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Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

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Material Properties

FDM process parameters influence over the mechanical properties of T

polymer specimens: A review
Diana Popescua,∗, Aurelian Zapciua, Catalin Amzab, Florin Baciuc, Rodica Marinescud
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Department of Machine and Manufacturing Systems, Splaiul Independentei, 313, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Department of Materials Technology and Welding, Splaiul Independentei, 313, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Department of Strength Materials, Splaiul Independentei, 313, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
Colentina Clinical Hospital Bucharest, Department of Orthopedics II, Sos. Stefan cel Mare, 19-21, Sector 2, Bucharest, Romania


Keywords: Designing and manufacturing functional parts for fields such as engineering and medicine is a major goal of
Fused deposition modeling Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). These activities should be supported by knowledge on how different settings
3D printing of process parameters impact the mechanical behavior of the products. However, obtaining this information is a
Mechanical properties quite complex task given the large variety of possible combinations of materials-3D printers-slicing software-
Testing specimens
process parameters. Thus, the importance of reviewing the current research on this topic for identifying practical
Process parameters
Tensile strength
and useful aspects, key process parameters and limitations, but also for understanding to what extent the results
of these researches are relevant and can be applied in further studies and real applications. A systematic lit-
erature search was performed based on classification according to the type of 3D printing polymer. The most
significant process parameters considered as influencing FDM specimens' tensile, compression, flexural or impact
strengths are discussed considering the results presented in the literature. A necessary distinction between the
mechanical properties of material and testing specimens (as given by producers and by experiments) and the
mechanical behavior of a FDM end-part is also made.

1. Introduction categories of materials and for different sets of process parameters/

manufacturing conditions.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), also known as Fused Filament FDM process parameters can be categorized as follows (see Fig. 1 for
Fabrication (FFF), Modeling Extrusion (ME), Fused Layer an exemplification of some of these parameters):
Manufacturing (FLM) or 3D printing, is an Additive Manufacturing
(AM) process based on extrusion, the material being “selectively dis- • Slicing parameters – layer thickness/height, nozzle diameter/bead/
pensed through a nozzle or orifice” [1]. Although, currently, FDM parts road width, flow rate, deposition speed, infill, raster orientation/
are mainly used as visual aids, presentation or educational models, and angle, raster pattern, air gaps (raster to raster, perimeter to raster),
fit and assembly models, manufacturing functional parts is gaining number of contours/perimeters (contour width), top thickness,
importance in different fields [2,3]. In this context, the design for FDM bottom thickness;
(i.e. how to design parts for better exploiting the advantages of FDM • Building orientation – usually testing specimens are oriented hor-
and minimizing its limitations) gets increasing attention [4,5]. It is also izontally, vertically or laterally, but other orientations can be also
mandatory to be able to predict how the parts will behave when sub- used;
jected to mechanical loads in order to evaluate their suitability for a • Temperature conditions – environment (or envelope) temperature,
given application. Hence, the analysis of the mechanical properties of extrusion temperature, bed or platform temperature.
FDM parts represents an important subject of interest and research,
with some of the first studies on this topic dating back to 1996 [6]. All these affect the filament (inter-roads and intra-layers) bonding,
Since then, the influence of process parameters on the mechanical and thus influence the mechanical properties of FDM end-parts.
properties (tensile, compressive, flexural impact and fatigue strength) However, not all the FDM process parameters have the same impact on
of test specimens has been extensively investigated for different mechanical properties, researchers focusing on some key parameters, as

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Popescu), (A. Zapciu), (C. Amza), (F. Baciu), (R. Marinescu).
Received 12 April 2018; Accepted 16 May 2018
Available online 17 May 2018
0142-9418/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

Fig. 1. FDM process parameter – illustration.

