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Earth Systems and Environment (2022) 6:405–419


Cost–Benefit Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation Measures

in the Forestry Sector of Peninsular Malaysia
Asif Raihan1 · Mohd Nizam Mohd Said1,2

Received: 18 March 2021 / Revised: 15 June 2021 / Accepted: 16 June 2021 / Published online: 23 June 2021
© King Abdulaziz University and Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) have been increasingly dominated by carbon dioxide ­(CO2) with its negative effects on the global
climatic system. Malaysia has forest land around 67% of the total land area which helps to mitigate climate change by absorb-
ing atmospheric ­CO2 and enhancing the national carbon sink. However, there is a lack of study on the cost-effectiveness of
potential mitigation measures in the forestry sector of Malaysia (e.g., forest conservation, afforestation, natural regenera-
tion). Therefore, this article attempts to do a cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of the potential mitigation measures for 25, 50 and
75 years by considering the discount rate of 0% and 3%. The costs considered for the CBA include the establishment and
maintenance cost of the mitigation measures. The CBA considered benefits associated with carbon sequestration, timber
production, forest revenue, biodiversity, and other forest ecosystem services. A meta-analysis has been conducted to evalu-
ate the carbon density in Malaysian forests, which has been used to assess the forest carbon sequestrated by each mitigation
measures. This study found that the forestry sector of Malaysia has a huge potential to mitigate climate change whereas
natural regeneration is the most cost-effective mitigation measure followed by forest conservation and afforestation. The
outcome of this research would be useful for forest management planning to mitigate climate change in a cost-effective way.
This study could encourage other countries to identify and implement the most cost-effective measure to mitigate climate
change by achieving maximum carbon sink with minimum cost.

Keywords Climate change · Forest · Mitigation measures · CBA · Malaysia

1 Introduction sequestration), and it has become a key alternative for the

international community to reduce ­CO2 emissions (IPCC
The earth’s systems are exhausting due to environmental 2014). However, environmental degradation in Malaysia is
degradation and climate change which have become a criti- increasing due to urbanization, agricultural expansion, and
cal issue because of GHGs emissions dominated by C ­ O2 oil-palm plantation by cutting and burning of forests which
(Abutaleb et al. 2018; Almazroui et al. 2019; Chamling upsurges the atmospheric concentration of ­CO2 (Begum
and Bera 2020; Khalil et al. 2019; Were et al. 2019). For- et al. 2020; Jaafar et al. 2020). Global forests are a net source
ests play an important role in climate change mitigation by of 1.8 Gt carbon per year due to deforestation and forest
sequestering carbon through biomass production (Udaya- degradation, of which 20% can be recognized as tropical
kumara and Gunawardena 2018; Yirga et al. 2019). Forest deforestation (Matthew et al. 2018). Forests perform as both
carbon sequestration is more cost-effective than many other sources and sinks of carbon through which they have a vital
means of emissions reduction (e.g., marine and geological impact on the global climatic system (Matthew et al. 2018).
Jackson and Baker (2010) reported that reducing deforesta-
tion and forest degradation could cut global deforestation
* Asif Raihan rates in half by 2030, preserving 1.5–3.0 billion metric tons
of ­CO2 emissions yearly.
Institute of Climate Change (IPI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has forest land around 67% of total land area
Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (World Bank 2021) which has an enormous potential to
School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, reduce GHG emissions along with enhancing national
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan carbon sink if appropriate policies are formulated with
Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

