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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.

, India
A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
Sec: Sr. ICON ALL & LT
Duration: 3Hrs Max.Marks:160


Important Instructions:
Mathematics : 1 – 80 for correct Answer Carries +1M and for wrong
Answer –0 M Will be Awarded

Physics : 81 – 120 for correct Answer Carries +1M and for wrong
Answer –0 M Will be Awarded

Chemistry : 121 – 160 for correct Answer Carries +1M and for wrong
Answer –0 M Will be Awarded

Name of the Candidate:____________________

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
1. Domain of log3 log2  x  3
1)  4,  2)  2,  3)  3,  4) 
1 1
2. If f  x  is a polynomial function such that f  x  f    f  x   f   and f  3  80 then
x x    

f  x  f   
 x
1 1 1 1
1) x 4  2)  x4 3) x 4  4)   x4
x4 x4 x4 x4
3. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {1, 2, 3} then the number of into functions that can be
defined from A to B is
1) 45 2) 48 3) 36 4) 81
4. If P  n  : 2  4  6       2n  , n  N , then P  k   k  k  1  2  P  k  1   k  1 k  2   2 is true

for all k  N . So, statement P  n   n(n  1)  2 is true for all

1) n  1
2) n  2
3) n  3
4) Mathematical induction is not applicable
 5 5 2 3 n
5. If A    then the value of A  A  A  ....  A 
 0 0 
 5n  1 
1) nA 2) 5n A 3) 5nA 4)  A
 4 
Sin 2130 Sin 2 77 0 Tan1350
6. Sin 2 77 0 Tan1350 Sin 2130 
Tan1350 Sin 2 130 Sin 2 77 0
1) -1 2) 0 3) 1 4) 2
7. If the trivial solution is the only solution of the system of equations
x  ky  z  0, kx  3 y  kz  0,3x  y  z  0 then the set of all values of k is
1){2,-3} 2) R-{2,-3} 3) R-{2} 4) R-{-3}
8. The vectors AB  3i  4k and BC  2i  2 j the sides of a triangle ABC. The length of
the median through 'A' is
1) 72 2) 33 3) 288 4) 18
9. If p  a  b , q  a  b ,| a || b | t , then | p  q |

1) 2 t 2  (a .b ) 2 2) 3 t 2  (a .b ) 2 3) t 4  (a .b )2 4) 2 t 4  (a .b ) 2

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
10. If a , b , c are three non - coplanar vectors represented by coterminous edges of a
parallelopiped of volume 4 cu. units then  a  b  . b  c    b  c  . c  a    c  a  . a  b   (1)
1)2 2) 4 3) 12 4) 0
11. If a, b, c are non-coplanar vectors and  is a real number, then
  a  b   2 b  c    a b  c b  for
   
1)Exactly three values of  2) exactly two values of 
3) exactly one value of  4) no real value of 
12. Tetrahedron has vertices at O(0, 0, 0), A(1, 2, 1), B(2, 1, 3), C(-1, 1, 2) then angle
between the faces OAB, ABC will be
 19   1   9   14 
1) Cos 1   2) Cos 1   3) Cos 1   4) Cos 1  
 35   35   35   35 
13. If tan3A=x, tan6A=y, tan 9A= z then =
1 1
1) 1 2) -1 3) 4)
2 2
14. tan90  tan 27 0  tan 630  tan810 
1) 0 2) 2 3) 1 4) 4
15. The least length of the interval in which the graph of y  4tan(2x  1350 ) is identical is
 
1) 2) 3)  4) 4
4 2
2 2
16. The inequation 3sin   3cos   2 3 is true
1) for all real values of  2) some real values of 
3) for imaginary values of  4) for no values of 
1 1
17. If tan 2, tan 3 are two angles of a triangle, then third angle is
   
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 6 4 8
18. sinh 1  23/ 2 

1) loge  3  8  2) log e  3  8  3) log e  2  18  4) 

loge 2  18 
19. In ABC a, b, c are in A.P and tan .tan  k , then k =
2 2
1) 1/2 2) 1/3 3) 1/4 4) 2/3
 R 
20. In  ABC , if 'A' is right angle then Cos 1   is
 r 2  r3 
 
