Part A

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Define Noise Hazard.

Noise hazards refer to conditions or situations where exposure
to excessive or prolonged noise levels can lead to adverse
1 effects on human health, well-being, or safety. These hazards
are prevalent in various environments, including industrial
workplaces, construction sites, entertainment venues, and even
everyday settings like busy roads or airports.
Mention the significance of RULE & REBA
RULE (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) and REBA (Rapid
Entire Body Assessment) are ergonomic assessment tools used
to evaluate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
associated with various workplace tasks. Both tools are
valuable in identifying potential hazards and designing
interventions to minimize the risk of injury among workers.
2 Significance:
• Risk Assessment
• Early Intervention
• Objective Evaluation
• Decision Support
• Worker Involvement
• Compliance and Regulation
What happens due to improper sitting? Identify its effects.
Improper sitting posture can lead to various negative effects on
physical health, comfort, and productivity. Here are some
common consequences of poor sitting habits:
• Musculoskeletal Discomfort
• Poor Spinal Alignment
• Reduced Blood Circulation
• Impaired Respiratory Function
• Digestive Problems
• Increased Risk of Injury
Outline the importance of Crane Safety.
Crane safety is of paramount importance in various industries,
including construction, manufacturing, and maritime
operations, where cranes are essential for lifting and moving
heavy loads. Ensuring crane safety is crucial to prevent
accidents, protect workers, and maintain productivity.
Write a note on HAZOP.
HAZOP is a structured and systematic approach to identifying
and evaluating potential hazards and operability concerns in
industrial processes. Originating in the chemical process
industries, HAZOP has become a widely adopted method for
risk assessment and management across various sectors. The
primary objective of HAZOP is to systematically examine a
process or system to identify deviations from its intended
design or operation that could lead to hazards, accidents, or
operational inefficiencies.
Outline the key activities involved in FTA
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a systematic approach used to
analyze and understand the various potential causes of a
specific undesired event or failure. Key activities involved are:
• Define the top event
• Identify basic events
• Develop the Fault Tree Structure
• Define Logical Gates
• Assign Probabilities and States
• Perform Quantitative or Qualitative Analysis
• Identify Critical Paths and Weaknesses
• Develop Mitigation Strategies
Mention the steps involved in RCA.
• Define the Problem
• Gather Data
• Identify Immediate Causes
• Construct a Timeline
• Ask "Why" Iteratively
• Identify Contributing Factors
• Determine Root Causes
• Verify Root Causes
• Develop Corrective Actions
• Implement Corrective Actions
• Monitor and Evaluate
Define FMEA.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic
method used to identify and prioritize potential failure modes
8 within a process, product, or system, and assess their potential
effects on performance. FMEA helps organizations anticipate
and mitigate potential failures before they occur, thereby
improving reliability, quality, and safety.
Summarize the importance of Mock Drill.
• Assessing Emergency Response Plans
• Training and Familiarization
• Building Competency and Confidence
• Identifying Equipment and Resource Needs
• Improving Coordination and Communication
Write a note on Safety Posters.
Safety posters are visual communication tools designed to
promote workplace safety and raise awareness about potential
10 hazards, best practices, and safety protocols. They play a
crucial role in reinforcing safety culture, educating employees,
and reducing the risk of accidents and injuries in the

PART – B (2 X 16= 32Marks)

Brief about how electric hazards happen in industries and how
it can be controlled.
Electric hazards in industries can occur due to various factors,
including faulty equipment, improper installation, inadequate
maintenance, human error, and environmental conditions.
11. (a) These hazards pose significant risks to personnel, equipment,
and facilities, leading to electrical shocks, fires, explosions, and
other serious accidents. Here's a brief overview of how electric
hazards happen in industries and methods for controlling them:

Causes of Electric Hazards:

Faulty Equipment: Malfunctioning or defective electrical
equipment, such as damaged wires, overloaded circuits, or
faulty machinery, can lead to electrical hazards.
Improper Installation: Incorrect installation of electrical
systems, wiring, and components can create potential hazards,
such as exposed wires, insufficient grounding, or inadequate
Inadequate Maintenance: Lack of regular inspection, testing,
and maintenance of electrical systems can result in deteriorating
conditions, loose connections, and worn-out components,
increasing the risk of electrical failures and accidents.
Human Error: Improper use of electrical equipment, failure to
follow safety procedures, and lack of training among personnel
can contribute to electric hazards, such as accidental contact
with live wires or improper handling of electrical tools.
Environmental Factors: Environmental conditions, such as
moisture, dust, corrosive chemicals, or extreme temperatures,
can compromise the integrity of electrical systems and increase
the likelihood of electrical failures and hazards.
Methods for Controlling Electric Hazards:

