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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School Department of
CSTC College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
Lucena City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Research in Daily Life 1
K-12 Curriculum a Study of Senior High School Students in Lucena
TVL- Home Economic


May 2024



In ever-changing cultural landscapes, traditional recipes have been subjected to remarkable

transformations in the way they are presented to different generations. Social development

and merging of cultures make this cherished dish appear differently as values, tastes and ways

of lives change (Smith, 2020). This research paper aims at unraveling the complex dynamism

that exists in people’s perceptions and understanding of the presentation of age-old receipts

over time.

Culinary traditions have long served as a bedrock for cultural identity, handed down from

one generation to another as an evidence of ancestry and heritage conservation (Jones &

Brown, 2018). Nevertheless, globalization and advancement in technology have ushered in a

new era whereby traditional recipes are not only conserved but also adjusted to meet

contemporary taste buds and lifestyles (Lee, 2019). This means that how these receipts are

presented walk through a tightrope between being faithful to tradition and embracing


Long-standing recipes are perceived differently, and this demands a multifaceted approach

that takes individual, societal, and cultural variables into account. For a long time, cultural

anthropologists have accepted that the food is instrumental in shaping identity and social

norms with an emphasis on food ways, cultural heritage and identity formation (Wilson 2017).
Therefore, the way people feel about a dish is greatly affected by the environment in which it

was made; for instance, family traditions, local influences and how media has presented

traditional foods as per Garcia & Freire (2021).

In the whole world, culinary traditions hold deep meanings in communities as ways of

expressing culture, forming identity and enhancing intergenerational connections. The aspect

of transmitting long-established recipes throughout generations serves a crucial part of

intangible cultural heritage that entails collective knowledge, experiences and values within a

given locality or group. This research aims at exploring various dimensions on which

traditional recipes are essential for maintaining cultural identity as well as culinary heritage.

A study by Smith et al (2015) shows how traditional recipes can be used to capture cultural

memory which represents the history, rituals, and social practices of any given society. These

recipes usually develop naturally over time due to variations in environmental conditions;

behaviors held by society and technological inventions while still carrying the same essence

as cultural artifacts that link now with then.

Furthermore, Johnson and Brown (2013), discussed the interpersonal dynamics involved in

how families transmit culinary traditions among themselves. The practice of passing down

recipes from one generation to another has a unifying effect on family members that involves

storytelling, shared experiences, past cultural identity. By orally transmitting these recipes’, an

individual not only acquires cooking skills but also strengthens his bond with his ancestry.

With globalization and the standardization of food culture proving tough, Martinez et al

(2018) discover traditional recipe resilience in the present world. Despite rapid culinary
innovation and commodification of food prevalent in today’s world, many people still use

their kin’s traditional culinary practices as a way of showing their pride and preserving their

cultures as they have always done. Increasing interest in traditional methods of cooking and

local ingredients signifies a recognition that there is value in gastronomic diversity and

cultural authenticity.

The perception on the presentation of time-honored recipes through generations delves into

the enduring legacy of familial culinary traditions. It explores how these recipes, passed down

through the years, serve as a testament to the unifying power of food and the bonds within

families. Each dish not only represents a taste of the past but also carries with it a narrative

that reflects the journey of generations. By preserving and adapting these recipes, we ensure

their continued relevance for future generations. Moreover, the study highlights the

importance of innovation in presenting these time-honored recipes, offering a fresh

perspective while still honoring tradition.

To understand why time-honored recipes are important, it is important for both

policymakers, educators and cultural advocates. Knowing the traditions of cooking that have

been passed down from generation to the next can enable communities to preserve and

promote their intangible cultural heritage. When traditional recipes are written and distributed

it helps keep a local population’s sense of identity and thus a feeling of belonging to the larger

world. It delves into a variety of time-honored recipes that act as a testament to familial bonds

and the unifying power of food passed down through generations. The study not only presents

a selection of dishes that have stood the test of time but also emphasizes the importance of

preserving and adapting these traditional family recipes for future generations. Each recipe
carries a story, and it's this rich narrative that makes these long-standing traditions so vital to

preserve. The study also encourages innovation by adding a unique twist to some beloved

classics, thus marrying tradition with creativity.

