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6 Silent Sex-Drive

Assassins In Post-
Menopausal Women

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All rights reserved. This guide or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author.

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Material in this eBook by is for the purpose

of providing information only. It is not intended as the practice of
medicine or the provision of medical services. This eBook does not
provide medical advice. Although I believe this information to be
accurate at the time it is first provided, because medical information
changes rapidly, makes no representation,
express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of
the information. The content provided by is
not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Always consult your provider or other healthcare professional with any
question regarding any medical or mental health condition.

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Imagine for a second if you's the end of the day, you collapse
into bed, a bit tired from the busy-ness of the day, and your wife comes
out of the bathroom from brushing her teeth and such in order to join

You notice she's wearing that regular "pajama outfit" she wears, which
there's absolutely nothing special about, but that you happen to think
she looks sexy in. And as she collapses alongside you and lets out an
exhausted sigh, you kiss her neck...breathe in her smell...and you get
turned on.

Naturally, you attempt to initiate some intimate/sexual contact, but

alas, you get turned on as she claims exhaustion as the libido-squashing
culprit. The problem is that she's been claiming that quite consistently
for quite awhile now, and whatever you've done to get past that hasn't
worked. So what do you do? Why is your wife's sex drive so low?

I wrote a previous article (which you can find here) addressing why
many wives often have a low sex drive. The gist of it was that there are
many factors that directly influence a woman's sex drive which her
husband actually has direct control over.

But, sometimes a low sex drive has deeper causes, and in situations like
that, it won't matter what you do as long as those deeper causes aren't
addressed. And that's why I wanted to write this article—to help bring
to light what some of those deeper causes can be, and what you can do
about them.

By no means are the following six "sex drive assassins" the only causes
of low sex drive in post-menopausal women. They are however the

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most common and the most difficult to deal with. That said, let's take a
look at what they are.

Low Testosterone Levels

Although estrogen is thought of as the main hormone in women,

testosterone plays just as big of a hormonal role. For example,
testosterone levels in women correlate with libido and sex drive.

How do you know if your wife’s low sex drive is due to low testosterone
levels she might have? By checking both free and total testosterone
levels in the serum.

As you can see from the example above this woman’s testosterone
level is obviously low at less than 3 ng/dL with a range of 3-41.

In addition to having low total testosterone this particular patient also

has low levels of DHEA at 26.7 with a range of 41.2 - 243.7.

(DHEA is actually an androgen which the body can use to create


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This pattern is classic for patients in their 40-50's and/or around
menopause. Why?

Because in women, testosterone falls as a result of both age and


If your wife gets her testosterone levels checked and it turns out the
level is inside the reference range and simply a “low normal”, but she
still exhibits all of the symptoms of low testosterone, looking into
solutions that address a low testosterone level is still something worth

Tips On Handling This Issue

The absolute first thing you should do is have your wife get her
testosterone levels checked so it can be confirmed whether or not
they’re low. She’ll want to have both free and total testosterone in the
serum checked. Her levels should be in the upper 50% of the reference
range. If the results are low, you have some options about how to
handle it:

You can consider the use of Testosterone replacement therapy through

either the transdermal route or through injections. Dosing should be
kept low and remain physiologic in order to minimize the risk of
adverse side effects.

You can consider supplementing with DHEA which we previously

mentioned the body can use to create testosterone. You’ll need to be
careful with dosing as high doses may cause symptoms of too much
testosterone and/or may be converted to estrogen instead of

You can consider using Maca and other “natural” supplements in an

attempt to improve testosterone levels. Studies have shown that maca
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can help improve libido and sex drive and reduce the sexual
dysfunction associated with SSRI anti-depressants.

Hypothyroidism is just a label given to the medical condition where a
person has an underactive thyroid gland. If you’re unaware of the link
between hypothyroidism and low sex drive, low sex drive is one of the
hallmark symptoms of it (and not just because low tissue levels of
thyroid hormone can lead to low testosterone levels).

The problem with

hypothyroidism is that it’s
severely underdiagnosed,
not to mention mismanaged
in patients who do have it.
It’s beyond the scope of this
guide to get into all the
reasons why this is, but the
following website does a
really thorough job
explaining just how
complicated diagnosing and dealing with hypothyroidism can be:

How do you know if your wife’s low sex drive is due to having
hypothyroidism? By having her

Tips On Handling This Issue

The absolute first thing you should do is have your wife get a complete
thyroid hormone panel and address the results with her doctor and an

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endocrinologist. If her levels are off, you’ll need to find someone who
can help properly replace thyroid hormone.

Don’t overlook the important of using supplements to help boost

immune function: Zinc, Fish oil, Vitamin D/K2 and probiotics. A stronger
immune system will help deal with some of the symptoms and speed
up the path to recovery.

You can also look into things that will help naturally increase her T3
levels such as:
 Optimize her nutrient levels
 Get her gut health and diet in order
 Make sure reverse T3 levels are as low as possible by exercising
and not unhealthily restricting diet
 Make sure her iron levels are where they need to be
 Reducing stress/learning how to better manage stress
 Make sure iodine levels are high enough

Vaginal Atrophy
Menopause comes with many changes to a woman’s body. One of the
more common ones is vaginal atrophy.

Vaginal atrophy is a reduction in the normal vaginal tissue volume. It

can lead to symptoms such as
painful intercourse and increased
risk of developing UTIs (urinary
tract infections).

(FYI: this helps explain why many

women suddenly develop multiple
urinary tract infections post-

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What does this have to do with low sex drive? Well, painful intercourse
and an increased risk of UTI's reduce a woman's overall desire for
sexual intimacy. This is more of a simple negative association. Why
would the body desire something that results in pain, right?

