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Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

Volume 2022, Article ID 3205371, 9 pages

Research Article
Synchronous Behavior of Coupled Oscillatory Network with
Different Interconnection Patterns

Zhongshe Gao,1 Xuefeng Liang,1 and Lixin Yang 2

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui, GanSu 710021, China
School of Mathematics & Data Science, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Lixin Yang;

Received 22 April 2022; Accepted 11 August 2022; Published 25 August 2022

Academic Editor: Marcio Eisencraft

Copyright © 2022 Zhongshe Gao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper concerns with the synchronous behavior of coupled oscillatory networks with positive and negative interconnections.
Furthermore, the coupling strength is related to the frequencies of oscillators, and we study the dynamical behavior of power
networks with weight coefficient between oscillators. Most importantly, time delay is inevitable in the propagation power through
the transmission line. Thus, the impact of time delay on synchronous state of oscillatory network is discussed. Simulation results
show that the impact of positive interconnection is not obvious on the synchronous state of power network. Nevertheless, for
negative coupling, large coupling strength between oscillators decreases the synchronous performance. In addition, we find that
when the weight coefficient is even, the synchronous ability of network increases with the increase in weight coefficient whatever
the coupling strategy and topological structure be. However, when weight parameter is odd, the entire network with negative
coupling cannot achieve synchronization. Finally, our results show that time delay has a critical value τ  1, and the evolutions of
order parameters are different under different values of time delay.

1. Introduction instance, researchers presented the synchronized condition

in terms of complex network topology and parameters.
Nonlinear dynamics has been developed to study general Reference [9] investigated the stability of decentralized
dynamical systems with nonlinearity and has become an power networks against dynamical perturbations. Syn-
important mathematical tool in power system dynamics chronization of coupled units has been investigated in
[1, 2]. Power systems are very complicated dynamical sys- several networks. In most studies, homogeneous coupling
tem, and their dynamical behavior is of importance for a patterns between oscillators are assumed. Thus, various
secure operation of power network. Moreover, power net- interactions coexist within the same system in practice. An
works play crucial roles in any country’s aspects and are an important example is that of systems with positive and
essential part of the infrastructure of our modern society negative interactions [7]. For example, cooperation and
[3, 4]. On the other hand, the second-order Kuramoto-like competition relationship coexist in ecological networks.
oscillator model has been established as a standard model Moreover, more complex coupling formats may increase the
describing the collective phenomenon, which is of great dynamical behavior of the coupled network. In addition to
interest in power systems [5, 6]. Synchronization is con- this, in many real-world networks, there is a weight related
sidered the most ubiquitous collective behavior appearing in to lines and nodes [13–15]. In this way, the synchronous state
natural systems [7, 8]. Additionally, the topology of the is dependent on competition between the phase differences
network and the distribution of power generation and and the natural frequencies of oscillators. It is generally
consumption play important roles in synchronization. In believed that the coupling types of the oscillatory network
recent years, many researchers have investigated synchro- are impacted by the native frequencies of the oscillators [16].
nous stability based on the Kuramoto-like model [9–12]. For This implies that the coupling strength plays a crucial role on
2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

the synchronization in oscillatory networks [17–21]. So far, 2. Mathematical Model and Linear Stability
many previous works mainly considered the influence of the
topology structure, instead of the oscillator itself, on the The Kuramoto-like model is considered as the paradigm
synchronization of oscillatory networks. Most importantly, model to describe power grids [28]. The model can be
due to the distance between generators and consumers, time expressed as follows:
delay is inevitable in the propagation of power through the ⎪
⎧ θ_ i � ωi ,
transmission line [22–24]. Other researchers have investi- ⎪

