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Valeria Sanchez rojas



 What was great about growing up in your hometown?

Red bricks, who would say that they smell like home? I grew up in Cali, Colombia a
small but enigmatic city. I lived most of my childhood in a residential complex, in a
three-story house made of red bricks, looking back, it all seems like a fuzzy dream: the
wooden stairs that I used to climb like a dog, the small kitchen full of dishes after baking
with my mom and brother and the luminous living room where the four of us used to
watch movies in together. Back in the days when school was less demanding you would
never find my brother or me at home, it was usually hot outside, but we did not care, we
were always playing with friends of the complex until the breeze of the night arrived and
swooped all of us back home.

 What are some of the things you had the opportunity to experience?
Cali was big for little me, the city seemed enormous, and I felt so eager to get to know
every single nook of it, which I eventually did, history, music, wildlife, fruits, cuisine,
sports, nightlife and so many things more that used to be part of my checklist. Cali is
known for being the city of sports, and I had the opportunity to practice a lot of them like
roller skating, swimming, synchronize swimming, equestrian sports, volleyball, tennis
and, ultimate; I also practiced ballet, hip-hop, jazz, tango, and Latin dances.

 What community events were part of your growing up?

In December the city becomes unrecognizable, a whole week of music and partying, La
Feria de Cali, brings the city to life, foreigners come to enjoy the salsa shows, concerts,
events, and the typical food. The streets become crowded and the air smells like food
everywhere, it’s magnetizing. In the hot days you can enjoy Luladas, Champus and
Cholados, refreshing drinks that are found in every corner during the fair and during the
nights, you can enjoy Empanadas, Arepas, Marranitas, Papas Rellenas and so much
more. La feria de Cali is the perfect excuse for enjoying a nice and entertaining week,
with family and friends, eating, drinking, and dancing.

 How did you spend your summers?

Hot and rainy summers, loose wet hair, no shoes on the hot asphalt and the smell of the
ever-present intangible rain, made my favorite time of the year. Summer brings the
sensation of liberty with it, two months of playtime mixed with zero homework was the
best combination. Laughing and steps were heard all over the neighborhood.

 What are the hallmark stores or restaurants that are a must?

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