it will be seen in section 3 of this study. Considering the large number of number of papers to 293. Then, the list of articles was divided among
process variables for FDM, solutions for reducing the number of ex- authors for title and abstract screening. After these stages of filtering
perimental runs have been applied and different optimization methods and screening, a total of 79 records were kept for full text reading.
have been used for identifying the best parameter combinations that References of these papers produced other 15 papers on the topic which
improve mechanical properties. were also fully read. 45 papers were excluded after text reading as they
The systematic review of literature showed that a study like the did not offer enough information for the purpose of the current review
current one has not been previously conducted. The purpose of this or they did not provide any new, more extensive or better documented
review is to summarize the most important research in the field and to information relative to other studies.
apply it to answer the following questions: Q1. What are the key The applied exclusion criteria referred to studies on non-commer-
parameters influencing the mechanical properties of FDM parts? Q2. cially available materials for the FDM process (as they are for the mo-
How can the results of these studies be used in other research? Q3. ment accesible only to very few users and not suitable yet for practical
What are the limitations of the analyzed studies? applications), studies and reviews that focus on optimization methods
Therefore, it is not in the intention of the current review to compare of process parameters (as they were already discussed in other papers),
the mechanical properties values for different 3D printers and poly- studies investigating only one process parameter with less than three
mers, but to systematize and discuss papers in which FDM process assigned values levels or studies which do not present details on the 3D
parameters are investigated in rapport with different mechanical printer type, material or testing process (as not being relevant for this
properties. This literature review can represent a valuable and practical research purposes).
starting point for those willing to start new investigations in this field Finally, 49 papers were included in the research. The main in-
and for designing new materials, as the connection between materials, formation of interest in the screened studies was: research objective,
process parameters and mechanical properties requires further research process parameters and number of levels attributed to each parameter,
to fully understanding all interactions and their effects. It should also type of polymer, type of 3D printer and testing standards used in each
contribute to better planning of the experimental studies in this field, in research, as well as tested and/or analytically modeled mechanical
order to ensure that the results do not have only a limited value given properties.
by specific manufacturing conditions.

3. Results and discusssion

2. Materials and methods
The reviewed papers were grouped into different categories of
The systematic review was conducted based on the flow presented polymers used in FDM: ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) – Table 1,
in Fig. 2. PLA (Polylactic acid) – Table 2, PEI (Polyetherimide)/PEEK (Polyether
Searches were performed using scientific digital databases. The se- ether ketone) – Table 3, others – Table 4, as well as into type of machine
lected time frame for the search was 2008–2017. However, important (professional/low-cost) – in Table 1. This categorization was applied to
and often cited papers published starting with 1996 were also included facilitate FDM users and researchers finding information when they
in the review based in the references of reviewed articles. own a 3D printer and material, and want to know which studies present
The following combinations of keywords were used in search: details on the relationship between process parameters and mechanical
(“fused deposition modeling” OR “FDM”) AND (“parameters”) AND properties, or details on parameter settings optimal from a different
(“mechanical properties” OR “mechanical behavior”). Only papers mechanical properties perspective.
written in the English language were selected. Supplementary filtering PLA was presented in a separate table as it is a commonly used
based on topics provided by the advanced search tools of the databases material, especially by low-cost 3D printers. PEI (Ultem) and PEEK
were also used. This initial search provided 112 records for Elsevier, 78 were also considered in a distinct category, being materials suitable for
records for Web of Science, 63 records for Emerald and 128 records for manufacturing functional end-parts.
Springer. Duplicates removal performed using RefWorks reduced the Regarding the polymer type, the most used material in the surveyed

D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

Fig. 2. Flow chart for studies' identification, screening and eligibility check.

papers was ABS (30 references), followed by PLA (9 references), PEI assigning three levels to each studied process variable. As for optimi-
and PEEK (6 references) and other materials (7 references). Some of zation techniques, Taguchi methods, gray Taguchi method, ANOVA
these studies are assessing mechanical properties of more than one (analysis of variance), CCD (Central Composite Design), GA (genetic
polymer, and thus they can be found in more than one table. algorithm), fuzzy logic, ANN (artificial neural network) or full factorial
ABS specimens for testing different mechanical properties were ty- design are the most used [38,58–60].
pically manufactured using Stratasys machines (FDM1600, FDM1650, As noted from the reviewed studies, the following FDM process
FDM 3000, Dimension, Fortus, Vantage) with proprietary slicing soft- parameters are considered as most significantly influencing the me-
ware. Examples of low-cost systems used for manufacturing ABS test chanical properties: raster to raster air gap (recommendation being to
parts include Makerbot, Ultimaker, Lulzbot, Prusa Mendel, UPrint, set it at a negative value), building orientation, raster angle, layer
Mendel RepRap with slicing software such as Slic3r®, Cura® or thickness (smaller layer thickness increases the strength) and infill
Skeinforge®. percentage. Interactions of these parameters play a very important role
Different levels of values for process parameters were set in these from the mechanical properties perspective [13,61]. In the same con-
researches for establishing their influence over different mechanical text, classification of the parameters' importance was made by several
properties, and for optimizing the outcomes based on trials/experi- researchers. For instance, according to [17], orientation has a more
mental runs. Therefore, a valid comparison between the results of dif- significant influence on mechanical properties than raster angle.
ferent studies cannot be made, even if the same material is employed, Raster angle influences the anisotropy of the FDM parts and,
when the manufacturing conditions and machines are different. therefore, their strength, being one of the most important process
However, despite not having a common evaluation basis, some com- parameter impacting mechanical behavior. Air gaps and infills de-
parison attempts were made by certain authors by using the same termine the dimension of the contact zone between filament roads and
machine and different materials [25,55], but also when using different layers, dictating the bond strength and thus the mechanical properties.
machines, materials and software [24,34]. There are also researches In the context of polymer filament bonding, temperature also has a
such as [10] or [43] that compare the mechanical properties of ABS significant impact, however not studied enough so far, especially in
parts with the mechanical properties of ABS injection molded parts. corroboration with other process parameters as imposed by real man-
All reviewed studies are based on the proved fact that FDM parts are ufacturing conditions [9,10,12,47].
anisotropic [10,56], the developed analytical models for assessing the Onwubolu et al. [23] reached the conclusion that, for improving
mechanical properties and the experimental studies being designed tensile strength of ABS specimens, the layer thickness and raster width
accordingly. Classical laminate theory is used for describing the or- should be minimal. The same conclusion was stated in other studies
thotropic properties of FDM parts [57]. focusing on the influence of these two parameters, the production cost
Design of experiments (DoE) test protocols are planned by usually being also brought into discussion in Ref. [17]. Li et al. [39], analyzing