N (1)
gated the synchronization of coupled oscillators. For ex- ⎪

⎩ ω_ i � −α i ω i + P i + K 􏽘 Aij sin􏼐θj − θi 􏼑, i � 1, 2, . . . , N,
ample, the notion of a master stability function can be used j�1
to determine the stability of synchronous solutions of
identical oscillators with linear coupling [25, 26]. Moreover, where θi and θ_ i � ωi are the instantaneous phase and fre-
by assuming that all oscillators have an identical natural quency of the i − th oscillator, respectively. This model is
frequency, authors studied the dynamics behavior of os- designed to represent distribution power network. It de-
cillators [8, 15, 22, 27–30]. In this work, we carry out scribes the collective dynamics of N subgrids with an ef-
simulations on synchronization in populations of coupled fective damping coefficient α rotating at grid frequency
Kuramoto oscillators with different natural frequency, with Ω � 2π × 50 HZ in the normal operation state. K is the line
the aim of developing results to analyze the influence of capacity of the power transmission between subgrid i and j.
coupling patterns and time delay in synchronous state of Pi denotes the power that is supplied (Pi > 0) or consumed
power network. (Pi < 0) at node i, and αi is the damping constant that we
This paper is organized as follows. First, a coupled os- take equally for all oscillators. We focus on two types of
cillatory network model with positive and negative con- interconnection that coexist in the oscillatory network.
nection is presented. Moreover, the condition of Hence, the coupling matrix can be defined as following. If
synchronous state stability is analyzed in Section 2. Then, in the connection between oscillators is positive, then the el-
Section 3, the effect of the coupling strategies on the syn- ement is Aij � 1, while the connection is negative, the el-
chronizability of elementary networks is investigated. In ement is Aij � −1 and Aij � 0 denotes there are no
Section 4, the impact of time delay on synchronous behavior connections between oscillators. In this way, the coupling
is studied. Finally, the conclusions of this work are drawn in matrix can be described as A � A+ + A− ; thus, equation (1) is
Section 5. rewritten as follows:

⎪ θ_ i � ωi ,

N (2)

⎪ ω_ � −α ω + P + K 􏽘 + −
􏽨Aij sin􏼐θj − θi 􏼑 + Aij sin􏼐θi − θj 􏼑􏽩, i � 1, 2, . . . , N.

⎩ i i i i

This model is more realistic since we mostly observe the −αws + Pi + K 􏽘 􏽨A+ij sin􏼐△ji 􏼑 − A−ij sin􏼐△ji 􏼑􏽩 � 0. (5)
interconnections of power networks with two types between i�1
elements. Based on this condition and the summation of all the
In this paper, we suppose the power distribution with the equations of the algebraic system in (2), we can find the
form as follows: relations:
Pi � (−1)i+1 P + λi ,
(3) ⎪

⎪ ωs � 0 N is odd
i � 1, 2, ..., N − 1, ⎪

⎪ , (6)
where λi ∈ [0, 1] is the adjustable parameter and 􏽐N ⎪
⎪ 􏽐N Pi P
i�1 Pi � 0. ⎪
⎩ ωs � i�1
� N is even
In order to keep power balance in real power network, αN α
the synchronous state of the network is given by
where P represents the average value of all Pi .
ω_ i � 0, In order to quantity the synchronization behavior, we
􏼨 (4)
ω_ i � ωs , i � 1, 2, . . . , N, introduce the order parameter r(t)eiΨ(t) � 1/N 􏽐N j�1 e
iϕj (t)

which corresponds to the coherence of the collective motion

where r(t) � 1/N 􏽐N j e
iϕj (t)
is the synchronous frequency of of the oscillators [27] where Ψ(t) indicates the average phase
the coupled network. of oscillators and the range of order parameter is 0 ≤ r(t) ≤ 1.
Define the variable △ji � θj − θi . In addition, the value of Ψ(t) represents the average phase of
So, equation (2) can be rewritten as follows: the ensemble of oscillators.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3

2.1. Linear Stability Analysis. In the following, we intend to (θ2, P2) (θ1, P1) (θ3, P3)
study the linear stability of the synchronous state. Firstly, we
linearize (1) around a steady state (θ∗i , 0) Thus, one can obtain
the linearized dynamics using the matrix differential equation:
_ 0 IN θ θ Figure 1: The chain network model. A generator (square) injects a
⎣ θ ⎤⎦ � 􏼢
⎡ 􏼣􏼢 􏼣 � J􏼢 􏼣, (7) power, and two loads (circles) consume power, each consuming a
ω_ L −α ω ω power in arbitrary units where dash line is negative coupling and
solid line is positive coupling.
where IN denotes unit matrix and L is a Laplacian matrix
denoting the structure of the network, which is given by
As shown in (12), we notice that the capacities of

⎪ −Kcos􏼐θ∗j − θ∗i 􏼑, i ≠ j, transmission lines are considered the same values. However,

