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Name : Muhammad Da’I Bachtiar

NIM : 1106220004

Exercise 1

Topic: Human Responses to Disaster.

Thesis statement: That people go through five emotional stages in response to


Exercise 2

Topic: Cultural Universals in Emotional Expression.

Thesis statement: Analyzing to research by Paul Ekman and his colleagues that
there are universal emotional expression on culture.

Exercise 3

Thesis statement: That people go through five emotional stages in response to


Pattern of organization: Listing

Supporting points (main idea):

 The first stage is psychological numbness, shock, and confusion.

 In the second stage, victims continue to lack awareness.
 In the third stage, victims turn to each other.
 The fourth stage brings depression and letdown.
 In the final stage, victims adapt to the changes in their lives.
Exercise 4

Thesis statement: Analyzing to research by Paul Ekman and his colleagues that
there are universal emotional expression on culture.

Pattern of organization: Comparison-contrast

Supporting points (main idea):

 Studies by Ekman group have demonstrated that humans share a set

universal emotional expression to the common biological heritage of the
human species.
 Ekman and his colleagues that people everywhere can recognize at least
seven basic emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, happiness,
and surprise.
 Emotional are universal and can be expressed in a variety of ways.
 These expression include smiles, frowns, and furrowed brows.

Exercise 5

Thesis statement: Girls are becoming more violent than boys.

Pattern of organization: Cause - effect

Supporting points (main ideas):

 Girls are becoming more violent, using physical violence more often and
getting arrested more frequently for violent crimes.
 This development relates to broader changes in the roles of men and
women in society, as girls break down barriers and demonstrate similar
abilities in sports, academics, and careers.
 The entertainment media, which now depicts girls in superhero roles and
conveys the message that fighting is an acceptable reaction to hurt or
anger, has played a significant role in this trend.
 Other factors, such as gun availability, poverty, and a history of abuse, are
also contributing to the increase in violent behavior among girls.
 Standard responses to the problem, such as expulsion from school, have
been ineffective, and a broader societal approach is needed to address the
root causes of violence.

Exercise 6

Thesis statement: There is no single way to achieve a well-adjusted life, but there
are at least three different paths that lead to psychological maturity.

Pattern of organization: comparison-contrast

Supporting points (main ideas):

 The study followed 111 women graduates of private women’s college over
a 39-years period
 The research identified three distinct paths to psychological maturity:
- These women sought security through marriage, family life, and
traditional careers.
- These women purposed challenging careers and personal growth.
- These women focused on finding themselves and their purpose in life.

Exercise 7

M Involve S Aware S Collaborate

S Undergo S Function S Consequences

N Circumstances M Phase S Abandon

S Ethics S Focus on S Adapt to

M Volunteer S Coordinat S Community


Exercise 8

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A

Exercise 9

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

abandonment Abandon Abandoned Abandonedly

adaptation Adapt Adaptive Adaptively

awareness Aware Aware Awaredly

Circumstances Circumstantiate Circumstantial circumstantially

collaboration Collaborate Collaborative Collaboratively

Community Commune communal Communally

Consequences Consequence Consequential Consequently

coordination Coordinate Coordinated Coordinatedly

Ethics Etichize Etichal Ethically

Focus Focus focused Focusedly

Function Function Functional Functionally

involvement Involve Involved Involuntarily

Phase Phase Phased Phasedly

Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Voluntarily

Exercise 10

1. coordinate 6. abandon 11. aware

2. circumstance 7. phase 12 involve

3. function 8. focus on 13. collaborate

4. community 9. ethics 14. volunteer

5. undergo 10. adapt to 15. consequence

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