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Review 2331

Pheochromocytoma: presentation, diagnosis and treatment

Nicole Reischa, Mariola Peczkowskab, Andrzej Januszewiczb
and Hartmut P.H. Neumannc

Pheochromocytomas are rare, mostly benign choice and usually curative. In malignant
catecholamine-producing tumors of chromaffin cells of pheochromocytomas, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are
the adrenal medulla or of a paraganglion. Typical clinical palliative treatment options. This review provides an
manifestations are sustained or paroxysmal hypertension, update on identification and management of
severe headaches, palpitations and sweating resulting pheochromocytomas, emphasizing current developments
from hormone excess. However, their presentation is in diagnosis, including genetic testing, pathophysiology
highly variable and can mimic many other diseases. If and treatment of pheochromocytomas. J Hypertens
remaining unrecognized or untreated, they can be a 24:2331–2339 Q 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
life-threatening condition. Therefore, the most important
Journal of Hypertension 2006, 24:2331–2339
message of this review is to think of them. The diagnosis
of pheochromocytomas depends mainly upon the
Keywords: genetic screening, hypertensive crisis, laparoscopic surgery,
demonstration of catecholamine excess by 24-h urinary measurement of metanephrines, paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma
catecholamines and metanephrines or plasma a
Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany,
metanephrines. They are localized by a computed b
Department of Hypertension, National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, Poland
tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging of and cDepartment of Medicine, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg i. Br., Germany

the adrenal glands and abdomen; complementary Correspondence and requests for reprints to Professor Dr Hartmut P. H.
123 Neumann, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Medizinische
I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy and
18 Universitätsklinik, Hugstetter Strasse 55, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany
F-dihydroxyphenylalanine-positron emission Tel: +49 (0)761 270 3363; fax: +49 (0)761 3778;
tomography are available. Because approximately one e-mail:
out of four pheochromocytomas turn out to be hereditary Received 24 March 2006 Revised 6 July 2006
entities, screening for genetic alterations is important. Accepted 7 July 2006
Laparoscopic and adrenal sparing surgical intervention
See editorial commentary on page 2341
following preoperative a-blockade is the treatment of

Introduction paragangliomas according to this definition are usually

Pheochromocytomas and abdominal paragangliomas are not functioning (i.e. they do not produce excess catechol-
rare catecholamine-producing tumors with an estimated amines). This symptom-orientated terminology differs
annual incidence of 2–8 per million population. The from the current WHO terminology, according to which
main incidence occurs in the fourth and fifth decades pheochromocytomas always have an intra-adrenal origin
of life affecting both genders equally. The prevalence in and paragangliomas are located extra-adrenally and
hypertensive patients is 0.2–0.4% [1,2]. Histologically, include catecholamine and non-catecholamine-producing
these tumors arise from chromaffin cells derived from the tumors originating from chromaffin cells.
neural crest. Most pheochromocytomas (85–90%) are
located in the adrenal gland. Extra-adrenal pheochromo- Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas occur as sporadic
cytomas of the sympathoadrenal neuroendocrine system tumors or in a familial context. Neumann et al. [4] showed
are distributed along the paravetrebral and para-aortic that close to 24% of patients with pheochromocytomas and
axis. They are found predominantly in the organ of paragangliomas carry a germline mutation. This was con-
Zuckerkandl (75%), but they can also occur in thoracic, firmed by Amar et al. [5] who even found 27% carrying
mediastinal, abdominal and pelvic locations [3]. The germline mutations. Therefore, the historically estab-
terminology is somewhat confusing and often differs lished ‘rule of tens’, stating that approximately 10% of
between clinical and scientific use. According to their pheochromocytomas are hereditary, 10% are malignant,
clinical manifestation in this review, we call tumors 10% are bilateral, 10% are extra-adrenal, 10% are not
originating from the sympathetic neuroendocrine system associated with hypertension and 10% occur in children,
pheochromocytomas, which can either be located in the is no longer valid concerning genetics [6]. Genetic screen-
adrenal medulla or extra-adrenal (nb. extra-adrenal pheo- ing nowadays is assigned a key role in diagnosis. The main
chromocytomas are sometimes named functional para- syndromes associated with pheochromocytomas and para-
gangliomas by other groups). As paragangliomas, we refer gangliomas are listed in Table 1 [1,7–11].
to tumors found in the head and neck region (e.g. within
the glomus caroticum), which derive from the parasym- Approximately 10% of pheochromocytomas are bilateral
pathetic system. Distinct from pheochromocytomas, tumors, most likely to be observed in children and patients
0263-6352 ß 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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2332 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 No 12