Lij � ⎪ n (8) in real situations, the transmission lines have different ca-

⎪ − 􏽘 Lil , i ≠ j. pacities and this ability is related to the frequency of nodes.

l≠i Therefore, in the present paper, we focus our attention on
oscillatory power network with different capacities. Thus, the
Since L is Laplacian matrix, one can diagonalize by chain dynamical network model translates to
substituting J � QLQ− 1 , where the elements of matrix Q are
the eigenvectors of L and J is the diagonalized matrix ⎪
⎧ €θ � −αθ_ + P + Pc 􏽨A− sin θ − θ 􏼁 + A+ sin θ − θ 􏼁􏽩,

⎪ 1 1 1 1 ij 2 1 ij 3 1
composed by uj . ⎪

€θ � −αθ_ − P + P 􏽨A sin θ − θ 􏼁􏽩,
c −
In the following, we can rewrite (7) using ⎪
⎪ 2 2 2 2 ij 2 1

Y1 � Q− 1 X1 and Y2 � Q− 1 X2 . ⎩ €θ � −αθ_ − P + Pc 􏽨A+ sin θ − θ 􏼁,
3 3 3 3 ij 3 1
Y_ 1j Y

⎣ ⎤⎥⎥⎦ � 􏼢 0 1 􏼣⎡
⎣ ij ⎤⎦. (9)
Y_ 2j J −α Y2j where weight coefficient c corresponds to the capacities of
transmission lines. One can adjust the values of parameters
It is well known that if the largest nonzero Lyapunov to meet the power balance.
exponent is negative, then the stationary solution is linearly In what follows, we will study the influence of the weight
stable and is unstable otherwise. Hence, the synchronous coefficient c on synchronous behavior of oscillatory network
state stability is determined by the following eigenvalues: with positive and negative couplings. Without loss of gen-
−λA ± λ2A − 4uj erality, we assume that P1 � 2 and P2 � −1, P3 � −1. The
λ±,j � , for j � 1, 2, . . . , n. (10) average frequency value of ωs � 0 and the initial value is
2 (θ0 , ω0 ) � (0, 0). The adjacent matrix is described by
So, the synchronous state of the system is stable if and 0 −1 0
only if the real parts of the eigenvalues are negative, that is, ⎡⎢⎢⎢ ⎤⎥⎥⎥
A � ⎢⎢⎢⎣ −1 0 1 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦.
⎢ (14)
maxR􏼐λ±,j 􏼑 < 0. (11)
0 −1 0
That is, the stability of the oscillatory power network is Figures (2) and (3) describe the influence of the coupling
governed by the eigenvalues of Laplacian matrix. As we parameter con synchronizability for oscillatory network with
know, coupling strategies correspond to the Laplacian positive and negative coupling patterns. Figure 2(a) illus-
matrix. trates the order parameter evolutions of the oscillatory
In the next step, we will analyze the effect of coupling network with weight coefficient c � 0.
schemes on synchronizability of oscillatory network. In Figures 2 and3, the order parameter is depicted as a
function of coupling strength. We take the weight coeffi-
3. Effects of Coupling Strategy on cients as odd in Figure 3(a) and they are even in Figure 3(b).
Synchronous State In Figure 3(a), we can find that there is no consistency in the
evolution of order parameters. Furthermore, the entire
3.1. The Chain Oscillatory Network. In this subsection, firstly, network achieves desynchronization of phases. Nevertheless,
we give an elementary model consisting of three elements, a Figure 3(b) exhibits that the network remains asynchronous
generator and two consumers under different coupling up to some critical value, at which its order parameter
strategies, described as in Figure 1. exhibits a jump to higher values. With the increase of the
According to Figure 1, we give the dynamical model of coupling strength, the order parameter is close to one. These
the chain network with three nodes. interesting phenomena are explained using the oscillator’s
€θ � −αθ_ + P + K􏽨A− sin θ − θ 􏼁 + A+ sin θ − θ 􏼁􏽩,
native frequency. Based on the proposed oscillatory network

1 1 1 ij 2 1 ij 3 1 model, it is noticed that the weight parameter is odd and the

€θ � −αθ_ − P + K􏽨A− sin θ − θ 􏼁􏽩, (12) native frequencies are negative, and the coupling between

