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Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists

The Science of Beer

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Determination of 3-Methyl-2-Butene-1-Thiol in

Henry Goldstein, Sydney Rader & Aki A. Murakami

To cite this article: Henry Goldstein, Sydney Rader & Aki A. Murakami (1993) Determination of
3-Methyl-2-Butene-1-Thiol in Beer, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 51:2,
70-74, DOI: 10.1094/ASBCJ-51-0070

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Published online: 06 Feb 2018.

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Determination of 3-Methyl-2-Butene-l-Thiol in Beer
Henry Goldstein, Sydney Rader, and Aki A. Murakami, Miller Brewing Company, Research Department, Milwaukee,
ABSTRACT The beer was extracted with a flow of high-purity helium for
90 min at a temperature of 40° C and a flow rate of 600 ml/
Three-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol, the compound responsible for the light- min. The gas and non-thiol organics passed through the thiol
struck character in beer, was determined at levels below 1 ng/ L in beer. trap while thiols were trapped in the Hg (II) cyanide-containing
The sensory threshold in American lagers is 1-5 ng/L. Beer was first glass wool (Fig. 2).
gas extracted, thiols were trapped on an Hg (II) cyanide trap, and thiols
were freed from the trap with acid and extracted into dichloromethane. The glass wool containing the complexed thiols was carefully
An aliquot of the dichloromethane thiol solution then was injected (on- transferred to a 10-ml vial that contained 5 mg of dithiothreitol
column injection) into a gas chromatograph. Detection was by flame (1) (to prevent oxidation of the thiols), 5 ml of hydrochloric acid
ionization, flame photometry, mass spectrometry, or sulfur chemilumines- solution, and 200 n\ of dichloromethane. It is very important
cence detectors. to use 10-ml "serum bottles" (No. 037-754, Curtin Matheson
Keywords: Light-struck, 3-Methyl-2-butene-l-thiol, Mercaptan, Thiol Scientific, Houston, TX) because their geometry is suited to the
extraction, centrifugation, and phase separation described below.
Through the investigations of Kuroiwa and Hashimoto (5), The contents of the vial were sealed with two Teflon-lined septa
3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol (3M2B1T) was determined to be the (Curtin Matheson No. 386-227) and mixed on a vortex mixer
primary cause of the light-struck character in beer. A simple to extract the thiols into the dichloromethane phase. The phases
mechanism for the formation of this compound was proposed then were separated by centrifuging the vial in an inverted position
(1,2,6,7,9) and has been generally accepted. According to this to bring the organic layer into the neck of the vial (Fig. 3). The
view, the carbon skeleton of 3M2B1T is derived from the iso- organic layer was removed with a 25-jul syringe, while care was
hexenoyl side chain of the iso-a-acids.
Despite the practical and theoretical importance of 3M2B1T
$ 29/42 inner joint
in beer, analytical observations of the compound have been few
(1,2,8,12) and, for the most part, qualitative and at levels far
above the sensory threshold (13). It was to remedy the lack of
a specific quantitative analytical method for 3M2B1T that the A -r
present work was undertaken. To be useful, such a quantitative
method would have to be accurate and precise both at and below
the sensory threshold in beer. At the time that this work was $ 29/42
outer joint
initiated, the sensory threshold of 3M2B1T (in beer) was reported
as 50-3,200 ng/L (10,11,14), but our preliminary research indi-
cated the threshold for 3M2B1T in beer was much less than 50
ng/L, although at the time we did not know how much less.
For this reason, we set out to develop an analytical procedure
for 3M2B1T in beer at levels between 1 and 10 ng/L.
The analytical approach that was eventually chosen was modeled
after Knarr and Rappaport's (4) determination of methanethiol 7.6 cm i.d. 128 cm
in air. Some of the key elements of the working method are 8.3 cm o.d 123 cm
large sample size, isolation of thiols from most other organics,
concentration of the thiols, gas chromatographic analysis, sensi-
tive and selective detection, and use of an internal standard thiol.