Risk Assessment: Conducting a thorough risk assessment to

identify potential electric hazards, assess their severity and
likelihood, and prioritize control measures based on the level of
Engineering Controls: Implementing engineering controls to
minimize electric hazards, such as using ground fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIs), circuit breakers, surge protectors, and
insulation barriers to isolate electrical circuits and equipment
from personnel.
Proper Installation: Ensuring that electrical systems, wiring, and
equipment are installed correctly by qualified professionals
following industry standards and regulations to prevent
electrical hazards associated with improper installation.
Regular Maintenance: Performing routine inspection, testing,
and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment to detect
and address potential issues before they escalate into hazards.
This includes cleaning, tightening connections, replacing worn-
out components, and conducting thermographic surveys to
identify hot spots.
Training and Awareness: Providing comprehensive training
and awareness programs for personnel to educate them about
electrical hazards, safe work practices, emergency procedures,
and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
when working with or near electricity.
Administrative Controls: Implementing administrative
controls, such as establishing electrical safety policies,
procedures, and permit-to-work systems, to ensure compliance
with safety regulations, control access to electrical hazards, and
promote a culture of safety among employees.
Emergency Response Planning: Developing and implementing
emergency response plans and procedures for responding to
electrical accidents, including first aid measures, evacuation
protocols, and procedures for de-energizing electrical systems
in emergencies.
Describe in detail the various steps involved in assessing
employee health using REBA.
The Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) is an ergonomic
assessment tool used to evaluate the risk of musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs) associated with various work tasks. It focuses
on assessing the posture and movement of the entire body to
identify ergonomic risk factors and recommend improvements
to reduce the risk of injury. Here are the various steps involved
in assessing employee health using REBA in detail:

