An Argumentative Writing

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Controversial subject: Developed Countries Should Accept Refugees

By: Raisha Anjum

In today’s world, it is fair to say that that wars and political issues have brought more problems
than ‘freedom’ or solutions. The biggest problem now caused due to wars are people losing
their homes – refugees, with no surety of safety or a roof over their heads.
Not to mention, these political conflicts not only bring hazard upon them but gives a life-long
trauma for the child going through war as a refugee, bringing economical hazard to other
countries. Therefore, is it not a reasonable and moral obligation the developed, well-fortuned
and stabilized countries to provide shelter and aid those in urgent need?
First, welcoming refugees is consistent with humanitarian principles and international
commitments. Second, refugees contribute diversity to their new communities, enhancing the
cultural tapestry. Furthermore, welcoming refugees can be favorably beneficial for the
economy. Refugees frequently contribute to their host nations' economies by filling labor
shortages and launching new enterprises.
While some argue that receiving refugees poses security dangers, it is important to remember
that strong vetting procedures exist to safeguard the safety of host communities. These
measures, combined with integration programs, enable refugees to become productive
members of society.
In recent years, Germany and Canada have proved the benefits of welcoming refugees.
Germany's welcome of more than a million refugees has resulted in economic progress and
community revitalization. Similarly, Canada's refugee resettlement program has been praised as
an example of effective integration.
Developed countries must not ignore the situation of refugees. Let us offer our hands and
hearts to those in need, because doing so not only benefits others but also strengthens the
links of our global community.

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