Event Planning Matrix - 240404

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Event Planning Matrix

version Element>> General Attendees Venue Staging Production
Phase Product Managing Marketing Catering Equipment Thematics Talent Conduct Operation Staffing
Initiate Brief
Develop Plan
AOR Report

Event Planning Considerations

Initiate Conduct
Objective: purpose, outcome Operation: ticketing/invitations, receive attendees, deliver content
Funding: budget, costs, revenue Re-supply: consumables, waste management, amenities
Develop Security: safety, first aid, emergency plans, assembly areas
Communications: rules, test, PACE (primary, alternative, contingency, emergency
Planning: theming, design, suppliers, risk
means of communication).
Access, traffic, public transport, pedestrians, suppliers
Day-play/Run-sheet: prepare, update, publish
Activation: contracts, delivery timetable, activity plan, run sheets
Bump-in Bump-out
Marshalling: activate suppliers, mobilise crews, deployment traffic mgt
Suppliers: delivery/mobilization
Runsheet: who, where, when, why; publish
Marshalling: arrival, parking, delivery receiving, unloading,
Run-sheet: timing and location all players Review
Establish: deployment, erection Results, operation logs, attendee information: complaints, comments, actions.
Staging: commissioning testing, rehearsal

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Event Planning Matrix
Event Elements Event communications protocol
Events are complex undertakings. A general communications protocol might
Elements are the general logical divisions of the event into its major be useful for all reports to the event manager/producer/coordinator: the
constituting components, for example: person in charge on the day.
General A format for communications that might provide useful structure is ‘SMEACS’
Managing: the general oversight and organization of the total lifespan of the
event from initial idea to completion and after operations review (AOR). Any briefing, oral or written, in this protocol consists of, however brief or
Attendees detailed:
Marketing: Why the event is wanted, who is the audience/market demographic, Situation in question
location, interest, expectations, ticketing, promotions, advertising.
Catering: Food and drink availability, supply. Mission to be accomplished (what we are doing right now, or plan)
Venue Execution, or what we need to do right now or next
Equipment: any particular equipment required for staging and operation of the
event, usually included in the venue, but may be hired in specially. Administration: any equipment or organization needed to conduct the
Infrastructure: special facilities to enable the event to operate physically, e.g., execution of action
additional power control, PA, projection, booths and other fittings.
General suitability, location and capacity of the venue, including access and Control: anything the Event Manager needs to specifically do or authorise to
security are baseline considerations. be done.
Staging Safety: any safety implications or threats to staff, attendees, performers, etc.
Thematics: event theming, production design for the venue
Talent: any special contribution by performers, compere, green room, dressing
Conduct: stage management, performance programming
Operations: the general operation of the event from attendee ticketing to arrival,
movement, participation, use of facilities, emergency management.
Staffing: hire of specialist staff for production management, ushers, marshals,
retail staff, janitorial staff

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Event Planning Matrix
Example of the planning grid in use
The grid structures planning by identifying actions for the event in terms of the event ‘element’ and the phase of event delivery (partial below).

The Planning Considerations above provide an example as to how event elements might be decomposed to form the basis of planning specific actions.

Version Element
General Attendees Venue Staging Production
Managing Marketing Catering Equipment Thematics Talent Conduct Operation Staffing
Phase Product structure
Develop Menu/budge Develop
Funding Budget
Budget Channels? Contractor Staffing No of comps.
Determine Align
Sponsor- Sponsor Theming, sponsorship Possible
sponsor sponsors
ship plan income team/outsou sponsor?
opportunities with theme
Estimate #,
Estimate Total Sales to
Revenue expected
test ticket
Net revenue
range prices
Purpose Event brief
Objective Event brief defines Demographic
(Event Brief)
Develop RBS - Food safety, Marshalling, Evacuation/
Risk Mgt
Risk Event waste Hazards Training Taste! Availability way-finding, responses;
Plan interactions disposal help desk. authorities
Std Develop -
Contracts legal
PR firm Caterer Hires Staff hire
Theme Design Ref. sponsor Promotion As reqd Structures Performers

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