1) 300 2) 450 3) 900
4) 600
21. A tower subtends an angle  at a point A on the same level as the foot of the tower B
is a point vertically above A and AB = h metres. The angle of depression of the foot
of the tower from B is  . The height of the tower is
1) h tan  cot  2) h tan  tan  3) h cot  cot  4) h cot  tan 
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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
22. If z   2 then the greatest value of z is
1) 3  1 2) 3  1 3) 3 4) 32

23. The centre of the circle zz   2  3i  z   2  3i  z  9  0

1)  2, 3  2)  2, 3  3)  2,  3 4)  4, 3 
1  sin 
24. If is purely imaginary then  
1  2i sin 
   
1) n  , n  z 2) n   1n , n  z 3) n  , n  z 4) n  , n  z
3 2 4 6
x2  x 1
25. f (x)  , x  R lies between
x2  x  1
1 11 1 11
1)  ,3 2) 3,  3)  ,2 4) 2, 
3   3 2   2
26. Let p(x)  0 be a polynomial equation of the least possible degree with rational
coefficients having 3 7  3 49 as one of its roots. Then the product of all the roots of
p(x)  0 is
1) 49 2) 63 3) 56 4) 7
27. The sum of the fourth powers of the roots of the equation x3  x  1  0 is
1)-2 2) -1 3) 1 4) 2
28. The number of integral terms in the expansion of  3 8 5  is
1)32 2) 35 3) 33 4) 30
29. The coefficient of x5 in the expansion of 1  x 21  1  x 22  ......  1  x 30 is
1) C5 2) 9 C5 3) 31
C6  21 C6 4) 31
C5  21 C5
30. The number of seven digited palindromes that can be formed using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 is
1) 200 2) 300 3) 400 4) 500
31. A, B, C are three persons amongst seven persons who speak at a function. The number
of ways in which it can be done if A speaks before B and B speaks before C is
1) 720 2) 840 3) 5040 4) 1680
32. The letters of the word EQUATION are arranged in a row at random. The probability
that there are exactly two letters between E and A is
1)1/4 2) 3/28 3) 1/28 4) 5/28
33. There are 10 stations between two cities A and B. A train is to stop at three of these 10
stations. The probability that no two of these three stations are consecutive is
1)1/15 2) 3/15 3) 5/15 4) 7/15

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
34. A box contain N coins, m of which are fair and rest are biased. The probability of
getting a head when a fair coin is tossed is ½, while it is 2/3 when a biased coin is
tossed. A coin is drawn from the box at random and is tossed twice. The first time it
shows head and the second time it shows tail. The probability that the coin drawn is
fair is
8m m 9m 9N
1) 2) 3) 4)
8N  m 8N  m 8N  m 8N  m
35. The odds in favour of A winning a game of chess against B are 5:2.If three games are
to be played then the odds in favour of A’s winning at least one game are
1)335:8 2)8:335 3)335:343 4)332:7
36. The range of a random variable x  {1,2,3    }and its probabilities are given by
Px  k  ,k  1, 2, 3,    then ‘c’ is
1) y 2) loge 2 3) 1 4) log1/ e 2
37. ycle tyres are supplied in lots of 50 and there is a chance of 1 in 100 tyres to be
defective. Using Possion distribution, the approximate number of lots containing no
defective tyres in a consignment of 1, 000 lots is
1 1  1
1) 500e1/ 2 2) 1000e 2 3) 50e 2 4) 100e 2
38. The arithmetic mean of the series nco , nc , nc
1 2 n

2n 2n 2n 1 2n1
1) 2) 3) 4)
 n  1 n n  n  1
39. All the students of a class performed poorly in physics. The teacher decided to give
grace marks of 5 to each of the students. Which of the following statistical measures
will not change even after the grace marks were given
1) Mean 2) median 3) mode 4) variance
1 A A A A
40.  0  1  2 ...  n then Ar 
x x 1 x  2 ... x  n x x 1 x  2 x n
r r

