or gaps, while spongy bone has a
porous, honeycomb-like appearance with spaces in between.
Chemical Composition of Bone

6. What is the function of the organic matrix in bone? The primary function of the
organic matrix in bone is to provide flexibility and tensile strength.

7. Name the important organic bone components. The organic parts are the collagen
fibers and non-collagenous proteins such as proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and
gla-containing proteins..

8. Calcium salts form the bulk of the inorganic material in bone. What is the function of the
calcium salts? The calcium salts deposited in the matrix provide bone its hardness,
which resists compression.

9. Which is responsible for bone structure? (circle the appropriate response)

inorganic portion (bone salts) organic portion both contribute

Microscopic Structure of Compact Bone

10. Trace the route taken by nutrients through a bone, starting with the periosteum and
ending with an osteocyte in a lacuna.

Periosteum perforating canals (Volkmann’s canals) central (Haversian) canals

canaliculi lacunae osteocyte

1.On the photomicrograph of bone below, identify all structures listed in the key to the left.

Key: canaliculi
central canal
bone matrix

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