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Data representing high, medium, and low response rates in constant and nonconstant
patterns were generated by electromechanical equipment to determine whether the same
data collected by time-sampling, interval recording, and frequency recording would be
represented similarly by each method. Results indicated: (1) that time-sampling pro-
vided an extremely inaccurate estimate of responding, and (2) that interval recording
accurately represented responding of low and medium rates, but grossly underestimated
high-rate responding.
DESCRIPTORS: behavioral recording, time sample, frequency recording, interval
recording, response rates

In the experimental analysis of behavior, re- be collected over several relatively large seg-
sponses are usually defined as the electrical or ments of the session or over the entire session
electromechanical operation of equipment, (with the latter by far the most prevalent of the
which results in discrete records. The data pro- two), and the data are presented as responses
duced by such records usually are summarized per unit time or as the number of responses per
and presented as rate of responding (Ferster and session.
Skinner, 1957; Skinner, 1938, 1959, 1966). In In interval recording' (Bijou et al., 1968),
field experiments, observers often serve as trans- the session is either: (a) divided into a number
ducers between the subject's behavior and the of equal-interval observation periods and the
record of that behavior. For various reasons, same number of equal-interval recording pe-
usually associated either with the complexity of riods, or (b) divided only into a number of
the observation system or with the duration of
the response, rate is not so ubiquitously used as recording procedures and labelled them either con-
the basic datum in field studies (Pisor, Note 1). tinuous time-sampling or intermittent time-sampling.
In those terms, the present study employed: (1) con-
It is often replaced by per cent, which is fre- tinuous time sampling with a 10-sec interval, and
quently used to describe the fraction of intervals (2) intermittent time sampling with observations: (a)
of observation in which behavior is recorded as 10 of every 15 sec, (b) 5 sec of every 10 min, and
having occurred. (c) 10 sec of every 10 min. Powell, Martindale, and
Kulp (1975) used two terms related to the procedures
To produce data for applied studies, various described here: (1) partial interval time sampling
collection methods are used, the most common (our interval recording), in which an interval is
of which are frequency recording, interval re- scored as one of occurrence if a response occurs in
any portion of it, and (2) momentary time sampling
cording, and time sampling. In frequency record- (our time sampling). Jackson, Della-Piana, and Sloane
ing2 (Bijou, Peterson, and Ault, 1968), data may (1975) discussed several procedures, three of which
are related to this study: (1) interval method (the
1Reprints may be obtained from Alan C. Repp, same as our interval method), (2) instantaneous
Department of Special Education, Northern Illinois time sampling (our time sampling), and (3) tally
University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. method (our frequency method). Both Miller (1975)
2While these terms are common, other authors and Alevizos, Campbell, and Callahan (1975) used
have used equally appropriate terms to describe these the terms interval recording and time sampling, but
methods of data collection. For example, Thomson, used event recording to describe the procedure la-
Holmberg, and Baer (1974) differentiated between belled in this paper as frequency recording.
502 ALAN C. REPP et al.