Conceptual Framework

The study anchored on the ideas of Cheung (2011). He emphasized the robust family

recipes as one of the intangible cultural heritage values that would probably to be preserved

and passed down to future generations in many countries, Bessière, Timothy, and Ron (2013),

It argues that traditional culinary processes and cuisines of a community reflect the status,

mentalities, heritages recipes and food habits of the current generation and previous

generations. Cuisine as heritage is a mixture of tangible aspects like; ingredients and cooking

utensils together with the intangible elements like; cooking tradition, the visual, smell and

taste components of the food. Jingjing (2011) used attributes of local cuisine, such as flavor,

hygiene, reputation, novelty and cultural meaning in her study, and Batiduan (2016) explored

the skills and competencies of traditional cooks In Iloilo and the heritage conservation of

cooking methods of Ilonggo dishes to protect its identity and cultural value. These studies

collated and analyzed by the researchers to come up with a conceptual framework based on

the purpose of the study. The study is original research wherein the construction of the

premise and direction of the study was carried due to the passion of the researchers to

contribute to a new phenomenon and no reviews made in this dimension. However, various

indicators from some of the previous researches and literature were used to develop the study

owned conceptual framework. Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework designed in this

Conceptual Paradigm


•The researchers will use

The time-honored recipes recording devices to record
that has been preserved the data.
through generations.
•The participants will be - Documentary video
Traditional cooking going to answer the three - Collection of recipes
methods, like slow questions through the - Handbook display
cooking or fermentation, interview. about Perception on
impact the flavor and
•The researchers will the Preservation of
nutritional value of a
analyze the data gathered Time honored Recipes
by the answers of the through Generations
The implications can be participants.
drawn based on the
results of the study.

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm Describing the Perception on the Preservation of Time-

honored Recipes through Generations
The conceptual paradigm outlines a study focused on preserving time-honored recipes

passed down through generations. To achieve this, the researchers will apply qualitative

methodology, such as interviews and questionnaires, in order to gather information about

these recipes from individuals with different cultural backgrounds. They will then analyze the

data with an intention of understanding the importance of these recipes and their ingredients

as well as story behind them. Finally, after all the work has been done, there will be complete

compilation of recipes with narratives that highlight their cultural importance together with
personal details. This collection can be maintained through writing documents or multimedia

presentations or even culinary art showings that depict these customs in order to honor and

promote the richness of our heritage.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the taste the Perception on the preservation of time-honored recipes

through generations to identify and address key issues surrounding the preservation and

promotion of traditional recipes within familial and community contexts.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the time-honored recipes that has been preserved through generations?

2. How do traditional cooking methods, like slow cooking or fermentation, impact the flavor

and nutritional value of a dish?

3. What implications can be drawn based on the results of the study?

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining the perception on the preservation of time-honored

recipes through generations.

To the students: Students will benefit from the study since it will clarify the difficulties they

have while using online recipes. With this newfound understanding, students can better select

recipes, improve their ability to accomplish effective cooking results, and build ways to

overcome these obstacles. Additionally, it can help kids develop their critical thinking and

problem-solving abilities.
To the future bakers: This study will be helpful to bakers in the future since it will let them

choose internet recipes from different baking sites that are tried, true, and tested. Through

shedding light on the difficulties encountered by home economics students, the research can

help aspiring bakers make wise choices and steer clear of possible hazards. Furthermore, the

study can provide future bakers with fresh perspectives and inventive ideas, enabling them to

expand on the skills and information they have already acquired.

To future researchers: Future scholars who wish to expand their studies and carry out more

research in this field might benefit greatly from this work. It might serve as a starting point for

more research into the difficulties home economics students encounter when attempting to

follow recipes obtained online. Additionally, the study may spark fresh perspectives on related

subjects, lead to theories, and motivate creative methods of inquiry.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study examines perception on preservation time-honored recipes at the College of

Sciences, Technology and Communications Inc. in Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines, during

the academic year 2023-2024. It aims to understand the significance of these traditions beyond

mere recipes and their role in preserving cultural identity and fostering familial bonds.

Qualitative research methods, including interviews, observations, and sensory experiences,

will be used to uncover stories, wisdom, and memories within these cherished traditions. The

study's scope is limited to the academic institution and its vicinity, excluding broader cultural

or regional culinary practices.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following words conceptually and/or operationally


Preservation- is the act of saving or protecting something from harm, decay, or loss, often

with the intention of preserving its original condition, integrity, or value. It can refer to

various forms of preservation.

Cultural preservation- The act of preserving cultural artifacts, such as historical buildings,

monuments, or artifacts, to maintain their historical significance and cultural value.

Perception- is the process of interpreting and organizing sensory information from the

environment, which is then used to create a meaningful understanding of the world. It is a

complex and multifaceted process that involves the coordination of various cognitive,

emotional, and physical factors.

Integrity - The state of being complete, unchanged, and authentic. In the context of recipe

preservation, integrity refers to the maintenance of the original recipe's ingredients, methods,

and cultural significance.

Authenticity - The quality of being genuine, original, and true to its origins. In recipe

preservation, authenticity refers to the recipe's history, cultural significance, and adherence to

traditional methods and ingredients.

Tradition - A set of customs, practices, or beliefs that are passed down from one generation

to another. In recipe preservation, tradition refers to the continued use and transmission of

traditional recipes within a family or community.