Summary of Experimental Method

A gas washing bottle (Fig. 1) was filled with 4.26 L of beer,
three to four drops of tributyl phosphate (to prevent overfoaming),
the internal standard working solution, and/ or 3M2B1T standard.

® 1993 American Society of Brewing Chemists, Inc. Fig. 1. Gas extraction apparatus.
ASBC Journal 71

taken not to remove any of the aqueous layer. A 10-jul syringe, Apparatus
fitted with a fused silica needle (to prevent chemical reactions The extraction of the beer with gas was carried out in a 5-
with metal), was filled to the 1- to 2-/xl mark from the back L gas washing bottle (Fig. 1). The body of the washing bottle
end of the 25-jul syringe. On-column injection into the gas was 123 cm tall, 7.6 cm i.d., 8.3 cm o.d., and contained an inner
chromatograph immediately followed. $29/42 joint (Pope Scientific, Menomonee Falls, WI). The gas
extraction bottle was fitted with a gas dispersion tube (6 mm
Reagents i.d., 8 mm o.d.) with a Pyrex frit (ASTM 40-60). A $29/42 ground
Dichloromethane was high-performance liquid chromatog- glass outer joint was fitted appropriately at the top of the gas
raphy (HPLC) glass-distilled grade supplied by EM Science dispersion tube. The length of the gas dispersion tube, from the
(Gibbstown, NJ). Methanol was HPLC reagent grade supplied top of the joint to the bottom of the frit, was 128 cm. The thiol
by Baker (Philipsburgh, NJ). Hg (II) cyanide was 99% pure trap consisted of a piece of 10-cm-thick borosilicate glass tube
supplied by Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI) and dissolved in methanol (8 mm o.d., 6 mm i.d.). Through one end of the tube, 35 mg
(1 g/100 ml). Hydrochloric acid was reagent grade diluted to of silanized glass wool wetted with 100 ;ul of Hg (II) cyanide
25% by weight and saturated with sodium sulfate (99% reagent solution was inserted. The other end of the tube was attached
grade) and washed several times with dichloromethane to remove by a Tygon sleeve or a standard taper joint to the outlet portion
any organics that might be present. of the gas dispersion tube.
Dithiothreitol was 99% pure and supplied by Aldrich (Mil-
waukee, WI). 3M2B1T (neat) was supplied by Parish (Orem, UT), Chromatography and Detection
and 3M2B1T stock solution (2.13 X 10' ng/L) was prepared by For gas chromatography/flame ionization detector (GC/FID)
adding 0.24 ml of neat 3M2B1T to a 100-ml volumetric flask analysis, a Hewlett Packard HP 5890A GC equipped with an
containing about 50 ml of dichloromethane and diluting to the FID, cool on-column injector, and an HP 3396A integrator were
mark with dichloromethane. 3M2B1T intermediate solution (2.13 used. The column was a DBS fused silica capillary column (J&W
X 107 ng/L) was prepared by adding 1.00 ml of the stock solution Scientific, Folsom, CA) 30 m in length, 0.324 mm i.d., and 0.25
to a 100-ml volumetric flask containing about 50 ml of methanol /im thick. The helium carrier gas was set at a head pressure of
and diluting to the mark with methanol. 3M2B1T working 7.5 psi and a vent flow of 60 ml/min. This gave a carrier flow
solution (2.13 X 105 ng/L) was prepared by adding 1.00 ml of velocity of 29 cm/sec. The oven was set at 28° C for 3 min and
the intermediate solution to a 100-ml volumetric flask containing then temperature programmed to 60° C at a rate of 4°C/min
about 50 ml of methanol and diluting to the mark with methanol. and continued to a final temperature of 175°C at a rate of 10°C/
1-Hexanethiol (neat) was supplied by Fluka (Ronkonkoma, NY). min. The final oven time was 16 min. The FID temperature was
1-Hexanethiol stock solution (2.12 X 10' ng/L) was prepared set at 250° C. Two microliters of the extract was injected. Under
by adding 0.26 ml of neat 1-hexanethiol to a 100-ml volumetric these conditions, the 3M2B1T was expected to elute at 9.2 min
flask containing about 50 ml of dichloromethane and diluting and the 1-hexanethiol at 13.0 min. Peak integration parameters
to the mark with'dichloromethane. 1-Hexanethiol intermediate were optimized before the expected elution time of the 3M2B1T
solution (2.12 X 107 ng/L) was prepared by adding 1.00 ml of peak to help facilitate accurate integration of this peak.
the stock solution to a 100-ml volumetric flask containing about For GC/flame photometric detector (FPD) analysis, the same
50 ml methanol and diluting to the mark with methanol. 1- conditions used for the GC/FID above were used except that
Hexanethiol working solution (2.12 X 10s ng/L) was prepared the FPD temperature was 180°C.
by adding 1.00 ml of the intermediate solution to a 100-ml For the GC/sulfur chemiluminescence analysis, a Hewlett
volumetric flask containing about 50 ml of methanol and diluting Packard HP 5890 Series II GC equipped with an FID, a cool
to the mark with methanol. Tributyl phosphate was obtained on-column injector, an electronic flow controller, and a Sievers
from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). Silane-treated glass wool was 350B sulfur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) were used. A DB1
obtained from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA). fused silica capillary column (J&W Scientific, 30 m, 0.32 mm
Finally, a word of caution concerning the handling of 3M2B1T. i.d., 0.25 nm film) was used. The helium carrier was set at the
The threshold in air for 3M2B1T is extremely low. Although head pressure of 5.7 psi, which gave flow velocity of 26 cm/
it is easy to synthesize this compound, we have never attempted sec. The detector used 460 ml of air and 220 ml of hydrogen
it. If an outside source for this material is available (see Experi-
mental for one source), purchase it from this source. Neat and
especially concentrated solutions (stock solution) should be
handled with extreme care.
Borosilicate glass vial

