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Grade 5 Fareme End Of Month Test

1.Most religions believe that the earth and everything in it were created by _____________ A). God B).
Ancestors C).Spirits D).scientist

2. Mother, father and their children make a ___________ family A) Extended B).nuclear C). child
headed D). One parent

3. People who share the same totem have the same ____________ A). me B). father C). animal D).

4. Families should stay connected for much needed_____________ A) support and protection B).
Resources C).culture D). ancestors.

5. When people of different tribes, races or religions marry, this is called_____________ A). remarriage
B). marriage ceremony C) Intermarriage

6. A girl was carried by a young man to is homestead without her approval. In indigenous culture , this
method of marrying is called_________ A). Kuganha B). kutizira C). musengabere D). kukumbira

7. People living in the same community share the same ________ A) Clothes B) house C) resources
D) drink

8. In indigenous culture families would gather for a nhimbe or humure to _________ A) drink water
B) skin an animal C) weed D) drink beer

9. When attending funerals, communities give each their ___________ support A) emotional B)
biological C) physical D moral

10. who kneels while greeting in-laws to show respect A) son-in-law B) grandmother C)
elders D) none

11. It is a cultural value for children to remember and give -------------- to their parents and communities
A) worship B) support C) forgetfulness D) no attention

12. Your mothers sister is your ___________ a) Cousin B) aunt C) mother D) sister

13. In Judaism _________ are arranged by families of the bride and groom A) ceremonies B) marriages
C) gatherings D) couples

14. Moslems believe that what marries are not individuals but __________ A) families B) churches
C) religions D) grooms

15. It is the __________ of the whole community to care for the elderly, sick and disadvantaged A)
responsibility B) choice C) chance D) force
16. The following can be causes of people to migrate except A) drought B) floods C) poor living D)

17. Religion is the belief and worship of a __________ a) god b) tree c) cow d) church

18. Which religion is practiced by indigenous people in Zimbabwe? a) Islam b) Judhaism c) Christianity
d) Indigenous Religion

19. Who among these communicates with the ancestors on behalf of the living people

/ a) prophets b) spirit Mediums c) pastors d) mermaids

20. Who taught the beatitudes? a) Jesus b) Paul c) Peter d) Mohammed

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