Table 1
Studies focused on ABS.
Study Research objectives/topic Materials, machine, standards Variable parameters Mechanical properties
D. Popescu et al.

FDM professional machines

Fodran, 1996 [6] Build style effect on mechanical ABS, FDM1600, ASTM D638 Fill gap, line width, slice thickness Tensile strength, yield strength, elongation,
properties modulus of elasticity
Bertoldi, 1998 [7] Mechanical characterization ABS, FDM1650, ASTM D5937-96 6 building orientations, 4 raster orientations Tensile strength, Young modulus, Poisson
Es-said, 2000 [8] Effect of layer orientation on mechanical ABS P400, FDM 1650, ASTM D638, ASTM D790, 5 layer orientations (45/-45; 0; 45; 90; 45/0) Tensile strength, modulus of rupture, impact
properties ASTM D256-88 resistance
Rodriguez, 2001[9] Mechanical behavior experimental ABS P400, FDM1600, ASTM D3039 Fiber gap and flow rate Stress-strain behavior
investigation, mesostructure
Ahn, 2002[10] FDM parts mechanical characterization, ABS, FDM1650, ASTM D638, D3039 Raster orientation (transverse, axial), air gap, bead width, Tensile strength, compressive strength –
anisotropy color, model temperature comparison with injection molding
Lee, 2005[11] Process parameter optimization for ABS, FDM3000 Raster, air gap, raster width, layer thickness (3 levels each) Elastic behavior of a catapult model
flexible object manufacturing
Sun, 2008[12] Effect of processing conditions on ABS P400, FDM2000, ASTM D1184-98 Default settings for slicing parameters temperature profiles, Thermal analysis, 3-point bending test
filament bonding, mesostructure temperature variations with part building location (analytical model and experimental)
Sood, 2010[13] Process parameter effect on mechanical ABS P400, ISO R527:1966, ISO R178:1975 Layer thickness, orientation, raster angle, raster width and air Tensile, flexural and impact strength,
properties gap empirical models relating response and
process parameters are developed.
Fatimatuzahraa, Raster orientation effect on mechanical ABS, Dimension SST-768 Raster (axial (0°), crisscross (45°/-45°), cross (0°/90°) and Tensile strength, flexural strength, impact
2011[14] properties transverse (90°) strength
Sood, 2012[15] Process parameters settings for ABS P400, FDM Vantage SE machine, ISO 604–1973, Layer thickness, building orientation, raster angle, raster Compressive strength (analytical and
compressive strength improvement ISO R291:1977 width, air gap (3 levels each) experimental)
Croccolo, 2013[16] Predicting mechanical behavior when ABS-M30, ASTM D638-10 Raster pattern (dimensions, no. of contours: 1, 4, 7, 10, raster Tensile strength and stiffness (analytical and

