Conversación Farmacia 2

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Conversación Farmacia ( 2)

Pharmacist (Ph) Daniel (D)

Pharmacist: Good afternoon!

How may I assist you today?

Daniel: Hi, I'm not feeling very well. I have a sore throat that's been bothering me for a few
days. Can you recommend something to help with that?

Ph: I'm sorry to hear that. Sore throats can be quite uncomfortable. For relief, we have a few
options. We have throat lozenges, cough drops, and soothing herbal teas. Do you have any

D: I think I'll go with some cough drops, please.

Ph: Certainly, I can recommend "Anti-Cough" drops. They are 30 dollars.

D: Actually, that's quite expensive. Do you have cheaper alternatives?

Ph: Sure. "Anti-Cough" is a brand-name medication, but we have some generics that are
cheaper. How about "CoughEase?" It's just 12 dollars.

D: That's perfect! I'll take these

Ph: Is there anything else you'd like?

D: Actually, I had a headache yesterday and I'm afraid it may come back.

Ph: I see. Well, we have a few different options for headache relief. We have acetaminophen,
ibuprofen, and aspirin. Have you used any of these before?

D: I've taken ibuprofen before, and it usually helps. Can I get that, please?

Ph: Certainly. Here's a box of ibuprofen tablets. It's important to follow the dosage instructions
on the label. If your headache persists or gets worse, make sure to consult a doctor.

D: Thank you. Are there any side effects I should be aware of?

Ph: Good question.Common side effects of ibuprofen can include stomach upset or irritation.
It's best to take it with food to help minimize that. Also, some people may experience dizziness
or drowsiness, so be cautious if you're planning to drive.

D: Got it. Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to take it with food.

Ph: Anything else?

D: Yes, my wife has an upset stomach. Do you have something for that?

Ph: Of course. For an upset stomach, an antacid can help. We have different brands and flavors
available in both tablet and liquid form. Which one would you prefer?

D: I'll go with the liquid form, please.

Ph: Great choice. Here's a bottle of generic antacid. I hope your wife gets well soon!

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

D: Actually, I have almost run out of my antidepressants. Do you sell Prozac?

Ph: We do. Do you have a prescription for that?

D: Unfortunately, I don't. Is it absolutely necessary for buying an antidepressant?

Ph: I'm afraid it is. You need to get a prescription from a mental health specialist.

D: Ok, I understand. I'll take the other three medications then.

Ph: Sure, here you go. It's 45 dollars total.

D: I'll pay with my card. Thank you!

Ph: I hope you feel better soon! Goodbye! In two days, Daniel comes back with a prescription.

D: Hello again! I'd like to buy a package of Prozac, please.

Ph: Of course, let me see. Ok, it'll be ready in about 30 minutes. Would you like to wait or come
back later?

D: Sorry, I don't understand. Why do I need to wait?

Ph: You see, in the US, it takes time to fill a prescription. We'll put your medicine in a special
container and attach a label to it.

D: Oh, I see! I'll wait here, thank you. Could you please check if my insurance covers this

Ph: Sure thing. May I see your insurance card, please?

D: Here you go.

Ph: Thank you. It looks like your insurance does cover this medication. You'll just need to pay a
co-pay of 10 dollars.

D: That's great! Here's my co-pay.

Ph: Thank you, Daniel. I'll prepare your medication right away. In 30 minutes, Daniel comes up
to the counter to pick up his prescription.

D: Hi, I'm back to pick up my prescription.

Ph: Here it is. Is there anything else you'd like to know about this medication?

D: No, I think I'm good. Thanks for your help!

Ph: You're welcome. Have a great G day!

D: You too. Goodbye!

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