Listening Kelas 6

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Paket A

Three days ago, I was hanging out with my sisters in a shopping mall.
We were heading to the food court and then I heard a kid was crying. I
saw the little boy was standing right in front of the escalator.
Paket B
I tried to approach him and asked him why he was crying. He said
nothing but kept staring downstairs. I looked downstairs and saw his
mother trying to reach him by running on the escalator. But her effort
was actually useless since she was running upstairs on the wrong
escalator. I could see she was super nervous and wanted to reach her son
Paket C
I made a very quick decision at that moment. I held the little boy’s hand
gently and then I said “ Come on, let us go to your mother together.” He
said nothing but he held my hand tightly. Then I told his mother, “Don’t
worry ma’am, i will get him to you,” and then I stepped on the escalator
and started walking down as fast as I could.

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