Pyrex Tube
8mm O.D.
6mm i.d. Tygon Sleeve Hydrochloric acid layer

II >

Thiol Trap Silanized Glass Wool

10 cm long 35-40mg
Glass wool from trap

Dichloromethane extract layer

29/42 Outer Joint
Septum seal, teflon lined
Fig. 2. Gas extraction apparatus head, including Hg (II) cyanide trap. Fig. 3. Liberation and dichloromethane extraction of thiols.
72 Vol. 51, No. 2

per minute. The oven was set at 40° C for 4 min and then tempera- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ture programmed to 120°C at a rate of 10° C/min and continued
to a final temperature of 175° C at a rate of 25° C/min. The final The development of an analytical procedure for 3M2B1T was
oven time was 20 min. The injection volume was 2 pi. from the outset plagued by our inaccurate understanding of the
For GC/mass spectrometry (MS) analysis, a Varian 3400 GC sensory threshold for this compound in the beers of interest. Any
and Finnigan MAT (Cincinnati, OH) TSQ 700 mass spectrometer analytical method for a beer flavor constituent must be sensitive
were used. The GC was equipped with a J&W on-column injector. for concentrations below the sensory flavor threshold of that
The mass spectrometer was operated in electron impact (El) mode constituent. This is especially important for 3M2B1T, because
scanning only two ions, m/z 102 and 118, for 0.5 sec each for sensory panelists have difficulty in quantitatively distinguishing
maximum sensitivity and selectivity. The m/z 102 and 118 ions among high concentrations and tend to level them. The panelists
were characteristic of 3M2B1T and 1-hexanethiol, respectively. undergo "burn-out" even when the levels are extremely low. The
Other mass spectrometer parameters included: electron energy, sensiory threshold for 3M2B1T in water is 0.2-0.3 ng/L (3), and
70 eV; electron multiplier, 1,500 V; electron current, 200 pA.; we have determined (unpublished) that in an American lager beer,
and ion source temperature, 150°C. The same DB1 column used the threshold of added 3M2BlTis 1.25-2.50 ng/L. For this reason,
for the chemiluminescence analysis was used with the helium an analytical method that cannot detect 3M2B1T lower than
carrier set at 1 psi head pressure. The oven was set at 40° C for around 5 ng/L in beer is useless. Ideally, the method should
3 min and then temperature programmed to 175°C at a rate be accurate and precise at 0.5 ng/L. To achieve this using the
of 20° C/min. The final oven time was 20 min. The injection method under discussion, several steps in the procedure require
volume was 2 pi. special care.