Table 1 Familial pheochromocytomas [1,7–9,11] Symptoms and clinical findings

Syndrome (prevalence Excess release of catecholamines and high levels of
of pheochromocytomas) Gene Genelocus circulating catecholamines are responsible for the typical
Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type 2 Ret-protooncogene 10q11.2
symptoms. Pheochromocytomas may secrete either nor-
(MEN2), (30–60%) epinephrine or epinephrine but, usually, they release
Medullary thyroid carcinoma both of them with a predominance of norepinephrine.
A: Hyperparathyroidism
Rarely, they may also secrete dopa and/or dopamine. It is
B: Multiple neuromas not known why the hormones are released intermittently
Von Hippel-Lindau disease VHL-tumor 3p25–26 and not continuously in most cases. Seventy-five percent
(VHL) (15–20%) type 2 suppressor gene
A: Retinal and CNS of affected patients suffer from attacks weekly, others
haemangioblastomas several times per day or just once every few months. The
Endolymphatic sac tumors
episodes occur suddenly and unexpectedly. In 80%, they
Epididymal cystadenomas last less than 1 h, then subside gradually and lead to
B: þ Renal cell cysts exhaustion of the patient [3]. The attacks are character-
and carcinomas
þ Pancreatic neoplasmas ized by headache (50%), sweating (50%) and palpitations
and cysts (50–60%). However, recent studies showed that this
C: Pheochromocytomas only classic triad occurs more rarely (15–24%) than usually
Neurofibromatosis type 1 NF-1-gene 17q11.2
(NF1) (3–5%) assumed [15–17]. Even hypertension appears to be less
Multiple fibromas on skin frequent (60–70%) than stated in former studies [15–17].
Café au lait spots
Lisch nodules of the iris
Approximately one-half of the patients have permanent
Pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma SDHB-gene 1p35–36 hypertension, the other 50% suffer from paroxysmal
syndrome (PGL, 70–80%) SDHD-gene 11q21–23 hypertension. Normotensive courses are typical for head
Head and neck tumors (Extra-adrenal)
pheochromocytomas and neck paragangliomas and more frequent in familial
pheochromocytomas. Other adrenergic symptoms are
VHL type 2A-C is currently used as shown here. More correct is to add ‘pre- summarized in Table 2 [3,18,19].
dominantly’ or ‘nearly always’.