⎪ 2 2 2 ij 2 1

⎪ the generators and the consumer oscillators is repulsive.
⎩ €θ � −αθ_ − P + K􏽨A+ sin θ − θ 􏼁
3 3 3 ij 3 1 However, when the weight coefficient is odd and the native
4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

1 attracted and the repulsive couplings coexist in the power

network with odd weight coefficient. On the other hand, if
the weight coefficient is even, the coupling are always
attracted, which denotes that there exists only attracted
0.95 coupling in the whole network. Then, the oscillators grad-
ually approach each other from the opposite direction. In
this situation, the fluctuation of the order parameter is large.
Then, while increasing the coupling strength, more and
more oscillators are locked and all the oscillators slow down.
Finally, when the coupling strength is large enough to lock
all the oscillators, the frequency synchronization is achieved.
0.85 That is, the order parameter grows larger with the increasing
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 of the coupling strength.
Figure 2: The evolution of order parameter of network with weight 3.2. The Ring Oscillatory Network. In order to investigate the
parameter c � 0.
effect of coupling patterns of oscillatory power network, we
will study the case of a ring network, represented in Figure 4.
frequencies are positive, the couplings between oscillators Based on the topological structure, the dynamics of this kind
are attracted towards each other. This implies that the of network is described by the following equation [29]:

⎨ θ_ i � ωi ,

⎩ ω_ � −α ω + P + K􏽨A+ sin θ − θ 􏼁 + A− sin θ − θ 􏼁􏽩 (15)
i i i i ij i i+1 ij i i−1 i � 2, . . . , N.

In what follows, we investigate the equilibria of the ring That is, half the connections are positive and half inter-
network, and the Laplacian matrix can be defined as follows connections are negative. In the next step, we will investigate
the synchronous behavior of the ring oscillatory network
Li,i−1 � Kcos θi − θi−1 􏼁, with different values of weight coefficient between nodes.
Li,i+1 � Kcos θi − θi−1 􏼁, (16) In Figure 5, one can find that the critical value of
coupling strength is the smallest when the weight coefficient
Li,i � −K􏼂cos θi − θi−1 􏼁 + cos θi − θi−1 􏼁􏼃. is equal to zero. From Figure 5(a) and 5(b), we can observe
that the order parameter is decreased with the increase of
Here, we suppose that the ring network consists of
weight coefficient whatever the characteristic of weight
number nodes with half generators and half consumers.
coefficient be.
Thus, the phase differences between neighbors are as follows:
In what follows, we assume that all the interconnections
ϕ1 � θ1 − θN (mod2π), ϕi+1 � θi+1 − θi (mod2π). (17) of the ring network are positive or negative, respectively.
Then, we observe the evolution process of order parameter
To calculate the equilibrium points, we set in two cases.
(θi , θ_ i ) � (θs , 0) in (15) from which we obtain the following Figure 6(a) shows the simulation results of oscillatory
equations: ring network with positive interconnection, we can clearly
Pi see that weight coefficients are even, and the evolutions of
sinϕi − sinϕi+1 � , i � 1, . . . , N. (18) order parameters are unchanged with different values of
weight coefficients. Furthermore, and the order parameter is
Since all phase differences should be restricted to one gradually close to one with the increase of the coupling
period of ϕi , the following additional requirement holds: strength. Finally, the ring network realizes synchronization.
However, Figure 6(b) exhibits that the weight coefficient is
N N odd, and the order parameter keeps a constant. Moreover,
􏽘 ϕi � 2kπ, k ∈ 􏼚−􏼔 􏼕, . . . , −1, 0, 1, . . . , 􏼔 􏼕􏼛. (19)
2 2 the entire network cannot achieve synchronization with the
increasing of coupling strength. It is noticed that the evo-
[N/2] represents the floor value of N/2, where the largest lutions of order parameters with coupling strength have
integer value which is smaller than or equal to N/2. quite different processes in Figure 5. This is because the
Actually, each equilibrium relates to a synchronous state. weight parameter with different categories and coupling
Firstly, we focus on the special case with the interconnec- schemes has significant effect on synchronizability of power
tions between nodes of the ring network being symmetric. network.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5

1 1

0.9 0.98
r r 0.94

0.4 0.9

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

c=1 c=2
c=3 c=4
(a) (b)

Figure 3: The evolutions of order parameters of network with different values of weight coefficients: (a) weight coefficients are odd and (b)
weight coefficients are even.