equal-interval observation-recording periods. In pulses spaced at 1.8 sec, the mean rate gen-
the former procedure, the observer watches the erated was 10 per minute. With the probability
subject for a brief period (e.g., 10 sec) and, gate set at p - 0.3 and the pulses spaced at 18
during what is usually a shorter period (e.g., 5 sec, the mean rate was 1 per minute; with the
sec), records whether or not responding occurred probability gate set at p 0.3 and the pulses
in the preceding interval; in the latter procedure, spaced at 180 sec, the mean rate was 0.1 per
observation and recording occur in the same in- minute.
terval. Data then are presented as the per cent Patterns of responding. Two patterns of re-
of the observation intervals in which responding sponding were generated through the probability
occurred. gate and were either: (1) constant across the
In time sampling' (Baer and Wolf, 1967), entire session, or (2) burst, where for each 60
the observer ignores the behavior for a relatively min, 75 % of the pen deflections occurred in the
long period (e.g., 10 min), and then, after a sig- first 30 min, and 25 % occurred across the next
nal, quickly scans the situation and records the 30 min. The constant condition was produced
behaviors observed. Data usually are presented by establishing a constant pulse train across the
as the per cent of observations in which respond- session, while the burst condition was produced
ing occurred, although they can also be pre- by changing the pulse train after the first half
sented as responses per unit time if the observer hour (For example, in a 180-min session, high-
counts all the responses and divides by the total rate responding [- = 10 per minute] was simu-
observation time. lated by generating two rates of responding. In
The purpose of the present experiment was to the first 30 min, pulses spaced at 2 sec were gen-
compare data obtained by time sampling, inter- erated at a probability of 0.5 and were scheduled
val recording, and frequency recording to deter- to produce 450 pen deflections. In the next 30
mine whether the same data would be similarly min, pulses spaced at 6 sec were generated at a
represented by each method. The data were gen- probability of 0.5 and were scheduled to pro-
erated in two conditions: (1) as high, medium, duce 150 pen deflections. This series then was
or low rates of responding, and (2) as respond- alternated throughout the 3-hr session. Similar
ing of a constant rate across the session or as re- programs produced records to simulate both
sponding that occurred in bursts and was not the medium- and the low-rate conditions).
constant across the entire session. Sessions. Sessions were arbitrarily defined as
180 min in length. Eighteen sessions defined the
METHOD length of the experiment and provided three
sessions for each of the six conditions [(high,
Data medium, or low rates) x (constant or burst re-
Data were generated by electromechanical sponse patterns)].
equipment, with records of the data preserved by
an event recorder. To produce records of pseudo- Methods of Data Collection
behavior at different rates and of different pat- Time sampling. Two time-sampling condi-
terns, a pulse of 35-msec duration was sent tions were used. First, all pen deflections for the
through a probability gate (BRS/LVE PB-902/ first 9 min and 55 sec of the session were ig-
235-11) to a pen on the event recorder. To pro- nored. Pen deflections during the next 5 sec were
duce a permanent record of time, other pens then scored as responding. This 9-min 55-sec/
were activated every 5 sec, 10 sec, and 10 min. 5-sec series was repeated throughout the session,
Rates of responding. Conditions of constant and data were reported either as (a) the per cent
rate were generated in three ways. With the of the 18, 5-sec intervals per session in which
probability gate set at p = 0.3 and the electrical at least one pen deflection occurred, or (b) as

the rate of responding, expressed in responses tervals was classified as "nonresponding" if