Because catecholamines can inhibit peristalsis, pheo-

with familial tumors. Only 10–15% are malignant [12]. chromocytomas may be associated with severe consti-
However, a Swedish study showed that patients with pation, pseudo-obstruction or ileus. Mesenteric artery
adrenal pheochromocytoma face a four-fold increased risk vasoconstriction due to hypercatecholaminemia may
for developing other malignancies (men mostly for liver, result in ischemic enterocolitis with intestinal necrosis.
biliary tract cancers and central nervous system tumors, In additon to a catecholamine excess, pheochromocyto-
women mostly maligant melanomas and cervix carci- mas have been found to secrete neuropeptide Y or
nomas) and therefore require lifelong surveillance [13]. chromogranin A. Rarely, they may release vasointestinal
In extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, peptide, serotonin, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone-
the risk for malignancy is higher (29–40%) than the related protein, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
thumbrule of 10%, and an increased risk is also observed neuron-specific enolase or interleukin-6 [2,3]. Asympto-
in women, at young age, and in tumors with more than 5 cm matic pheochromocytomas are seldom, but may be
in size [7]. In most pheochromocytoma-associated syn-
dromes, malignant pheochromocytomas are rare [MEN2,
VHL, PGL 1, 4 (pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma-syn- Table 2 Clinical presentation of pheochromocytomas [3,18,19]
drom)] except for SDHB-associated pheochromocytomas Clinical symptoms
and paragangliomas with maligancy rates of 35% and NF1-
Headache, 50%
associated disease with approximately 10% malignant Sweating, 50%
tumors [2,10,11]. Distinguishing benign from malignant Palpitations, 50–60%
Nervousness, anxiety
tumors by histopathological methods is still impossible in Flushing
most cases. Until now, the only reliable criterion for Tremor
malignancy is the presence of distant metastases. Local Chest pain
Nausea, vomiting
invasiveness, vascular and capsular invasion or a high Warmth or heat intolerance
mitotic index can indicate, but do not provide evidence Pallor
for, malignancy [12]. There are several molecular markers, Loss of weight
such as expression of human telomerase reverse transcrip- Polydipsia
tase, heat shock protein 90, secretogranin II-derived Dizziness
Hematuria, nocturia, bladder tenesmus
peptide and numerous angiogenesis factors, that might Cardiomyopathy
provide diagnostic predictors of malignant behavior Constipation
[12,14]. However, a reliable marker for the malignant Raynaud’s phenomenon
potential of an individual tumor is not yet available.

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Management of pheochromocytoma Reisch et al. 2333