406 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

adequate investments. The national GHG inventory in 2 Materials and Methods

Malaysia for 2014 showed that Land Use, Land-Use
Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector helped to remove 2.1 Objectives of the Study
almost 84% of total national GHG emission from all
the sectors, which indicates a huge potential of forestry This research intends to estimate the net benefit and ben-
sector to set up Malaysia as an emission free country efit–cost ratio of the potential mitigation measures in the
(MNRE 2018). Reversing forest losses through restora- forestry sector of Peninsular Malaysia by applying CBA for
tion, improvement, and conservation is a critical goal for 25, 50 and 75 years. For estimating the cost-effectiveness of
climate change mitigation which is an important issue afforestation, forest conservation and natural regeneration, this
in the current climate discussion (Matthew et al. 2018). study accounts for all the dominant costs and benefits of each
Slowing deforestation and forest degradation by imple- mitigation measure. The costs and benefits are calculated in
menting cost-effective mitigation measures in the forestry Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on the price in December 2018
sector can reduce global carbon emissions and prevent (USD1 = RM4.20) as the data regarding the forest area, costs,
climate change with the lowest cost (Raihan et al. 2018). and benefits are available until 2018.
Forestry-based mitigation measures would play a multi-
functional role that includes carbon sequestration, bio- 2.2 Data Regarding Costs and Benefits
diversity conservation, improvement of ecosystem, and
yields of goods and services to the community (Murthy This article employed CBA to suggest the most cost-effec-
and Prasad 2018). However, the range of potential mitiga- tive forestry option for climate change mitigation. The CBA
tion measures in the forestry sector is quite wide. Accord- focuses on the incremental benefits and costs of climate change
ing to Raihan et al. (2018), climate change mitigation mitigation scenario. Therefore, the benefits from forest carbon
measures in the forestry sector of Malaysia are forest sequestration considered as the direct benefit. This study uti-
conservation, afforestation, reforestation, sustainable for- lized a meta-analysis on forest carbon per hectare in Malaysian
est management, urban forestry, wood-based bioenergy, forests to estimate the average forest carbon density. Further-
enhanced natural regeneration, agroforestry, and Reduc- more, the economic benefit of forest carbon is evaluated by
ing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation multiplying the average carbon density (181.22 t ­ha−1) with
(REDD) initiatives. the estimated price for one ton of carbon stored in Malaysian
However, there is a lack of study on the cost-effective- forest biomass. In addition, the CBA considers other benefits
ness of potential mitigation measures in the forestry sec- from forest revenue collection, timber production, biodiversity
tor of Malaysia. A very few economic studies on climate and other forest ecosystem services as the indirect benefits.
change in Malaysia have focused on the estimation of the Data regarding forest revenue collection and timber produc-
cost-effectiveness of forestry-based mitigation measures. tion are collected from the Forestry department, Peninsular
Numerous studies and reports worldwide have estimated Malaysia (FDPM) annual report 2018. However, this analy-
the cost-effectiveness of forestry-based mitigation meas- sis used the benefit transfer method to assess the economic
ures to address climate change mitigation (Austin et al. value of biodiversity and other forest ecosystem services from
2020). The economic analysis of costs and benefits of the Carrasco et al. (2014) by converting the economic value into
mitigation measures would play an important role in the Malaysian Ringgit. The costs considered for CBA include the
decision-making for the sustainable management of for- establishment and maintenance of mitigation measures for car-
ests while mitigating climate change. Cost–benefit analy- bon sequestration, for example: land preparation and planting
sis (CBA) helps to choose the most cost-effective meas- cost, maintenance cost. Data regarding the cost for establishing
ure by comparing the costs and benefits of implementing forest plantation (land preparation, seedling and tree plant-
each of the mitigation measures, which ultimately lead ing cost) are collected from Official Portal Malaysian Timber
to climate change mitigation through maximum carbon Industry Board (MTIB). Furthermore, the data regarding the
sequestration with minimum cost. Future projection from maintenance cost (operating and development expenditure)
the CBA is helpful to forecast the additional carbon stock are collected from the FDPM annual report 2018. Figure 1
which might be created, and the emissions reduction presents the flow chart of the CBA procedure.
which might be achieved through the mitigation activi-
ties. Afforestation, forest conservation and natural regen- 2.3 Meta‑analysis on Forest Carbon Density
eration are the most practiced cost-effective mitigation in Malaysia
measures in the forestry sector all over the world (IPCC
2014). Thus, this study aims to do a cost–benefit analysis This study estimated the average forest carbon density in
of afforestation, forest conservation and natural regenera- Malaysia by utilizing a meta-analysis consists of a set of
tion in Malaysia. 21 primary studies conducted between the years 2001 and

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Fig. 1  Flow chart of the CBA procedure

2018. Stata 16 software has been used to conduct the meta- different studies due to the size of the sample plot, method-
analysis. The primary studies were selected based on their ology, biomass type or the type of forests. Since each study
results on forest carbon stock per hectare in Malaysian for- provides information about different effect sizes, the present
ests. The meta-analysis did not consider primary studies study wants to be sure that all these effect sizes are repre-
published after 2018 as the reference year for the present sented in the summary estimate. Data from the individual
study is 2018. Table 1 presents the sample size and average primary studies are summarized, pooled, and calculated to
forest carbon density in Malaysia estimated by the primary provide an overall estimate of average forest carbon density
studies. Effect sizes for each of these studies are estimated in Malaysia. The result from the meta-analysis was used to
by the results from average forest carbon per hectare and estimate the quantity of the forest carbon sequestrated by
the standard error. However, a random-effects meta-analysis each mitigation measures.
model assumes that the study effect sizes are different, and
the primary studies represent a random sample from a larger 2.4 Estimated Carbon Price
area (hence the term random effects). Therefore, the present
study used random-effects model for meta-analysis on forest The atmospheric ­CO2 removal price varies widely and may
carbon per hectare in Malaysia where the primary studies range from USD3.00 to USD40.00 per ton C ­ O2 equiva-
represent a random sample plot from a larger area of for- lent ­(CO2eq) (MNRE 2011). Atmospheric ­CO2 removal
est. The defining feature of the random-effects model is that prices for forestry-based activities in Malaysia ranges
there is a distribution of true effect sizes of forest carbon from USD2.90 to USD7.30, where a conservative price of
stock per hectare, and the present study aims to estimate the USD5.00 (RM21) per ton ­CO2eq is assumed by Malaysia’s
mean of this distribution. Different effect sizes underlying report of second national communication to the UNFCCC

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408 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

Table 1  Sample size and Authors Sample size (ha) Average forest Standard deviation Standard error
average forest carbon density carbon (tonne/
in Malaysia estimated by the hectare)
previous studies
Adachi et al. (2011) 300 201.5 58.5 3.38
Adam and Jusoh (2018) 0.9 146.1 32.8 34.58
DiRocco (2012) 3.84 208.8 1.04 0.53
Hazandy et al. (2015) 2 154.78 18.38 12.99
Hector et al. (2011) 2 185.85 69.05 48.83
Hikmat (2005) 6 233.64 63.42 25.89
Hong et al. (2017) 0.18 198.81 47.41 111.75
Ismariah and Fadli (2007) 0.6 107.67 3.5 4.52
Majid and Nurudin (2015) 1 225.55 11.28 11.28
Mashor et al. (2017) 4 260.08 133.26 66.47
Mat-Salleh et al. (2003) 0.75 234.2 11.71 13.52
Matthew et al. (2018) 0.6 281 14.05 18.14
Neto et al. (2012) 0.3 178.67 59 107.72
Norashikin et al. (2015) 1.5 157.64 11.12 9.08
Norhayati and Latiff (2001) 1 115.56 5.78 5.78
Omar and Misman (2018) 8.39 117 0.78 0.27
Omar et al. (2011) 7.5 96.8 135.53 49.49
Omar et al. (2015) 0.79 220.54 46.08 52.00
Saatchi et al. (2011) 100 180 16 1.6
Saner et al. (2012) 2 167.9 3.8 2.69
Zani et al. (2018) 0.8 219.69 63.93 71.47

