IEP-HSE-GWI-17-008 - Office - Workplace Material Storage Safety

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Work Instruction

Office/Workplace Materials Storage Safety


Designation Signature

Prepared By QHSE Manager

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1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Definitions

4. Reference

5. Responsibilities for Application

6. Procedures

To establish guidelines and awareness of personnel in storing materials and
items in the offices and workplace storage areas safely (except

Issue/Revision: Page 4 of 6 Issue Date:

For the specific guidelines and procedures in Stores / Warehouse material
storage, refer to IMP-10 Store Procedures

This procedure applies to all HCOM offices and workplace storage including
workshops, stores and project sites offices.


4.1 Federal Law No. (8) of 1980 Regulations of Labor Relations
4.2 Ministerial Order No. (32) of 1982 Determination of the Ways and Means to
Protect Employees Against Occupational Hazards
4.3 HCOM-QHSE-G-17-006 Identification & Evaluation of HSE
Aspects & Hazards
4.4 HSEP-4.3.2-01 Legal and Other Requirements Identification
4.5 IMP-07 Competence, Training and Awareness
4.6 IMP-10 Store Procedures
4.7 IMP-16 QHSE Management System Roles, Responsibilities,
Accountabilities and Authorities


5.1 QHSE Management Representative

To ensure that this work instruction is developed, maintained and updated

whenever required and that it is available to all the relevant personnel.

5.2 HCOM Personnel

To execute the provisions stated on this work instruction.

5.3 QHSE Department

To perform review on the effectiveness of the implementation of this work


To conduct relevant trainings for safe storage of office materials;

Ensure the provisions on this work instruction are followed.

1. Introduction

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Office/workplace materials that are improperly stored can lead to objects falling
on workers, poor visibility and can create a fire hazard. A good housekeeping
program will reduce or eliminate hazards associated with improper storage of
materials. Examples of improper storage include - disorderly piling, piling
materials too high, and obstructing doors, aisles, fire exits and fire fighting

2. Instructions

The following are good storage practices that should be followed:

a. Boxes, papers and other materials should not be stored on top of lockers or
file cabinets because they can cause landslide problems. Boxes and cartons
should all be of uniform size in any pile or stack. Always stack material in
such a way that will not fall over.

b. Store heavy objects on lower shelves.

c. Try to store materials inside cabinets, files, and lockers.

d. Office equipment such as computers, index files, lights or calculators should

not be placed on the edges of a desk, filing cabinet or table.

e. Aisles, corners and passageways must remain unobstructed. There should

be no stacking of materials in these areas.

f. Storage areas should be designated and used only for that purpose. Store
items in a way you will not reach across to retrieve them.

g. Fire equipment, extinguishers, fire door exits, and sprinkler heads should
remain unobstructed. Materials should be at least 18 inches minimum away
from sprinkler heads.

h. Minimize storage on the working table. Keep materials on the working table
which are actively use d or needed for the work only.

i. Do not store materials on electrical room or near the electrical panel.

j. Do not store flammable materials near electrical equipment such as copiers,

work station, coffee makers, etc.

Issue/Revision: Page 6 of 6 Issue Date:

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