present in familial syndromes and approximately 5% of suppression test is applied rarely. In practice, we often
adrenal incidentalomas. perform directly imaging methods and search for a tumor
in these cases.
In malignant pheochromocytomas, there may also be
symptoms from tumor infiltration and distant metas- However, the restricted availability of the measurement
tases. Patients develop metastases primarily in the of plasma free metanephrines leads to different recom-
skeleton as well as in lung and liver. In any case of mendations for optimal biochemical screening algor-
sustained, paroxysmal hypertension or paradoxical hy- ithms. In most clinical environments, measurement of
pertension despite antihypertensive therapy, especially plasma free metanephrines is not yet available for routine
during therapy with b-blockers, the diagnosis of pheo- diagnostic and therefore measurement urinary fractio-
chromocytoma has to be kept in mind and ruled out. nated metanephrines and urinary catecholamines remain
New onset of hypertension under tricyclic antidepress- the diagnostic test of choice [30–32]. Table 3 provides a
ive medication, severe symptomatic hypotension when summary of the sensitivity and specificity of biochemical
starting therapy with a-blockers or severe retinopathy in tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma according to
newly-diagnosed hypertension may suggest pheochro- Lenders et al. [20].
mocytoma. Other forms of secondary hypertension, such
as renal artery stenosis, hypercortisolism and hyper- It is further important to know that various drugs inter-
aldosteronism, should be considered as differential diag- fere with test results by interfering with the assay or
nosis. Symptoms of pheochromocytoma can further be affecting catecholamine synthesis, release or metab-
mimicked by hyperthyroidism, panic attacks, hypogly- olism [3]. Drug-induced false-positive test results may
cemia and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Sudden be observed in patients taking tricyclic antidepressants,
cessation of a clonidine of b-blocker therapy may also high-dose diuretics, levodopa and theophyllin. More-
cause similar symptoms [3]. over, caffeine and nicotine consumption both lead to
elevated catecholamine levels. Decreased catechol-
Diagnosis amine concentrations can be found due to reserpine.
Laboratory diagnosis Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium
Pheochromocytomas are primarily diagnosed by bio- channel blockers and low-dose diuretics do not signifi-
chemical evidence of catecholamine overproduction, cantly influence the test results. Because catecholamines
either of the catecholamines themselves or their metab- are more stable at low temperature and low pH, urine
olites. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are metabolized collection for measurement of catecholamines is recom-
to normetanephrine and metanephrine by the intra- mended to be refrigerated and acidified (pH < 3). For
cellular catecholamine-O-methyl transferase. The most determination of metanephrines in urine, this is not
frequently used screening method is the measurement necessary but it will not bias the measured metanephrine
of (fractionated) metanephrines in 24-h urine. According concentration. To detect inadequate collection, creati-
to recent studies, the highest test sensitivity (97 –99%) is nine should be measured in the urine samples and
reached by measurement of plasma free metanephrines checked for plausibility [22]. There is hardly any indica-
(specificity 82%) [20]. What makes them an optimal tion for selective catheterization of the left and right
screening method is that they are produced and released adrenal veins for catecholamine measurement; only
continuously by the tumor, whereas measurement of extremely rarely will it be helpful in cases with a negative
basal plasma catecholamines due to variable and inter- I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scan and unclear
mittent release is unsuitable for screening due to their computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance ima-
periodic release [21 –25]. Due to its high sensitivity, the ging (MRI). It is crucial to perform this procedure only
assessment of plasma free metanephrines is a powerful during a-blockage.
method to rule out the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
in highly suspicious cases. In multiple endocrine neo-
plasia type 2 (MEN2) patients, substantially higher Table 3 Comparison of biochemical tests [20]
metanephrine concentrations, often but not always with Sensitivity Specificity
additional increase in normetanephrine, have been
Hereditary Sporadic Hereditary Sporadic
reported, whereas tumors in von Hippel–Lindau syn- percentage percentage percentage percentage
drome (VHL) patients have been reported to be charac-
terized by increases in normetanephrine, but not in Plasma
Free metanephrines 97 99 96 82
metanephrine concentrations [26–29]. Therefore, this Catecholamines 69 92 89 72
provides high specificity in this subgroup of patients. Urine
Fractionated 96 97 82 45
In summary, screening therefore generally should metanephrines
include measurement of either or both urinary frac- Catecholamines 79 91 96 75
tionated metanephrines and plasma free metanephrines. Total metanephrines 60 88 97 89
Vanillylmandelic acid 46 77 99 86
To confirm borderline test results, the clonidine

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2334 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 No 12