(MNRE 2011). The price of per unit carbon stored in for- or other constraints prevent the use of primary data in per-
est biomass was estimated by using the following equation forming estimates (mainly, it is quicker and cheaper than
(IPCC 2010), primary studies). However, this study used the economic
value of biodiversity and other forest ecosystem services
PC = from Carrasco et al. (2014) who used a meta-analytic model
0.273 to generate a raster map of economic values across tropi-
Where, PC is the price of one-ton carbon stored in forest cal forests globally. The estimated values have a mean of
biomass and ­PCO2 is the price for removing one ton of ­CO2 USD1312 (RM5510.40) per hectare per year. The present
equivalent ­(CO2eq). study used this economic value for the CBA as this value is
According to the price ratio between C ­ O2eq and bio- suitable to use due to Malaysian forests are tropical forest
mass carbon specified by IPCC (2010), 0.273 ton of car- as like the meta-analytic model across tropical forests by
bon would be stored in tree biomass with RM21 (USD5) if Carrasco et al. (2014).
trees sequester one ton of atmospheric C
­ O2 (MNRE 2011).
Hereafter, the price for one ton of carbon stored in forest 2.6 Net Present Value (NPV) of the Costs
biomass would be approximately RM77 (21/0.273 = 76.92) and Benefits
or USD18.33 (price in December 2018).
The cost–benefit analysis is based on the calculation of
the NPV by considering the discount rate. All the values
2.5 Benefit Transfer Method are pooled to the price in 2018. The discount rate used for
CBA of forest resources ranging mostly between 0 and
The economic value of biodiversity and other forest eco- 7% (Sauter and Mußhoff, 2018). According to the Central
system services are collected and used by using the benefit Bank of Malaysia (2011), the discount rate in Malaysia is
transfer method which is the process of taking study results 3%. Treasury (2003) suggests 0% discount rates for CBA
from one situation and extrapolating them to other similar of forestry case studies when it considered for less than
situations (Richardson et al. 2015). Benefit transfer is used 30 years and 3% discount rate when the CBA considered a
mostly when time, budgetary, data-availability and technical period of 31–75 years. However, Average harvesting cycle

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(rotation period) for tropical forests like Malaysian forests Soil erosion increase and other forest ecosystem services
is 25 years. Therefore, this CBA is based on the calcula- disappear when the afforested land are harvested by clear-
tion of NPV by considering the discount rate of 0% and felling. Therefore, the economic value of biodiversity and
3% for the one-harvesting cycle (25 years), two-harvesting other forest ecosystem services are not considered to esti-
cycle (50 years) and three-harvesting cycle (75 years). The mate the net benefits of afforestation. The following equa-
CBA does not consider years more than 75 years due to tion represents the NPV of the benefits by afforestation.
the inflation of money and the dilemma of a higher dis-
Bcs + Btp + Bfr
count rate if the CBA considered more than 75 years. The
following equation represents the cost of implementing t=0 (1 + i)t
mitigation measures (Cubbage et al. 2013).
The benefits from afforestation and natural regeneration
∑T Ct are variable benefits as the benefits start rising from zero as
NPVC = the trees grow from seedlings or seeds and the benefits keep
t=0 (1 + i)t
increasing until the harvesting at rotation age. However,
where “i” is the discount rate and Ct is the variable cost some of the benefits don’t start from zero at the beginning of
represents the maintenance cost at the time “t” which con- implementing forest conservation. When a forest is declared
siders for 25, 50 and 75 years to calculate the NPV of costs as a protected forest or conserved forest, it is already a
and benefits of each mitigation measure for different period mature forest with most of the trees already reached their
of time. rotation age. As harvesting is not permitted in a conserved
However, to implement an afforestation program there forest, trees remain over the rotation age. After the rotation
is a fixed cost, for example, the cost for land preparation age of trees (usually 25 years for tropical forests), there is
and tree planting beside the maintenance cost. Thus, the a very slow rate of increasing carbon and timber produc-
net present value of cost (NPVC) for afforestation is calcu- tion, which is almost negligible (IPCC 2014; Irteza et al.
lated by using the following equation. 2021). Therefore, net present benefits calculation for forest
conservation considered biomass carbon and timber produc-
∑T Ct
NPVC = Cfx + tion value as fixed benefits with the value of a mature forest.
t=0 (1 + i)t The benefits from forest revenue along with the biodiversity
where, Cfx is the fixed cost which remains constant for a and other forest ecosystem services are considered as the
rotation period of trees such as land preparation and tree variable benefits which increase over the years. The follow-
planting cost for the afforestation program. ing equation represents the NPV of the benefits from forest
The NPV of benefits by each mitigation measure is esti- conservation.
mated by considering the benefits from the carbon seques- ∑T Btp + Bbdes
tration, timber production, forest revenue, biodiversity, and NPVB = Bcs + Btp +
t=0 (1 + i)t
other forest ecosystem services. The following equation
represents the NPV of the benefits by natural regeneration.
∑T Bcs + Btp + Bbdes 2.7 Net Benefits of the Mitigation Measures
t=0 (1 + i)t Net benefits of the mitigation measures are calculated by
where, “i” is the discount rate. Bcs, Btp and Bfr represent subtracting the total cost from the total benefits of each miti-
the variable benefits of carbon sequestration value, tim- gation measure. The net benefits for 25, 50 and 75 years are
ber production value and forest revenue collection respec- estimated by using the following equations derived from
tively. In addition, Bbdes represents the economic value of Cubbage et al. (2013) who evaluated cost–benefit analysis
biodiversity and other forest ecosystem services. for community forestry projects in Latin America. Further-
Afforested land is very poor in species biodiversity. In more, a recent study by Ma et al. (2020) utilized the similar
addition, wildlife habitats are not established permanently equation to evaluate cost–benefit analysis of China’s natural
in the afforested land due to harvesting by clear-felling. forest conservation program.