Tips On Handling This Issue

How do you know if your wife’s low sex drive is due to vaginal atrophy?
First and foremost by the presence of the above symptoms, and then
more importantly by having her look into the cause of those symptoms
with her doctor.

If this is deemed to be the problem, you can consider the following

ways to handle it:

You can consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the

form of transdermal estrogen and progesterone replacement. This can
help restore vaginal health and mucosa and reduce painful intercourse
over the course of several months time.

You can consider vaginal estriol replacement therapy. If you want to do

this via bio identical hormone replacement therapy, you can opt for
vaginal applications of estriol by itself.

You can consider the use of vaginal lubricants during sex.

Insulin Resistance
Does your wife eat a lot of carbs? Has she gained or been gaining
weight over the last year or so? She might be suffering from insulin

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Like hypothyroidism insulin resistance can often fly under the radar and
go undiagnosed.

Insulin is important when it comes to sex drive because of how it

interacts with other hormones.

High insulin levels can also affect testosterone levels. It can actually
either increase or decrease testosterone based on other factors, but
most people experience a reduction in testosterone as insulin

In addition insulin also leads to weight gain which itself is associated

with a decrease in sex drive. (Note: the effect of weight gain on sex
drive is also mediated by a combination of both biochemical/hormonal
issues and psychologic issues.)

In any case, insulin resistance is a problem when it comes to standing in

the way of your wife’s sex drive.

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Tips On Handling This Issue
How do you know if your wife’s low sex drive is due to insulin
resistance? Your wife should speak to her doctor about getting her
fasting insulin, blood sugar and Hgb A1c tested. If the results confirm
she’s resistant to insulin, she can do the following things:
 Change her diet and other lifestyle factors (i.e. exercise)
 She can consider using insulin sensitizing supplements: alpha
lipoic acid, berberine, chromium and magnesium.

Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

It’s the end of the day, and you attempt to initiate sex with your
woman, but she’s not into it and claims sheer exhaustion as the libido-
squashing culprit. The problem is that she’s been claiming that quite
consistently for quite some time now.

Even more problematic is that she reports the following symptoms:

 Absent/reduced interest in sexual activity
 Absent/reduced sexual/erotic thoughts or fantasies
 No/reduced initiation of sexual activity, and typically unreceptive
to partner’s attempts to initiate
 Absent/reduced sexual excitement/pleasure during sexual activity
in almost all or all sexual encounters
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 Absent/reduced sexual interest/arousal in response to any
internal or external sexual/erotic cues
 Absent/reduced genital or non-genital sensations during sexual
activity in almost all or all sexual encounters
 If so, she might be suffering from what the DSM 5 (The Diagnostic
And Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5) calls female sexual
interest/arousal disorder.

Tips On Handling This Issue

How do you know if the problem is more “psychological” than
“physiological”? For a diagnosis to be made, a woman must have
experienced at least three of the above symptoms in the past six
months and must experience significant distress because of those
symptoms. Diagnosis is usually based on a physical examination and a
discussion of sexual history and satisfaction. Treatment of this disorder
should be handled by a psychiatrist.

It’s the end of the day, as much of a “catch-all” concept as stress might
seem, the facts are clear that stress and sex drive are inversely
correlated. In other words, the higher your stress, the lower your sex
drive; the lower your stress, the
higher your sex drive.

That said, science doesn’t

understand just yet exactly why this
connection is present. All we can
say for sure is that it is present.

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Tips On Handling This Issue
How do you know if your wife’s sex drive is due to her high levels of
stress? Find a way to significantly reduce the stress in her life and see
what impact that has on your sex life, or lack thereof. A clear way to do
this is by going on a 1-2 week all-inclusive type vacation. If during the
trip your wife suddenly appears to have a sex drive, you may have
found the problem.

When it comes to dealing with issues of the female libido, it can be
quite difficult, especially if the problem exists on a level deeper than
you’re aware. The purpose of this eBook was to help you understand
what those deeper levels are so you can be aware of them and take any
of the steps necessary to remedy them.

On the same note, I would also caution anyone reading this eBook to
not make the mistake of using these factors as cover-ups or scapegoats
so you can carry on in putting forth mediocre efforts while expecting
more than mediocre results.

There is much about a woman’s sex drive that you as her partner are in
direct control over, but for those things you are not, you’re now armed
with the information you need to be able to tackle them together with

Next Steps
Whether or not your woman has any of these problems, you’re going to
eventually need some help in putting your sex life back together, and if
you want you hotwife fantasy to come true, then you’re going to need
to do that in a very specific way. Why?

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Because although popular “wisdom” would have you think it’s easier to
get your woman to sleep with another man if she’s sexually unsatisfied
with you, it’s unfortunately not that simple. In fact, a lot of the times a
couple who has an unfulfilling sex life (or a nonexistent sex life) is
actually at a disadvantage for making the hotwife fantasy. This is
because of how important the role of your intimacy bond is with your

Most women will not entertain exploring anything outside of their

relationship unless they feel positive, secure, and good enough with
their own relationship with their husband first. And for many women
(not all, but many), sexual connection and your intimacy bond go hand
in hand.

This is why when I work with clients, I always make sure to help them
solidify their intimacy bond with their wife, which can include helping
them increase the quality of their sex life in ways neither of them would
have thought possible. When that happens, it’s almost like a magic
switch gets flipped regarding the wife’s openness towards the hotwife

Every case is unique though which is why I offer Personalized

Cuckold/Hotwife Plans that address your unique situation. If you’re
reading this eBook though, you might not be quite ready to jump head
first into getting a complete and comprehensive Personalized
Cuckold/Hotwife Plan. That’s why I offer my Express Plan, and I’m
currently running a 50% off deal on it for those who have downloaded
this free eBook.

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For more information about taking advantage of my current offer to get
an Express Plan for half of what it normally costs, click the button

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