Bhumika Bisht - Mba

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Research Project Report on


Submitted In Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements for The Award
of The Degree Of

Master’s in Business Administration

Submitted by
(IVth Semester)
(Enrollment No. – PV-21970008)

Under the Guidance of



Internal Guide Certificate

I am pleased to confirm that BHUMIKA BISHT is a bonafide student enrolled in the 4th

semester of the Master's Programme in Business Administration (Batch 2021-2023) at

Graphic Era Hill University in Haldwani with the Roll Number 2197008. Research

Project report on ― “Effectiveness of Leadership in Cogoport” is prepared by her under

my guidance. I verify that this is her original effort & has not been copied from any other

source. This project has also not been submitted to any other Institute / University for the

purpose of the award of any Degree. This project fulfills the requirement of the curriculum

prescribed by this University for the said course. I recommend this project work for

evaluation & consideration for the award of the Degree to the student.


Name of the Guide: Ms.ShikhaTewari

Designation: Assistant Professor

Date: 31th May 2023


I want to start by expressing my gratitude to Cogoport's senior leadership team for their

constant dedication to excellence. Cogoport has been able to keep its competitive edge and

offer top-notch services to its clients because of their insight in spotting emerging trends

and adjusting to market conditions.

Cogoport's leadership has demonstrated an astounding capacity to overcome problems and

exploit opportunities. In the face of hardship, their assertiveness, resilience, and agility

have proven admirable. They have created a learning and development culture that

encourages people to approve of change and innovate.

My internal consultant, Ms. Shikha Tewari, has always been a consistent source of

inspiration and guidance throughout the project. She has indeed offered numerous helpful

recommendations, instruction, and information. I would like to extend my heartfelt

gratitude to the School of Management at Graphic Era Hill University, Haldwani. Without

the help of the people mentioned above, this research would not have been completed.

Thank you,

Bhumika Bisht

This executive summary investigates the leadership effectiveness of Cogoport, a

prominent digital freight logistics platform. The examination focuses on essential

variables such as leadership style, organizational culture effect, strategic decision-

making, and employee engagement.

Cogoport's leadership exemplifies a transformational leadership style, which has proven

to be highly effective in driving innovation, enabling collaboration, and inspiring

individuals to achieve to their full potential. The CEO-led leadership team has

successfully conveyed a sharp vision for the company while also empowering employees

to share their ideas and expertise.

Furthermore, Cogoport's success has been aided by the leadership's commitment to

developing a customer-centric culture. The leadership has developed an intense sense of

customer focus throughout the organization by prioritizing customer happiness and

actively soliciting feedback. This has aided Cogoport in providing great service and

maintaining long-term client connections.

To summarize, Cogoport's leadership has proven to be extremely effective at driving the

company's growth, cultivating a customer-centric culture, making strategic decisions, and

engaging and growing workers. The leadership team has built a positive and exciting work

environment that fosters creativity and excellence by embracing a transformational

leadership approach. Moving forward, maintaining, and improving these leadership skills

will be critical for Cogoport to maintain its success in the competitive freight transportation


Table of Contents

S. No Description Page No.

1 Internal Guide Certificate i

2 Acknowledgement ii

3 Executive Summary iii

4 Table of contents iv

5 List of Tables v

6 List of Graphs vi

7 Chapter 1- Introduction 1

1.1 Industry Profile 2

1.2 SWOT Analysis 6

1.3 Future Prospects 9

1.4 Literature Review 11

8 Chapter 2- Research Methodology 14

2.1 Statement of the Problem 14

2.2 Need of Study 14

2.3 Objective of the Study 15

2.4 Scope of the Study 16

2.5 Research Design 16

2.6 Limitations 18

9 Chapter 3- Data Analysis and Data 19


3.1 Association with Cogoport (in Years) 19

3.2 Overall Effectiveness of Leadership 20

3.3 Communication Skills of The Leaders 21

3.4 Leader inspiring and motivating 23


3.5 Understanding of The Company's Vision 24

and Goals

3.6 Collaboration and Teamwork 26

3.7 Leaders Oversee Conflicts and 27


3.8 Leaders Open to Feedback 29

3.9 Foster Professional Growth and 30


3.10 Satisfied with The Leadership 32

10 Chapter 4- Findings/ Conclusion 34

11 Chapter 5- Recommendations 37

12 Reference 41

13 Annexure 42

List of Table

Table No. Description Page No.

3.1 Association with Cogoport (in Years) 19

3.2 Overall Effectiveness of Leadership 20

3.3 Communication Skills of The Leaders 21

3.4 Leader inspiring and motivating employees 23

3.5 Understanding of The Company's Vision and Goals 24

3.6 Collaboration and Teamwork 26

3.7 Leaders Oversee Conflicts and Challenges 27

3.8 Leaders Open to Feedback 29

3.9 Foster Professional Growth and Development 30

3.10 Satisfied with The Leadership 32

List of Graphs

Graph Description Page No.

3.1 Association with Cogoport (in Years) 19

3.2 Overall Effectiveness of Leadership 20

3.3 Communication Skills of The Leaders 22

3.4 Leader inspiring and motivating employees 23

3.5 Understanding of The Company's Vision and Goals 25

3.6 Collaboration and Teamwork 26

3.7 Leaders Oversee Conflicts and Challenges 28

3.8 Leaders Open to Feedback 29

3.9 Foster Professional Growth and Development 31

3.10 Satisfied with The Leadership 32

Chapter 1
Effective leadership is essential in today's quickly evolving and intensely competitive

business environment for driving organizations to success. Leadership is more than just

holding a position of power; it is a complex combination of abilities, traits, and methods

that enable people to motivate and inspire groups, foster creativity, and realize

organizational objectives. A well-known company in logistics, Cogoport, understands the

value of excellent leadership in overcoming obstacles, encouraging growth, and assuring

long-term sustainability.