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410 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

∑T Bfr ∑T Ct
Net Benefit of forest conservation = NPVB − NPVC = Bfcs + Btp + t

t=0 (1 + i) t=0 (1 + i)t

∑T Bcs + Btp + Bfr ∑T Ct

Net Benefit of afforestation = NPVB − NPVC = t
− Cfx
t=0 (1 + i) t=0 (1 + i)t

∑T Bcs + Btp + Bfr ∑T Ct

Net Benefit of natural regeneration = NPVB − NPVC = t

t=0 (1 + i) t=0 (1 + i)t

about study heterogeneity and the significance of the over-

2.8 Benefit–Cost Ratio of the Mitigation Measures
all effect size are also presented in a forest plot. This plot
provides a convenient way to visually compare the study
Benefit–cost ratio by implementing forest conservation,
effect sizes. The forest plot of the meta-analysis outcome is
afforestation and natural regeneration for 25, 50 and 75 years
presented in Fig. 2. The column on the left side of the forest
are calculated by using the following equation (Cubbage
plot contains the list of studies represented by the first author
et al. 2013).
for each individual primary study along with the year of
NPVB publication. The blue square boxes situated in line represent
Benefit - cost ratio =
NPVC the outcome value and the size of the individual studies. The
bigger the box, the larger the studied sample plot for estimat-
ing the forest carbon and representing a more reliable study.
2.9 Cost, Benefit and Net Benefit per Hectare Forest The horizontal lines through the boxes are representing the
Area 95% confidence intervals of the study result, with each end
of the line represents the boundaries of the confidence inter-
Cost, benefit and net benefit from each mitigation measure val. The longer the lines, the wider the confidence intervals
for 25, 50 and 75 years are estimated from subtracting the (CI), the less reliable the study results.
total cost, total benefit and net benefit by the total land area The green diamond at the bottom of the forest plot repre-
for each mitigation measure using the following equations, sents the overall outcome when all the individual studies are
NPVC combined and averaged. The axis at the bottom of the graph
Cost per hectare = is showing the range of forest carbon stock per hectare. The
center of the diamond represents the pooled estimate of aver-
age forest carbon density and the horizontal points of the
Benefit per hectare = diamond represent the overall CI. The outcome of the meta-
A analysis indicates the carbon density in Malaysian forests is
181.22 t ­ha−1 with a range of 157.51 to 204.92 t h­ a−1. This
NPVB − NPVC study used the meta-analysis outcome of average forest car-
Net benefit per hectare =
A bon density 181.22 t h­ a−1 to estimate carbon sequestrated by
Where, ‘A’ is the total forested land in hectares for each implementing the mitigation measures. The I2 at the bottom
mitigation measure. of the forest plot indicates the level of heterogeneity which
refers to the variation in study outcomes between studies.
The high value of heterogeneity (I2 = 99.87%) validates the
3 Results and Discussion appropriateness of choosing Random-effects meta-analysis
model as the low value of heterogeneity suggests that the
3.1 Meta‑analysis on Forest Carbon Density fixed effects model might be appropriate. The overall effect
in Malaysia P value is 0.00 which indicates a very significant result.
However, the meta-analysis contour-enhanced funnel plot
The results of the meta-analysis are summarized on a forest is commonly used to explore whether the meta-analysis out-
plot with the study-specific effect sizes and their correspond- come is publication bias on positive results rather than non-
ing confidence intervals along with the combined estimate of significant or negative results. Meta-analysis funnel plot is
the effect size and its confidence interval. The information a scatterplot where effect size and standard error are the two

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Fig. 2  Meta-analysis forest plot

on average forest carbon density
studies in Malaysia

axes of a funnel plot. The studies with larger sample size or

most precision are the dots or points located at the top of the
graph and the studies with decreasing sample size or less
precision (larger standard error) scatter towards the bottom
of the plot. Contour-enhanced funnel plot displays the areas
of statistical significance on a funnel plot. There are contour
lines in a funnel plot indicating conventional milestones in
levels of statistical significance (e.g., < 0.01, < 0.05, < 0.1).
This contour overlay aids the interpretation of the funnel
plot. For example, if the primary studies appear to be miss-
ing in the areas of statistical non-significance, it increases
the probability that the asymmetry is due to publication bias.
Conversely, missing studies in the areas of statistical signifi-
cance suggests that the observed asymmetry is more likely
to be due to factors other than publication bias based on Fig. 3  Meta-analysis contour-enhanced funnel plot of forest carbon
statistical significance (e.g., variable study quality). density studies in Malaysia
Nevertheless, by combining the results from primary
studies, a contour-enhanced funnel plot provides a total over-
all estimate which increase the precision. It means that a sig- for the studies in light-gray region. In addition, the p values
nificant effect may be seen overall that was not seen in any would be between 0.05 and 0.1 for the studies in the darker-
of the individual studies. Figure 3 presents the meta-analysis gray region. Finally, the p values would be larger than 0.1
contour-enhanced funnel plot to check the publication bias. or 10% significance level for the studies in the darkest-gray
For the studies in the white region, the null hypothesis of region. The contour-enhanced funnel plot clearly shows that
no effect can be rejected at the 1% significance level which almost all the large studies (located at the top of the graph)
means the significance tests for these studies have p values report a statistically significant result, favoring the treatment.
less than 0.01. The p values would be between 0.01 and 0.05 Moreover, three small studies (located at the bottom of the

