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Wise Gems

• Shaikh al-Ubailaan said, “… and this methodology which the scholars,

may Allaah have mercy on them, have determined [concerning hadith]
and [also] which the people of knowledge are upon concerning hadith is
what the Ameerul-Mu’mineen in hadith of this age [i.e., al-Albaani] is
upon, for he is the reviver of [both] the Science of Hadith and the Sunnah
in this time—as the scholars of this age have stated openly—yet he did
not bring anything new [i.e., unfounded], additionally he didn’t accept
being a blind follower of anyone else in a field of knowledge to which he
had devoted the majority of his life, and Allaah granted him things in that
field which He didn’t grant others, and his goal in it was to aid the
Sunnah, he didn’t busy himself with it in order to make a particular
madhhab triumph, or to seek the dunyaa, in fact, he split with his father
when his father gave him the choice to agree with him in something he
was opposing the Sunnah in or to part ways, so he chose to part ways,
saying to his father, ‘Give me three days in which I can seek Allaah’s
Guidance in this matter [istikhaarah],’—and at that time he had no
worldly possessions, Shaikh [al-Albaani] told me this himself, may
Allaah grant him a place in the highest Firdous and raise his rank among
the rightly guided. So the Shaikh spent his entire life in this struggle, he
didn’t seek knowledge in order to live in the lap of luxury, or to gain fame
and the people’s praise—rather his concern was to spread the Sunnah,
whoever was pleased with that then so be it and whoever raged against it,
then so be it. And our Shaikh, the Abstemious, the ’Allaamah, the
Haafidh, Abdullah ibn Muhammad ad-Daweesh, may Allaah have mercy
on him, spoke the truth when he said about Shaikh al-Albaani, ‘For
centuries no one has come forth in the Science of Hadith like Shaikh
Naasir in the copiousness of his works, and his precision in checking.’
And no-one recognises the merit of the people of excellence apart from
[other] people of excellence, yet despite that we do not claim that the
Shaikh couldn’t make a mistake when declaring something to be
authentic or weak, this wasn’t the case and nor will it be with others. At
the same time we do not accept and nor are we pleased with his
reputation being tarnished, for attacking him and others like him is to
attack the Sunnah, and the claim that his methodology opposes that of the
earlier hadith scholars is a disparagement of the Shaikh, no-one who can
grasp the results of making such a statement on the Sunnah and its people
in this time and after it would say such a thing.”
• Al-Albaani: “Those who busy themselves with the hadiths of the Prophet
‫ﷺ‬, it is as though they are living with him.”
• That I act upon what I know as much as I am able to. That I don’t look at
what other people have. And that I don’t say something I will have to
make an excuse for tomorrow.

• From ʿĀʾishah, from the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, “Three things I swear to: Allāh does
not hold a person who has a share in Islām to be like the one who doesn’t
have a share—and the shares of Islām are three: fasting, the prayer and
giving in charity. Allāh does not protect [/become an ally to] a servant in
this world and then abandon him to someone else on the Day of
Resurrection. And a man does not love a people except that he will come
with them on the Day of Resurrection. And [then] a fourth [thing]—and if
I swear to it I do not fear that I will have sinned: Allāh does not conceal a
person’s faults in this world except that He will conceal them in the
Hereafter.” [Aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥah, no. 1387]
• And Jaabir ibn Abdullaah said, “The Messenger of Allaah ‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
made supplication in this mosque, the Mosque of Victory (Masjid al-Fath
in Medinah), on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and his supplication
was answered for him between the two prayers (of Dhuhr and Asr) on
Wednesday.” Jaabir said, “Whenever anything severe and serious befell
me and I singled out that time and made supplication to Allaah
concerning it between the two prayers on Wednesday, I found the
answer.” [Hasan, Saheeh Al-Adabul-Mufrad, no. 704]

“Toobaa for Those Who Saw Me …”

[‘Toobaa’ refers to all kinds of happiness and the name of a tree in Paradise
whose width is a hundred years, and the clothes of the people of Paradise are
taken from its bark, see Surah Ra’d 13:29 and As-Saheehah 1985.]
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Toobaa—once—for whoever saw me and believed in me, and Toobaa—seven
times over—for whoever didn’t see me but believed in me.”
And he ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Toobaa for whoever saw me and believed in me. And Toobaa, and Toobaa
[once again], and Toobaa [once again] for whoever believed in me without
seeing me.”
And he ‫ ﷺ‬said:
“Toobaa for whoever saw me and believed in me. And Toobaa for whoever saw
those who saw me. And [Toobaa for] whoever saw those who saw those who
saw me and believed in me—Toobaa for them and a most excellent [place to]
return [to].” [As-Saheehah, nos. 1241 and 1254]

“Be Gentle, and Gentleness Shall be Rendered to

َ‫إِ ْس َم ْح يُ ْس َم ْح لَك‬
“Be gentle/forgiving, and gentleness/forgiveness shall be rendered to you.”
[Saheeh | As-Saheehah | 1456]
Reported from Ibn ’Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, in marfoo’ form.
Explaining it, al-Manawi said in al-Faid, “Deal with Allaah’s creation who are
[all] dependent on Him and are His slaves with gentleness and ease, and their
Lord will render the same to you in this world and the Hereafter.” [Faid al-
Qadir, vol. 1, p. 512]

A Forgotten Sunnah: Two Units of Prayer After an

From Abu Hurairah, may Allaah be pleased with him, in marfoo’ form, “The
expiation for every argument/dispute is two units of prayer.”

“If Allaah Were to Seize Me …”

“Mention of the Statement Concerning Abandoning Reliance Upon Acts of
Obedience Even if the Man is One Who Strives in Doing Good Deeds.

Muhammad ibn Ishaaq ibn Ibraheem, the mawlaa of Thaqif, narrated to us:
Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Abaan narrated to us: Hussain ibn Alee Al-Ju’fee
narrated to us: from Fudail ibn Iyaad: from Haashim: from Muhammad: from
Aboo Hurayrah who said, “Allaah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬said: If Allaah were to seize
me—and the Son of Mary—because of what these two have earned [i.e., the
thumb and the one next to it] He would punish us and He would not have
oppressed us at all.””[Authentic ∣ Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, no. 656]
“In another narration Aboo Hurayrah reported that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said:

“If Allaah were to seize me—and Jesus—for our sins He would punish us, and
He would not have oppressed us at all.””[Authentic ∣ Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, no.
From Anas, “When he ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬would strive in supplicating for someone
he would say:

‫ لَ ْيسُ ْوا بِأَثَ َمة َو َل فُجَّار‬،‫ار‬

َ ‫ص ْو ُم ْونَ ا ْلنَّ َه‬
ُ َ‫ يَقُ ْو ُم ْونَ ا ْللَّ ْي َل َوي‬،‫ص ََلةَ قَ ْوم أَب َْرار‬
َ ‫علَ ْيكُ ْم‬
َ ُ‫َجعَ َل هللا‬
Jaʿalallāhu ʿalaikum ṣalāta qowmin abrār, yaqūmūnal-laila wa yaṣūmūna-nahāra
laisū bi athamatin wa lā fujjār

‘May Allaah cause to be over you the prayers of a righteous people who stand
[in prayer] at night and fast during the day, and who are neither sinners nor
wicked evil-doers.’”
Seeking Refuge from The Fire and Asking for Paradise Seven Times a Day

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