Imaging and 11C-hydroxyephedrine-PET provide high sensitivity

Localization diagnosis is based on imaging methods of and specificity because of take-up into catecholamine-
and CT scans and/or MRI. A CT scan can detect pheo- producing cells [26]. 11C-hydroxyephedrine-PET yields
chromocytomas at least 0.5–1.0 cm in diameter. The good results; however, due to the short half-life of the
sensitivity for detecting adrenal pheochromocytomas via C-isotope, it is hardly suitable for whole body scans [39].
a CT scan reaches 85–94%, and is approximately 90% for F-DOPA-PET may reach up to 100% sensitivity and
extra-adrenal localizations. The advantages of CT scans specificity [41,42].
are their cost effectiveness and high sensitivity. In adrenal
tumors, unenhanced CT followed by contrast-enhanced Genetic diagnosis
CT and delayed contrast-enhanced CT imaging yields a To date, germline mutations in five genes have been
sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 92% [3,22,26,33,34]. described, leading to several familial disorders associated
MRI, on the other hand, provides superior contrasting with pheochromocytoma [44]. An activating mutation of
effects in soft tissues and therefore may be better for the RET proto-oncogene, coding for a tyrosine kinase
differentiating pheochromocytomas from adrenal adeno- receptor that transduces signals associated with growth
mas. It allows better assessment of the relationship of the and differentiation, leads to MEN2 [9]. An abnormal VHL
tumor to its environment, particularly to exclude vessel gene, a tumor suppressor gene, is responsible for VHL
invasion. Furthermore, iodide contrast agent is not necess- [8,45–49]. Mutations of the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene
ary and the method does not use radiation [33]. MRI is (NF1) cause von Recklinghausen’s disease [48,50] and
very sensitive in localizing adrenal pheochromocytomas hereditary pheochromocytoma-paragangliomas syn-
(93–100%). In extra-adrenal, metastatic and recurrent drome is associated with mutations in succinate dehydro-
pheochromocytomas, it yields a sensitivity of 90%. How- genase (SDH) subunit genes SDHB and SDHD [11,44,51],
ever, its specificity often is substantially lower (50%) [33]. comprising portions of mitochondrial complex II. The
Complementary to a CT scan or MRI, 123I-MIBG scinti- main clinical manifestations of these family disorders are
graphy is a highly specific method (alternatively 131I- summarized in Table 1. All syndromes are based on
MIBG can be used, but with poorer imaging quality autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with variable
[35]). MIBG a guanethidine analogue, resembling norepi- penetrance. Pheochromocytomas are not always present,
nephrine in its molecular structure, is labelled with 123I and the frequency of pheochromocytomas in patients with
taken up by peripheral sympathetic nerve endings and the MEN2 is approximately 30–60% [34], 15–20% in
adrenal medulla and, to some extent, actively transferred patients with VHL [34,52] and 3–5% in patients with
into catecholamine storage vesicles [33]. For diagnostic NF1 [34,48]. According to the literature SDHB and
purposes, 123I-MIBG with a half-life of 13 h is applied SDHD mutation carriers have a very high risk of devel-
intravenously and body scans are performed after 4 h oping tumors. Neumann et al. [51] reported a penetrance
and 24 h. The thyroidal resorption of 123I should be inhib- of pheochromocytomas/paragangliomas in SDHB and
ited by previous application of perchlorate. The main SDHD mutation carriers of approximately 80% at age
goal of 123I-MIBG scintigraphy is to functionally confirm 50 years [51]. According to Benn et al. [53], a percentage
tumor tissue that has been localized via CT scan or MRI. of 80% of penetrance is reached in SDHB mutation
It is also a helpful tool to diagnose extra-adrenal pheo- carriers only at the age of approximately 70 years [53].
chromocytomas and remaining tumor tissue after surgery. Neumann et al. [51] and Benn et al. [53] consistently
The specificity of this method is very high (95–100%); report earlier ages of disease onset in SDHD compared to
however, its sensitivity is significantly lower (77–90%) SDHB mutation carriers. Mutations of the SDHD gene
[22,33]. Because several drugs (e.g. tricyclic antidepress- are associated mainly with paragangliomas in the head
ants, labetalol, specific calcium antagonists) may interfere and neck and multifocal disease. SDHB mutation carriers,
with tumor uptake of 123MIBG, they should be discon- however, develop in up to 35% malignancies and may also
tinued before imaging [36]. In malignant pheochromocy- develop extraparaganglial neoplasias, including renal cell
tomas 111In-octreotide scintigraphy provides another and thyroid carcinomas [51]. Pheochromocytomas in
method for detecting metastasis. Compared to 123I-MIBG MEN2, VHL and NF1 disorders usually are not the first
scintigraphy, it is substantially inferior concerning clinical manifestation and are more likely to be benign
sensitivity; however, in malignant tumors, it may reveal and bilateral [34].
metastasis that are not seen in 123I-MIBG scintigraphy
due to histological dedifferentiation or bleeding [26,33, In this context, genetic testing is essential to identify
37,38]. If the above-mentioned imaging methods fail mutation carriers of hereditary pheochromocytoma at an
to detect pheochromocytomas, positron emission early stage of the disease or even before any symptoms
tomography (PET) imaging with 18F-fluorodeoxyglu- may appear [11]. This is very important for patients as
cose (FDG), 18F-dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F-DOPA) well as for potential carriers among their relatives.
[39,40], 18F-fluoradopamine (18F-DA) [41,42] or Complete genetic testing may thus allow careful imag-
C-hydroxyephedrine [43] can be performed. Whereas ing and screening for pheochromocytomas, paraganglio-
FDG-PET is a non-specific method, 18F-DA-, 18F-DOPA- mas and for other tumors that occur in the distinct