Cogoport, known for its Global Trade Platform, is cognizant of the importance of strong

leadership in advancing growth in a dynamic and changing environment. Cogoport uses

the talents and knowledge of competent leaders to boost employee engagement, improve

operational effectiveness, and foster an innovative culture.

The capacity to uplift and motivate team members is a crucial component of good

leadership in Cogoport. The company's leaders have the charm and vision to communicate

a compelling vision that inspires workers to put up their best efforts. Leaders may build a

feeling of purpose among their team members and develop a productive workplace where

people are inspired to perform well by clearly conveying the organization's goals and core


The ability to adapt to change is a crucial component of Cogoport's effective leadership.

Leaders need to be flexible and agile to overcome uncertainties in a world where

technological breakthroughs and altering business dynamics are driving forces. They

exhibit a readiness to experiment with novel concepts, welcome innovation, and take

calculated risks. Leaders encourage staff members to accept change, learn from mistakes,

and foster continual growth across the entire organization by fostering an adaptable culture.

Furthermore, Cogoport acknowledges that good leadership goes beyond one's own

strengths and includes grooming up and coming leaders. The organization ensures a pool

of qualified executives who can successfully manage the business into the future through

mentorship programmes, leadership development, and succession planning. By making an

investment in leadership development, Cogoport not only promotes a culture of ongoing

learning but also increases its organizational resilience over the long run.

In summary, Cogoport's leadership performance is a key element in what makes the

company successful. Cogoport fosters a culture that values innovation and progress

through inspiring leadership, motivating employees, flexibility, and the development of

future leaders. The impact of good leadership will continue to be a pillar of the

organization's success as it navigates the opportunities and difficulties in the logistics


Industry Profile

Cogoport is a freight logistics digital platform designed to link importers and exporters

with shipping and logistics providers. The company was formed in 2016 in Mumbai, India,

and has subsequently expanded to provide services in a few countries worldwide.

Cogoport's platform uses technology to streamline the logistics process, providing

customers with an easy-to-use interface for booking shipments, tracking deliveries, and

managing their supply chain. Customers can also get real-time pricing and goods quotes

from a network of trustworthy shipping partners, allowing them to make informed

decisions and optimize their logistics operations.

Cogoport has been a trusted partner for organizations of all sizes looking to improve their

logistics processes and decrease costs by focusing on transparency, dependability, and

customer happiness. The company's revolutionary platform has received various awards

and accolades, including being named one of India's best companies by the Economic

Times and CNBC-TV18.

One of Cogoport's primary strengths is its ability to make simpler and more complex

logistics procedures. The platform optimizes routes, suggests the most cost-effective

shipping choices, and provides real-time visibility into the flow of goods using modern

technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This not only saves

organizations time and effort, but it also allows them to make data-driven decisions to

increase operational efficiency.

In addition, Cogoport emphasizes the significance of security and compliance in the

logistics industry. The platform ensures that all service providers and carriers in its network

go through a rigorous verification procedure and meet strict dependability and safety

standards. This dedication to quality and security provides consumers with peace of mind

and fosters trust in Cogoport's services.

Overall, Cogoport is reshaping the freight logistics environment by offering a user-friendly

digital platform that simplifies and optimizes the shipping process for businesses all over

the world. Cogoport is positioned to change the future of logistics and continue to make

international trade more accessible and efficient with its commitment to technology,

accessibility, and customer pleasure.

This rationale aims to provide an analysis of the factors contributing to the effectiveness of

leadership in Cogoport, highlighting the impact it has on the company's performance and


Visionary Leadership: One key element of effective leadership in Cogoport is the ability

to set a sharp vision and direction for the company. A visionary leader establishes long-

term goals and objectives that align with the organization's mission. By articulating a

compelling vision, leaders inspire and motivate employees to work towards a shared

purpose. In Cogoport, effective leadership fosters a sense of purpose, ensuring that all

stakeholders understand the company's strategic direction and their roles in achieving it.

Strategic Decision-Making: Leadership effectiveness in Cogoport is also evident in the

ability to make informed and strategic decisions. Effective leaders possess a deep

understanding of the industry, market trends, and customer needs. They leverage this

knowledge to analyze data, assess risks, and identify opportunities for growth. Through

strategic decision-making, leaders steer the organization in the right direction, optimizing

resources, and positioning Cogoport for long-term success.

Communication and Collaboration: An essential aspect of effective leadership in

Cogoport is the establishment of clear communication channels and fostering a culture of

collaboration. Leaders who excel in communication skills can convey their vision, goals,

and expectations to employees, ensuring alignment and buy-in across the organization.

Additionally, effective leaders promote a collaborative environment where diverse

perspectives are valued, encouraging innovation and problem-solving.

Talent Development and Empowerment: Leadership effectiveness in Cogoport is

intricately linked to the development and empowerment of talent. Effective leaders

recognize the importance of nurturing a skilled and motivated workforce. They invest in

training and development programs that enhance employee capabilities, enabling them to

perform at their best. Furthermore, leaders empower individuals by delegating authority,

providing autonomy, and fostering a sense of ownership. By creating opportunities for

growth and recognizing achievements, leaders inspire loyalty and commitment from their

team members.

Adaptability and Change Management: In the fast-paced and ever-evolving freight

logistics industry, effective leadership in Cogoport requires adaptability and the ability to

manage change. Leaders must be agile and initiative-taking in responding to market shifts,

technological advancements, and customer demands. They anticipate challenges, drive

innovation, and guide the organization through transitions. By promoting a culture of

learning and embracing change, effective leaders’ position Cogoport to thrive in a dynamic

business environment.


Effective leadership is instrumental to Cogoport’s success and growth. Visionary leaders

set a clear direction, while strategic decision-making optimizes opportunities and

minimizes risks. Communication and collaboration foster an engaged workforce, and talent

development empowers individuals to excel. Finally, adaptability and change management

enable Cogoport to navigate the challenges of the freight logistics industry. Through these

leadership practices, Cogoport can enhance its competitiveness, drive innovation, and

achieve sustainable growth in the global market.


