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Alhamdulillah, we are so glad and thankful to Allah SWT for his permission and
unending grace in allowing us to complete the Introduction to Statistical Code QMT 181 group

Not to forget our lecturers, who have been with us from the beginning to the end of this
project. So, since we have the chance, we would want to voice our sincere appreciation to our
lecturer, Mrs. Ainon Syazana Ab Hamid, for her patience, assistance, and advice in the
preparation and completion of this study. Nothing can express our deepest gratitude for her
ongoing support and commitment to completing the completion of this report with her limited
time. Her earnest advice and informative comments have considerably helped us in finishing
the tough process of planning and drafting this report. We also want to express our gratitude to
our parents and friends for providing us with inspiration, energy and endlessly support all the

Next, thank you to the teammate that devotes their full attention and efforts to the
completion of this project. We are glad that we will be able to complete this project as a team.
We split the tasks effectively and quickly discussed the issues that would obstruct our
completion of the job. We always lend a hand to one another, discuss ideas, and collaborate to
successfully accomplish this written report. Furthermore, we would like to show our thanks to
respondents for their assistance and willingness to volunteer their time to assist us in collecting
our data.

Last but not least, we'd want to express our gratitude to everyone who helped us
prepare this report, whether directly or indirectly. We valued it with all of our souls.



1.1 Background of study 6
1.2 Objective of study

2.1 Description of Data and Variable
2.2 Method of Analysis 7-9

3.1 Objective 1 -To identify demographic profile of the respondent
3.2 Objective 2 - To figure out what sports do they usually do
3.3 Objective 3 - To investigate how many times students do sports
in a week 10-18
3.4 Objective 4 - To find out the reasons why they like to do a sport
3.5 Objective 5 - How long (maximum time) they prefer to play a




1. 2.1 Description of Variable. 8

2. 2.2 Method of Analysis. 9

3 3.1.1 Frequency distribution table of students by gender. 10

4. 3.1.2 Frequency distribution table of students by faculty. 11

5. 3.1.3 Frequency distribution table of students by level of 12

6. 3.2.1 Frequency distribution table of students by sports they 13
play the most
7. 3.3.1 Frequency distribution of student by amount of times 14-15
spend in sport
8. 3.4.1 Frequency distribution of student by reasons 15-16

9. 3.4.2 Frequency distribution of student by place 16-17

10. 3.5.1 Frequency distribution of student by maximum amount of 18

times spend



1. 3.1.1 Vertical Bar Chart Shows The Number Of Students 10

Based On Gender
2. 3.1.2 Horizontal Bar Chart Shows The Number Of Students 11
Based On Faculty.
3 3.1.3 Vertical Bar Chart Shows The Number Of Students 12
Based on Level Of Education
4. 3.2.1 Percentage Bar Chart Shows Types Of Sports 13
Students Usually Do
5. 3.3.1 Histogram Shows Number Of Times Students Do 15
Sports In A Week
6. 3.4.1 Component Bar Chart Shows The Reasons Students 16
Play Sports
7. 3.4.2 Multiple Bar Chart Shows The Places Students Play 17
8. 3.5.1 A “Less Than” Ogive Shows The Amount Of Times 18
Spend By 100 Students Play A Sport

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Sports is an activity that can increase a person's physical and mental strength. Sports
activities are highly encouraged to the whole community regardless of age. But sports are more
encouraging for young people to do it as a routine of their lives. Since the young people of
today are mostly students, then we can be specific to this group as students. Sports activities
are very important to control a person's physical and mental health, especially students who are
active in seeking knowledge from time to time. A student should improve their mental and
physical health to produce a student who is productive and efficient in his or her life
achievements. There is no doubt that students will not run away from stress, weak body,
confused mind and so on. No wonder why some students choose to make sports routines as
part of their daily routine. But each individual has a different view of the purpose of their doing a
sporting routine. Some of them do not make sports routines a part of their routine as a student
and also didn’t open their mind about the benefits of sports .So, to study more deeply on this
issue, it is very suitable to study sports routines among UiTM Alor Gajah students.

Therefore, this study aimed to figure out what sports do they usually do, to identify what
gender like the sports the most, to investigate how many times students do sports in a week, to
find out the reasons why they like to do a sports routine and what maximum times does they
prefer to play a sport among UiTM Alor Gajah students.

1.2 Objectives

The main objectives for the study were to knows the sports routine among students in UiTM
Alor Gajah. The specific of the objectives were:

- To identify demographic profile of the respondent

-To figure out what sports do they usually do

-To investigate how many times students do sports in a week

-To find out the reasons why they like to do a sports routine

-How long (maximum time) they prefer to play a sport


2.1 Description of Data


The population in this study consists of all students in all Degree, Diploma and Pre-diploma
courses at UiTM Lendu, Campus Alor Gajah, Melaka which the number of students is around
1550. Most of the students in this study participated in Diploma. This may indicate that the
majority of students like to play sport.