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Management of pheochromocytoma Reisch et al. 2335

pheochromocytoma-associated syndromes. Sometimes, SDHD and SDHB [11,51]. Renal tumors are found in
a careful work-up of the family allows tumor diagnosis 25% of patients with VHL; therefore, screening is first
even at early, asymptomatic stages that would otherwise focused on mutations in the VHL gene. Pheochromo-
often be missed. The chances for curative treatment of cytomas in children are also highly suspicious to be due
pheochromocytoma, but also of associated tumors (such to VHL gene mutations. In malignant pheochromocy-
as medullary thyroid cancer in MEN2 with pheochro- tomas, the first target of genetic analysis are SDHB
mocytoma as first manifestation), increase with early mutations because malignancy is reported in 35% in
diagnosis due to genetic testing. Because up to 25% of these cases [10,11,51]. Vice versa, according to our
apparently sporadic pheochromocytomas turn out to be experience, 24% of patients with malignant pheochro-
hereditary, genetic testing should also be performed in mocytoma have an underlying SDHB mutation (unpub-
these patients [4]. Other studies [5] demonstrate that, in lished data). To improve the data base for incidence and
more than 50% of apparently sporadic tumors, the prevalence of these syndromes as well as the frequency
herditary disease may be suspected even before genetic of distinct symptomes, the clinician should always aim
testing if both patient and family history are carefully at including all patients in population-based registers;
assessed. This emphasizes that the sequence of genetic for example the Freiburg –Warsaw Pheochromocytoma
testing should be adapted to clinical features. Extra- Registry [4,51,54]; contact H. P. H. Neumann (e-mail:
adrenal pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, for or Andrzej
example, often occur in carriers of SDHB and SDHD Januszewicz in Warsaw, Poland (e-mail:
mutations. In VHL and NF1 patients, extra-adrenal Other helpful contacts are for example Marta Barontini
localization of pheochromocytomas is also known; how- in Buenos Aires, Argentina (e-mail: mbarontini@
ever, it is very rare in MEN2. If intra- and extra-adrenal, Maurizio Castellano in Brescia, Italy (e-mail:
pheochromocytomas and/or paragangliomas occur in the, Jacques Lenders in Nijmegen,
same patient, this hints towards pheochromocytoma- the Netherlands (e-mail:,
paraganglioma syndromes (PGLs) that are linked to Massimo Manelli in Florence, Italy (e-mail: m.mannelli@
mutations of the succinate dehydrogenase subunits, Giuseppe Opocher in Padua, Italy
Fig. 1

Biochemical testing
• (Fractionated) metanephrines in 24-h urine
• Free plasma metanephrines (if available)
• Catecholamines in 24-h urine
Cave: might be biased by some medications

Normal Borderline beyond two-fold
of normal

symptoms or high
risk for familial pheo- Clonidine test* Imaging
chromocytoma? • CT/MRI
• 123 I-MIBG scintigraphy
• If scintigraphy is normal: 18 F-
Fluorodopamine PET
• In malignant
pheochromocytoma: 111 In-
Continuing octreotid-scintigraphy

Genetic Preoperative
testing treatment

Pheochromocytoma Repeat biochemical

Treatment algorithm
excluded testing after 6 months

Diagnostic procedure in pheochromocytomas. The authors usually do not perform a clonidine test but proceed directly to imaging. However, the
authors recommend adrenal sparing surgery also in these cases because familial origin of the tumor mostly is not yet excluded at the time of surgery
and hereditary pheochromocytomas often present with only one tumor. CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; 123I-MIBG,
I-metaiodobenzylguanidine; PET, position emission tomography.