1. Strong Vision and Mission: Cogoport's leadership has a sharp vision and

mission for the company, which provides direction and purpose to the


2. Strategic Decision-Making: The leadership team demonstrates strong

strategic decision-making skills, enabling them to identify and capitalize on

market opportunities effectively.

3. Expertise and Experience: The leaders in Cogoport possess significant

industry expertise and experience, allowing them to make informed decisions

and navigate complex challenges.

4. Strong Organizational Culture: The leadership has fostered a strong

organizational culture that promotes collaboration, innovation, and employee

engagement, leading to higher productivity and satisfaction.

5. Effective Team Building: The leaders in Cogoport have demonstrated the

ability to build and nurture high-performing teams, fostering a positive work

environment and enhancing overall organizational performance.


1. Lack of Succession Planning: The company may face challenges if there is a lack

of proper succession planning for leadership positions, which could impact the

long-term sustainability of the organization.

2. Inadequate Communication: If the leadership fails to effectively communicate

the company's goals and strategies to the employees, it can lead to confusion and

misalignment within the organization.

3. Resistance to Change: In a rapidly evolving industry, the leadership's resistance

to change may hinder the company's ability to adapt to new market trends and


4. Lack of Diversity: If the leadership team lacks diversity, it can limit the range of

perspectives and ideas, potentially hampering innovation, and creativity.

5. Overreliance on Key Individuals: If the leadership heavily relies on specific

individuals, it can create dependency and vulnerability, especially if those

individuals leave the organization.


1. Market Expansion: Cogoport could expand its operations into new markets,

thereby increasing its customer base and revenue potential.

2. Technological Advancements: Embracing emerging technologies such as

blockchain, AI, or automation can help Cogoport gain a competitive edge and

enhance operational efficiency.

3. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with strategic partners or alliances can

enable Cogoport to access untapped resources, expertise, and market opportunities.

4. Customer-Centric Approach: By focusing on understanding and meeting

customer needs, Cogoport can differentiate itself from competitors and build

strong, long-lasting relationships.

5. Customer-Centric Approach: By focusing on understanding and meeting

customer needs, Cogoport can differentiate itself from competitors and build

strong, long-lasting relationships.

1. Intense Competition: The industry is highly competitive, and the emergence of

inexperienced players or disruptive technologies could threaten Cogoport's market


2. Economic Instability: Unforeseen economic downturns or fluctuations in the

global market can negatively impact Cogoport's business and financial stability.

3. Regulatory Changes: Changes in trade regulations or policies at a local or global

level may pose challenges to Cogoport's operations and require adjustments to their

business model.

4. Talent Retention: In a competitive industry, attracting and retaining top talent can

be a challenge, particularly if competitors offer more attractive compensation or

career opportunities.

5. Cybersecurity Risks: As the company relies heavily on technology and digital

platforms, it faces the potential threat of cyber-attacks, data breaches, and

information leaks.

Future Prospects
As the company's global presence grows, the effectiveness of leadership becomes

increasingly important for maintaining growth, stimulating innovation, and cultivating a

pleasant work culture. This article examines the prospects for leadership effectiveness in

Cogoport, considering significant trends and issues that may impact leadership practices.

1. Embracing Technological Advancements:

As technology advances, such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and blockchain,

the logistics sector evolves. Effective Cogoport leaders must adapt to these changes and

use technological tools to improve operational efficiency, streamline procedures, and

improve client experiences. Leaders that search out creative ideas and develop a tech-savvy

culture within their organizations will drive Cogoport's future growth.

2. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion:

Diversity and inclusion are critical for developing a successful and resilient organization

in an increasingly interconnected world. Effective leaders in Cogoport will focus on

building an inclusive work environment that appreciates diversity and makes people from

all levels of society feel welcome and empowered. Leaders may harness a greater spectrum

of ideas, boost creativity, and promote a culture of collaboration and respect by welcoming

diverse talent.

3. Developing personnel:

As Cogoport expands, executives must prioritize personnel development to ensure a

pipeline of qualified employees capable of navigating the complicated logistical landscape.

Effective leaders will invest in programmes for continual learning and development,

mentorship, and succession planning. Leaders may build a high-performing team and

preserve a competitive advantage by providing employees with the essential skills and

chances for advancement.

4. Strengthening Ethical Leadership:

Now of growing corporate social responsibility, ethical leadership is critical for

establishing trust and maintaining a favorable brand reputation. Effective Cogoport leaders

will uphold high ethical standards, openness, and accountability. They will advocate for

sustainability initiatives, responsible business practices, and ethical decision-making.

Cogoport's leaders may inspire trust among stakeholders and contribute to long-term

success by leading with integrity.

5. Emphasizing Remote Leadership:

The pandemic of COVID-19 has hastened the adoption of remote work and virtual

collaboration. Leaders in Cogoport must adapt to hybrid work arrangements and manage

remote teams effectively in the future. Effective remote leaders will prioritize effective

communication, team cohesion, and the use of digital technologies for collaboration. They

will encourage work-life balance, facilitate remote employees, and assure diversity

regardless of physical location.


As Cogoport expands and navigates a developing logistics market, leadership effectiveness

will be vital for long-term success. Cogoport's leaders may promote a culture of innovation,

resilience, and high performance by embracing technological changes, supporting diversity

and inclusion, nurturing talent development, improving ethical leadership, and adapting to

remote work models. These future leadership effectiveness chances will position Cogoport

as a leader in the logistics and supply chain industry.

Literature Review
Leadership plays a crucial role in organizations, influencing employee satisfaction,

motivation, and overall performance. Understanding the effectiveness of leadership is

essential for organizations to develop successful strategies and cultivate strong leaders.

This literature review aims to examine the research conducted by various scholars on the

effectiveness of leadership, highlighting key findings and insights.