Cultural significance - The importance or value that a recipe holds within a particular culture

or community. This can include emotional connections, historical significance, or symbolic


Oral tradition - The process of passing down information, including recipes, through verbal

transmission from one generation to another. This can include storytelling, demonstrations,

and hands-on training.



This chapter analyzes time-honored literature and related to the studies that are relevant to

this study, citing authors and sources from books, journals, and electronic references for better


Related Literature

The preservation of time-honored recipes through generations is a subject that has

garnered considerable attention in recent years, reflecting broader concerns about cultural

heritage and identity. According to Zhao et al. (2020), traditional recipes are viewed not

merely as culinary practices but as integral components of cultural heritage that embody the

history, values, and identity of a community. Their study highlights the role of family and

community in maintaining these culinary traditions, emphasizing how recipes are passed

down through oral traditions and communal cooking practices. Similarly, a study by Garcia et

al. (2021) explores the perception of younger generations towards these recipes, finding that

while there is a strong sentimental value attached to traditional dishes, there is also a growing

interest in adapting them to modern tastes and dietary requirements.

This trend is indicative of a dynamic cultural process where preservation and innovation

coexist. Furthermore, research by Kim and Park (2019) discusses the impact of globalization

and digital technology on the preservation of traditional recipes, noting that social media and

online communities play a crucial role in both preserving and transforming these culinary

practices. The digital archiving of recipes and the sharing of cooking experiences online have
made it easier to document and disseminate traditional knowledge, thus ensuring its continuity

in a rapidly changing world. These studies collectively underscore the importance of both

familial transmission and contemporary digital tools in the ongoing preservation of culinary


Hence indigenous food knowledge became a means of asserting cultural identity and a

way to connect people to the natural and the spiritual world. Research has shown that most

indigenous food knowledge has not been passed forward, but rather side-lined as an abstract

historical concept (Du Rand, Booysen & Artkinson, 2016; Mnguni & Giampiccali, 2015;

Fooladi & Hopia, 2013). Only recently have the losses in cultural heritage, such as indigenous

food knowledge garnered academic, governments, businesses, and policy attention (Kalenjuk

et al., 2015). Transmitting this knowledge is one important means of fostering sustainable

livelihoods, ecosystem health and enhanced individual and community capacity to be on the

forefront in providing the unique taste to the locals and international visitors.

Local food traditions play a central role in society, as they represent a valuable part of

people’s culture, strongly rooted in their memories. Preserving them by transferring

knowledge from older to younger generations, is fundamental for maintaining the identity of

the community and the local culture. However, the involvement of younger generations in this

transgenerational knowledge transfer process is often difficult, for several reasons, such as:

the distances between the orientations and values of young people, from those of older

generations, which limit dialogue and the tech-savviness of younger generations, that leads

them to spend most of their time on the Internet and social media, thus detaching themselves

from community engagement activities, as discussed in several studies.

The Fusion of Time-Honored Practices and Rituals in the Crafting of Maguindanaon

Indigenous Delicacies"(Menson-Makalingkang & Pendi 2024) aligns with this topic because,

both emphasize the importance of preserving and celebrating culinary traditions that have

been passed down through generations. In both cases, there is a focus on the significance of

traditional recipes and the rituals involved in their preparation. The Maguindanaon Indigenous

Delicacies highlighted in the literature represent a specific example of time-honored recipes

deeply rooted in cultural heritage, while the proposed topic title broadens the scope to include

various culinary traditions passed down through generations.

Related Studies

In the study of Chloe (2024), it is simple to undervalue the importance of traditional

recipes in today's fast-paced world, when fusion cuisines and new food trends rule the

culinary landscape. These traditional recipes, handed down through the ages, contribute

significantly to the preservation of our culinary legacy in addition to providing a flavor of the

past. Traditional recipes consist of more than just a list of ingredients and directions for

cooking. They serve as a window into the past, present, and identity of a community. Every

meal has a backstory and carries memories and customs from their ancestors. They make sure

that the cultural legacy is alive and well by conserving these recipes.

The potential of traditional recipes to help us stay connected to the roots is one of the

main reasons they are so significant. Filipino live in a more globalized society where it is

simple to forget about the cultural roots. Customary recipes help them to stay connected to the

past, keep in touch with the heritage, and preserve our sense of self. These foods offer a

concrete link to their history, whether they are family recipes that have been passed down
through the years or a centuries-old local delicacy. Moreover, historic recipes provide an

insight into the methods and culinary traditions that have influenced their culture of eating.

They shed light on the components, preparation techniques, and taste combinations that have

endured across time. Filipino may learn from the experience of their forefathers and develop a

more profound grasp of their gastronomic history by examining and conserving these recipes.