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412 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

graph) at the 5% significance level in the contour-enhanced one of the cost-effective climate change mitigation measures
funnel plot indicates that the meta-analysis outcome is not all over the world (Raihan et al. 2018) as there is no other
publication bias on positive results. cost except the maintenance cost. However, the benefits from
forest conservation is too much higher compare to the cost
3.2 Cost–Benefit Analysis of Forest Conservation when it includes the economic value of non-tangible ben-
efits from carbon sequestration, biodiversity and other forest
The cost, benefit and net benefit from forest conservation ecosystem services. This study estimates the cost of forest
in Peninsular Malaysia for the reference year (present year) conservation in Peninsular Malaysia is RM29 (USD7) per
2018 and if implemented for the next 25, 50 and 75 years hectare per year which is supported by Oestreicher et al.
at discounting rate of 0% and 3% are presented in Table 2. (2009) who reported forest conservation cost USD7.1 per
The cost and benefit per hectare in the year 2018 are RM29 hectare per year in Panama. Sathaye et al. (2001) reported
(USD7) and RM5510 (USD1,312) with net benefit RM5482 that forest conservation cost range USD5-10 per hectare in
(USD1305). The cost and benefit per hectare for 25 years Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and
at a discounting rate of 0% are RM722 (USD172) and Tanzania. Rai et al. (2017) estimated forest conservation cost
RM228,946 (USD54,511) with net benefit of RM228,224 ranges from USD6.78 to USD31.56 per hectare per year.
(USD54,339). In addition, by considering the discount Ma et al. (2020) reported that cost of forest conservation
rate of 3% cost and benefit per hectare for 25 years are in China varies from USD63 to USD1649 per hectare per
RM24,058 (USD5728) and RM4,683,186 (USD1,115,044) year whereas the forest conservation benefit ranges from
with net benefit RM4,659,128 (USD1,109,316). Implement- USD1570 to USD13,033 per hectare per year. Malaysian
ing forest conservation for 50 years at discounting rate of forests are rich in biodiversity where strong forest conser-
0% shows cost and benefit per hectare RM1443 (USD344) vation policies are needed to conserve biodiversity through
and RM366,706 (USD87,311) with net benefit RM365,263 reducing deforestation and forest degradation. Forest con-
(USD86,967). By considering the discount rate of 3%, forest servation by involving the local community is an innovative
conservation for 50 years shows cost and benefit per hectare way of maintaining forest conservation while sustaining the
RM48,116 (USD11,456) and RM9,275,186 (USD2,208,378) livelihood for the local community. Moreover, forestry sec-
with net benefit RM9,227,070 (USD2,196,921). Finally, tor of Malaysia has a huge potential for tourism attraction
the establishment of forest conservation for 75 years shows and promoting forest conservation through ecotourism could
the cost and benefit RM2165 (USD515) and RM504,466 increase the national economy.
(USD120,111) per hectare with the net benefit RM502,301
(USD119,595) at a discounting rate of 0%. In addition, 3.3 Cost–Benefit Analysis of Afforestation
forest conservation for 75 years at discounting rate of 3%
shows the cost and benefit RM72,175 (USD17,185) and Afforestation refers to convert non-forest land to forest. In
RM13,867,186 (USD3,301,711) per hectare with net benefit addition to timber production, afforestation provides many
RM13,795,011 (USD3,284,526). other forest ecosystem functions such as carbon sequestra-
Deforestation and forest degradation cause climate change tion (Nijnik et al. 2012). The cost and benefit per hectare
and loss of biodiversity that could be avoided by forest con- afforested land in the reference year (present year) 2018
servation with low maintenance costs for carbon sequestra- are RM3037 (USD723) and RM3,320 (USD790) with net
tion and biodiversity conservation. Forest conservation is benefit RM283 (USD67). The cost and benefit per hectare

Table 2  Costs and benefits of forest conservation

Years Total cost Cost per hectare Total benefit (Mil- Benefit per hec- Total net benefit Net benefit per
(Million RM) (RM) lion RM) tare (RM) (Million RM) hectare (RM)

2018 26 29 5045 5510 5018 5482

NPV at discounting rate of 0%
25 years 661 722 209,606 228,946 208,945 228,224
50 years 1322 1443 335,729 366,706 334,407 365,263
75 years 1982 2165 461,851 504,466 459,869 502,301
NPV at discounting rate of 3%
25 years 22,026 24,058 4,287,574 4,683,186 4,265,548 4,659,128
50 years 44,052 48,116 8,491,665 9,275,186 8,447,613 9,227,070
75 years 66,078 72,175 12,695,755 13,867,186 12,629,678 13,795,011