Transformational leadership has garnered significant attention due to its positive impact on

employee outcomes. According to Bass and Riggio (2006), transformational leaders inspire

and motivate their followers by fostering a shared vision and challenging their followers to

exceed their own expectations. Research by Avolio, Zhu, Koh, and Bhatia (2004) support

the notion that transformational leadership is associated with increased employee

satisfaction, engagement, and performance.

Transactional leadership focuses on establishing clear goals, providing feedback, and

rewarding or punishing employees based on their performance. In their study, Podsakoff,

Mackenzie, Moorman, and Fetter (1990) found that transactional leadership positively

influenced employee performance using contingent rewards. Similarly, Judge and Piccolo

(2004) found that transactional leadership was positively related to employee satisfaction

and organizational commitment.

Authentic leadership emphasizes self-awareness, transparency, and ethical behavior.

Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, and Peterson (2008) demonstrated that authentic

leadership is positively related to employee job satisfaction and organizational citizenship

behaviors. Gardner, Avolio, Luthans, May, and Walumbwa (2005) further highlighted the

importance of authentic leadership in enhancing employee well-being and performance.

Charismatic leaders possess an extraordinary ability to inspire and influence their

followers. Conger and Kanungo (1998) found that charismatic leadership positively

impacted follower satisfaction, commitment, and performance. In a study by House and

Howell (1992), charismatic leadership was associated with enhanced follower motivation

and satisfaction.

Bass (1990) also proposed the concept of transactional leadership, which is based on a

system of rewards and punishments. He found that transactional leadership can be effective

in certain situations, such as in highly structured and stable organizations.

House and Mitchell (1974) proposed the path-goal theory of leadership effectiveness,

which suggests that leaders can increase subordinate motivation and satisfaction by

clarifying the path to goal achievement and providing rewards for goal attainment. They

found that leaders who adapt their leadership style to the situation are more effective in

achieving organizational goals.

Servant Leadership: Servant leadership revolves around the leader's commitment to serving

the needs of their followers and the organization. Liden, Wayne, Zhao, and Henderson

(2008) conducted a meta-analysis that revealed a positive relationship between servant

leadership and follower performance, satisfaction, and trust. Hu and Liden (2011) also

found that servant leadership positively influenced employee creativity and innovation.

Chapter 2
Research Methodology
Statement of the Problem

Leadership effectiveness is critical in shaping an organization's success and performance.

Cogoport, a major player in the marine and logistics industries, is faced with the task of

analyzing and increasing the efficacy of its leadership practices. A rigorous analysis of

Cogoport's existing condition of leadership is required to identify opportunities for

development and exploit strengths for long-term organizational growth.

By addressing this issue, the study hopes to provide useful insights and recommendations

for improving leadership effectiveness within Cogoport, resulting in higher employee

happiness, productivity, and overall organizational performance.

Need for Study

For distinct reasons, researching the effectiveness of leadership in Cogoport is critical. It

enables the identification of areas where leadership may be enhanced to improve employee

satisfaction and engagement, resulting in better productivity and lower turnover rates.

Furthermore, understanding leadership practices aids in identifying strengths and places

for improvement, resulting in improved organizational performance. Leadership

effectiveness research also aids in effective decision-making, strategy implementation, and

organizational development, all of which contribute to long-term growth. Finally, the study

adds to the field of leadership by broadening knowledge and providing significant insights

for both researchers and practitioners.

Objectives of the Study
 Analyze the data obtained to find common themes, patterns, and correlations linked

to Cogoport leadership effectiveness.

 Analyze the collected data to identify common themes, patterns, and correlations

related to leadership effectiveness in Cogoport.

 Conduct extensive literature study on marine and logistics-related leadership

theories, models, and best practices.

 In Cogoport, evaluate the relationship between leadership styles (for example,

transformational, transactional, and servant leadership) and employee engagement,

motivation, and job satisfaction.

 Examine the role of leadership in promoting innovation, change management, and

adaptability within Cogoport's operations, and how it adds to the organization's

competitive advantage.

 Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in Cogoport's present

leadership practices and make practical recommendations to improve leadership


 Create a detailed report summarizing the results, conclusions, and suggestions,

emphasizing techniques for establishing and fostering strong leadership in


By pursuing these goals and objectives, the study hopes to provide valuable insights into

the efficiency of leadership in Cogoport as well as actionable recommendations to improve

leadership practices, resulting in a positive impact on staff engagement, organizational

performance, and long-term success.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the research of leadership effectiveness in Cogoport includes numerous

factors. It entails investigating the organization's leadership practices, styles, and behaviors

and their impact on employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall organizational

performance. The study could look at the link between leadership effectiveness and

numerous outcomes like productivity, employee morale, teamwork, and creativity. It may

also investigate leadership alignment with organizational goals, decision-making

processes, strategy implementation, and adaptability to industry changes. The scope

includes identifying areas for development in leadership practices and making

recommendations to improve Cogoport's leadership effectiveness.

Research Methodology:
The purpose of this study is to investigate and assess the efficacy of leadership inside

Cogoport, a global logistics and shipping organization. The study will investigate several

facets of leadership, such as how it affects employee satisfaction, performance, and

organizational success. This study intends to provide significant insights into the role of

leadership in achieving positive results inside the organization by undertaking a detailed


Research Design: This study will use a mixed-methods approach, which will include

quantitative and qualitative data gathering and analysis methodologies. This technique will

provide a full insight into Cogoport's leadership effectiveness.


Purposive sampling will be used in the research to identify individuals who are currently

employed at various levels within the organization. Employees from the company's

Channel Partner department will be included.

Sample size- 40 people.

Data Collection:

a. Quantitative Data:

i. Questionnaire Development: A structured questionnaire including recognized leadership

effectiveness measures and validated instruments will be created. staff impressions of

leadership styles, staff satisfaction, and organizational performance will be captured by the

questionnaire. Responses will be measured using a Likert scale.

ii. Questionnaire Distribution: The questionnaires will be given manually to the chosen

participants, together with detailed instructions for completion and submission.

