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Home Rules

I’ll try to give them the things I never got
If they want ice cream at 11pm, we are gonna go and get ice cream at 11pm.

Make them feel like I’m their home

Making sure they feel safe telling me their secrets. Making sure they know if
something goes wrong they can come to me right away without having to think that I
will only get mad at them.

Self Defence Classes

It’s a MUST. I’m not going to be everywhere to save them. They will learn how to
beat a mf’s ass!

Princess Treatment (daughter)

I’ll make sure that her dad and I spoil her (in a good way) so much that these
nasty broke ugly looking rats will not even be able to get her attention.

Teaching them self-love, self-respect

We don’t want them begging someone for a reply. Uh-uh you’re much more worthy than
that baby! Teaching them ‘Don’t chase. Attract!’

Teaching my son how to give princess treatment

It’s so important for kids to see the right behaviour as they grow up. Whatever
they’ll see as a kid will stick with them forever. For example, If they see their
dad hitting me, they might grow up thinking that’s okay unless I raise my voice.
Teaching your sons to be gentlemen in such generation is a MUST! Know how to
respect a female, because you got two at home, one waiting for you and second one
worried if you’re okay or not.

Can’t have a sleepover
We will do something much more exciting than a sleepover at someone else’s house.
Growing up I always hated my dad for not letting me go for sleepovers at my
friend’s place but now I understand why he did what he did. And I wouldn’t want my
child to go through any of that shit.

Sleepovers at Aunties/ Uncles

Nope. If I’m not there it is a big No. Being someone who has been through this, I
don’t want my child to go through this because most of the times kids don’t point
this out thinking their family’s relationship with the other family will be ruined.
I don’t give a shit about any relationship if my child is not safe.

Hitting the child

The trauma that leaves behind is crazy. Never. The child will grow up thinking that
is a love language and will make decisions of staying with a toxic, abusive partner
which is a big NO NO!

My son wearing makeup

Uh-uh sorry that ain’t happening in my household. Get connected to waheguru ji and
don’t bring that LGBTQ shit in my house.

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