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after 25 years of afforestation at a discount rate of 0% are countries. Sathaye et al. (2001) reported that afforestation
RM3,918 (USD933) and RM83,005 (USD19,763) with net costs tend to be higher in Mexico (USD400 per hectare), and
benefit RM79,087 (USD18,830). The cost and benefit per lower in India, Philippines, China and Tanzania (USD150
hectare for 25 years at discount rate of 3% are RM33,600 to USD300 per hectare). Niskanen (1997) reported that
(USD8,000) and RM2,766,837 (USD658,771) with net ben- plantation establishment cost per hectare in Thailand varies
efit RM2,733,236 (USD650,770). Afforestation for 50 years between USD780 and USD890 which is equivalent to the
at discount rate of 0% shows cost and benefit per hectare afforestation cost by present study (USD714 per hectare)
RM7836 (USD1,866) and RM166,010 (USD39,526) with as Thailand is a neighbouring country of Malaysia. Nijnik
net benefit RM158,174 (USD37,660). The CBA for 50 years et al. (2012) reported the tree-planting and maintenance
at discount rate of 3% shows cost and benefit per hectare cost per hectare in Ukraine is €100–200 (USD121–243) and
RM67,201 (USD16,000) and RM2,849,842 (USD678,534) €12.5–30 (USD15–36.5) respectively, which are also iden-
with net benefit RM2,782,641 (USD662,534). Continuous tical to the tree planting cost (USD238) and maintenance
forest plantation practiced for 75 years shows the cost and cost (USD7) by the present study. Ma et al. (2020) reported
benefit per hectare RM11,754 (USD2,799) and RM249,015 that afforestation cost in China varies from USD518 to
(USD59,289) where the net benefit is RM237,261 USD12,248 per hectare per year where the afforestation
(USD56,491) at discount rate of 0%. In addition, imple- benefit ranges from USD1303 to USD12,578 per hectare
menting afforestation for 75 years at discount rate of 3% per year. The afforestation cost is low in Malaysia due to
shows the cost and benefit RM100,801 (USD24,000) and good forest growing conditions and relatively low labour
RM2,932,847 (USD698,297) per hectare with net benefit cost (Raihan et al., 2018). Malaysia is suitable for affor-
RM2,832,046 (USD674,297). The cost, benefit and net ben- estation to contribute to sustainable land management and
efit by afforestation in the year 2018 and if implemented for climate change mitigation.
the next 25, 50 and 75 years at discounting rate of 0% and
3% are presented in Table 3. The benefits from afforestation 3.4 Cost–Benefit Analysis of Natural Regeneration
are much lower compare to forest conservation as it does not
include the economic value of biodiversity and other forest Natural regeneration is the establishment of young trees
ecosystem services. through natural seeding, sprouting, suckering, or layer-
However, the cost-effectiveness of afforestation varies ing which relies on residual seeds and plants at the site,
from region to region (Nijnik et al. 2013). Tree planta- or dispersed from vegetation nearby (Evans et al. 2015).
tion cost is cheaper and tree growth is faster in the tropical Table 4 presents the cost, benefit and net benefit of natu-
developing countries (Raihan et al. 2019). Afforestation cost rally regenerated forest in the reference year (present year)
is relatively uniform and stable over time and reflects the 2018 and if implemented for the next 25, 50 and 75 years
overall income levels in the country (Sathaye et al. 2001). at a discounting rate of 0% and 3%. The cost and bene-
According to the Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB), fit per hectare forest with natural regeneration in 2018 is
the average cost for land preparation, seedling and planting RM37 (USD9) and RM9158 (USD2,180) with net benefit
costs are RM1000 (USD238) for each activity which make RM9,121 (USD2172). The cost and benefit per hectare after
the afforestation cost around RM3,000 (USD714) per hec- 25 years of natural regeneration at a discounting rate of 0%
tare in Malaysia. The planting cost per hectare in Malaysia is RM918 (USD219) and RM228,946 (USD54,511) with
(USD238) is similar to the planting cost in other developing net benefit RM228,028 (USD54,292). At discounting rate of

Table 3  Costs and benefits of afforestation

Years Total cost Cost per hectare Total benefit (Mil- Benefit per hec- Total net benefit Net benefit per
(Million RM) (RM) lion RM) tare (RM) (Million RM) hectare (RM)

2018 351 3037 383 3320 32 283

NPV at discounting rate of 0%
25 years 931 3918 19,717 83,005 18,786 79,087
50 years 1861 7836 39,434 166,010 37,573 158,174
75 years 2792 11,754 59,151 249,015 56,359 237,261
NPV at discounting rate of 3%
25 years 7981 33,600 657,231 2,766,837 649,250 2,733,236
50 years 15,963 67,201 676,948 2,849,842 660,985 2,782,641
75 years 23,944 100,801 696,665 2,932,847 672,721 2,832,046

Published in partnership with CECCR at King Abdulaziz University 13

414 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

Table 4  Costs and benefits for naturally regenerated forest

Years Total cost Cost per hectare Total benefit (Mil- Benefit per hec- Total net benefit Net benefit per
(Million RM) (RM) lion RM) tare (RM) (Million RM) hectare (RM)

2018 1 37 319 9158 318 9121

NPV at discounting rate of 0%
25 years 30 918 7579 228,946 7549 228,028
50 years 61 1836 15,159 457,892 15,098 456,056
75 years 91 2754 22,738 686,838 22,647 684,084
NPV at discounting rate of 3%
25 years 1013 30,600 252,648 7,631,533 251,635 7,600,933
50 years 2026 61,201 505,295 15,263,067 503,269 15,201,866
75 years 3039 91,801 757,942 22,894,600 754,903 22,802,799

3%, The cost and benefit per hectare after 25 years would be There is no establishment cost for natural regeneration as
RM30,600 (USD7286) and RM7,631,533 (USD1,817,032) the trees regenerated naturally from the dispersal of seeds
with net benefit RM7,600,933 (USD1,809,746). Naturally or from the coppice which are the new shoots growing from
regenerated forest management for 50 years at discounting the stump or roots of the harvested trees. Natural regen-
rate of 0% shows cost and benefit per hectare RM1,836 eration is comparatively cheap for large-scale reforestation
(USD437) and RM457,892 (USD109,022) with net ben- programmes and reforesting remote areas (e.g., mountainous
efit RM456,056 (USD108,585). In addition, natural regen- areas) that are difficult to access. Thus, the benefits from nat-
eration for 50 years at discounting rate of 3%, shows urally regenerated forest are much higher compare to forest
cost and benefit per hectare RM61,201 (USD14,527) conservation and afforestation. Natural regeneration is rec-
and RM15,263,067 (USD3,634,064) with net benefit ognized as a cost-effective forest restoration method that can
RM15,201,866 (USD3,619,492). Finally, the continuous restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in areas of inter-
forest management practice by enhancing natural regenera- mediate levels of degradation, while also providing income
tion for 75 years at a discounting rate of 0% shows the aver- for rural livelihoods (Ma et al. 2014). Strassburg et al. (2016)
age cost and benefit RM2,754 (USD656) and RM686,838 reported higher long-term biomass accumulation in natu-
(USD163,533) per hectare with net benefit RM684,084 ral regeneration which ultimately helps to increase carbon
(USD162,877). By considering at discounting rate of sequestration as well as climate change mitigation.
3%, natural regeneration for 75 years shows the cost and
benefit of RM91,801 (USD21,857) and RM22,894,600 3.5 Comparative Analysis of Cost–Benefit Analysis
(USD5,451,095) per hectare with net benefit RM22,802,799 of the Mitigation Measures
(USD5,429,238). The costs and benefits by considering a
discount rate of 3% are higher than the costs and benefits This study compares the cost-effectiveness of the mitigation
estimated at the discount rate of 0% due to the variable cost measures based on the net-benefit per hectare (USD) and the
and variable benefits. benefit–cost ratio. Table 5 presents a comparison among the