Ethical Considerations:

a. Informed Consent: Participants will be given complete information about the research

objectives, procedures, and their rights as participants. Prior to participation, informed

consent will be requested, assuring voluntary participation.

b. Anonymity and Confidentiality: Participants' identities will be kept private, and all data

collected will be anonymized and securely maintained. To protect individual participants'

privacy and anonymity, only aggregated data will be reported.

c. Research Ethics Approval: Before beginning data collecting, the applicable research

ethics committee or institutional review board will be consulted.

a. Generalizability: This research's findings will be limited to the setting of Cogoport and

may not be applicable to other organizations or industries.

b. Bias: Self-reported data acquired through surveys may be biased since participants may

provide socially desirable responses.

c. Time and Resource Constraints: The availability of time, resources, and participant

access may restrict the sample size and depth of qualitative data analysis.

d. Sample Size and Representativeness: Due to time and resource restrictions, the sample

size of participants in the research project may be limited. A limited sample size may not

accurately represent the full population or give sufficient statistical power to generalize.

This constraint may have an impact on the findings' external validity and their applicability

to other organizations or industries. Furthermore, the subjects chosen may not be

representative of the greater population, therefore biasing the results.

f. Contextual Specificity: Because the research study focuses on the setting of Cogoport,

the findings may be peculiar to that organization and its distinct characteristics. Different

organizations and sectors may have different structures, cultures, and processes that can

influence study results. As a result, the findings' applicability to other circumstances may

be limited.

Chapter 3

Data Analysis and Data Interpretation

Association with Cogoport (in Years)

No. of years in Cogoport Number of Respondents

Less than 1 year 5

1-3 years 15
3-5 years 10
More than 5 years 10

Number of Respondents

25% Less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
25% More than 5 years

Graph 3.1 Association of leaders with Cogoport (in years)

According to the assessment of this data, the respondents had a wide range of experience

levels. The bulk of responders (15 out of 40) have been with Cogoport for 1-3 years,

indicating a sizable proportion of people who have earned some level of expertise at the

organization. Furthermore, 10 respondents have 3-5 years of experience and 10 have more

than 5 years of experience, indicating a reasonable proportion of long-term employees or

persons who have been affiliated with Cogoport for a prolonged length of time.

5 respondents, on the other side, claimed to have less than a year of experience at Cogoport.

This category could include newcomers or people who have recently joined the


Overall, this data provides insights into the distribution of respondents' experience at

Cogoport, indicating a mix of employees across different tenure levels.

Overall Effectiveness of Leadership

Overall effectiveness of leadership Number of Respondents

Very effective 4
Effective 9
Neutral 10
Ineffective 10
Very ineffective 7

Number of Respondents

Very effective
18% 10% Effective

22% Neutral

25% Ineffective
Very ineffective

Graph 3.2 Overall Effectiveness of leadership


The analysis of this data indicates a wide diversity of views on the efficacy of leadership

within the organization. Most respondents (10 out of 40) expressed neutrality, implying a

lack of significant positive or negative feeling regarding leadership effectiveness.

In addition, 10 respondents said leadership was poor, and 7 thought it was extremely

ineffective. This suggests that a sizable percentage of people are dissatisfied with the

leadership and believe it is failing to meet their expectations or demands.

Leadership, on the other hand, was assessed as effective by 9 respondents and extremely

effective by 4 respondents. This shows that a lesser proportion of respondents had a good

impression of leadership, implying that they believe leaders are competent and capable of

doing their duties.

Overall, this data reveals a range of viewpoints on the efficacy of leadership within the

organization, from good to negative assessments. It suggests that there is potential for

growth in leadership effectiveness, as a sizable proportion of respondents voiced discontent

or ambivalence towards it.

Communication Skills of The Leaders

Communication skills Number of Respondents

Excellent 20
Good 6
Average 6
Poor 3
Very poor 5

Number of Respondents

13% Excellent
7% Good

50% Average

15% Very poor

Graph 3.3 Communication skills of the leaders


According to the assessment of this data, respondents had a mixed impression of their

communication skills. The majority of respondents (20 out of 40) assessed the

communication skills as good, indicating that a sizable proportion of people regard the

communication skills within the organization to be extremely proficient and successful.

Furthermore, 6 respondents assessed their communication abilities as good, while another

6 rated them as ordinary. This shows that a moderate proportion of people have a favorable

but not extraordinary opinion of the organization's communication skills.

On the other hand, 3 respondents assessed their communication abilities as low, and 5 rated

them as extremely poor. This implies a lower number of people who are dissatisfied with

their communication abilities and consider them inadequate or below expectations.

Overall, this data suggests that the majority of respondents value the organization's

communication skills, with a sizable proportion rating them as good. However, a smaller

proportion of respondents voiced displeasure or evaluated the skills as bad or extremely

low. This shows that communication skills inside the organization may need to be

improved in order to meet the issues of those who have expressed displeasure.

Leader inspiring and motivating employees

Leader inspiring and motivating Number of respondents

To a great extent 20
To some extent 10
Not much 5
Very little 5

Number of respondents

To a great extent
To some extent
Not much

25% Very little

Graph 3.4 Leader inspiring and motivating employees

The analysis of this data reveals a range of perceptions on leaders' abilities to inspire and

encourage employees within the organization. The majority of respondents (20 out of 40)

stated that leaders inspire and motivate employees to a considerable extent. This means

that a sizable majority of people believe that the organization's executives succeed at

inspiring and motivating employees, as well as providing a positive and engaging work


In addition, 10 respondents indicated that leaders inspire and motivate staff to some level.

This implies that a moderate percentage of people believe leaders have a beneficial impact

on staff inspiration and motivation, though not to the same amount as the prior group.