Figure 4: The topological structure of a ring network. Circle nodes are generators, and square nodes are consumers.

4. Effects of the Transmission Delay Moreover, time delay can strongly influence the dynamical
behavior of the oscillatory network. In presence of time
In the power network, due to the distance between gener- delay, the equations describing the dynamics of the system
ators and consumers, transmission delay is inevitable in the are given by
propagation power through the transmission line.

⎪ θ_ i � ωi ,

N (20)

⎪ ω_ � −α ω + P + K 􏽘 Aij sin􏼐θj (t − τ) − θi (t − τ)􏼑, i � 1, 2, . . . , N,

⎩ i i i i

where the time delay is τ, and in this section, we assume that and ring network structures are considered, respectively. The
the transmission capabilities are equal on all the lines. In effects of time delay on the synchronizability are plotted in
addition, we suppose that all the coupling patterns are Figure 7. Figure 7(a) gives the evolution of order parameter
positive interconnection between oscillators. Similarly, star versus the coupling strength for ring network under
6 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

1 1

0.98 0.98

0.96 0.96

r 0.94 r 0.94

0.92 0.92

0.9 0.9

0.88 0.88
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
c=1 c=2
c=3 c=0
c=0 c=4
(a) (b)

Figure 5: The evolutions of order parameters for a ring network with different weight coefficients.

1 0.945

0.98 0.945

0.96 0.945

r 0.94 r 0.945

0.92 0.945

0.9 0.945

0.88 0.945
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

c=2 c=1
c=4 c=3
c=6 c=5
(a) (b)

Figure 6: The evolutions of order parameters for a ring network with different weight coefficients: (a) the interconnections of network are
positive; (b) the interconnections of network are negative.

different values of time delays while Figure 7(b) depicts the time delay τ > 1, the order parameter decreases with the
same order parameter of the chain network for different increase of coupling strength whatever the topological
values of time delay. structures of networks be.
According to Figure 7, the synchronizability of networks This is because the phase difference of the oscillators gets
is related to the values of time delay. We notice that, there is larger with the increase of time delay under the same coupling
one critical value of the order parameter where the network strength. Thus, time delay τ � 1 can be considered as a critical
keeps synchronous state. For the time delay equal to τ ≤ 1, value with parameters used in Figure 7. This is a critical time
the order parameter increases with the increase of the delay, above which the network cannot achieve synchroni-
coupling strength. In addition, one can find that when the zation whatever the value of the coupling strength be.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7

1 0.95
0.95 0.85
r 0.9 r 0.75
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

T=1.3 T=0.7 T=1.3 T=0.7

T=1 T=0.2 T=1 T=0.2
(a) (b)

Figure 7: The order parameter evolution of oscillatory network under different values of time delay: (a) ring network and (b) chain network.

1 1


0.96 0.95

r 0.94 r

0.92 0.9


0.88 0.85
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
n = 300 n = 50
n = 20 n=4
n =4 n = 100
(a) (b)

Figure 8: The influence of nodes number on dynamics behavior of network with different structures: (a) ring-like topology structure and (b)
network with WS topology.

5. Discussion and Conclusion structure. This is because synchronous behavior will be

influenced many factors besides topology structure.
5.1. The Influence of Node Numbers. In this subsection, we Therefore, it is difficult to obtain a qualitative result for this
will investigate the synchronous behavior of the power perspective.
network with different node numbers. Here, we select the
weight parameter c � 0. Numerical simulations are shown in
Figure 8. 5.2. Conclusions. This paper presents a more practical power
From Figure 8(a), it is clearly seen that the smaller the network model with positive and negative coupling strate-
nodes number is, the closer the order parameter is to one. gies to analyze the collective behavior. Especially, the pro-
That is, the synchronizability of the ring network decreases posed model takes into consideration the contribution of
with the increase of nodes number. However, Figure 8(b) transmission line; moreover, the role of the weight coeffi-
shows that there is a counterintuitive range of coupling cient on the synchronous state of the power network is
strength values where the synchronous ability increases as studied. Simualtion results show that oscillatory ring net-
the nodes number increases, based on a WS topology work with positive interconnection and even weight
8 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

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