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WHEREAS, Section 16. General Welfare. - Every local government unit shall exercise the
powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied there from, as well as powers necessary,
appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are
essential to the promotion of the general welfare. Within their respective territorial jurisdictions,
local government units shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and
enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced
ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social
justice, promote full employment among their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve
the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants.

WHEREAS, Section 17. Basic Services and Facilities - Local Government Units shall endeavor
to be self-reliant and shall continue exercising the powers and discharging the duties and
functions currently vested upon them. They shall also discharge the functions and
responsibilities of national agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code. Local
government units shall likewise exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions
and responsibilities as are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and effective
provision of the basic services and facilities enumerated herein. (b) Such basic services and
facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

(v) Maintenance of Barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems

WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) issued DILG MC No.
2024-053, which outlines the guidelines for the nationwide implementation of Barangay Road
Clearing Operations, Assessment, Validation, and Recognition under the Bagong Pilipinas

WHEREAS, under section of DILG-MC 2024-053, all Sangguniang Barangay Members
and other elected functionaries are directed to actively join their respective Punong Barangays
during the conduct of Barangay Road Clearing Operations (BaRCO).

WHEREAS, Punong Barangay _______________ issued Executive Order No. _____ series of
2024 constituting the Barangay Task Force Against Road Obstruction (BTFARO).

WHEREAS, Section ____ of the said Executive Order No.____ series of 2024 enumerated the
general duties of the BTFARO, which includes the following:

(2) Formulate and implement Barangay Road Clearing Action Plan;

(3) Implement Barangay Road Clearing Operations related ordinances and issuances

WHEREAS, the members of the BTFARO reviewed and unanimously approved the attached
Barangay Road Clearing Action Plan.
Now, THEREFORE, be it resolved as it is hereby resolved to approve by the Sangguniang
Barangay this resolution approving the Barangay Road Clearing Action Plan______________
RESOLVED FURTHER, to provide copies of this resolution and the approved Barangay Road
Clearing Action Plan to the Department of the Interior and Local Government- Manila Field
Office, Manil Barangay Bureau, Manila Department of Engineering and Public Works, and other
concerned offices for reference.
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing resolution which was duly approved by
the Sangguniang Barangay during its regular session held on___________________.

Barangay Secretary

Attested and Certified to be duly adopted:

Punong Barangay/Presiding Officer

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