 1 r ! 2)
 1 3)
 n  r ! r ! n  r  ! r ! n  r  !  n  r !
41. Shift the origin to a suitable point so that the equation y 2  4 y  8 x  2  0 will not
contain y and constant terms is
1)  3 / 4, 2  2)  3 / 4, 2 3)  2,3 / 4 4)  2, 3 / 4
42. The locus of point represented by x = cos2t, y = 2sint is
1) y2 = 4x 2) y2 – 4x+1 3) y2 + 4x=1 4) y2 +4x=4
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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
43. Let A  1, 2  , B   3, 4  and let C   x, y  be a point such that

 x  1 x  3    y  2  y  4   0 . If area of ABC  1 then maximum number of positions

of C in xy  plane is
1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 7
44. In acute angled ABC if A=(1,2) and angular bisectors of B,C are x=y and y=0 then
the equation of side BC is
1) 3x-y-1=0 2) 3x-y-5=0 3) x+3y-1=0 4)x+3y-5=0
45. If p1, p2 are the perpendicular distances from the origin to the two perpendicular
straight lines then the locus of the point of intersection of the lines is
1) x 2  y 2  p12  p22 2) x  y  p1  p2 3) x 2  y 2  p12  p22 4) x  y  p1  p2
46. The combined equation of three sides of a triangle is  x 2  y 2  (2 x  3 y  6)  0 . If (-2, a)

is an interior point of the triangle then

1) 2<a<10/3 2) -2<a<10/3 3) a<-2 4) a<2
47. The equation of the line common to the pair of lines
p 2
 q 2  x 2   q 2  r 2  xy   r 2  p 2  y 2  0 and  l  m  x 2   m  n  xy   n  l  y 2  0 is

1) x  y  0 2) x  y  0 3) x  y  pqr 4) x  y  pqr
48. If A(0, 1, 2), B(2, -1, 3), and C(1, -3, 1) are the vertices of a triangle then its circum
center and orthocentre are situated at a distance of
1) 3units 2) 2 units 3) 3/2 units 4) 3 / 2 units
49. The equation of the plane containing Z-axis and passing through (1,4,5) is
1)5y-4z=0 2) 4x-y=0 3) x-5y=0 4) x+4y+5z=0
50. If a, b, c are the lengths of major axes of the ellipses 3 x 2  4 y 2  6 x  8 y  5  0 ,
2 2
16 x  25 y 2
 400,
 x  3 
 y  2  1 then the descending order of a, b, c is
4 9
1) a, b, c 2) b, c, a 3) c, a, b 4) b, a, c
51. If the feet of the perpendiculars form (3, 4, 5) to the coordinate axes are A, B, C and
the angle between AB and AC is cos 1   then a=

1) 5 34 2) 3 34 3) 34 4) 25

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
52. If 4 y  x  7 is a diameter of the circumscribing circle of the rectangle ABCD and
A  3, 4  , B  5, 4  , then the area of the rectangle is

1) 31 s.u. 2) 32 s.u. 3) 35 s.u. 4) 33 s.u.

53. If 4l 2  5m2  6l  1  0 then the lx  my  1  0 touches the circle
1) x 2  y 2  6 x  4  0 2) x 2  y 2  6 x  4  0
3) x 2  y 2  5 x  4  0 4) x2  y 2  2x  5  0

54. The locus of the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from the point  a , 0  on tangents to
the circle x 2  y 2  a 2 is
2 2
1)  x 2  y 2  ax   a 2  y 2   x  a  2  2)  x 2  y 2  ax   a 2  y 2   x  a  2 

3) a 2  x  y 2   ax 2  a 2  x  y 2  a 2  4) a 2  x  y 2   ax 2  a 2  x  y 2  a 2 

55. Radical axis of circles x 2  y 2  2 x  3 y  1  0 and x 2  y 2  4 x  3 y  2  0

1) closer to 1st circle 2) closer to 2 nd circle
3) equidistance from circles 4) Can’t say
56. B and C are two points on the circle x 2  y 2  a 2 . From a point A  b, c  on that circle