knowing raster pattern angle), building orientation experimental)
Durgun, 2014[17] Experimental investigation for improving ABS P430, Dimension 3D printer, ISO 178:2006, ISO 5 raster angles (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°), 3 building orientation Tensile strength, flexural strength,
mechanical properties and production 527: 1997 (horizontal, vertical, perpendicular)
Gorsky, 2014[18] Building orientation influence of impact ABS, Dimension BST 1200, PN-EN 10045-1 5 building orientations on x and y axes Impact strength
strength – experimental investigation
Baich, 2015 [19] Infill parameter effect on mechanical ABS plus-P430, Fortus 200mc Infill (low, high, double dense, solid) Tensile, compression, bending strength
properties and cost
Gorski, 2015 [20] Building orientation effect on tensile ABS, Dimension BST 1200, PN-EN ISO 527 2 orientation along x axis (0, 90) Y axis orientations (0–30, 5° Tensile strength
strength – experimental study increments)
Ziemian, 2012 [21] Anisotropic mechanical properties; ABS, Stratasys Vantage-i machine, ASTM D638, 4 raster orientations, defined machine default values for Tensile compressive, flexural impact and
Ziemian, 2015 [22] Tensile and fatigue behavior ASTM D3039, ASTM D790, ASTM D3479, ASTM parameters fatigue strength
D695, ASTM D256
Onwubolu, 2016[23] Mechanical properties characterization ABS, FDM Fortus 400mc, ISO R527:1966, ISO Layer thickness (2 levels), part orientation (2 levels), raster Tensile strength
and optimization R178:1975 angle (2 levels), raster width (4 levels), and air gap (2 levels:
positive and negative)
Low-cost 3D printers
Tymark, 2014[24] Mechanical properties in realistic ABS, PLA, Open-source printers (Lulzbot Prusa, Prusa Variations of layer thickness and raster orientations Tensile strength, elastic modulus
conditions for different open-source Mendel, Custom Most RepRap, Mendel RepRap),
printers ASTM D638, Slic3r®, Cura®, Skeinforge®
Ebel, 2014 [25] Mechanical properties comparison ABS, ABS, PLA, Felix 1.0e, CB-printer or uPrint Plus, DIN Infill pattern, infill percentage Tensile strength
Rankouhi, 2016 [26] Failure analysis and mechanical ABS, Makerbot Replicator 2x, ASTM D638 Layer thickness (2 levels), raster orientations (3 levels) Tensile strength
Letcher, 2015 [27] Layer parameters effect on mechanical ABS, Makerbot Replicator 2x, ASTM D638 Number of layers (1–35), raster orientation Tensile strength, Elastic modulus, elongation
properties - experimental at break
Fernandez-Vincente, 2016 Infill effect on tensile strength for ABS, Prusa i3, ASTM D3039 Infill (3 levels), fill pattern (3 types) Tensile strength
[28] desktop 3D printer
(continued on next page)
Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166
D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

the mechanical behavior of PLA specimens when varying layer thick-

ness, showed that tensile strength is better for small values of layer

Tensile strength, failure strength, Poisson

thickness. The same conclusion is mentioned also in Ref. [13] – for ABS,
Compression, tensile, flexural strength [40,42] – for PLA or [47] – for PEEK. However, Ahn et al. [10] con-
Tensile strength, impact resistance

sidered that the layer thickness does not significantly influence ABS
sample mechanical properties.
Ziemian et al. [21,22] experimentally determined that, for ob-
Mechanical properties

ratio, Young modulus

taining the highest tensile strength, the raster should be aligned along
the longest dimension. Studying the effect of the same parameter (raster
Tensile strength

Tensile strength
Tensile strength

Tensile strength angle), Fatimatuzahraa et al. [14] noted that 0°/90° orientation is si-
milar to 45°/-45° orientation in terms of ABS specimens' tensile
strength. Tymrak et al. [24] reached the same conclusion for 0° raster,
also for ABS material.
Compressive behavior was studied by Ahn et al. [10] for ABS (the
Raster (45/-45; 30/-60; 15/-75; 0/90), building orientations
(flat, on-edge, up-right). process parameters constant on the
Width, thickness, infill density, no. of shells (3 levels each)

authors also proposing building orientation rules for ensuring the best
strength), but also in Refs. [9,15] and [19] – for ABS, [44,45] – for
PEEK, or [52] for PA. Moreover, Sood et al. [15] offered specific values
Different materials, color, 2 building orientations

of process parameters for obtaining the highest compression strength

same machine, but different between printers

(“layer thickness, orientation, raster angle, raster width and air gap as
Building orientations, infill (3 levels each)

0.254 mm, 0.036°, 59.44°, 0.422 mm and 0.00026 mm respectively”).

Baich et al. [19] experimentally studied the link between layer infill
and compression strength, flexural strength and tensile strength. Cost
Infill (0–100%, increment of 5%)

was taken also into account. Flexural strength was studied also by
Ziemian et al. [21,22], experimental testing showing that the ultimate
5 building orientations

strength value is highest for the 0° fiber orientation, followed by +45°/-

Variable parameters

45°, and 90° orientation. Researches like [13–14], [17], [30], [41] also
3 raster patterns

dealt with flexural strength. In Ref. [14], the experiments showed that
45°/-45° raster orientation provides better flexural strength than 0°/90°
orientations. Hernandez et al. [30] noted that raster angle also has an
important influence on specimens' flexural properties. Durgun et al.
[17] reached the conclusion that, for all their experimental runs, the
ABS, Makerbot Replicator 2x, ISO 527:2012, type 1B,
ABS P430, uPrint SE Plus, ASTM D695, ASTM D790,

GLase, Nylon, ABS, PC, Lulzbot TAZ 3.1 and 4, Cura®,

flexural strength was higher than tensile strength.