Table 5  Comparison among the Years Forest conservation Afforestation Natural regeneration
mitigation measures
Discount rate Discount rate Discount rate
0% 3% 0% 3% 0% 3%

Comparison based on the net-benefit per hectare (USD)

25 years 54,339 1,109,316 18,830 650,770 54,292 1,809,746
50 years 86,967 2,196,921 37,660 662,534 108,585 3,619,492
75 years 119,595 3,284,526 56,491 674,297 162,877 5,429,238
Comparison based on the benefit–cost ratio
25 years 317 195 21 82 249 249
50 years 254 193 21 42 249 249
75 years 233 192 21 29 249 249

13 Published in partnership with CECCR at King Abdulaziz University

Cost–Benefit Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the Forestry Sector of Peninsular… 415

cost-effectiveness of forest conservation, afforestation and ratio of forest conservation and afforestation decrease over
natural regeneration. By considering the discount rate of the years. Furthermore, compared to afforestation, natural
0% for 25 years, the net benefit of forest conservation and regeneration offers some financial advantages as the costs
natural regeneration is almost three times higher than the net associated with seed collection, nursery setting, raising,
benefit from afforestation while by considering the discount and planting seedlings are eliminated or reduced (Belem
rate of 3% for 25 years, the net benefit of forest conservation et al. 2017). Natural regeneration is more cost-effective
is almost two times higher and natural regeneration is nearly than afforestation which can benefit biodiversity conser-
three times higher compare to afforestation. In addition, at vation alongside carbon sequestration. Evans et al. (2015)
the discount rate of 0% for 50 and 75 years, the net benefit found the average minimum carbon price required to make
of forest conservation is almost two times higher and natural assisted natural regeneration viable is 60% lower than what
regeneration is nearly three times higher than the net benefit is required to make afforestation viable (USD65.8 ­tCO2eq
from afforestation. Moreover, by considering the discount compared to USD108.8 ­tCO2eq). In addition, monoculture
rate of 3% for 50 years, forest conservation is almost three tree plantations like afforestation have low resilience as the
times more beneficial and natural regeneration is nearly five risk of susceptibility to plant disease increases due to the low
times more beneficial compare to afforestation. Furthermore, genetic diversity (Liu et al. 2018).
at the discount rate of 3% for 75 years, the net benefit of
forest conservation is almost five times higher and natural 3.6 GHG Emissions Projection and the Potential
regeneration is nearly eight times higher than the net benefit of Mitigation Measures in the Forestry Sector
from afforestation. The outcomes of the present study are in of Malaysia
line with Ma et al. (2020) who reported that the net benefit
of forest conservation in China is highest while afforestation Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and
provides the lowest net benefit. LULUCF sector in Malaysia helps to reduce emissions
Moreover, the benefit–cost ratio for forest conservation through carbon sequestration which keeps a crucial role in
shows higher at the initial stage which decreases over time as reducing the negative impacts of climate change. Based on
the benefits from timber and forest carbon remain fixed. The the data regarding GHG inventory in Malaysia from 1990
CBA outcomes indicate that afforestation is less cost-effec- to 2016 (MNRE 2020), this study projects the GHG emis-
tive compare to both forest conservation and natural regen- sions scenario and the potential of AFOLU—LULUCF
eration. The benefit–cost ratio for afforestation decreases sector to mitigate climate change by reducing emissions
over the time after the first rotation (25 years) due to the loss through carbon sequestration in Malaysia. Table 6 presents
of carbon every time when the harvesting operation occurred the national GHG inventory in Malaysia along with the
in the plantation area. The cost for planting trees each time future projection of total GHG emissions, carbon sink by
after harvesting to continue afforestation is another reason AFOLU—LULUCF, net total emissions (after subtract-
behind the reduction of benefit–cost ratio over the years. ing sink), and the percentage of total emission reduc-
The benefit–cost ratio of implementing natural regeneration tion by AFOLU—LULUCF sector. Table 6 shows that
remain constant for any duration, where the benefit–cost AFOLU—LULUCF sector absorbs a gigantic amount of

Table 6  GHG emissions Year Total GHG Sink by AFOLU— Net total emissions Emissions reduction by
scenario and the potential of emissions LULUCF (Gg ­CO2eq) (Gg ­CO2eq) AFOLU—LULUCF (%)
AFOLU—LULUCF sector to (Gg ­CO2eq)
reduce emission through carbon
sink in Malaysia 1990 90,103 95,728 − 5624 106.24
1995 123,071 206,705 − 83,634 167.96
2000 180,749 180,945 − 197 100.11
2005 246,683 197,933 48,750 80.24
2010 279,340 234,680 44,660 84.01
2014 314,310 263,831 50,479 83.93
2016 334,635 241,345 75,488 72.12
2018 355,574 262,054 93,521 73.70
2020 377,740 282,762 94,977 74.86
2030 475,279 322,051 153,228 67.76
2040 572,819 361,340 211,479 63.08
2050 670,358 400,629 269,730 59.76

