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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 252 (2002) 111–113

Faraday effect in magnetic fluids at a frequency 10 GHz

M.M. Maiorov*
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, LV-2169, 32 Miera Street, Salaspils-1, Latvia


This work presents some results of observed Faraday effect in magnetic fluids in the centimetric region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. The effect is observed when a transversal electric wave of mode H11 propagates in the
circular waveguide with a magnetic fluid. The constant magnetic field was applied along the waveguide. Magnetic fluids
with different concentrations of magnetite core nanoparticles suspended in tetradecane (C14H30) are used in the
magnetic fields from 0 to 1500 Oe. A 1601 rotation of wave polarization is obtained for a 200 mm sample.
r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Faraday effect; Microwave; Ferrofluid

1. Introduction The position of sample in experimental setup is shown

schematically in Fig. 1. The sample of magnetic fluid in a
Since the middle of the last century [1], the Faraday dielectric container was placed inside the circular
effect in solids is applied in the microwave radio metallic waveguide 23 mm in diameter, which passed
engineering. However, the potentialities of magnetic through the system of electric coils providing external
fluids in this field are not yet completely clear, although magnetic field. A DC coil provides a constant magnetic
this effect has been intensive investigated in the region of field for magnetization of the sample, whilst an AC coil
infrared and visible light [2–7] and has found a use for provides a weak alternating magnetic field with a
studies of the structure and properties of magnetic frequency of about 100 Hz for modulation of the
colloids [8–11]. polarization; it is essential for angular sensitivity of
This work presents some results of observed Faraday microwave detector head. A standard microwave gen-
effect in magnetic fluids in the centimetric region of the erator with frequency 10 GHz is used to launch an
electromagnetic spectrum. electromagnetic wave into the waveguide. At these
conditions a transversal electric wave of mode H11 is
excited in the waveguide [13]. The polarization of
2. Experiment electromagnetic wave at outlet of the waveguide has
been measured with the help of a rotating detector head.
Magnetic fluids in this experiment consist of magnetite Magnetic field modulation and synchronous detection
core nanoparticles suspended in tetradecane (C14H30), were used for better sensitivity of a polarization angle.
and oleic acid is used as a surfactant. Magnetization of Connection of main units in experimental setup is shown
these samples was investigated with the help of a in Fig. 2.
vibration magnetometer, and magnetogranulometric
analysis was performed from the magnetization curve
[12]. This analysis indicate the most expected magnetic
diameter of 12 nm and full width of magnetic moment 3. Results
distribution at half maximum equal to 9 nm.
Fig. 3 shows measured angular shift of the polariza-
*Tel.: +371-2944664; fax: +371-7901214. tion plane of the incident electromagnetic wave as a
E-mail address: maiorov@tesla.sal.1v (M.M. Maiorov). function of applied magnetic field with two magnetic

0304-8853/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 8 8 5 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 6 6 1 - 3
112 M.M. Maiorov / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 252 (2002) 111–113

fluids samples 200 mm in length. Characteristics of the 180°

studied magnetic fluid samples are shown in Table 1. ϕ˚ f = 10 GHz
The diameter of magnetic particles d in magnetic fluids, 150° L = 200 mm
from magnetogranulometry, is the same for both
samples. difference of magnetic saturation Ms for these 120°

H , kOe

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Fig. 3. Faraday rotation curves for the magnetite colloids in

samples is approximately 3; it is in agreement with

observed Faraday rotation.

4. Conclusions

For the sample TD10, characterized by magnetic

saturation 26 emu/cm3, in a magnetic field of about
1500 Oe the angular shift of polarization reached 1601, it
is much more than that in the region of visible light
The presence of inflection in these curves testifies
about non-Langevin type dependence of the Faraday
rotation from the magnetic field, unlike that is found in
Fig. 1. Position of sample in experimental setup. the case of the visible light [7], or in the case of infrared
light [11]. By now we have not explanation of such
The slight hysteresis, which can be noted in Fig. 3,
DC generator DC coil Polarization may be connected to the relaxation time of the sample at
AC coil changing the magnetic field. Apparently, the time given
for a relaxation (some seconds for each step) is too short
AC generator
Synchronous to a complete achievement of the equilibrium state. This
detector Rotating phenomenon may be a subject of a particular research.
Microwave microwave The observed Faraday rotation in the magnetic fluids,
generator Waveguide detector obviously, is less than in the solid ferrite [1]; however, it
may be attractive for the radio engineering due to the
Fig. 2. Connection of units in experimental setup. working body being a fluid.

Table 1
Characteristics of the studied magnetic fluid samples

Sample Particles Carrier Stabilizer Density (g/cm3) Ms (emu/cm3) d (nm)

TD10 Fe3O4 Tetradecane Oleic acid 1.2 26 12

TD03 Fe3O4 Tetradecane Oleic acid 0.9 8.5 12
M.M. Maiorov / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 252 (2002) 111–113 113

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