ABS, Uprint SE Plus, ASTMD638-02a standard Type

ABS (Ultimaker), PC (Fortus 360mc), ASTM D-638,

ABS, Lulzbot TAZ 4, Repetier with Slic3r®, ASTM

Impact strength was studied in Refs. [8,13,14,18,29,41]. In Alvarez

Different colors of Ninjaflex, SemiFlex, HIPS, T-
ABS, Replicator 2x, ASTM D638, ASTM D6110

et al. [29], experiments indicated that impact strength is maximal for

100% infill. Fatimatuzahraa et al. [14] noted that the value of impact
D638-10 (5 specimens for each type I-V)

strength is higher for crisscross (45°/-45°) orientation.

The number of contours (perimeters) influence over mechanical
Materials, machine, standards

properties was studied in Refs. [16,32,50]. Not only do the number of

contours influence the specimen stiffness and strength, but also the
infill density [32] and perimeter to raster air gap [43] have a strong
impact on these mechanical properties.
Due to the manufacturing process itself (i.e. the way in which each
ASTM D-5379
ASTM D 638

IV specimen


layer is formed by depositing and bonding roads, and then by super-

posing and bonding layers), building orientation has a high impact on
mechanical properties. Different authors studied this relationship for
various materials and building directions [7,13,15–18,35,45,51,52].
For instance, Motaparti et al. [45] showed that “horizontal specimens
Tensile strength of partially filled parts
Failure analysis, anisotropy for tensile
Infill percentage effect on mechanical

Experimental characterization of ABS

and vertical specimens with (0°, 90°) raster angles have higher yield
Mechanical properties of RepRap 3D
specimens with different geometries

Mechanical properties of PC, ABS –

strength in comparison to those with (45°, −45°) raster angles”. Also,

Building orientations effect on

experimental characterization

for the same reason of layer formation, building orientation influence is

considered in combination with raster angle and raster pattern
Research objectives/topic

mechanical properties

parts tensile strength

Raster orientation/raster angle, as well as raster pattern were also

studied in Refs. [14,21,22,24,26,27]. 0° raster orientation ensures the
printed objects

best tensile strength (according to Letcher et al. [27], 10–18 MPa,


elastic moduli 1000–1700 MPa, for ABS). As an example, Tymrak et al.

[24] reached the same conclusion that 0° raster ensures the highest
tensile strength. They used a low-cost machine and ABS material, the
measured tensile strength value being of 28.5 MPa (quite different than
Hernandez, 2016 [30]

in Ref. [27]), while the elastic modulus was 1807 MPa. In fact, test
Mahmood, 2017 [32]

Tanikella, 2017 [34]

Table 1 (continued)

Torrado, 2016 [31]

Cantrell, 2017 [35]

Alvarez, 2016 [29]

Ransey, 2017 [33]

results variability was noted in many of the reviewed papers. As an-

other example, Deng et al. [48] obtained lower tensile strength values
for PEEK in comparison to Wu et al. [44] for the same material at 100%
infill and the same values for layer thickness. Alvarez et al. [29] also

observed that the measured tensile strength in their experiments was

significantly different from Tymrak et al. [24] measurements, on the

D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

Table 2
Studies focused on PLA.
Study Research objectives/topic Materials, machine, standards Variable parameters Mechanical properties