per minute, for the 90 sec during which the neither scorer reported a pen deflection in that
total number of responses in the 18, 5-sec time interval. If, however, at least one observer
samples could be counted. This 9-min 55-sec/ scored the interval as containing at least one pen
5-sec series was selected to simulate field ex- deflection, that period was classified as a "re-
periments in which the observation-recording sponding" interval. The number of "responding"
period is typically quite short. intervals that both observers scored as contain-
In the second time-sampling procedure, all ing the same number of pen deflections was di-
pen deflections were ignored during the first 9 vided by the total number of "responding" inter-
min and 50 sec of the session and scored during vals and multiplied by 100 to provide a measure
the next 10 sec. This series was then repeated of the per cent of interobserver agreement. In
throughout the 3-hr session, providing 18, 10- all 18 sessions, the agreement was 100%. In
sec observation-recording intervals. As in the the interval recording method, interobserver
previous example, data were reported either as agreement was assessed in similar fashion, and
the per cent of intervals in which responding agreement was 100% in all 18 sessions.
occurred or as the rate of responding. Interobserver agreement for the frequency
Interval recording. To simulate interval re- recording method was assessed quite differently.
cording, two procedures were again used. In the The scorers independently counted the pen de-
first, the initial 10-sec period of the session was flections over the entire session, divided the
categorized as an observation interval, while the larger count into the smaller and multiplied by
next 5-sec period was categorized as a recording 100 to provide an assessment of interobserver
interval, with pen deflections during this period agreement. In each session, the agreement re-
being ignored. This 10-sec/5-sec series (labelled ported was 100 %.
10/5) was continued and presented 720 obser-
vation periods per session. For the second (la-
belled 10/0), all 1080, 10-sec intervals were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
scored. An observation interval was scored as
one of responding if at least one pen deflection Comparisons of Per Cent Measures
was present, and the data were reported as the In the methods reporting the per cent of in-
per cent of the observation intervals in which tervals in which responding occurred, the ob-
deflections occurred. serve-and-record (10/0) method was the only
Frequency recording. In this procedure, the one to provide a record of all intervals in which
responses occurring in the session were counted responding occurred; all others were, in effect,
and divided by 180 to provide a summary of samples of these data. As such, the observe-and-
responding expressed as responses per minute. then-record (10/5) method, the 5-sec time-
sampling, and the 10-sec time-sampling methods
Interobserver Agreement were each analyzed as the deviation in raw score
Each tape was scored independently by two from the 10/0 method. Figure 1 describes this
observers, and observer-agreement scores were difference for one representative session from
calculated in each session for each of the three each of the possible rate (high, medium, or low)
methods. In the time-sampling method, the Ex- x response pattern (constant or burst) conditions.
act Agreement-Response Intervals Only The data from the other two sessions of each
(Repp, Deitz, Boles, Deitz, and Repp, 1976) condition were so similar to the single session
procedure was used as a stringent means for reported that they were omitted to provide
assessing interobserver agreement. In this graphs that were easier to read and in order to
method, each of the 18 observation-recording in- eliminate redundant data.
504 ALAN C. REPP et al.





10/5 5s' TS 10" TS

Fig. 1. The difference in representative sessions between each of the 10/5 interval, 5-sec time-sampling,
and 10-sec time-sampling methods and the 10/0 interval method. The per cent of intervals in which respond-
ing was reported for the 10/0 method for the six conditions were: (1) high-rate/constant = 84.7%, (2) high-
rate/burst = 82.8%, (3) medium-rate/constant = 16.2%, (4) medium-rate/burst = 16.9%, (5) low-rate/con-
stant = 1.8%, and (6) low-rate/burst = 1.7%.

The comparisons in this figure indicate that that should, perhaps, be answered by each ex-
the 10/0 and 10/5 interval methods differed perimenter for each study in which interval re-
very little (<3%) in each condition. In effect, cording is used. Because in applied studies, a
there was no appreciable difference in the rep- human typically acts as a transducer between the
resentativeness of the data between the interval subject's behavior and a record of that behavior,
method in which a person both observes and such variables as the number of response classes
records in the same interval and the method in being recorded, the rates of responding, and the
which a person observes in one interval and size of the observation interval could result in
records in the succeeding interval. One must be differences in the accuracy of the data produced
careful, however, to restrict this conclusion to by the 10/0 and 10/5 methods.
the representativeness of the data and not to ex- Figure 1 shows that the time-sampling
tend it to the accuracy of the data. Because all method does not produce representative record
pen deflections in this experiment were gener- samples of data, particularly when responding
ated by programming equipment, and because is not of a constant rate across the entire ses-
the deflections themselves were the environ- sion and when it is of a medium (1 rpm) or
mental events of interest, rather than reflections high (10 rpm) rate. In the low-rate (0.1 rpm)
of other response events in the environment, the conditions, the time-sampling method overesti-
data were accurate in and of themselves. How- mated responding by less than 4% (5.5% to
ever, in studies in which the data are not simu- 1.8%), a figure that might lead to the conclu-
lated, response records are reflections of other sion that data from the time-sampling method
environmental events and recording errors cer- are very similar to data from the 10/0 method.
tainly occur. Whether the 10/0 or the 10/5 However, when the data estimates from time
method is more accurate is a separate question sampling are divided by data from the 10/0

