EI Answers

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Self Awareness

How are your strengths and weaknesses in the area of self-awareness impacting
your lions leadership role? How would one or more of these situations improve if
you were to become more self aware?
- Being aware of body language and tone when communicating is essential to
keeping the audience in interest when delivering our vision. We don’t get too
many chances to speak to people during an years terms so it is essential to keep
focus and be self aware on how to empathize with lions
- The district has emerged anew with 317G getting bifurcated and hence the
challenges of building the team afresh will be afore. It is very necessary to keep
track of all emotions and negative feelings so that it is not bearing effect on my
conversations or body language. It is also necessary to look at everything anew
rather than getting influenced from past negative experiences. This is also
necessary to take everybody along
- Proactive thoughts in team building and making the administration strong so that
the district fares well is the utmost priority
- It is necessary to know the ambitions of people who are upcoming leaders and
kindly interest in people who are potential leaders. This is very important in taking
the interests of the district and lionism to next level. Without building rapport it will
be difficult to assess the aspirations of lions in the district. Being self ware that we
need to reach out and listen to the roots is core to strengthening the district
membership and leadership

List one way you can improve your self-awareness:

- My grip on the English language as a written form tool is weak. This is hindering
in the process of my communication being better. I am working on the same so
that I can build the bridge between my thoughts and expressions.
- Being intuitive is a honed skill for me; however I tend to not express and
sometimes tend to ignore it only to take corrective actions later. I am aware that 1
year is a very less time for this perspective and hence need to tune myself to
listen and take necessary actions based on my intuitions
Self Management

How are your strengths and weaknesses in the area of self-management

impacting your lions leadership role? How would one or more of these situations
improve if you were to become more self aware?
- Goal setting is very important to achieve all visions in time. I am aware that I
have to work on set SMART goals for every area of lionism may it be
membership, leadership or service. A framework for follow up is also necessary
and I am already working on getting this done in a way so the lions tasked don’t
get worked up or annoyed on follow ups. Being simple, humble and numbered is
important with smaller goals for each frequency of follow up
- When change is ushered in it needs to happen with maximum consent. For the
good of the district certain things should be taken forward and I am preparing
myself to ensure that the message is clear and necessitated with good reasoning
- I am a good listener and allow everybody to participate in discussions. It is
required that a good moderation happens at those discussions so that we don’t
get carried away in unnecessary discussions. I am preparing myself to make sure
that such moderations happen during our staff meetings
- Plan B always has to be in place when visions need to be accomplished in a
small time frame. I intend to accomplish most of my goals by planning for
contingencies and adjustments mid way if necessary instead of curtailing the

List one way you can improve your self-management:

- Being impulsive is a common phenomenon all leaders face. In areas that I have
experience on service I tend to become impulsive and I am cognitive of that fact.
I have been working on giving a good listening to others thought and give my
feedback rather than being impulsive
Social Awareness

How are your strengths and weaknesses in the area of social awareness
impacting your lions leadership role? How would one or more of these situations
improve if you were to become more self aware?
- A leader is as good as his/her team. I am well aware of this and ensure that I
keep my eyes and ears open to opinions always. I make sure people feel they
are heard about
- I ensure that as a leader “I lead by example”. Be it dressing, protocols or dignity
of office. This brings a sense of responsibility in the team as well and can be a
big positive influence in setting the tone right
- Eliminating nay-sayers and negative propaganda broadcasters in the district is
necessary as this has been a problem in the past. Using the lions code of ethics
and bye laws some of this has to be dealt with and I am aware of this. Multiple
channels of communication with lions of district will be functioning in negating the
ill effects of such bad behavior
- It is necessary to have effective tools by which message of the district reaches
the last club member. We have to ensure that all communication reaches in time
and in the correct messaging

List one way you can improve your social awareness:

- Grouping teams for better communication is necessary. This grouping has to be
accomplished with minimum chaos in the short terms and no chaos in the long
term. I am aware that the correct leadership and support has be aligned for this
and past and present leadership vision is vital to this. I intend to take the
strengths of all past and club it with strength of all present to ensure maximum
positive impact
Social Skills

How are your strengths and weaknesses in the area of social skills impacting
your lions leadership role? How would one or more of these situations improve if
you were to become more self aware?
- I have a habit of taking everybody together in my plans. I have been more than
successful being an ice breaker in conflicts and hence I am confident that I
should be able to take better utility of the vast experience of the lions of my
- Being humble in commitment and magnanimous in achieving the commitments is
always good. I have practiced this principle always
- Being humble in accepting feedback and grateful in help of experience is the
mantra to be successful as lion leaders. My grooming in various forums have
helped me hone this skill very well
- I do not hesitate to indulge in social discussions and ensure my contribution
positively. This motivates other lions to follow the same
- Ambitions of upcoming lion leaders is utmost important for the longevity of the
district. It is required to have a collective assessment on this aspect and choose
the right task for the right person. This will go a long way in ensuring effective
leadership growth in the district
- It is important to recognize and reward the contributions of all lions at the right
time and place to ensure motivation is high. We intend to keep this a notch higher
by taking recognitions to all levels of task achievment

List one way you can improve your social skills:

- I tend to be more comfortable with communication in local than in English. I am
well aware of this and it may inhibit the well being of certain areas of the district. I
am working towards completing this lacuna with better lions while improving my
own skills so that I can be more effective

How does this information shape the way you will interact with lions?
o Empathy is essential to being a good leader. Being self aware and socially
aware is very important to take organizations to the next level
o Though the subject is not new, being prepared with the right mindset is
necessary to take on leadership role. The current session gives us a
refresher in that aspect
o A newly formed or realigned district 317A will have its own challenges and
EI framework definitely gives us the tools to handle such ingenuities
How can you use this information to be better as a District Governor?
o Having a good team which resonates with your thought process and vice
versa is necessary to achieve the goals of the district vision in such a
short time
o Being prepared and proactive about this aspect is necessary and EI
framework helps us in doing this
o Empathy is necessary for all levels of leadership and if taken in the right
spirit and practiced our district will reach higher plane soon. My job as DG
would be to ensure this dream comes true
How can you teach others about EI
o Encourage all leaders to undergo a course on EI either by themselves or
o Course on Learn to be made mandatory for all Leaders
o Class Room sessions and workshops on EI can be envisioned
o Finally with all my experience and help of past lion leaders we can have
faculty driven local example based classes that reaches every leader and
lion in the district

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