Published in partnership with CECCR at King Abdulaziz University 13

416 A. Raihan, M. N. M. Said

GHG emission which indicates a huge potential for future Malaysia has a huge scope to strengthen the climate change
climate change mitigation by implementing cost-effective mitigation potential through the vast implementation of for-
mitigation measures in the forestry sector of Malaysia. estry-based mitigation measures since Ismariah and Fadli
According to IPCC (2019), all assessed modeled pathways (2007) reported that the rate of forest carbon sequestration in
that limit warming to 1.5 °C or well below 2 °C require Malaysia is relatively high due to the rapid growth of plants.
land-based mitigation and land-use change, with most Moreover, climate change mitigation actions are already
including different combinations of reforestation, affores- being mainstreamed into Malaysian national development to
tation, reduced deforestation, and bioenergy. realize adaptation and mitigation co-benefits from all sec-
Furthermore, Table 6 reveals that total GHG emissions tors of the economy. Enhanced efforts have been taken by
in 2018 for whole Malaysia is 355,574 Gg (gigagram) of Malaysia to mainstream mitigation actions into its develop-
­CO2eq whereas the present study found that the forest con- ment through the development and implementation of poli-
servation area in Peninsular Malaysia absorbed approxi- cies, plans and programs that have mitigation co-benefits
mately 29,967 Gg of C ­ O2 in 2018 which is nearly 9% of the which at the same time meets the development needs of the
total GHG emissions. Hence, forest conservation in Penin- country. For example, one of the main thrusts in the Elev-
sular Malaysia indicates an enormous potential to reduce enth Malaysia Plan (2016–2020) is ‘Pursuing Green Growth
the national GHG emissions. In addition, this study found for Sustainability and Resilience’. Along with other tropical
that forest plantations in Peninsular Malaysia sequestrated countries, Malaysia has become the focus of climate change
approximately 3065 Gg of C ­ O2 in 2018 which is 1% of the mitigation for developing countries in REDD + (UNFCCC
total GHG emissions in 2018. Thus, GHG emissions reduc- 2009). Furthermore, Malaysia has benefited from invest-
tion potential in Malaysia can be increased by encouraging ments in GHG emissions reduction projects through par-
national and private afforestation program. Moreover, natu- ticipation in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
rally regenerated forests in Peninsular Malaysia absorbed under the Kyoto Protocol. Following the ratification of the
approximately 925 kt of C ­ O2 in 2018. Emission reduction Kyoto Protocol, Malaysia established a national strategy
contribution by naturally regenerated forests is lower than on CDM which considered both the short-term and long-
forest conservation and afforestation due to the smaller area term perspectives of the country’s position about climate
of naturally regenerated forests in Peninsular Malaysia. change mitigation measures. Through participation in the
Nevertheless, the present study found natural regenera- CDM Malaysia benefited from investments in GHG emis-
tion more beneficial over forest conservation as there is an sion reduction projects which have contributed towards the
annual increment of economic value from timber produc- overall improvement of the environment in line with its
tion and biomass carbon with the same low maintenance sustainable development goals. Up to the end of the first
cost. Hereafter, natural regeneration is the most cost-effec- Kyoto commitment period (­ 31st December 2012), the CDM
tive mitigation measure considering the long-term benefit. projects in Malaysia yielded 23.95 million tons ­CO2eq emis-
Natural regeneration of forests is widely considered to be sions reduction (MNRE 2018).
the most cost-effective approach for carbon sequestration, Furthermore, Malaysia is consistently maintaining more
recovering biodiversity, ecological processes, and ecosystem than 50% of its landmass as forest which includes perma-
services, particularly in tropical regions. Thus, this study nent reserved forests, state land forests and protected areas
suggests reducing emissions by enhancing natural regenera- (MNRE2018). Malaysia has launched Peninsular Malaysia
tion in Peninsular Malaysia. Naturally regenerated forests in Forestry Policy 2020 on the International Day of Forests
Malaysia are currently being managed through a selective 2021. It is an inclusive policy that considers the interests of
management system with minimum maintenance cost and Peninsular Malaysia towards achieving sustainable devel-
maximum economic benefits. Therefore, natural regenera- opment as well as sustainable forest management. Based
tion could be a cost-effective method for sustainable forest on the Forestry Policy 2020, special focus will be given to
management in Malaysia. the greening Malaysia agenda to enhance forest conserva-
However, Austin et al (2020) projected that avoiding tion through tree planting, rehabilitation, and restoration of
deforestation through forest protection and conservation degraded forest areas, in collaboration with state govern-
results globally in average annual mitigation of 0.3–1.8 ments under the 12th Malaysia Plan. Malaysian forestry
­GtCO2 ­yr−1 over 2025–2055, while afforestation and refor- policy 2020 also encourages private investment in forest
estation results in 0.1–2.6 ­GtCO2 ­yr−1 and forest manage- development through the establishment of private forest
ment including changes in harvest rotations (natural regen- plantation area. Actual implementing of National Forestry
eration) results in 0.2–1.6 ­GtCO2 ­yr−1. However, managing Policy indicates a huge potential of the forestry sector to
forests to increase carbon sequestration or reduce carbon make Malaysia an emission-free country by increasing
emissions have been considered effective ways to tackle cli- the national carbon sink through forestry-based mitigation
mate change in many countries and regions (Xu et al. 2018). measures.

13 Published in partnership with CECCR at King Abdulaziz University

Cost–Benefit Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the Forestry Sector of Peninsular… 417

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