Tymark, 2014 Mechanical properties in realistic ABS, PLA, Open-source printers (Lulzbot Prusa, Variations of layer thickness and raster Tensile strength, elastic
[24] conditions for different open- Prusa Mendel, Custom Most RepRap, Mendel orientations modulus
source printers RepRap), ASTM D638, Slic3r®, Cura®, Skeinforge®
Ebel, 2014 Mechanical properties ABS, PLA, Felix 1.0e, CB-printer or uPrint Plus, DIN Infill pattern, infill percentage Tensile strength
[25] comparison ABS vs. PLA EN ISO 527
Wittbrodt, Color effect on mechanical PLA, Lultzbot TAZ, ASTM D638 5 colors (white, black, blue, gray, Tensile strength
2015 properties natural)
Lanzotti, 2015 Material properties of Makerbot PLA, Rep Rap Prusa i, ASTM D638 Layer thickness (2 levels), print Tensile strength, elastic
[37] 3D printer orientation (2 levels), infill percentage (3 modulus
Torres, 2015 Influences of process parameters PLA, Makerbot Replicator 2, ASTM E143 Layer thickness, infill density, post- Shear stress
[38] on torsion processing heat-treatment time at 100 °C
(3 levels each)
Li, 2016 [39] Process parameters effect on PLA, Makerbot Z18, ASTM D638 Individual assessment of: layer thickness Tensile strength
bonding degree and mechanical (7 values), deposition velocity (8 values),
properties infill rate (6 values)
Torres, 2016 Mechanical properties PLA, Replicator 2, ASTM D638, ASTM E143, ASTM Temperature, infill direction, infill Tensile strength
[40] optimization D648 percentage, layer thickness (2 levels for
Liu, 2017 Process parameter effect on PLA, Makerbot Replicator 2, GB/T 1040.2–2006, Deposition orientation, layer thickness, Tensile strength, flexural
[41] mechanical properties GB/T 9341–2008, GB/T 1043.1–2008 deposition style, raster variation, raster strength, impact strength
gap (3 levels each)
Chacon, 2017 Mechanical properties of PLA PLA, WitBox desktop 3D printer, Cura®, ASTM 3 building orientations, 4 layer Tensile strength, flexural
[42] structures and optimal D638, ASTM D790 thicknesses, feed rate (3 levels) strength
parameters selection

same material, but on different machines. Furthermore, Tymrak et al. connection to slicing parameters or building orientation, more research
[24] noted large variability in the mechanical properties when manu- being necessary in this area as temperatures directly affect filament
facturing PLA specimens on different 3D printers. bonding and the resulting mechanical resistance. Ahn et al. [10] said
As a general observation, it is important for 3D printer owners to envelope temperature has no influence on mechanical properties, Ro-
have information on the mechanical properties of parts manufactured driguez et al. [9] observed insignificant influence of the envelope
with different parameter settings on their machines and from different temperature on mechanical properties. Aliheidari et al. [62] confirmed
polymers. Furthermore, one should make sure to store the bulk poly- the value of the ultimate tensile strength of ABS filament measured in
mers under optimal conditions, as specified by the producer. Ref. [9]. Sun et al. [12] noted that the envelope temperature and
Material colors were analyzed by Ahn et al. [10] who considered convective conditions from the building space influence the filament
that color has no influence over the mechanical properties, by Witt- bonding, and thus the part strength. Xiaoyong et al. [47] also took into
brodt et al. [36] who showed that color influences the polymers per- account temperature, experimentally determining that, to obtain the
centage of cristallinity and thus impacts the strength (they used the highest tensile strength, the platform temperature should be high
same material type, PLA, with different colors), and by Tanikella et al. (130 °C, in their experiments) at 25 °C ambient temperature. The frac-
[34] who said that the variance in the color of the same material does ture resistance of FDM ABS specimens for three levels of nozzle tem-
not significantly impact the tensile strength, but it is important when peratures.
different materials are compared. Regarding the test methods, a standard [63] published in 2014 on
Regarding other parameters than those mentioned above, it was this subject just lists the recommended standards for metals, plastics
found that only a few studies focus on temperature conditions in and ceramics used in AM. But, as observed also by Foster in Ref. [64],

Table 3
Studies focused on PEI and PEEK.
Study Research objectives/topic Materials, machine, standards Variable parameters Mechanical properties

Bagsik, 2011 Mechanical properties of Ultem 9085 Ultem 9085, Fortus 400mc, ASTM D638 Raster angles, raster-to-raster gap, Tensile strength,
[43] perimeter-to-raster gap (3 levels each), comparison to injection
layer thickness (2 levels) molding
Wu, 2015 Layer thickness and raster angle effect PEEK (custom 3D printer), ABS P430 (uPrint Layer thickness, raster angles (3 levels Tensile, compression,
[44] on mechanical properties, PEEK and SE 3D printer), GB/T 16421–1996, GB/T of values for each) bending strength
ABS comparison 9341–2008, GB/T1041-2008
Motaparti, 2016 Process parameters effect on Ultem 9085, Fortus 400mc, ASTM D790 Building orientations (2 levels), raster Compression strength
[45] compression properties angles (2 levels), air gap (3 levels), infill
(2 levels)
Zaldivar, 2017 Process conditions and orientation Ultem, Fortus 400 mc ASTM D638-03 type I Building orientation, Mechanical and thermal
[46] influence on mechanical and thermal Part location within chamber behavior
Xiaoyong, 2017 Temperature effect on mechanical PEEK, RepRap 3D printer, 1BA tensile Temperature variations for bed and Tensile strength
[47] properties of PEEK, comparison to specimens, ISO 527-2 environment (3 values for each), filling
PLA ratio (2 values)
Deng, 2018 Mechanical properties of PEEK PEEK, custom-build FDM printer, ISO Printing temperature, Tensile strength, Young
[48] specimens 178:2001 printing speed, layer thickness, filling modulus, elongation
ratio (3 levels each)

