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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Prepared by: Al Reymond L. GonzagaBSED IV

Learning Competency: EN9G-Ivf-1: change direct to indirect speech and vice versa


After the class discussion, 90% of the students should be able to:
 Identify direct and indirect speech
 a. construct sentences using direct and indirect speech
b. change direct speech to indirect speech or vice versa
 display cooperation during group activity


Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech
a. References:
 A journey through Anglo-American Literature
 English Expressways

b. Learning Materials:
 Pictures, paintings, strips of cartolina
c. Values Integration:
 Observe proper restating of what other people says
d. Lateral integration:
 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Awareness
A.1 Prayer
“Class please stand up for the prayer (Students will stand up)

“You may now take your seats”

A.2 Checking of Attendance “None, Sir!”

-“Who is absent today?”
A.3 Greetings
- “Good morning class!” “Good morning Sir!”
- “How are you today?” “were all right Sir”
-“That’s good to know”

 Ok so what was our topic last meeting?  Our topic last meeting was all about the Death of
 Very good! a Salesman Sir.
 So what is the story all about?  About a Salesman named Willie who fails to
 Yes, accept the changes happening within himself
and the society around him Sir!

 Definitely!
 Now what is the lesson of the story?  One of the lessons I learned in the story is to
 Very Good! accept the reality and follow your dreams Sir!
 Now let’s move on to our new topic

C. Lesson Proper
B.1. Awareness

 Every day, you encounter situations that  (answers vary)
require you to restate what another person
says. Now have you ever tried restating the
spoken words of a person and then changing
or adding it?
 Now is it good or bad?  Bad Sir!
 Okay, if we restate the spoken words of a
person we must not change nor add it. So  Values education Sir!
what subject can we relate this?
 Very good!
 So I have here a painting of a girl and I want  (student reads the statement)
you to read her statement.
 I need someone to state again her statement  (student states again the statement and
writes the sentence on the board)

 So What made sentence A different from  They have different construction Sir!
sentence B?
 Very Good! Another?  Sentence B has a quotation marks while
sentence A don’t have.
 Okay! Nice idea, another difference?  Sentence A is repeating the words spoken
while sentence B is reporting the words
 Exactly! Sentence A quotes the exact words spoken Sir!
spoken, while sentence B is reporting the
words spoken or talking about the past.
 What is their similarity?  They still share the same information Sir!
 Very Good!
 Now what do you think is our new topic for  Our new topic for today is all about direct
today? and indirect speech Sir!

B.2. Activity

 So now class I will group you into 5. I have  Yes, Sir. (students perform the activity)
here pictures of your teachers and I want
you to guess their speeches on the left side,
after guessing, transform the sentences into
reported speeches.

B.3. Analysis

 So group 1 please read your sentences  (reading the sentences)

 Okay class, so what have you observed about  The first sentence is repeating the words
the sentences of group 1? spoken or stating the words directly and
there is a quotation mark while the second
one is reporting the words spoken and has no
quotation mark Sir!
 Very good! So if you are just repeating the  Direct Speech Sir!
words or stating it directly and placing it
between quotation marks, what speech is it?
 Good! How about if you are reporting the  Indirect Speech Sir!
words spoken and doesn’t use quotation
 Okay so What changes have you noticed in  When the quoted part is declarative, it is
the indirect speech? transformed into a “that clause.” Sir!
 Okay, very good! How about the verb in the  The verb in the quoted part should be
quoted and the introductory part? consistent in tense with the verb in the
introductory part Sir!
 Good! how about a present tense in the  A present tense of verb in the introductory
introductory part? part calls for a present tense verb in the
 Excellent! quoted part Sir!
 Group 2 please read your sentences  (reading the sentences)
 Now, what have you observed about the  A present tense in the introductory part and
tense in the introductory part and in the a present perfect tense in the quoted part
quoted part? retains the present tense in the reported
 Very good! We just retain the present tense speech Sir!
in the reported speech.
 Now group 3 please read your sentences  (reading the sentences)
 Okay, what have you observed on the  A past tense in the introductory part and a
tenses? What changes did you made? present tense in the quoted part needs a
change from the present tense in the quoted
part to past tense Sir!
 Excellent! Now group 4 please read your  (reading sentences)
 Now, what have you observed about the  a past tense in the introductory part and a
tense in the introductory part and in the present perfect tense in the quoted part
quoted part? needs a change from the present perfect
 Good! From present perfect to past perfect tense into past perfect tense.
because it is already reported.
 Group 5 please read your sentences  (reading the sentences)
 Okay, what have you observed about the  a past tense in the introductory part and a
tense in the introductory part and in the future tense in the quoted part, make the
quoted part? helping verb will and shall, would, and should
respectively Sir!
 Very good! How about a past tense in the  a past tense in the introductory part and a
introductory part and a present tense with present tense with can or may in the quoted
can or may in the quoted part? part, use could or might respectively in the
reported speech.
 Good! Lastly, how about when the quoted  The verb in the quoted part remains present
part says a fact or truth? For example, we even if the verb in the introductory part is
cannot deny the fact that all your teachers past tense when the quoted part says a fact
and practice teachers are all beautiful and or truth.
handsome :D
 Okay so do you understand everything class?  Yes Sir! Very easy!:D
 So no one is skeptic about those statements?  None Sir!

B.4 Abstraction

 So who can give the 2 ways to narrate the  The direct and indirect speech Sir!
spoken-words of a person?
 Very good! And what is a direct speech?  A direct speech is repeating the words
spoken and quotes the exact words Sir!
 Okay! How about the indirect speech?  An indirect speech is reporting the words
spoken and usually used to talk about the
past Sir!
 What is their similarity?  They still share the same information Sir!
 Then what are some basic rules regarding the  When the quoted part is declarative, it is
formation of indirect speech? transformed into a “that clause.” Sir!

 Okay! How about the verb in the quoted and  The verb in the quoted part should be
introductory part? consistent in tense with the verb in the
introductory part Sir!
 Very good! So do you have any questions or  None Sir!
Okay let’s move on to our next activity.

B.5 Application

 Okay class, stay in your groups and we will  (Students perform the activity)
play a chain game. Group 1 will create a
direct speech and then the next group or
group 2 will
Transform it into an indirect speech, after
transforming, group 2 will create again a
direct speech and then group 3 will transform
it and so on.

IV. Evaluation

A. In a ½ sheet of paper, identify whether the following sentences are direct or indirect speech.
1. Biff said, “ I just can’t focus on my job.”
2. Linda said that there was more good in Willy than in many other people.
3. “I am tired to death,” said Willy.
4. Linda said, “People had to move somewhere.”
5. Happy said that everybody around him was so false.

B. Construct two sentences in direct speech and transform/change it into an indirect speech.

C. Assignment

Change the following into indirect speech or vice versa, use ½ crosswise.
1. Mr. Willie said, "I am very tired".
2. Eddie said that the graduates last year had already found good paying jobs.
3. Mr. Florendo says, “The computer has all the answers to all our questions.”
4. Jane says that she enjoys her computer lessons.
5. Helen said, “The program is successful.

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