Leaders, on the other hand, inspire and motivate staff to varying degrees, according to 5

respondents. This suggests that a smaller proportion of people have a more negative

impression of the organization's leaders, seeing a lack of inspiration and motivation.

Overall, this data reveals that leaders have a generally good impression of their capacity to

inspire and motivate personnel within the organization, with a sizable number of

respondents recognizing their beneficial impact. However, a lesser proportion of

respondents believe that leaders have space for development in this area, emphasizing the

importance of addressing the concerns of those who have expressed a more negative


Understanding of The Company's Vision and Goals

Understanding of Company’s Vision Number of Respondents

and Goals
Very well 14
Well 6
Moderately 6
Poorly 5

Very poorly 9

Number of Respondents

Very well
35% Well
15% 15% Very poorly

Graph 3.5 Understanding company visions and goals

The analysis of this data implies that respondents have varying levels of comprehension of

the company's vision and aims. The majority of respondents (14 out of 40) stated that they

are well familiar with the company's vision and ambitions. This means that a considerable

proportion of people understand the organization's overarching mission and the goals it

seeks to achieve.

Furthermore, 6 respondents stated that they understand the company's vision and goals

well, showing that they comprehend but not to the same extent as the prior group.

On the other hand, 5 respondents said they had a poor understanding of the company's

vision and aims, and 9 said they have a very bad understanding. This indicates that certain

people have a limited or insufficient comprehension of the organization's vision and goals,

possibly indicating a communication or alignment gap between the company and these


Furthermore, 6 respondents expressed a moderate level of knowledge, signifying moderate

comprehension but with space for improvement in fully grasping the company's vision and


Overall, the data indicates that, while a significant percentage of respondents have a good

comprehension of the company's vision and aims, a massive portion lacks understanding

or has poor clarity. It emphasizes the importance of increased communication and

alignment attempts to ensure that all employees understand the company's long-term

objectives and vision, which can generate a shared feeling of purpose and direction inside

the company.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Promotion of collaboration and Number of Respondents

Always 15
Most of the time 5
Occasionally 6
Rarely 10
Never 4

Number of Respondents
10% Most of the time
25% Occasionally
15% 13%

Graph 3.6 Collaboration and Teamwork

According to the research, there is an inconsistent view of collaboration and teamwork

promotion within the organization. The majority of respondents (15 out of 40) believe that

collaboration and teamwork are constantly encouraged, indicating a positive work

atmosphere that encourages cooperation and group effort.

However, a sizable proportion of respondents (10 out of 40) believe that collaboration and

teamwork are rarely or never promoted (4 out of 40). This shows that there may be

difficulties or gaps in developing a culture that values and encourages collaboration and


Furthermore, a lower number of respondents (5 out of 40) or occasionally (6 out of 40)

stated that collaboration and teamwork are emphasized most of the time. This means that

efforts to develop collaboration and teamwork are uneven or may not fulfil the expectations

of all employees on a constant basis.

Overall, the research emphasizes the need to focus on and improving collaboration and

teamwork inside the organization. Addressing the complaints of people who see a lack of

collaboration promotion can help to create a more unified and collaborative work


3.7. Leaders Oversee Conflicts and Challenges

Leaders Oversee Conflicts and Challenges Number of respondents

Very effectively 18
Effectively 6
Moderately 4
Ineffectively 10

Very ineffectively 2

5% Very effectively
45% Moderately
10% Very ineffectively

Graph 3.7. Leaders Oversee Conflicts and Challenges

According to the research, there is a mixed assessment of leadership effectiveness in

managing conflicts and issues within the organization. The majority (18 out of 40) of

respondents say that leaders oversee conflicts and challenges extremely effectively,

reflecting a favorable opinion of their capacity to confront and overcome such situations.

However, ten out of forty respondents believe that leaders are ineffective in managing

disagreements and issues. This indicates that a substantial percentage of people believe

leaders struggle to properly address and manage disagreements, potentially leading to

unresolved issues or strained relationships inside the organization.

Furthermore, fewer respondents regarded leaders as effective (6 out of 40) or moderately

effective (4 out of 40) in managing disagreements and obstacles. This means that the

leadership's capacity to oversee such circumstances is met with various degrees of pleasure

or confidence.

Furthermore, a small number of respondents (2 out of 40) assessed leaders as very

ineffective in managing conflicts and problems, reflecting a view of major shortcomings

in their abilities to manage these issues.

Overall, the data reveals that, while the majority of respondents believe leaders are

effective at managing conflicts and obstacles, a sizable proportion believe that adjustments

are required. Addressing the concerns of those who see ineffective leadership in this area

can help to contribute to a positive outcome.

3.8 Leaders Open to Feedback

Leaders Open to Feedback Number Of Respondents

Always 21
Most of the time 4
Occasionally 5
Rarely 6
Never 4

Number Of Respondents

10% Most of the time

15% Occasionally
13% Rarely
10% Never

Graph 3.8 Leaders Open to Feedback

According to the findings, the majority of respondents (21 out of 40) believe that leaders

are always open to feedback. This reflects a good opinion that organizational leaders are

open to hearing advice, recommendations, and constructive criticism from their team


A smaller proportion of responders (10 out of 40) acknowledged varied degrees of less

frequent openness to input. Respondents who responded that leaders are open to input

most of the time (4 out of 40), occasionally (5 out of 40), rarely (6 out of 40), or never (4

out of 40) are included. These replies indicate that some people regard leaders as being

less accessible or open to input.

Overall, the data indicates that a sizable majority of respondents regard leaders as open to

input, reflecting a strong culture of communication and collaboration inside the

organization. However, some people believe that leaders should increase their receptivity

to input, emphasizing the importance of fostering an environment in which open and

constructive communication is encouraged and respected.

