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1. What is disinfection?
A. Process of sterilization by which micro-organisms and their spores are
killed or inactivated
B. Processes and principles which are applied to ensure that the
microorganism count is kept at a safe low level
C. Ongoing process of cleaning which takes place throughout the day
and reaches its peak after the slaughtering process has ended
D. None of the above
2. When an OX/cattle is highly stressed before slaughter, What type of meat will
A. Pale soft and exudative meat
B. Dark firm and dry meat
C. Dark red meat
D. None of the above
3. What are the main superficial lymph nodes important in meat inspection
A. Retropharyngeal , inter costal, renal, internal iliac lymph nodes
B. Popliteal, pre femoral, pre scapular, parotid and mandibular lymph
C. Retropharyngeal, pre femoral, pre scapular, parotid and mandibular
lymph nodes
D. Internal iliac, inter costal, pre scapular and popliteal lymph nodes
4. Which organ produces both enzymes and hormones?
E. spleen
F. pancreas
G. lungs
H. thyroid
5. In slaughtering of an Ox, which of the sequences is correct?
I. Stunning, bleeding, meat inspection, skinning, evisceration
J. Stunning, bleeding, removal of offal, meat inspection
K. Stunning, hoisting, bleeding, skinning, evisceration, meat inspection
L. Bleeding, hoisting, evisceration, skinning, meat inspection
6. Which one represents a vertebrae column of a Sheep?
a. 7 13 6/7 4 16-18

b. 7 13 6 5 18-20

c. 7 14/15 6/7 4 20-23

d. None of the above

7. In the features below which one best suites a medium scale abattoir
A. Offloading bay, stunning and shackling area, hoisting facilities, Rails,
bleeding area and dressing area, chillers
B. Offloading bay, stunning area, hoisting facilities, bleeding and dressing
C. Offloading bay, stunning area, bleeding and dressing area, chillers
D. None of the above
8. How do you prevent pest nuisance in the abattoir?
A. Setting poison traps in the abattoir
B. Disinfection of the area
C. Through design of the abattoir
D. None of the above
9. Which part of the brain is involved in the control of breathing rate and heart
E. Cerebrum
F. Cerebellum
G. Medulla oblongata
H. Hypothalamus
10. What are the three basic rules for storing meat in the abattoir facilities?
A. Pre-washing, disinfecting and Freezing the meat
B. Off the flow, away from the walls and first in-first out
C. Correct identification, pre-washing and freezing
D. None of the above
11. Below is one of the considerations that should be taken in ritual slaughters
A. The animal should not be shackled and hoisted before bleeding
B. Animals should be stunned before bleeding
C. Animals should be shackled and hoisted before bleeding
D. None of the above
12. In the field after partial evisceration what organs are retained for meat
A. Rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum
B. Reproductive parts
C. Lungs, heart, liver and kidneys
D. Bladder, liver, rumen and kidneys
13. Which one best describes a slaughter house
A. Place where animals are slaughtered
B. Place where meat products come from
C. Place where animals are killed and processed into meat products
D. Place where meat inspection is conducted
14. Which parts of the stomach in ruminants mimics/looks like a “honey comb”?
A. Reticulum
B. Omasum
C. Rumen
D. Abomasum
15. Which one best fits the objective of Humane slaughter
A. Using a captive bolt in the stunning box
B. Rendering animal insensible to pain until death supervenes
C. Stunning the animal to death
D. Using best equipment during slaughtering
16. Which membranes cover the central nervous system
E. Piamater, arachnoid and duramater
F. Peritoneum, duramater and piamater
G. Medulla, cortex and Piamater
H. None of the above
17. What is the meaning of dirty operations?
A. Activities that are done in the lairages
B. Activities that are done during evisceration
C. Activities that are done pre-evisceration
D. Activities that are done in unacceptable dirty areas
18. Compared to a bull, the pubic bone in the pelvis of a cow is
A. Thin
B. Thick
C. Hard
D. Heavy
19. When is carcass electrical stimulation performed
A. After stunning
B. During clean operation
C. After bleeding of the animal
D. After evisceration

20. What is the standard recommended slope in abattoir structures

a. 20oC
b. 25oC
c. 20o
d. 25o
21. The permanent dental formula of a cow lacks
A. Incisors on upper jaw
B. Premolars on upper jaw
C. Dental pad on the upper jaw
D. None of the above
22. Which time would you recommend as bleeding time for an adult cow
A. 15 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 6 minutes
23. Which part of the central nervous meninges produces cerebral spinal fluid?
A. Arachnoid
B. Duramater
C. Medulla
D. Left Hemisphere of the Celebrum
24. Which height would you recommend for lairages housing cattle
A. 18meters
B. 1.6meters
C. 2.0meters
D. 1.8meters
25. What is the shape of the spleen of the pig
A. Elongated and tongue shaped
B. Oval shaped
C. Elliptical and cigar shaped
D. None of the above
26. What is the minimum distance should animals be kept away from the
bleeding area while waiting slaughter
A. At least 3meters
B. At least 6meters
C. At least 10meters
D. As far as possible
27. Which hormone acts on the kidney and is involved in water balance of the
A. Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH)
B. Antidiuretic home (ADH)
C. Gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH)
D. Leutenizing hormone (LH)

28. On average how far apart should sterilizers be placed in abattoirs

A. 10meters
B. As far as possible
C. 6meters
D. 3meters
29. Which two organs both have the medulla and cortex
E. Testicles and mammary gland
F. Kidney and adrenal gland
G. Liver and thyroid gland
H. Lungs and pancreatic gland
30. what is the recommended temperature for warm water used for cleaning in
A. 82oC
B. 52oC
C. 40oC
D. 30oC
31. Which list best describes the urinary system
A. Kidneys, ureters, gall bladder, bladder, penis
B. Ureters, kidneys, testicles, penis
C. Ureters, kidneys, vagina, vulva
D. Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
32. During digestion of ruminants where are volatile fatty acids absorbed
A. Rumen
B. Abomasum
C. Omasum
D. Small intestine
33. In the endocrine system which gland is termed as the master gland
A. Hypothalamus
B. Thymus
C. Pituitary gland
D. Adrenal gland
34. During transportation the animal is exposed to unfavorable stimuli centering
A. Congestion of the vehicle and long journey
B. Unfamiliarity of people, wounds and long journey
C. Unfamiliarity of the scene, extremes of temperature, hunger and thirst
D. High temperatures, bad transport and unfamiliar people
35. Which of the species below are the lungs poorly defined
A. Ox
B. Sheep
C. Pigs
D. None of the above
36. The ritual or traditional slaughter in Jewish is called_______________
A. Mustafa
B. Mohamedin
C. Koshner
D. Halaal
37. Ossacardis is a bone or cartilage found in the heart of……..
A. Pigs
B. Ox
C. Sheep
D. None of the above
38. Which of the following Stunning practices is common at established
abattoirs in Zambia during the slaughter of pigs?
A. Slaughtering masks
B. Pole and axe
C. Electric stunning
D. Captive-bolt pistol
39. Which red offal organs are found in the thoracic cavity?
A. Lungs and heart
B. Kidneys and liver
C. Spleen and lungs
D. Spleen and heart
40. What is the color of fat in the young bull and heifer?
A. Lighter in color
B. Yellow in color
C. Grey in color
D. None of the above

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