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Instructional Plan

S.Y. 2021-2022
Name of Teacher: Week 1-2 1st Quarter Grade 8
Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Music of Indonesia At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Explain how geography and culture of a particular country, like Indonesia, embody its distinctive music.
 Draw the different Gamelan Instrument
 Evaluate the music of an Indonesian performance by applying your knowledge of musical elements and style.
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Watch Gamelan performance and
Online Content/self- describe the elements of a Gamelan
Paced Learning performance.

Lesson 1: Music of Indonesia (page 4-7) Enumerate and describe Gamelan Instrument
Getting Ready page 4 and Nonmetallic Gamelan Instrument.
Live Conference
Collaboration Group Activity Ask the student to form a group of 6 or ten Create and improvised Gamelan instrument Project based
members Criteria:
Creativity 50 points
Materials 25 points
Resemblance 25 points
Total 100 points
Assessment Ask this question:
1. Why did the wayang kulit made it as
an intangible cultural heritage of the
2. What makes wayang kulit different
from other puppet show?
Enrichment work using What is the importance of studying the music of southeast Asian neighbors?
supplementary Do you find any historical or geographical connection between the gongs of
Materials Mindanao and the Indonesian gamelan ? Justify your answer.
Name of Teacher: Week 3-4 1st Quarter Grade 8
Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Music of Cambodia At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Describe the Cambodian Ensemble
 Name and identify the musical instrument of Cambodia
 Appreciate the music of Cambodia by performing some song and playing musical instruments and creating your own Cambodian =music using available resources.
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Watch a video of Cambodian ensemble
Online Content/self- and describe its elements
Paced Learning,com/watch?v=xIv7qiyeeI

Lesson 2 Music of Cambodia Activity 2

Getting ready page 10 Name the following instrument shown in the
Live Conference Put a check mark on the culture of Cambodia picture.
Collaboration Group Activity What Instrument Am I? Complete each sentence. Project based
1. I am small, made of metal, and 1. Cambodia’s music is composed of
played by fingers. ________ family of instrument.
2. I am a big drum played by using 2. Pinpeat ensemble is Cambodia’s
sticks. ______
3. I lead the whole ensemble. I set 3. It has been played for ______ years
tempo and the beat for all 4. It is composed of ____ instruments
instrument. 5. Cambodian music is played in
4. I have different types but all of as are ______ ceremonies
wooden xylophones
5. I am composed of small gongs
arranged in a circle.
Assessment Draw the whole pinpeat ensemble in the box given according to how they are
Enrichment work using Pinpeat is an old musical ensemble and has survivded generations already. How
supplementary can you continue preserving such kind of music?
Name of Teacher: Week 5-6 1st Quarter Grade 8
Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Music of Myanmar and Thailand At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Explain how geography and culture influence the music of Myanmar and Thailand
 Enumerate the different musical instruments of Myanmar and Thailand
 Appreciate the music of Myanmar and Thailand by performing a short presentation
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Watch a piphat ensemble Post a picture showing Saung Gauk Instrument
Online Content/self- performance. with its part already labeled
Paced Learning,con/watch?v=xIv7qiyeeI

Music of Myanmar page 17-19 Observe how to play a Saung Gauk by watching
Music of Thailand page 22-25 this video
Live Conference Picture a map showing Myanmar and its
surrounding country and picture B map
showing Thailand and its surrounding country.

