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Chapter 9

Diseases and First Aid

Check point 1

1. Malaria : Pathogen – Plasmodium, Vector – Mosquitoes

2. Chickunguniya : Pathogen – Chickunguniya virus, Vector – Mosquitoes
3. Dengue :Pathogen – Dengue virus, Vector – Mosquitoes

Check point 2

Fill in the blanks :

1. Immunity
2. Polio
3. Cancer
4. Chickunguniya
A. Choose the correct option :
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. D
B. Fill in the blanks :
1. Plasmodium
2. Chickunguniya
3. Mosquitoes
4. Swallowing poison
5. Additive substances
C. True or false :
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
D. Give one word for each of the following :
1. Pathogens
2. Vectors
3. Immunity power
4. Vaccination
E. Answer the following questions in short :
1. Communicable diseases spread due to the transfer of pathogens from one
person to another.
2. Dengue is caused by dengue virus.
3. Fever and headache are the two symptoms of chickunguniya.
4. The first or the immediate care given to a patient at the time of emergency
before he or she is taken to a doctor is called first aid.
5. The process of introducing disease – causing germs to develop resistance
against disease either orally or through injection.
6. Disease causing organisms are known as pathogens.
7. The process by which the body becomes immune to certain diseases is called
The process of introducing disease – causing germs to develop resistance
against disease either orally or through injection Is called vaccination.
8. High fever, headache and back pain are main symptoms of dengue.
9. It spread through sexual contact, blood transfusion and infected syringes.
10. Heart diseases and cancer are the two harmful effects of tobacco.
11. It is caused by chickunguniya virus.
F. Answer the following questions in detail:
1. A. Influenza : influenza virus, fever and body pain, wash hands regularly. Avoid
close contact with persons affected with cold.
B. Malaria : Plasmodium, Severe fever with chills, Maintain proper hygiene.
C. Measles : Rubeola virus, Fever, red rashes at the neck, arms and legs,
Vaccination is must.
2. Insects which carry the disease – causing germs are called vectors.
Female Anopheles is the vector of Malaria
Aedes mosquito is the vector of chikungunya.
Sandflies are the vectors of kala-azar.
3 In case of fracture, lay down the victim comfortably and loosen or remove the
clothes from the affected part. Do not disturb the affected part. If arm is
fractured, tie a sling to provide the proper support to the fractured part.
4 Drugs are chemical substances that have physical and psychological effects if
introduced into the body.
Harmful effects :
(i) Regular abuse can lead to an uncontrolled dependence on the drug.
(ii) Addiction will cause withdrawal symptoms in the addicted person.
(iii) The person can experience hallucinations, suffer from nausea and
diarrhoea, body pain, body contortions and tremors.
(iv) Addiction to depressants like sedatives can lead to strong suppressions of
the brain which can even result in death.
G. Think and answer :
Presence of water may increase the growth of pathogens in the burnt area.

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