Analysis Essay of Mohammed Qahtani (The Power of Words)

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In the world of public speaking, nonverbal communication and body language are just as

essential as spoken words. A specific video that exemplifies the effectiveness of nonverbal

communication is Mohammed Qahtani's "The Power of Words." This essay will evaluate

Qahtani's posture, eye contact, and gestures throughout the presentation and how they

contribute to the overall impact of his message.

Qahtani demonstrates a confident and assertive posture when he enters the stage. He stands tall

and holds his shoulders back, conveying a sense of control and authority. This posture

establishes his credibility with the audience and sets the tone for the rest of the speech.

Moreover, he appears fearless and untroubled while presenting.

Qahtani utilizes eye contact as a powerful nonverbal tool in his presentation. He frequently

makes eye contact with members of the audience, making them feel included and engaged in

the speech. This builds trust with the audience, making them more receptive to his message.

Qahtani also incorporates a range of gestures in his presentation, emphasizing his points and

adding depth to his message. He uses his hands to illustrate the actions of his child in the video,

such as writing on walls and staring at him. These gestures make his message more memorable

and increase audience engagement.

In addition, Qahtani employs movement to enhance his message further. He moves around the

stage and changes his position, creating a dynamic and engaging presentation. He also

flawlessly mimics the gestures and expressions of different people. This keeps the audience's

attention and prevents them from becoming bored or disengaged.

In conclusion, Mohammed Qahtani's use of posture, eye contact, gestures, and movement in

his presentation "The Power of Words" enhances the impact of his message. He creates a

powerful and engaging presentation that captures the audience's attention and makes his

message more memorable by utilizing these nonverbal communication tools effectively. This
video illustrates the significance of nonverbal communication in public speaking and how it

can improve the overall effectiveness of a message.

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