100 of students in UiTM Lendu, Campus Alor Gajah, Melaka answer the survey / online
questionnaire of sport for study.

Sampling Technique

Systematic sampling technique

i. Population : All 1550 students of UiTM Alor Gajah, Melaka.

ii. Sample size : 100 students of UiTM Alor Gajah, Melaka
iii. Interval size, k; k = Population size / Sample size

k = 1550/100 =16 students

In systematic sampling technique, the population is all 1550 students of UiTM Alor Gajah,
Melaka while the sample size is 100 students UiTM Alor Gajah, Melaka. In this method, the
size of the interval, k is 16 students. So, one element will be randomly selected which is from 1
to 16 . If the chosen number is 4 , then the student in the list with the following numbers 4, 20,
36,... will be taken as a sample.

Data Collection Method

In UiTM Lendu, Campus Alor Gajah, Melaka, the online survey/questionnaire we shared with
the respondent was entirely constructed in English. It is used to collect the necessary data to
address and achieve the goals of the research objectives. The questionnaire consists of 10
questions to investigate the sport activity among UiTM Alor Gajah students.

Table 2.1 Description of Variable

Section Name of the Description Item Type of Measurement

questionnaire of section variable scale
A Gender Question 1 Qualitative Nominal
Age Question 2 Quantitative Ratio

Faculty Question 3 Qualitative Nominal

Level of Question 4 Qualitative Ordinal
B Types of Question 5 Qualitative Nominal
Number of Question 6 Quantitative Ratio

Lifestyle students do
sports in a
Reasons to Question 7 Qualitative Nominal
play sports
Amount of Question 8 Quantitative Ratio
times spend
Place Question 9 Qualitative Nominal

Table 2.2 Method of Analysis

Objectives Measured by Chart Type

Objective 1
To identify demographic Gender Vertical Bar Chart
profile of the respondent Faculty Horizontal Bar Chart
Level of education Vertical Bar Chart

Objective 2
To figure out what sports Types of sports Percentage Bar Chart
do they usually do

Objective 3
To investigate how many Number of times students Mean , Median, Mode,
times students do sports in do sports in a week Histogram
a week
Objective 4
To find out the reasons Reasons to play sport Component Bar Chart
why they like to do a sport Place Multiple Bar Chart

Objective 5
How long (maximum time) Amount of times spend Ogive
they prefer to play a sport?

3.0 Findings
Objective 1- To identify demographic profile of the respondent

Question 1: Gender
Table 3.1.1: Frequency distribution table of students by gender.

Gender Number Of
Female 82
Male 18
Total 100

Figure 3.1.1: Vertical bar chart shows the number of students based on gender

Based on the diagram, it shows there are 82 female students and 18 male students who be the
respondent in this study. Thus, it shows that the respondents are more from female students
compared to male students.

Question 2 : Faculty.
Table 3.1.2 : Frequency distribution table of students by faculty.

Faculty Number of students

Faculty of Hotel and Tourism

Management 3

Faculty of Communication and 4

Media Studies

Faculty of Business Management 87

Faculty of accountancy 6

Total 100

Figure 3.1.2: Horizontal bar chart shows the number of students based on faculty.

Based on the diagram, it shows that there are 6 students from the Faculty of Hotel and Tourism
management, 4 students from Faculty of Communication and Media studies who be the
respondent in this study.Thus, it shows that the most respondent are more from the Faculty of
Business and Management compared to other faculty.

Question 3 : Level of education

Table 3.1.3: Frequency distribution table of students by level of education.

Level of Education Number Of Students

Degree 4
Diploma 93
Pra-Diploma 3

Figure 3.1.3 : Vertical bar chart shows the number of students based on level of education

Based on the diagram, it shows there are 4 students of Degree level, 93 students of Diploma
level and 3 students of Pra-Diploma level who be the respondent in this study. Thus, it shows
the most of the respondent are from Diploma level of the students.

Objective 2 - To figure out what sports do they usually do.

Questions 4 : Types of sports.

Table 3.2.1 Frequency distribution table of students by sports they play the most

Types Of Sports Percentage %

Badminton 65%
Cycling 14%
Football 7%
Handball 2%
Hockey 1%
Netball 6%
Volleyball 5%

Figure 3.2.1 Percentage Bar Chart Shows Types Of Sports Students Usually Do

Based on the diagram it shows that there are 65% students who likes to play badminton, 14%
of students who likes to play cycling, 7% of students who likes to play football and 2% of
students who likes to play handball. Other than that, it also shows that 1% of students who likes
to play hockey, 6% of students who likes to play netball and 5% of students who likes to play
volleyball. Thus, badminton are the most popular sports that students likes to play.