• Select the Task: Choose a specific work task or activity

to assess using the REBA method. This task should
involve repetitive or prolonged movements that have
the potential to cause musculoskeletal discomfort or
• Observe the Task: Observe the employee performing
the selected task in real-time, paying close attention to
their posture, movements, and work environment. Note
any repetitive motions, awkward postures, force
exertion, or other ergonomic risk factors associated with
the task.
• Break Down the Task: Divide the task into discrete
elements or phases, such as reaching, lifting, bending,
twisting, and sitting. This breakdown helps in
identifying specific movements and postures that may
contribute to ergonomic stress and strain on the body.
• Assess Body Postures: Evaluate the posture of the
employee throughout each phase of the task. Use the
REBA scoring system to assess the posture of various
body parts, including the head, neck, trunk, upper
arms, lower arms, wrists, thighs, lower legs, and feet.
Assign scores based on the degree of deviation from
neutral or ergonomic positions.
• Evaluate Force Exertion: Assess the force exertion
required to perform the task, such as lifting, pushing,
pulling, or carrying objects. Consider factors such as the
weight of the load, the distance it must be moved, and
the frequency of lifting or exertion.
• Determine Duration and Frequency: Consider the
duration and frequency of the task, as well as any
breaks or rest periods provided. Prolonged or repetitive
tasks increase the risk of musculoskeletal fatigue and
injury, so it's essential to factor in these aspects during
the assessment.
• Calculate REBA Score: Use the REBA scoring system to
calculate an overall score for the task based on the
posture, force exertion, duration, and frequency of the
activity. The REBA score ranges from 1 to 15 for each
body segment, with higher scores indicating a higher
risk of ergonomic stress and injury.
• Interpret Results: Interpret the REBA score to determine
the level of ergonomic risk associated with the task.
Higher scores indicate a higher risk of musculoskeletal
discomfort or injury and may require immediate
attention and corrective action.
• Recommend Improvements: Based on the findings of
the REBA assessment, recommend specific ergonomic
improvements to reduce the risk of injury associated
with the task. This may include modifying work
methods, adjusting workstations, providing ergonomic
tools or equipment, or implementing changes to the
work environment.
• Implement Controls: Implement the recommended
ergonomic controls and interventions to improve the
safety and comfort of employees performing the task.
Monitor the effectiveness of these controls over time
and make adjustments as needed to ensure ongoing risk
reduction and employee health and well-being.
Illustrate the concept of Preliminary Hazard Analysis in
assessing the hazard involved in the industry with a step-by-
step process.
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) is a systematic process
used to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential hazards
associated with a system, process, or operation in an industry.
It is typically conducted at the early stages of a project or system
development to proactively identify and mitigate hazards
before they lead to accidents or incidents. Here's a step-by-step
process for conducting Preliminary Hazard Analysis:
Define the Scope:
Clearly define the scope and boundaries of the analysis,
including the system, process, or operation to be assessed.
Identify the objectives, stakeholders, and relevant regulatory
requirements for the PHA.
Assemble the PHA Team:
Form a multidisciplinary team of experts with diverse
knowledge and expertise related to the system or process under
analysis. Include representatives from engineering, operations,
maintenance, safety, and other relevant disciplines.
Identify Hazards:
Brainstorm and compile a comprehensive list of potential
hazards associated with the system, process, or operation.
Consider a wide range of hazards, including mechanical,
electrical, chemical, environmental, human factors, and external
Determine Hazard Causes and Consequences:
12. (a) For each identified hazard, determine the possible causes or
sources that could lead to its occurrence. Then, assess the
potential consequences or impacts of each hazard on personnel,
equipment, the environment, and operations.
Evaluate Risk Severity:
Assess the severity of each hazard based on the potential
consequences of its occurrence. Use qualitative or semi-
quantitative methods to rank hazards according to their
severity, considering factors such as potential injuries, property
damage, environmental impact, and business interruption.
Assess Probability of Occurrence:
Estimate the likelihood or probability of each hazard occurring
based on historical data, expert judgment, engineering analysis,
or similar sources. Consider factors such as frequency of
exposure, likelihood of failure, and effectiveness of existing
Calculate Risk Level:
Calculate the overall risk level for each hazard by combining the
severity and probability ratings. Use a risk matrix or similar tool
to categorize hazards into risk levels, such as low, medium,
high, or critical, based on the calculated risk score.
Prioritize Hazards:
Prioritize hazards based on their risk levels, focusing on those
with the highest severity and probability ratings. Identify
critical or high-risk hazards that require immediate attention
and mitigation efforts to reduce their likelihood or
Develop Risk Mitigation Measures:
Identify and develop appropriate risk mitigation measures or
controls for each prioritized hazard. Consider a hierarchy of
controls, including elimination, substitution, engineering
controls, administrative controls, and personal protective
equipment (PPE), to minimize or eliminate the risk of hazards.
Document Findings and Recommendations:
Document the results of the PHA, including the identified
hazards, risk assessments, prioritized hazards, and
recommended risk mitigation measures. Prepare a PHA report
summarizing the findings and recommendations for
stakeholders, decision-makers, and relevant parties.

Implement Risk Controls:

Implement the recommended risk mitigation measures and
controls to address the identified hazards effectively. Assign
responsibilities, allocate resources, and establish timelines for
implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of controls.
Review and Update:
Periodically review and update the PHA to reflect changes in
the system, process, operations, or external factors that may
affect hazard risks. Ensure ongoing monitoring and review of
controls to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
Explain the process of Event Tree Analysis in assessing the Risk
Assessment of hazards with a neat illustration.
Event Tree Analysis (ETA) is a graphical method used to
analyze the potential outcomes and consequences of initiating
events or hazards within a system. It is commonly employed in
risk assessment and decision-making processes to evaluate the
sequence of events that may unfold following the occurrence of
an initiating event. Here's an explanation of the process of Event
Tree Analysis along with a neat illustration:

Process of Event Tree Analysis:

Identify Initiating Event:

The first step in Event Tree Analysis is to identify the initiating
event, which is the event or hazard that triggers the sequence of
events to be analyzed. This event could be a failure, accident,
natural disaster, human error, or any other event of concern.
Define Potential Outcomes:
Once the initiating event is identified, define the potential
outcomes or consequences that could result from it. These
outcomes may include various scenarios, such as success,
partial success, failure, escalation, or multiple outcomes
depending on the complexity of the system and the nature of the
Develop Event Tree Diagram:
Create an event tree diagram to visualize the sequence of events
and outcomes following the initiating event. The event tree
starts with the initiating event as the root node and branches out
into different paths representing possible outcomes or
Identify Branching Events:
Identify the branching events or decision points in the event tree
where different courses of action or events may occur based on
specific conditions, actions, or decisions. Each branching event
represents a critical juncture in the sequence of events.
Assign Probabilities:
Assign probabilities to each branching event or outcome in the
event tree based on available data, expert judgment, historical
information, or quantitative analysis. These probabilities
represent the likelihood of each event or outcome occurring
given the conditions and circumstances.