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2336 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 No 12

(e-mail:, Karel Pacak in minimal invasive surgery are less release of catechol-
Bethesda, Maryland, USA (e-mail:, amines during surgery than in open adrenalectomy, more
Pierre Francois Plouin in Paris, France (e-mail: pierre- rapid recovery, a cosmetically more satisfying result, a
francois. and Mecedes reduced need for postoperative analgesics and a shorter
Robledo in Madrid, Spain (e-mail: hospital stay. Bilateral total adrenalectomy yields an
The diagnostic procedure is summarized in Fig. 1. increased morbidity and mortality resulting from primary
adrenocortical insufficiency. As a guideline, adrenal
Therapy pheochromocytomas should be removed sparing the nor-
Preoperative pharmacological therapy mal adrenal cortex; this recommendation is based on the
Before surgical intervention, adrenergic a-blockers must fact that many patients with inherited conditions present
be applied sufficiently in dose and duration (7–14 days) initially with only one tumor and that genetic testing is
to prevent hypertensive crisis and ensure blood pressure currently so time-consuming that this cannot be com-
control. It is recommended to document normotension in pleted before surgery. In bilateral sporadic and hereditary
a 24-h blood pressure profile before surgery. The sub- pheochromocytomas, adrenal sparing surgery in centres
stance of choice is phenoxybenzamine, a non-selective a- providing the necessary expertise preserving adrenocor-
blocker [55,56]. The given dose is gradually increased tical function should also be favoured [64]. To verify
over a period of 14 days, starting off with 10 mg twice a sufficient postoperative adrenocortical function, an
day. Under tight blood pressure control, the dose is ACTH stimulation test should be performed. All patients
increased by 10 mg per day up to 1 mg/kg per day given should be followed-up yearly for at least 10 years after
in three to four individual doses [56]. In most cases, surgery [65]. Because hereditary-type tumors are at higher
30–60 mg/day are sufficient. This treatment aims for risk for recurrences after adrenal sparing surgery, long-
normotension and prevention of hypertensive crisis, term follow-up and continuous surveillance is essential
which should be documented preoperatively in a 24-h [26,66,67].
blood pressure protocol.
Therapy of malignant pheochromocytomas
Negative side-effects might be tachycardia, orthostatic
The therapy of malignant metastatic pheochromocytoma
hypotension, gastrointestinal problems or swelling of
is based on surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy aiming at
nasal mucosa due to effective a-blockage. The last
tumor debulking and blockade of endocrine activity of
phenoxybenzamine dose is applied in the evening
tumors. In most cases, tumor tissue still remains after
before surgery. Adrenergic blockage of a1-receptors
surgery, and thus surgery rarely is a curative option. As
with prazosin or doxazosin can also be performed [57];
well as in cases not suitable for surgery, 131I-MIBG can
however, documented experience is limited and there-
be used as therapeutical option, given that the tumor
fore they are considered as second choice treatment
shows uptake of MIBG. This may yield partial remission
options. Gradual dose increment from 1 to 16 mg
in 24–54% of patients; in rare cases, even complete
once a day is necessary here, too [56]. b-blockers must
remission has been reported [12,14]. Treatment with
only be applied after sufficient a-blockage as they might 131
I-MIBG is well tolerated and can be repeated several
provoke vasoconstriction with marked blood pressure
times. Dose, therapy intervals and the number of therapy
increments due to their blockage of b2-receptors and
cycles have to be determined individually. Until now,
inhibition of any vasodilatating effect of epinephrine
there are no standardized guidelines on therapy with
[58]. b-blockers are preferentially used to treat tachy- 131
I-MIBG. 131I-MIBG therapy helps to prolong survival
cardia or supraventricular dysrhythmias. This specific
as well as achieve relief of symptoms [68]. If 131I-MIBG
effect is mediated by b1 receptors. Therefore, selective
uptake is low, octreotide is another therapeutic option
b1 receptors blockers as atenolol and bisoprolol are
because several pheochromocytomas express type 2 and 3
recommended for treatment. Hypertensive crises are
somatostatin receptors. The available data on this issue
controlled with nitroprusside, nitroglycerine, phentola-
are rare and inconsistent [14]. Another newly-practiced
mine or urapidile. Continuous hypertension after tumor
option is the application of high-dose 131I-MIBG in
removal can indicate residual tumor tissue or metastases.
malignant pheochromocytomas [69,70]. In case of no
It is also possible that the patient suffers from essential
hypertension or coexisting renal artery stenosis regard-
less of his pheochromocytoma or that the hypertension
Table 4Cyclophosphamid, vincristine, dacarbacin (CVD)
caused by pheochromocytoma led to structural vessel chemotherapy by Averbuch et al. [19,71]
adaptation [26].
CVD: repeat days 22–29 (3–6 cycles)