Locate Myanmar and Thailand

Name the neighboring countries of Myanmar

and Thailand
Collaboration Group Research Form a group each with 5-6 members. Create or improvise piphat instruments
using available resources. Make your own rhythmic patterns to come up witj=h
piphat ensemble.
Assessment Individual Activity Complete the sentences. Compare and contrast the three types of List down the different Musical instrument of Thailand.
I AM SAUNG GAUK piphat by using Venn Diagram
1. My other names are ________.
2. My body is decorated with _______.
3. I have ________ strings
4. You can find me being played in
Enrichment work using
Name of Teacher: Week 7-8 1st Quarter Grade 8
Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Music of China and Japan At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Explain the geography and culture if China and Japan influence and its music
 Identify and name the different musical instrument of China and Japan
 Explore and appreciate the music of Chana and Japan and Create your own music using available instrument.
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Musical Instruments of China Diggerentiate China’s Vocal Music and
Online Content/self- Instrumental Music
Paced Learning Differentiate Japan’s vocal music and
Musical Instruments of Japan Instrumental music Identify the different Chinese and Japanese
Getting Ready
A. Locate China on the map shown in
Live Conference the book
B. Cross out the picture that does not
belong to china
Getting ready
a. Locate Japan on the map shown in
the book.
b. Listen to the music your teacher is
going to play.
Collaboration Pair activity Students will take a video of themselves singing Sakura. The video will be
posted on their fb page.
Assessment Individual Activity 5.
Enrichment work using Most if the instruments discussed in this
supplementary lesson are already old. How should they be
Materials preserved and passed on the next
What are the advantages of being
influenced by oyher cultures interms of
originality of a country’s music?
Name of Teacher: Week 9-10v 1st Quarter Grade 8
Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Music of Korea At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Explain how geography and culture of Korea influence its Music
 Name and identify the musical instrument of Korea
 Explore and appreciate the music of Korea
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Listen to Korea’s popular traditional Discuss the lesson Music of Korean Music Post a picture showing Saung Gauk Instrument
Online Content/self- song Arirang with its part already labeled
Paced Learning

Enumerate the different Korean musical Describe Korea’s Vocal and Instrumental music
instrument according to their classification.
Live Conference
Collaboration Group Research Answer Evaluation page 45
Assessment Individual Activity 6. In your own words describe where arirnag
Narrate the characteristics of pansori
Describe how the geography and culture if
Korea have influenced its music.
Enrichment work using What one character can you adapt from the
supplementary Koreans in terms of their approach or styles in
Materials making music? Explain why.

Name of Teacher: Week 11-12 1st Quarter Grade 8

Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Korean Pop Music and Japanese Pop Music At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Define and explain what K-pop and J-pop music are
 Perform K-pop and/or Jpop music
 Appreciate the musical elements present in K-pop and J-pop music
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Listen to the following Music
Online Content/self-
Paced Learning
Getting Ready Describe Korea’s Vocal and Instrumental music
Encircle the K-pop in the picture and check
Live Conference mark on the J-POP groups.

Have you easily identify which group is Jpop

and Kpop?

Hpw are you able to differentiate between K-

pop and J-pop groups?
Do you have favorite K-pop and 0r Jpop
groups? Why do you like them?
Collaboration Group activity Choose 3 classmates that you are near with. You will perform a K-pop or J-pop
song/dance number. Take a video of your performance and post it on your fb.
Assessment Individual Activity Pick one jpop or kpop solo artist or band. Compare and contrast J-pop and K-pop
Research something about them and in terms
of their musical style.
Enrichment work using What is the most significant learning I have
supplementary gained from this unit?

Name of Teacher: Week 13-14 2nd Quarter Grade 8

Mr. Vencent Isidor R. Silva

Topic: Module Objectives:

Southeast Asian Traditional Textiles At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 Identify the characteristics of the traditional textiles in specific countries in Southeast Asia.
 Create an art masterpiece that exhibits the traditional textile of one of the southeast Asian countries
 Value the importance of the traditional textile from the southeast asia?
Description of Activities including their Schedule & Time Allotment
Discovery Discuss Deepen Demonstration
Have you visited any country in southeast asia? Post a picture showing Saung Gauk Instrument
Online Content/self- What are the things that you still remember in with its part already labeled
Paced Learning those places? If your will be given a chance to
go to a southeast Asian country, where will you
Differentiate the textiles from the different
countries in Southeast Asia.
Live Conference  Indonesia
 Malaysia
 Cambodua
 Laos
 Vietnam
 Thailand
Collaboration Group work In what ways are the artwork designs of Student will post their answer on the board.
Brainstorming southeast Asian countries unique and different
from one another?
How does religion in Southeast Asian play a
significant role in creating the artwork design
of the region?
Assessment Individual Activity Activity Criteria
Toothpaste Batik Creativity -30
Originality – 40
Visual Impact – 30
Total – 100
Enrichment work using

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