interval method, the result indicates an over- approximately 500% for the 5-sec time sample/
estimation of approximately 300% (5.5% frequency comparison. Again, although the ab-
1.8). In these terms, the differences are partic- solute difference expressed in rpm may be small
ularly important both for those who are inter- when the response rate is low, the difference
ested in reducing low-rate-high-intensity be- when expressed as a ratio of the two reported
haviors and for those who report their results as rates can be large, and can be very important
ratios of responding between baseline and treat- for those who express behavioral change as a
ment phases. ratio of responding between treatment anLd base-
These results clearly indicate that: (1) time line conditions. As there is no reason that the
sampling did not provide data that were ac- time-sampling methods should consistently over-
curately reflective of environmental events, (2) estimate responding at these rates, the difference
the degree of difference was perhaps greater than is not a constant across both baseline and treat-
expected from its considerable use (Hutt and ment conditions and cannot be ignored.
Hutt, 1970), (3) the absolute difference between
the 10-sec time-sampling and interval methods Comparison of Interval and
decreased as the rate of responding decreased, Frequency Methods3
(4) the ratio of the scores generated by these two The interval and frequency methods repre-
methods increased as the rate of responding de- sent differences in both: (a) recording procedure
creased, and (5) the data from the burst condi- [i.e., marking the absence/occurrence of re--
tion tended to be less representative of the 10/0 sponding during many short intervals versus
method than data from the constant condition. marking every occurrence of responding during
a much longer interval (the session)) and (b)
Comparisons of Rate Measures calculation (per cent versus rate) and, as such,
In the methods reporting the rate of respond- cannot be compared to each other as directly as
ing, the frequency method provided a record of each can be compared to time sampling.
all occurrences of responding, while the 5-sec One method of comparing these methods is to
and 10-sec time-sampling provided, of course, measure the amount of information lost when
only samples of the session. To compare data one collects data by the interval method, which
from these three sources, rates of responding indicates only that at least one response has oc-
were calculated from a representative session curred instead of indicating how many responses
for: (1) the 180 min provided by the frequency occurred. To aid in this comparison, all 1080,
method, (2) the 90 sec provided by the 5-sec 10-sec blocks in each session were categorized as
time-sampling method, and (3) the 180 sec pro- containing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 responses. The num-
vided by the 10-sec time-sampling method. ber of intervals in which at least one response
These data are presented in Figure 2 as the dif- occurred was counted and is represented by x.
ference in responses per minute between the fre- The number of intervals in which only one re-
quency method and the two time-sampling meth- sponse occurred was then counted and is repre-
ods. For all but one condition (medium-rate/ sented by y. An "index of information lost", rep-
burst), the rates provided by the 10-sec time resented by I, was then calculated to represent
samples were as accurate or more accurate than the per cent of responding about which the inter-
the rates provided by the 5-sec time samples. val method, by virtue of indicating only that at
The absolute differences decreased as the rate of least one response occurred, provided no infor-
responding decreased from 10 rpm to 1 rpm, mation.
but the ratio of differences (e.g., rpm from time-
sampling * rpm from frequency) increased as between 3Another description, in which the relationship
interval and frequency recording is ex-
the rate of responding decreased, with the latter pressed mathematically, is available on request.
506 ALAN C. REPP et al.

AZ lo's TS




5 0.Q
,c ,;Z
Fig. 2. The difference in representative sessions between each of the two time-sampling methods and the
frequency method. The rates of responding reported for the frequency method for the six conditions were:
(1) high-rate/constant = 9.9 rpm, (2) high-rate/burst = 10.1 rpm, (3) medium-rate/constant = 1.0 rpm,
(4) medium-rate/burst = 1.0 rpm, (5) low-rate/constant = 0.1 rpm, and (6) low-rate/burst = 0.1 rpm.

