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Jayesh Hemendra Sapkale

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology June 2023
Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation and Control Engineering (CGPA: 8.8 / 10) Pune, Maharashtra
• Relevant Coursework: OOPS using C++ & JAVA, Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, REACT JS, NODE JS, EXPRESS

JS, DBMS: MySql, Machine Learning

Danfoss Jan 2023 – June 2023
Intern Pune, Maharashtra
• Worked and collaborated with the team to e ciently complete projects. Acquired di erent skills in the rmware

department . Learned about rmware of di erent devices Done some design and simulations. Understood the
corporate work culture.
• Worked on C and C++ on platforms like Arduino Uno to implement di erent applications

• Worked on Python on Raspberry Pi to write di erent scripts and to communicate with di erent devices

Clones | HTML, CSS
• First analysed the di erent sites like razorpay, Net ix, Amazon by listing down the components and elements

• Gathered the required images and videos for the site.

• Created exact replicas of the elements using HTML and CSS

• Implemented my front-end web development skills to successfully create the exact front-end design of the above

mentioned sites.
• Implemented di erent web development techniques like: aligning, scaling, using transitions, creating animations

Human Barrier System | Python, Machine Learning, C/C++

• Implemented both hardware and software knowledge to create a successful application.

• Built a module to detect user’s face and trained a module to detect weather a person is wearing a mask or not

• Used some components like: IR sensor, camera and wi module, servo motor, Arduino Uno

With Mask Face Recognition System | Python, Machine Learning, C/C++

• Trained a module to detect face by providing lots of faces data from keggle

• Module Created a template for each face

• Next, Trained my module to detect masks on faces by provinding di erent mask on faces images from keggle

• Merged both the modules and created a new module to detect face with a mask

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, C, C++, Python, MySql
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery
DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, AWS
Concepts: Computer Networks, DataBase, OOPs, Signal and Image Processing, Machine Learning, containerization, load

Extra Curricular
Secretary: Refreshment Committee 2022-2023
Coordinator: Refreshment Committee 2021-2022
Volunteer: Prize Distribution Committee 2020-2021

• Football
• Gaming Pc/Mobile
• Coding

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