Objective 3 - To investigate how many times students do sports in a week.

Question 5: How many times students do sports in a week

Table 3.3.1: Frequency distributions of amount of times students do sports in a week

Amount Of Number Of x fx Cumulative

Times Students Students (f) Frequency
Do Sports In A
0-1 times 51 0.5 25.5 51
2-3 times 41 2.5 102.5 92
4-6 times 8 5 40 100
∑f = 100 ∑fx = 168

Mean, = = = 1.68 times

The value 1.68 means the average amount of times students do sports in a week is 1.68 times.

Median, = = 0.5 +

= 1.48 1

Which means 50% of the students are do sport less than 1 time in a week and another 50% of
the students do sport more than 1 time in a week.


= 0.5 +

= 1.34

Most of the students do sports 1 times in a week.

Histogram Showing The Amount Of Times Spend By 100 Students Do Sports In A Week

Figure 3.3.1 : Histogram Showing Amount Of Times Spend By 100 Students Do Sports In A

Based on the figure 3.3.2 the histogram shows the amount of times 100 students do sports in a
week. 51 of them spend only 1 time. Next, 41 of them spend 2-3 times in a week and another 8
students spend 4-6 times in a week.

Objective 4 - To find out the reasons why they like to do a sport routine.
Question 6 : Reasons to play a sport
Table 3.4.1 : Frequency distribution table of the reason why students play a sport

Reason Female Male

As a hobby 17 5

To lose weight 4 1

To release stress 25 2

To spend time with friend 23 6

To stay healthy 13 4

Figure 3.4.1 : Component Bar Chart Shows The Reasons Students Play Sports

Based on the diagram, it shows that there are 5 male students and 17 female students who
play sports as a hobby, 4 female students and 1 male student who play sport to lose weight
and there are 25 female students and 2 male students who play sports to release stress. Next,
diagram also shows that there are 23 female students and 6 male students who play sports to
spend time with friends and last but not least, there are 13 female students and 4 male
students who play sports to stay healthy.

Question 7 : Places

Table 3.4.2 : Frequency Distribution Table Shows The Types Of Places Students Play Sports

Types Of Places Female Male

Court 22 11

Field 4 2

Gym 1 1

House 35 3

Park 20 1

Multiple Bar Chart Shows The Places Students Play Sports

Figure 3.4.2 : Multiple Bar Chart Shows The Types Of Places Students Play Sports

Based on the diagram, its shows that the 33 students which from 22 female and 11 male like to
play sport in court, 6 students from 4 female and 2 male of play sport in field. Next, 38 students
which are 35 female and 3 male like to play sport at their house. 2 students, a female and a
male play at gym for sport. For last 21 students there are 3 female and 18 male like to play
sport in park.

Objective 5 : How long (maximum time) they prefer to play a sport ?

Question 8 : Amount of times spend
Table 3.5.1: Cumulative frequency table showing how long (maximum time) students prefer to
play a sport

How long (maximum time) they prefer Number of Students Cumulative frequency
to play a sport ?
0 hours 0 0
1-2 hours 65 65
30 minutes 31 96
3-5 hours 4 100

A “Less Than” Ogive Showing The Amount Of Times Spend Students Prefer To Play A

Figure 3.5.1 : A “Less Than” Ogive Showing The Amount Of Times Spend By 100 Students
Play A Sport

Based on table 3.5.1 , the ogive shows the amount of times spend by 100 students play a sport.
65 students spend 1-2 hours play a sport, 31 students spend 30 minutes play sport and 4
students spend 3-5 hours play a sport.

4.0 Conclusion
Games and sports are the main elements of student life. This is because games and sports can
control physical and mental health that can contribute to the growth of the human body.
However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has prevented UiTM Alor Gajah students from
sporting large numbers. According to the statistics we conducted, most of the students of UiTM
Alor Gajah do sports 1 time a week and almost all UiTM Alor Gajah students do sports at home.
This can give them the comfort to play sports at home as there is no need to wear a mask while
playing sports. In addition, sports is the best way for UiTM Alor Gajah students in honing their
self-sufficiency in terms of leadership, teamwork and success determinants. According to the
research we have done on UiTM Alor Gajah students, they do sports to reduce stress. This is
because a lot of tasks cause them stress and to reduce stress, they play sports. This is one of
the good things because not only can sports reduce the stress of students of UiTM Alor Gajah
but also improve blood circulation in the student's body. Therefore, sports is an effective
method in improving the body health of students of UiTM Alor Gajah as well as producing
students with creative and innovative thinking.


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