D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

Table 4
Studies focused on PC (Polycarbonate), PA (Poliamide) and Zortrax proprietary materials.
Study Research objectives/topic Materials, machine, standards, etc. Variable parameters Mechanical properties

Masood, 2010 Tensile properties of PC PC, Vantage Stratasys Air gap, raster angle, raster Tensile strength
[49] width (3 levels each)
Hossain, 2013 Mechanical properties of FDM PC, Fortus 900 mc ASTM D638 Type I Raster angle, contour width, Tensile properties
[50] specimens by modifying process raster width, raster to raster
parameters air gap
Domingo-Espin, Mechanical property PC, Fortus 400mc, ASTM D638 6 building orientations Stiffness matrix, tensile strength,
2015 characterization and simulation of FEA simulation
[51] PC
Knoop, 2015 Mechanical and thermal properties PA12, Fortus 400mc, DIN EN ISO 527, ASTM D638 Layer thickness (3 levels), Tensile, bending, compressive
[52] of PA12 building orientation (3 strength, DSC analysis for
levels) thermal properties,
Szykiedans, 2016 Mechanical properties on a low- Zortrax, Z-ABS, Z-Ultrat, Z-glass-PETG, EN ISO 5 samples for each material Tensile strength
[53] cost 3D printer 527–4 type 5
Tanikella, 2017 Tensile strength of commercial Lulzbot TAZ 3.1 and 4, Ninjaflex (5 colors), Different extrusion Tensile strength
[34] materials SemiFlex (4 colors), HIPS (5 colors), T-Glass (5 temperature dependent on
colors), PC (1 color), Nylon (2 Types), ABS (1 material
color), ASTM D638, Cura®
Uddin, 2017 [54] Mechanical properties and failure Z-ABS, Zortrax M200, ASTM D638 Layer thickness, printing Tensile strength, compression
mechanisms plane, printing orientation (3 strength
levels each)

specific testing conditions for AM processes are not presented, making

comparisons very difficult, if not impossible. In the analyzed literature,
the following standards were typically used: ASTM D638 for tensile
strength, ASTM D790 for flexural strength, ASTM D256 for impact
strength and ASTM D695 for compression strength.
The medical field (instruments, implants, etc.) poses other research
questions, i.e. what is the impact of sterilization over the mechanical
properties of the parts and also how process parameters can be opti- Fig. 3. Flexural strength testing 3D printed specimens and 3D printed ortho-
mized from this perspective. There are some researches [65,66] and pedics retractors.
regulations in this field [67], however a thorough analysis (and opti-
mization) of polymers and process parameters in the sterilization con-
thickness: 0.19 mm, extrusion and bed temperatures: default values for
text has not been performed to the best of our knowledge.
Z-Ultrat, envelope temperature: 23 °C, 100% infill (full option), 2
Another important aspect to emphasise is that FDM designers and
perimeters (shells).
users should take into account the differences between the mechanical
Instron testing equipment up to 100 kN capacity was used in mea-
properties of bulk polymers (as presented by producers in the material
suring the flexural strength (Fig. 4a). The tests were performed in ac-
specifications sheet with the observation that testing conditions, part
cordance with ASTM D790 at a constant rate of 1.3 mm/min, as stated
design, etc. can produce different results), the mechanical properties of
in producer data sheet. Results showed that, for the manufacturing and
testing specimens and the mechanical performance of manufactured
test conditions used, the flexural strength of specimens (noted P1, P2,
end-parts. As mentioned, there are studies such as [24,53,68] in which
P3) was 39.9 MPa (Fig. 4b), in comparison with 50 MPa from producer
mechanical properties of bulk polymers and of test pieces are compared
data [70]. Fig. 4c shows the comparison of force-displacement response
with materials producers data. At the same time, this literature review
between the experimental results (noted Exp) and FEA (noted MEF)
identified only the study of Lee et al. [11] focusing both on the eva-
results for the retractor. The conclusion was that the resulted stiffness
luation of FDM process parameters and their optimization for im-
was not enough for fulfilling retractor's functional purpose. However, as
proving the mechanical performance of a real part (a compliant me-
FEA simulation was confirmed by experimental data, it can be run for
chanism, catapult).
optimizing retractor dimensions for obtaining a model with the re-
Therefore, a new research question on this topic should be if the
quired stiffness.
information on the mechanical properties specified by producer or
evaluated by a 3D printer user on test pieces can be used for predicting
the mechanical behavior of FDM end-parts. In this sense and con- 4. Conclusions and research perspectives
sidering also the increasing interest in 3D-printing functional medical
instruments [3,71–73], a study was performed for analyzing whether Understanding the interdependence of process parameters, material
the experimentally determined flexural strength of specimens built and the mechanical behavior of FDM specimens and parts is mandatory
from Z-Ultrat material on Zortrax M200 printer can be used for eval- for providing insights into assessing if the objects can fulfill the me-
uating the mechanical behavior of a J.B. Redler orthopedic retractor chanical requirements specific to the applications for which they are
[69] manufactured on the same machine, from the same polymer and in manufactured. This paper reviewed the literature focused on the in-
similar manufacturing conditions (building orientation, process para- fluence of different process parameters over the mechanical properties
meters, temperatures, etc.). As in Szykiedans et al. [53] for tensile of test specimens by considering their individual effect and/or com-
strength, the measured flexural strength was also compared with the bined effect. For different polymers, sets of values (levels) for process
value given by the producer [70]. Retractor testing data were compared parameters were assigned and specimen mechanical properties were
with data obtained from finite element analysis (FEA) run based on the measured. The analyzed studies are mostly based on experimental data;
measured flexural strength of specimens. however there are also papers in which analytical models were devel-
Bending test specimens and orthopedic surgical retractors (Fig. 3) oped.
were manufactured with the following process parameters: layer Detailed responses to this review questions were given in the dis-
cussion and results section. Here, these answers are summarized as