Foster Professional Growth and Development

Fostering professional Growth and Number of Respondents

Very well 12
Well 13
Moderately 5
Poorly 6
Very poorly 4

Number of Respondents
Very well
10% Well
15% 30%

13% Poorly

32% Very poorly

Graph 3.9 Foster Professional Growth and Development

The majority is respondents (25 out of 40) believe that professional growth and

development are encouraged to some extent. This includes people who gave it a very

good (12 out of 40) or a good (13 out of 40) rating. These comments indicate a favorable

opinion that the organization invests in providing opportunities for employees'

professional development.

However, a small number of responders (10 out of 40) expressed reservations about

encouraging professional growth and development. This includes individuals who gave it

a middling (5 out of 40) rating, a poor (6 out of 40), or a very poor (4 out of 40) rating.

These replies indicate that a portion of people believe that the organization's efforts to

foster professional growth and development are worthwhile.

Overall, the data shows a somewhat divided view of the organization's efforts to support

professional growth and development. While the majority of respondents think it is a

good thing, others think it could be better. Addressing the complaints of employees who

believe that professional growth and development are not fully supported inside the

organization might help to create a more supportive and development-oriented culture.

Satisfied with The Leadership

Satisfaction with leadership Number of Respondents

Extremely satisfied. 12
Very satisfied 11
Moderately satisfied 10
Slightly satisfied. 4
Not satisfied at all 3

Number of Respondents
Extremely satisfied.

Very satisfied
10 % 30% Moderately
Slightly satisfied.
Not satisfied at all

Graph 3.10 Satisfaction with leadership

According to the data, the majority of respondents (33 out of 40) reported some level of

satisfaction with leadership. Those who said they were highly satisfied (12 out of 40),

very satisfied (11 out of 40), and somewhat satisfied (10 out of 40) are included. These

replies indicate a favorable opinion of leadership inside the organization, with a sizable

majority of people satisfied with the leadership offered.

However, 7 out of 40 respondents reported varied degrees of discontent with leadership.

This includes those who said they were slightly satisfied (4 out of 40) and very

dissatisfied (3 out of 40).

Overall, the data suggests a generally good sense of leadership satisfaction inside the

organization, with the majority of respondents reporting varied degrees of pleasure.

However, it is critical to address the problems of individuals who have expressed

unhappiness in order to improve leadership effectiveness and meet the requirements of all


Chapter 4

Findings/ Conclusions

The conclusions on the effectiveness of leadership in Cogoport can be summarized as

follows based on the data provided:

 Overall Leadership Effectiveness: The replies on the overall effectiveness of

leadership were split. While some respondents ranked leadership as extremely

effective and effective, suggesting a good opinion of leadership skills and abilities,

others rated leadership as ineffective or very ineffective. This shows that certain

aspects of leadership within the organization require development.

 Communication abilities: The majority of respondents ranked the organization's

communication abilities as great, reflecting a positive opinion of leadership

performance in this area. However, a lower proportion of respondents ranked their

communication abilities as ordinary, poor, or very poor, indicating that there is

space for development in communication efficacy.

 Inspiring and Motivating Employees: According to the statistics, a considerable

proportion of respondents stated that Cogoport leaders inspire and motivate

employees to a large level. However, several respondents felt that leaders could do

better in this area, emphasizing the need to strengthen leadership's ability to

constantly inspire and motivate the workforce.

 Understanding of the Company's Vision and Goals: While many respondents

indicated a very good understanding of the company's vision and goals, others

reported a poor or very poor understanding. This emphasizes the need of

harmonizing and successfully conveying the organization's vision and goals in

order to secure employee awareness.

 Encouragement of Collaboration and Teamwork: Perceptions of leadership's

encouragement of collaboration and teamwork were varied. While many

respondents said that collaboration and teamwork were always encouraged, others

believed that it was only rarely or never encouraged. This shows that more efforts

should be made to promote a collaborative and collaborative culture within the


 Overseeing Conflicts and Challenges: The data revealed a range of perceptions

about leaders' ability in overseeing conflicts and challenges. While some

respondents said leaders oversaw disagreements and obstacles very effectively,

others thought they were ineffective or very unsuccessful. This emphasizes the

significance of building strong conflict resolution and critical thinking skills in


 Openness to Feedback: According to the majority of respondents, leaders are

always open to feedback, showing a favorable assessment of their receptiveness.

However, a lower proportion of respondents believed that leaders were less open to

criticism, implying the need to foster a climate that supports open and constructive


 Fostering Professional Growth and Development: The findings revealed that

respondents were dissatisfied with the fostering of professional growth and

development. While a large majority of respondents reported being satisfied, some

indicated moderate to poor levels of satisfaction. This highlights the need to put in

place comprehensive and successful plans to promote employees' professional

growth and development.

 Satisfaction with Leadership: The majority of respondents were satisfied with their

leaders, ranging from extremely satisfied too moderately satisfied. However, other

respondents expressed little unhappiness or were completely dissatisfied,

emphasizing the importance of continual progress, and resolving problems to

increase overall leadership satisfaction.

In conclusion, the findings suggest both positive and negative aspects of Cogoport's

leadership effectiveness. Addressing highlighted areas of concern, such as

communication skills, collaboration and teamwork promotion, conflict resolution,

and professional development, can help to improve leadership effectiveness and

overall employee satisfaction.

Chapter 5


Leadership is essential to the success of every organization, including Cogoport. Cogoport,

as a provider of digital logistics solutions, can further optimize its operations and build a

culture of development and innovation by concentrating on improving leadership

effectiveness. This series of recommendations is intended to help Cogoport grow its leaders

and maximize their impact on the organization's performance.

 Encourage a Shared Vision: Effective leaders inspire and motivate their staff by

presenting a compelling vision that is consistent with the company's mission and

values. Cogoport should make an investment in creating a clear, inspirational, and

readily communicated vision that connects employees to the organization's

purpose. Leaders should engage their employees actively to achieve

comprehension, alignment, and a shared sense of purpose.