Standard Addition Calibration Gas Extraction

The standard addition and calibration were performed using The gas extraction flask should be conditioned before use
the previously mentioned GC-MS conditions and equipment. An because there are "active sites" in the flask that cause low recoveries
unexposed beer, known to contain only trace amounts of 3M2B1T, of 3M2B1T by sorption or chemical reaction. The conditioning
was spiked with the 3M2B1T working solution (see above) to step involves the addition of 1 ml of a 2.0 X 107 ng/ L solution
obtain 4.54, 2.27, 1.14, 0.57, 0.23, and 0.0 ng/L 3M2B1T in the of isoamylthiol to a beer followed by gas extraction as described
beer sample. The 1-hexanethiol working solution was added to in the Experimental section. This should be done on a daily basis
each of the above beers to obtain a concentration of 10 ng/L before any sample or standard is analyzed.
(internal standard). The standard curve was produced by plotting
peak area ratios of 3M2B1T and 1-hexanethiol against added


0 10
o 8 12
Minutes Minutes
Fig. 4. Flame ionization detector gas chromatogram of a light-exposed Fig. 5. Flame photometric detector gas chromatogram of a light-exposed
beer. A = 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol, B = 1-hexanethiol, C = beer. A = 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol, B — 1-hexanethiol, C = 1-
dichloromethane (solvent). butanethiol.
ASBC Journal 73

The time required for gas extraction (90 min) is important. Flame Photometric Detection
The majority of thiols are extracted after 60 min. Extraction times Figure 5 is a chromatogram of a similar light-exposed beer
longer than 90 min are not needed and are detrimental because employing FPD. It should be noted that in contrast to Figure
of the instability of the thiols, especially 3M2B1T, on the thiol 4, there are few potentially interfering peaks. In this experiment,
trap. both 1-butanethiol and 1-hexanethiol were employed as internal
standards, but this practice was discontinued after it was estab-
GC Injection lished that only one internal standard was necessary. The standard
Cool, on-column injection is very important. This is due to addition calibration for 3M2B1T is achieved when the square
the extreme reactivity of 3M2B1T on hot metallic and glass root of the thiol peak area ratios are plotted to overcome the
surfaces. The use of conventional flash vaporization injectors will nonlinearity of FPD. A disadvantage of FPD for 3M2B1T is
decrease sensitivity by about one order of magnitude. its lower sensitivity compared with that of the other detectors
During the course of this work, several different types of evaluated. This is true with compounds that have high carbon-
detectors were used. These included FID, PD, an SCD, and MS to-sulfur ratios. For example, this detector is more sensitive for
detectors. Acceptable results were achieved with all of these, but methanethiol than for 3M2B1T. Whereas the major advantage
some advantages and disadvantages will be cited for each. of FPD is selectivity, the detection limit for FPD is about the
same as that for FID (i.e., 2 ng/L).
Flame lonization Detection
Figure 4 is a reproduction of an FID chromatogram of a light- Mass Spectrometric Detection
exposed (three weeks, 25 ft-c) beer employing the method that Figure 6 is an El mass spectrum of 3M2B1T. Assignments
has been described. In addition to the peak for 3M2B1T and for the various major ions are given. The molecular ion for
for 1-hexanethiol (added internal standard), several other peaks 3M2B1T is at m/z 102. Ions of m/z 69 and 41 are of slightly
are visible, the largest for dichloromethane (solvent). Although higher abundances than m/z 102, but because of their occurrence
quantitation of 3M2B1T is possible, chromatographic conditions for many other common compounds, m/z 102 was chosen for
must be adjusted carefully so that coelution of important peaks selective ion monitoring.
with non-thiol compounds is avoided. The advantage of the FID To illustrate this technique, an unhopped beer was spiked with
is that it probably is the most common gas chromatographic 3M2B1T (3 ng/L) and 1-hexanethiol (10 ng/L). Figure 7 shows
detector, and most instruments incorporate this type of detector. chromatograms at m/z 102 for 3M2B1T (selected ion monitoring),
A linear standard addition calibration is achieved. The detection
limit for FID is about 2 ng/L.