D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

Fig. 4. Flexure testing for a medical instrument (retractor): a. experimental set-up, b. results for bending specimens, c. results for retractor specimens (comparison:
experimental – noted Exp and finite element method – noted MEF).

follows: Some general conclusions and observations can be drawn from all
the analyzed researches:
• Q1. The key parameter influencing FDM parts' mechanical proper-
ties are: raster-to-raster air gap, raster angle, layer thickness, infill • The mechanical behavior of FDM parts is determined by the fila-
density and build orientation. Given the complex influence of these ment bonding, all process parameters affecting, directly or in-
parameters on the mechanical properties of end-part, it is important directly, this thermally driven process. Nevertheless, the mechanical
to focus on evaluating their joint effect as this corresponds to real properties are strongly affected by some process parameters, while
manufacturing conditions and applications. others have a smaller impact;
• Q2. Considering the lack of specific information and standards on • Methods for reducing the number of experimental runs were applied
test methods, and the large variety of 3D printers, materials and in various researches where the number of parameters and their
material producers, one should use the results of these specific given values required a lot of time and effort for performing mea-
studies with care, common evaluation and comparison criteria/basis surements;
being necessary. Professional 3D printers and low-cost 3D printers • Among the mechanical properties, tensile strength is evaluated the
were used in experiments, as well as different polymers, slicing most. It is reported that smaller values for layer thickness and raster
software and process parameters values, which makes the attempt to width improve the tensile strength. Also, mechanical properties are
generalize the results almost impossible. In other words, practically improved by setting a negative raster to raster air gap;
speaking, it is uncertain what results are obtained if a set of optimal • Mechanical properties optimization should not be performed by
parameters for a machine/polymer/application combination is focusing solely on establishing settings of process parameters, in-
transferred to other 3D printers (the issue of intra-3D printer stead the complex combination of polymer/3D printer/manu-
variability). facturing conditions have to be considered;
• Q3. The main limitations of the surveyed studies are given by the • In literature, the dependence between FDM process parameters va-
aspects presented for Q2. Also, some process parameters such as lues and mechanical behavior was studied mainly for test speci-
nozzle and bed temperatures are currently insufficiently studied in mens. Therefore, further research should evaluate also the me-
the literature, this representing a niche for further studies. Also, the chanical performances on FDM end-parts, and thus their suitability
variability in the mechanical properties noted by many authors for a particular application;
should be analyzed more deeply and explained in further research • The most investigated polymers in the studied literature are, in this
work. order: ABS, PLA, PEEK, PC and PEI. An interest in analyzing the

D. Popescu et al. Polymer Testing 69 (2018) 157–166

mechanical behavior of PEI and PEEK specimens was observed la- 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2A: Advanced
tely, most likely due to the trend of 3D printing functional parts; Manufacturing, Houston, Texas, USA, 2015.

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