By nature, Filipinos enjoy a wide range of cuisine, including both traditional and sweet

local specialties. Every Filipino Island in the archipelago has carefully crafted regional

cuisine, which represents the warmth and intimacy of all Filipinos. Additionally, the fact that

Filipinos are well-known throughout the world for eating three to five times a day indicates

that Pinoys are food obsessed. Filipino Food is exciting and amazing, yet each Filipino dish

has its own distinct flavor that is full of deliciousness. For example, Ajuy, other neighborhood

eateries, and food carts are ubiquitous. In addition, regional sellers serve delicious food on the

streets or in the markets.

In the Philippines, there are about 120 distinct ethnic groups and major communities.

As a result, several ethnic groups—Tagalog, Ilocano, Pampango, Pangasinan, and Visayan

lowlanders—display their culinary techniques. However, the Chinese invasion brought with

them "pansit," or noodles; "lumpia," or vegetables rolled in edible wrappers; and "siomai," or

dumplings. The Spanish, on the other hand, produced food for a wealthy and non-food

producing class and a portion of it for which many of the components were unavailable

locally. Subsequently, French, Italian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese

cuisines were spread throughout the archipelago.

Food is not just sustenance it is a reflection of culture, history, and identity. Traditional

recipes, passed down through generations, play a vital role in preserving culinary heritage.

These recipes are more than just instructions for preparing a meal; they are a connection to

ancestors and a way to honor their traditions. Preserving traditional recipes is essential for

several reasons. Firstly, it allows for the maintenance of a link to cultural roots. As societies

become more globalized, traditional recipes can easily be forgotten or replaced by more

convenient and modern alternatives. By preserving these recipes, culinary heritage remains

intact, ensuring that future generations can experience the flavors and techniques that have

been passed down for centuries.

Furthermore, traditional recipes provide a sense of continuity and belonging. Cooking a

dish that has been in a family for generations means participating in a shared history. It is a

way to connect with ancestors and feel a sense of pride in one's heritage. These recipes

become a part of family traditions, creating lasting memories and a sense of belonging.

Preserving traditional recipes also allows for the appreciation of the craftsmanship and artistry

that goes into creating a dish. Many traditional recipes have been perfected over generations,

with each cook adding their own touch and expertise. By following these recipes, one can

learn from the wisdom and experience of those who came before. It is a way to honor their

skills and dedication to their craft. (Choloe, 2024)



This chapter presents the research methodology which includes research design, research

locale that you can see the map, research participants, research instrument data gathering

procedure, and lastly ethical consideration.

Research Design

This qualitative study will adopt to the phenomenological method because it offers a

deep exploration of individuals’ subjective experiences, allowing for a nuanced

understanding preserving time-honored recipes (Husserl, E. 2022). It will probe into the

thoughts of the elders about the preservation of time-honored recipes. The research design

will include in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with purposively selected

sample of elders near CSTC.

Research Locale

Figure 3.1: Map of Lucena city

This study will be conducted at the Lucena City. Because it is the perfect place to

study the perception on the preservation of time-honored recipes through generations.

Research Participants

The research will consist of elders in Lucena City, and who were selected through

purposive sampling that involves researcher’s judgment in identifying and selecting

individuals, cases or events that would provide the best information to realize the

objectives of this study (Nikolopoulo, 2023). Participants are recruited based on specific

criteria relevant to this study which include their thoughts on preservation of time-honored

recipes and their willingness to participate in research. The researchers believe that these

participants would be enough to provide sufficient and essential information to answer the

questions raised in this study.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use semi- structured interviews to get the information requirements

for this study. The researchers will also give consent forms to the respondents, and then

will interview the participants who agreed to be part of this study. The researcher explains

to the respondents the importance of their response to the study. The researcher clarifies

some terms so that the respondents can answer the questions with full knowledge of their

responsibility as the subject of the study. (1) The time honored recipes that has been

preserve through questioner. (2) Traditional cooking or fermentation, in fact impact the

flavor and nutritional value of a dish

Data gathering procedure

A letter of request to conduct the study will be prepared and the researcher they will

conducts the research in Lucena City. The researchers constructed a questionnaire

checklist, validated by the professor of the subject then the questionnaire checklists are

distributed. After the researcher-made questionnaire was validated, the researcher

multiplied it to the number of copies sufficient to accommodate all the respondents. It was

during the delivery of the letter and of the copies of the instrument that the researcher

explained the details to help the respondents accomplish the questionnaires. The

questionnaires were retrieved on the same day when they were answered. The results of

the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were tabulated. Then, the data were analyzed and

interpreted through the use of the most appropriate statistical procedures.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will firstly ask for permission to the respondents before conducting a

research. They will not force the respondents to answer in questionnaire and make sure

that all the personal information of the respondents is confidential. Providing participants

with the freedom to openly express their experiences, viewpoints, and emotions, without

being confined by predetermined questions.


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