L/ 6 9.2
J r\ /—SH~I+
68.: 10 2.1

39.1 53.1 67.1

I 47.1 59.1 71.1 87.1 99.1 103.2
»-l, I Ihl II i. ll , I
40 60 80 100 120
m/z 0 10
Fig. 6. Electron impact mass spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol.
\3M2B1T Fig. 8. Sulfur chemiluminescence detector gas chromatogram of a light-
exposed beer. A = 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol, B = 1-hexanethiol.
102 m/z


118 m/z
, I (3M2B1Tp.h.) 20.
Added to GC column

Added to beer

Fig. 7. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry chromatographic traces

of beer spiked with 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol (3M2B1T) at 3 ng/L and Nanograms of 3M2B1T Added
1-hexane thiol at 10 ng/L. Top: Selected ion monitoring at m/z 102 Fig. 9. Recovery of 3-methyl-2-butene-l-thiol (3M2B1T) in beer. Peak
(molecular ion of 3M2B1T); Middle: selected ion monitoring at m/z 118 Height (p.h.) vs. 3M2B1T added. A = 3M2B1T injected on to column.
(molecular ion of 1-hexanethiol); Bottom: reconstructed ion chro- B = 3M2B1T added to the beer and isolated by the standard gas extraction
matogram of 3M2B1T. procedure.
74 Vol. 51, No. 2

m/z 118 for 1-hexanethiol (selected ion monitoring), and the chromatography. FID, FPD, SCD, and selective ion monitored
reconstructed ion chromatogram, which sums both ions. The MS have been used as GC detectors. Because of the low levels
3M2B1T peak in the first trace is dominant, as is the 1-hexanethiol of detection, the analyst must be experienced and competent.
peak in the second trace. The very small peak for 3M2B1T in Care must be exercised when handling even dilute solutions of
the third scan is small because the GC-MS computer adjusts the 3M2B1T because of its extremely low sensory level.
scale to the largest peak. Figure 7 illustrates the advantage of
GC-MS (selected ion monitoring) for the method under discus- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sion. GC-MS is the most sensitive and by far the most selective.
Its major disadvantage is its very high cost when compared with We thank Etzer Chicoye and Vince Bavisotto for their support and
every other detector that was evaluated. A linear standard addition encouragement during the developmental stages of this research. We are
calibration employing GC-MS was produced. It should be noted also grateful to Art Rehberger for permission to both present and publish
that with GC-MS, one can easily qiiantitate 3M2B1T at levels our work. We are also grateful to Velta Young for her excellent GC-
at or lower than 1 ng/L in beer. MS and SCD chromatography. Finally, we would like to acknowledge
Joe Hoff for his creativity and his leadership of two of us (S.R.R and
Chemiluminescence Detection
We evaluated the Sievers SCD. Figure 8 is a typical gas chro-
matogram of a light-exposed beer (similar conditions as pre- LITERATURE CITED
viously) using this detector. The level of 3 M2B1T in this particular
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Figure 9 illustrates the results of this experiment. Recoveries of 9. Kuroiwa, Y., and Nakagawa, K. Conditions necessary for the evolu-
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