Surgical therapy Cyclophosphamid 750 mg/m2 per day i.v. Day 1

Laparscopic or retroperitoneoscopic minimal invasive Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 per day i.v. Day 1, max. 2 mg abs.
Dacarbacin 600 mg/m2 per day i.v. Days 1–3
removal of intra- and extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas
now is the gold standard [59–63]. The advantages of i.v., intravenous.

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Management of pheochromocytoma Reisch et al. 2337

Fig. 2

Pheochromocytoma Paraganglioma

Pharmacological treatment
• Phenoxybenzamine
• Prazosine, doxazosine
• In hypertensive crisis: Benign Malignant
natriumnitroprussid, urapidil
• In tachycardia: β-blockers

Benign Malignant

Surgical treatment
Adrenal Extra-adrenal

Unilateral Bilateral

Curative surgery?

Sporadic Hereditary

Total Tumor Radical surgery

Adrenal sparing surgery Radical surgery
adrenalectomy* surgery or surgical debulking

• 131 I-MIBG (if tumor shows uptake)

• Octreotid therapy (if octreotid positive)
10-year Life-long • Chemotherapy (Averbuch protocol)
follow-up follow-up • Radiotherapy

Therapeutic procedure in pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas. The literature mostly prefers total adrenalectomy in sporadic
tumors. 131I-MIBG, 131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine.

radionuclide uptake or no satisfactory clinical response, concentrations, a-methyl-paratyrosine can be applied

chemotherapy is possible. Although there is no evidence- additionally; however, it should be used very carefully
based chemotherapy protocol for malignant pheochromo- due to its negative side-effects [14,73]. Based on newly-
cytomas, the most widely employed regime has been discovered molecular mechanisms of tumorogenesis,
reported by Averbuch et al. [71] (Table 4). promising targeted therapies might be developed
(e.g. inhibition of heat shock protein 90, which is
The CVD (cyclophosphamid, vincristine, dacarbacin) overexpressed in malignant pheochromocytomas).
schedule was reported to yield complete and partial Other possible approaches could be the human telo-
response rates of 57% and complete and partial bio- merase reverse transcriptase or anti-angiogenic drugs
chemical responses in 79% of patients [71]. There are [14]. The therapeutic algorithm is shown in Fig. 2.
also hints for beneficial and additive effects of a com-
bined regime of chemotherapy and 131I-MIBG therapy
[70,72]. In case of bone metastasis, radiotherapy to Prognosis
stabilize and prevent pathologic fractures is performed. In benign pheochromocytomas, the 5-year survival rate is
Another aspect of the therapeutic concept in malignant above 95%, recurrencies occur in less than 10% of cases
pheochromocytomas is the symptomatic control of cate- [12]. Due to the low incidence of malignant pheochro-
cholamine production. In excessive catecholamine mocytomas, there are rather single case reports than

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2338 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 No 12

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