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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

“Evidencia Oral 3”

Docente: Anais Berenice Garcia Salinas

Asignatura: Laboratorio de certificación de la lengua inglesa B1

Grupo i36

Hugo Patricio Amaro Gallardo 1968886

Ian Joshua Eufracio Espinosa 2048357

Mario Alberto Martinez Rivas 2016030

A 20 de Mayo del 2024


TV Commercial Script for Exercise Machines

*Hugo Are you ready to transform your body and feel amazing, take a look first of our
customers who tried our services?

Ian: Hi, I’m Ian, and I’ve never felt better since I started using the PowerStride Treadmill!
The MuscleMax Home Gym has taken my strength training to the next level!

*Mario: And I’m Mario With the SpinPro Bike, I get an incredible cardio workout right at
home, I work on home, and this make it easier for me to manage my time and my health, I
should get more of these products

Ian: The MuscleMax Home Gym offers over 50 different exercises to target every muscle
group. It’s like having a full gym in one compact machine! Plus, with its amazing interactive
classes, you’ll stay motivated and challenged like never before!

Mario: Give it try, at first I didn’t believe it, but it was the best option

Hugo: And that’s not all! Order now and receive a free set of resistance bands to enhance
your workout! You shouldn’t be intimidated, Start your fitness journey now! Your best self is
just one workout away!

Call now or visit our website to order your PowerStride Treadmill, MuscleMax Home Gym,
or SpinPro Bike today. Limited time offer!

*Mario *: And it all starts with one decision. Join us and take the first step to a healthier,
happier you!

Hugo: Before you order, keep in mind that there are some advantages and disadvantages to
consider. First, the products are not cheap, and the shipping costs can be high. However,
they're well-made and durable with high-quality components, meaning they're likely to last a
long time, which could save you money in the long run.

Ian: Also, they come with a warranty, so if something goes wrong, i´ll have some protection.
Another advantage is the variety of exercises you can do – the PowerStride Treadmill can be
adjusted for running, walking, and incline walking, the things I really like

Mario: One of the challenges I see was the space you need – you'll need room for them in
your home, and moving them around can be a little bit difficult . Additionally, since you'll be
using the products independently, you may feel like you're missing out on the social aspect of
going to a gym or taking a class, which could potentially affect your motivation levels.

Ian: However, overall, the benefits seem to outweigh the disadvantages, and the products are
a great way to get in shape and stay healthy without leaving your home or going to a crowded
gym. If you're still unsure, we recommend doing some research on the products, and talking
to a fitness expert to determine if they're the right fit for your needs and fitness goals. I took a
look for myself and it was the best I ever made, join us


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