For the low-rate and medium-rate conditions, sponding for several sessions, convert the data to
there were no intervals in which more than one rpm, and then divide this number into one. The
response occurred; for the two high-rate condi- result would estimate the average interresponse
tions, there were many such intervals. Where time and would provide the experimenter with
I (x y) /x, the index of lost information
= an interval size that should not, for stable re-
for the (1) high-rate/constant and the (2) sponding, contain too many intervals with more
high-rate/burst conditions were: than one response. Another, more exacting
method, would be to determine the smallest
(1) I, (920 350)/920

interresponse time during a prebaseline period

I, 0.62

and use this value as the interval size during

(2) 12 = (895 365)/895 the ensuing sessions (Repp, Note 2).
I2 0.59

These results indicate that for the two high-rate CONCLUSION

conditions, the interval recording method pro-
duced no information on 62% and on 59% of With the present findings, three of the con-
the events. Thus, with high of responding clusions relevant to findings of other experi-
(10 rpm), experimenters interested in maximum ments are:
information about the environment should either (1) that time-sampling of even moderate in-
use the frequency method of recording or the terobservation periods does not provide data
interval method with extremely small intervals. that properly represent events in the environ-
One means of obtaining an estimate of appropri- ment, and some conclusions from studies using
ate interval size for responding of very short this data collection method are clearly in ques-
duration would, of course, be to record all re- tion.

(2) that interval recording may be inaccurate mately 48 (84.7 .-1.8 and 82.8 + 1.7) if re-
for high-rate responding but, instead of being corded by the interval method.
weakened, some conclusions from studies em- (3) that interval recording may be responsible
ploying this data collection procedure could be for some experimenters discarding results as not
strengthened. Because interval recording with dramatic enough to pursue with further experi-
small intervals reports most responding that ments or to publish intact. If an independent
occurs at medium or low rates, baseline data in variable reduced responding from high to me-
experiments that intend to increase responding dium rates, the procedure might have been dis-
are reasonably reflective of environmental counted as not being powerful enough for fur-
events. However, because interval recording em- ther investigation. However, because the data
ploying 10-sec intervals does not report a con- collection procedure may have been responsible
siderable amount of responding that occurs at for underestimating the occurrence of high rate
high rates, successful treatment phases do not events, the results from the procedure may have
report all appropriate responding, and many been more significant than the baseline-treat-
experiments may actually have greater treat- ment differences suggested. Unfortunately, the
ment-baseline differences than reported. effect of this error produced merely by the data
collection procedure cannot be rectified.
Similarly, experiments concerned with the re- The present experiment indicated that there
duction of high-rate responding may have been is an interaction among the rate and pattern of
more successful than authors initially reported. responding, the method of data collection, and
Baseline reports of inappropriate responding the data reported. As such, it adds: (a) to the
probably underestimate high-rate responding, work by Thomson, Holmberg, and Baer (1974),
while successful treatment phases employing in- which showed that the manner in which the ob-
terval recording probably report almost all the servation periods are arranged within the session
medium- or low-rate responding that actually affects the data produced, and (b) to the work
occurs. Again, baseline-treatment differences by Powell, Martindale, and Kulp (1975), which
may be greater than those reported. showed that the length of the interobservation
Choice of the frequency method may have period affects the representativeness of time-
produced data much more indicative of changes sampling data and that the length of the obser-
in responding in these experiments. The degree vation interval affects the representativeness of
of difference can be shown quite simply with data collected through interval recording.
either the stable or the burst data from the pres-
ent experiment. Presume that a procedure suc-
cessfully reduced responding from high rate to REFERENCE NOTES
medium rate. If this change were expressed in 1. Pisor, K. Data display techniques. Unpublished
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10 (10 rpm .1 rpm); if the change were ex- 2. Repp, A. C. (Chmn.) Strategies for observation
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terval recording of the same event recorder tarded persons: A symposium. American Associa-
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(84.7% 16.2% for stable responding and
82.8 -16.9% for burst responding). Similarly, REFERENCES
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