Interval Throwing Program Guidelines

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Table 10: Interval Throwing Program Guidelines

How to perform the Throwing Program:

1. Warm up with non throwing light exercises for at least 5 minutes, stretch, and then throw
2. Throws at or above 30 feet should be performed with a crow hop and follow through (except pitching and catching)
3. All throws should have a small arc with the target being your teammates forehead or hat (except pitching and catching)
4. Ice your shoulder and elbow at the conclusion of each throwing day
5. * will indicate rest breaks at the conclusion of that set of throws

Pain Rules:
1. Aching in the muscles is ok, but if you experience pain in the shoulder or elbow, STOP for the day
2. If there is pain during or after throwing, return to previous throwing day that was completed without pain after required
3. If there is no pain during or after throwing, continue to the next throwing day after the required rest

1. Only throw once per day and you must rest a minimum of one day between throwing days
2. Ligamentous/growth plate injures must repeat each throwing day two times
3. Surgically treated injuries must repeat each throwing day three times
4. Assuming no pain, it will take:
13 total days to complete the program for a general injury
27 total days for a ligament or growth plate injury
41 total days for any injury that required surgery
5. A player must then complete the Catching or Pitching Program to return to those positions
Pitching program time frame will depend on age and the number of rest days

Throwing Program Rest Days for pitching:

1. At the conclusion of the throwing day please use the chart below to determine how many rest days are required

Age Required Rest Days (Total Number of Pitches)

0 Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days
9-10 Years 0-20 21-35 36-50 51-66 66-75
11-12 Years 0-20 21-35 36-50 51-66 66-85
13-14 Years 0-20 21-35 36-50 51-66 66-95
15-16 Years 0-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 75-95
17-18 Years 0-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 75-105

Chart is from:

Cisco, S., Semon, M. M., Moraski, P., Smith, J., & Thorndike, C. (2019). Distance-Based Throwing
Programs for Baseball Players From Little League to High School. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 31(3), 297–
300. doi: 10.1097/pep.0000000000000625

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