 Develop Your Leadership Skills: Transformational leaders are noted for their

abilities to empower and develop their teams. Cogoport should invest in leadership

development programmes that emphasize transformational leadership abilities

including communication, empathy, and coaching. These abilities will allow

leaders to encourage staff, develop a culture of continuous learning, and drive

organizational innovation.

 Encourage Transparent Communication: Effective leadership requires open and

transparent communication. Cogoport should urge executives to keep clear

channels of communication open throughout the organization, both vertically and

horizontally. Leaders should seek feedback aggressively, provide regular updates

on significant issues, and create chances for dialogue and collaboration.

Transparent communication fosters trust, improves decision-making, and fosters a

transparent and accountable culture.

 Build High-Performing Teams: The ability to build and supervise high-performing

teams is intimately related to leadership effectiveness. Cogoport should prioritize

strengthening leaders' skills in team building, dispute resolution, and promoting a

collaborative culture. Leaders can create and lead teams that provide extraordinary

results by encouraging diversity, forming cross-functional teams, and giving

chances for professional growth and development.

 Empower and Delegate: Effective leaders appreciate the value of empowering their

team members and effectively delegating work. Cogoport should encourage

executives to delegate responsibilities, provide staff autonomy, and have faith in

their employees' talents. This approach not only increases staff engagement and

satisfaction, but it also frees up executives' time to focus on strategic objectives,

encouraging innovation, and propelling the organization forward.

 Embrace Continuous Learning: Continuous learning and personal development are

essential for effective leadership. Cogoport should foster a culture that encourages

leaders to pursue chances for advancement, both via official training and through

informal learning activities. Giving leaders access to leadership development

programmes, coaching, mentorship, and networking opportunities can help them

keep on top of industry trends, learn new skills, and improve their overall


 Lead by Example: Leading by example has a significant impact on leadership

effectiveness. Leaders at Cogoport must exemplify the organization's values and

set the tone for behavior, ethics, and professionalism. Leaders can motivate their

colleagues to replicate these values by continually exhibiting honesty,

accountability, and a strong work ethic, resulting in a positive and productive work


 Measure and Provide Feedback: It is critical to build a system for monitoring

leadership performance and offering constructive feedback in order to improve

leadership effectiveness. Cogoport should conduct regular performance evaluations

and 360-degree feedback processes to evaluate leaders' performance based on

predetermined competences and behaviors. This input should be used to identify

areas for development, identify strengths, and create personalized leadership

development programmes.


Cogoport can improve leadership efficiency throughout the organization by

concentrating on these tips. Empowered and competent leaders who effectively

communicate, encourage collaboration, and inspire their teams will drive

innovation, motivate people, and lead Cogoport to long-term growth and success in

the changing logistics business.

Furthermore, by developing a learning culture, establishing mentorship, and

coaching programmes, and embracing technology and data-driven decision

making, Cogoport can provide its leaders with the skills and resources they need to

flourish in their professions. Furthermore, by fostering work-life balance, Cogoport

may assure leaders' well-being and set a good example for their colleagues.

Finally, by investing in improving leadership effectiveness, Cogoport will be able

to develop a vibrant organizational culture, attract and retain top personnel, and

position itself as a leader in the digital logistics market. Cogoport will be well-

equipped to overcome obstacles, capture opportunities, and achieve long-term

development and success with competent, motivated, and empowered executives

at the helm.


 "Avolio, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W., & Bhatia, P. (2004)." (“Transformational

leadership in AICTE: lessons for organizational ...”) (“The Relationship between

Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, and ...”) "Transformational leadership

and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment

and moderating role of structural distance." Journal of Organizational Behavior,

25(8), 951-968.

 Bass, B. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nd ed.).

Psychology Press.

 Conger, J. A., & Kanungo, R. N. (1998). Charismatic leadership in organizations.

(“Charismatic leadership in organizations. - APA PsycNet”) (“Charismatic

leadership in organizations. - APA PsycNet”) Sage Publications.

 "Gardner, W. L., Avolio, B. J., Luthans, F., May, D. R., & Walumbwa, F.

(2005)." (“・” Can you see the real me?" A self-based model of authentic leader

and ...”) (“・” Can you see the real me?" A self-based model of authentic leader

and ...”) "Can you see the real me?”

The following questions aim to assess the effectiveness of leadership in Cogoport. Your
responses will help us understand the current state of leadership within the organization
and identify areas for improvement. Please answer the questions based on your personal
observations and experiences. Your responses will remain confidential.

Q1) How long have you been associated with Cogoport?

1. Less than 1 year

2. 1-3 years
3. 3-5 years
4. More than 5 years

Q2) In your opinion, how would you rate the overall effectiveness of leadership within

1. Very effective
2. Effective
3. Neutral
4. Ineffective
5. Very ineffective

Q3) How would you describe the communication skills of the leaders in Cogoport?

1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Average
4. Poor
5. Very poor

Q4) To what extent do the leaders in Cogoport inspire and motivate their teams?

1. To a great extent

2. To some extent
3. Not much
4. Very little

Q5) How well do the leaders in Cogoport demonstrate their understanding of the company's
vision and goals?

1. Very well
2. Well
3. Moderately
4. Poorly
5. Very poorly

Q6) Do the leaders in Cogoport promote a culture of collaboration and teamwork?

1. Always
2. Most of the time
3. Occasionally
4. Rarely
5. Never

Q7) In your opinion, how effectively do the leaders in Cogoport oversee conflicts and

1. Very effectively
2. Effectively
3. Moderately
4. Ineffectively
5. Very ineffectively

Q8) Are the leaders in Cogoport approachable and open to feedback?

1. Always
2. Most of the time
3. Occasionally
4. Rarely

5. Never

Q9) How well do the leaders in Cogoport foster professional growth and development
among their team members?

1. Very well
2. Well
3. Moderately
4. Poorly
5. Very poorly

Q10) Overall, how satisfied are you with the leadership in Cogoport?

1. Extremely satisfied.
2. Very satisfied
3. Moderately satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied.
5. Not satisfied at all


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