Calculate Probabilistic Pathways:

Calculate the probabilities of various pathways or sequences of
events leading to different outcomes in the event tree. This
involves multiplying the probabilities along each branch of the
tree to determine the overall likelihood of reaching a particular
Analyze Consequences:
Assess the consequences associated with each potential
outcome or pathway in the event tree. Consider the impact on
safety, health, the environment, assets, operations, reputation,
and other relevant factors to evaluate the severity of
Evaluate Risk:
Evaluate the overall risk associated with each potential outcome
or pathway by considering both the probability of occurrence
and the severity of consequences. This helps prioritize risk
management efforts and decision-making based on the level of
risk posed by different scenarios.
Mitigate Risks:
Develop risk mitigation strategies and controls to reduce the
likelihood or consequences of high-risk outcomes identified
through Event Tree Analysis. Implement measures to prevent,
mitigate, or respond to potential events and minimize their
impact on the system.
Review and Update:
Periodically review and update the event tree analysis to
incorporate new information, changes in the system or
operations, lessons learned from past events, and evolving risk
management priorities. Ensure that the analysis remains
relevant and effective in supporting decision-making and risk
assessment processes.

PART – C (1X 8 = 8 Marks)

Elucidate the method involved in HEART to evaluate the
probability of human error occurring through a specific task.
The Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique
(HEART) is a structured method used to assess the probability
13. (a)
of human error occurring during the performance of a specific
task or activity. HEART is widely used in industries such as
aviation, healthcare, nuclear power, and transportation to
identify and mitigate human factors that may contribute to
accidents or errors. Here's an elucidation of the method
involved in HEART:

Step-by-Step Method of HEART:

Task Analysis:
Identify the specific task or activity to be analyzed using
HEART. Break down the task into discrete steps or elements to
understand its sequence and requirements fully.
Identify Human Error Modes:
Identify potential human error modes or types of errors that
may occur during the performance of the task. These error
modes can include slips, lapses, mistakes, and violations, each
with its own characteristics and causes.
Select Error-Producing Conditions:
Identify the conditions or factors that contribute to the
occurrence of human errors during the task. These error-
producing conditions may include environmental factors,
organizational factors, task complexity, workload, time
pressure, distractions, and individual factors such as fatigue,
stress, or lack of training.
Assign Error Likelihood Scores:
Assign likelihood scores to each identified error-producing
condition based on its perceived influence on the likelihood of
human error occurrence. Use a predefined scale or rating system
to assign scores, such as a numerical scale (e.g., 1 to 5) or
descriptive categories (e.g., low, medium, high).
Calculate HEART Score:
Calculate the Human Error Assessment and Reduction
Technique (HEART) score for each error-producing condition
by multiplying the likelihood score assigned in step 4 by a
weighting factor associated with the specific error mode. The
weighting factors are based on empirical data or expert
judgment and reflect the relative importance of each error mode
in contributing to overall error likelihood.
Aggregate HEART Scores:
Aggregate the HEART scores for all error-producing conditions
associated with the task to obtain a total HEART score. This
score represents the overall likelihood of human error
occurrence during the task, taking into account the combined
influence of multiple error-producing conditions.
Interpret HEART Score:
Interpret the HEART score to assess the level of risk associated
with human error during the task. A higher HEART score
indicates a higher likelihood of human error occurrence and
suggests a greater need for intervention or risk mitigation
measures to reduce the likelihood of errors.
Identify Countermeasures:
Based on the findings of the HEART analysis, identify potential
countermeasures or risk reduction strategies to mitigate the
likelihood of human error during the task. These
countermeasures may include changes to the task design,
modifications to work procedures, implementation of
automation or technology, training and education programs,
and improvements to the work environment or organizational
Implement Risk Reduction Measures:
Implement the identified risk reduction measures or
countermeasures to address the root causes of human errors
identified through the HEART analysis. Monitor the
effectiveness of these measures over time and make adjustments
as needed to ensure ongoing risk reduction and improvement
in task performance.
Review and Update:
Periodically review and update the HEART analysis to
incorporate new information, changes in the task or work
environment, lessons learned from past errors or incidents, and
evolving best practices in human factors and error management.
Continuous improvement and refinement of the HEART
analysis process help organizations enhance safety, reliability,
and performance in complex work environments.
By following these steps, organizations can use the Human
Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) to
systematically evaluate and mitigate the risk of human errors
during the performance of specific tasks or activities, ultimately
improving safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in various
Explain the plans to be carried out by the management on and
off-site in the event of emergencies.
Emergency preparedness and response planning are essential
for organizations to effectively manage and mitigate the impact
of emergencies, including natural disasters, technological
incidents, and other crisis situations. These plans outline the
actions and procedures to be carried out by management both
on-site and off-site to ensure the safety of personnel, protect
assets, and minimize disruption to operations. Here's an
explanation of the key components of on-site and off-site
emergency plans:

On-Site Emergency Plans:

Emergency Response Team: Designate and train an emergency

response team responsible for coordinating and implementing
emergency procedures on-site. The team should include
individuals with specific roles and responsibilities, such as
incident commander, communication coordinator, safety
officer, medical response personnel, and evacuation
(b) Emergency Procedures: Develop comprehensive emergency
procedures outlining the steps to be followed in various
emergency scenarios, including natural disasters (e.g.,
earthquakes, hurricanes), fires, chemical spills, medical
emergencies, security incidents, and power outages. Ensure that
procedures are clear, concise, and readily accessible to all
Evacuation Plans: Establish evacuation routes, assembly areas,
and procedures for safely evacuating personnel from the facility
in the event of an emergency. Conduct regular drills and
exercises to familiarize employees with evacuation procedures
and ensure efficient evacuation during real emergencies.
Communication Protocols: Establish communication protocols
for notifying employees, emergency response team members,
and relevant stakeholders about emergency situations.
Implement multiple communication channels, such as alarms,
public address systems, mobile notifications, and two-way
radios, to ensure timely dissemination of information.
Emergency Equipment and Supplies: Maintain emergency
equipment and supplies on-site, including fire extinguishers,
first aid kits, emergency lighting, personal protective equipment
(PPE), and other resources necessary for responding to
emergencies. Ensure that equipment is regularly inspected,
tested, and replenished as needed.
Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training and
education programs for employees on emergency procedures,
hazard recognition, response techniques, and the proper use of
emergency equipment. Offer specialized training for members
of the emergency response team to enhance their skills and
readiness to manage emergencies effectively.

Off-Site Emergency Plans:

Emergency Contact Information: Maintain a list of emergency

contact information for key personnel, external emergency
services, regulatory agencies, and other relevant stakeholders.
Ensure that contact information is up-to-date and easily
accessible to authorized personnel.
Coordination with External Agencies: Establish partnerships
and communication channels with external emergency
response agencies, such as fire departments, police, emergency
medical services (EMS), and local authorities. Coordinate
response efforts and share relevant information to facilitate a
coordinated and effective response to emergencies.
Alternate Facilities and Resources: Identify alternate facilities,
resources, and services that can be utilized in the event of a
facility closure or disruption to operations. Develop
contingency plans for relocating critical operations, accessing
backup utilities, and securing essential supplies and services to
minimize downtime and maintain business continuity.
Community Outreach and Notification: Engage with the local
community and stakeholders to raise awareness about potential
hazards, emergency procedures, and community resources
available during emergencies. Establish communication
channels to provide timely updates and notifications to
residents, neighboring businesses, and other stakeholders about
emergency situations and response efforts.
Media Relations: Develop a media relations strategy to manage
public relations and communications during emergencies.
Designate spokespersons or media liaisons responsible for
interacting with the media, issuing press releases, and
providing accurate and timely information to the public to
maintain transparency and manage public perception.
Post-Emergency Recovery: Develop plans for post-emergency
recovery and restoration of operations following an emergency.
Assess damage, prioritize recovery efforts, allocate resources,
and implement strategies to rebuild infrastructure, restore
services, and support employees and the community in the
recovery process.
By implementing comprehensive on-site and off-site emergency
plans, organizations can enhance their readiness to respond to
emergencies, protect personnel and assets, and minimize the
impact of adverse events on operations, reputation, and
stakeholder trust. Regular testing, training, and review of
emergency plans are essential to ensure their effectiveness and
adaptability to evolving threats and circumstances.

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