AB  AC  d . The equation to BC is
1) bx  ay  a 2  d 2 2) bx  ay  d 2  a 2
3) bx  cy  2a 2  d 2 4) 2  bx  cy   2a 2  d 2

57. The conic represented by the equation ax  by  1 is

1) ellipse 2) hyperbola 3) parabola 4) circle
58. An ellipse slides between two lines at right angles to one another. The locus of its
centre is
1) a parabola 2) an ellipse 3) a circle 4) a hyperbola
59. The parabola y  px 2  px  q is symmetrical about the line
1) x  q 2) x  p 3) 2x  1 4) 2 x  1  0
60. The area of the triangle formed by the asymptotes of the rectangular hyperbola xy  c2
and the normal at  x1, y1  on the hyperbola is
1 x12  y12 2
1  x1  y1

1) x12  y12 2) x12  y12 3) 4)  
2 2c 2 2 c 
 

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 3sin   4sin 2  
61. The quadratic equation whose roots are l and m where l  lim   and
 0
  
2 tan 
m  lim is
 0  1  tan 2  

1) x2  5x  6  0 2) x2  5 x  6  0 3) x 2  5 x  6  0 4) x2  5x  6  0
62. equals
dy 2
3 1 1 3 2
 d 2 y  dy  d2y   d 2 y  dy  d 2 y  dy
1)   2   2)  2  3)   2    4)  2   
 dx   dx   dx   dx   dx   dx   dx 
dy dx
63. If y=1/x then  
1 y4 1 x4

1) 0 2) 1 3) x/y 4) y/x

64. If f  x    (log a ) n then at x=0, f(x)
n 0 n!

1) has no limit 2) is discontinuous

3) is continuous but not differentiable 4) is differentiable
65. The minimum value of a tan 2 x  b cot 2 x equals the maximum value of a sin 2   b cos2 
where a>b>0 when
1) a=b 2) a=2b 3) a=3b 4) a=4b
66. The lengths of tangent, subtangent, normal and subnormal for the curve y  x 2  x  1 at
1,1 are A, B, C and D respectively, then their increasing order is
1) B, D, A, C 2) B, A, C, D 3) A, B, C, D 4) B, A, D, C
67. If the equation an x n  an 1 x n 1       a1 x  0 has positive root x   then the equation
nan x n 1   n  1 an 1 x n 2      a1  0 has a positive root which is

1) smaller than  2) greater than 

3) equal to  4) greater than or equal to 
68. The approximate percentage reduction in the volume of a cube of ice if each side of
ice cube is reduced by 0.7 percentage due to melting is
1) 2.1 2) 2.5 3) 3.2 4) 3.3

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
69. If the rates of increase of side of a cube and radius of a sphere are equal and rates of
increase of their volumes are in the ratio 2 :1, then the ratio of the squares of side and
radius =
1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 2 3) 2 : 3 4) 8 : 3

70. The degree of the D.E satisfying 1  x 2  1  y 2  k x 1  y 2  y 1  x 2 is  

1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2
71. A:   tan x  sec x  c then
1  sin x
B: 2
 ln  ln  ln x    c then which of the following is correct?
x ln x  ln  ln x  

1) A is true B is true 2) A is true B is false

3) A is false B is true 4)A is false B is false
cos  x  
72.  1 tan  x   tan  x    dx   ln cos  x    c then  
1) cot 2 2) tan 2 3)  cot 2 4)  tan 2
1 x4
73. If  x  x5 dx  f  x   c then  x  x 5 dx is equal to
1) log x  f  x   c 2) log x  f  x   c
3) xf  x   c 4)  log x  f  x   c
1 1
sin x cos x
74. Let I   dx and J   dx then which one of the following is true?
0 x 0 x

1) I > 2/3 & J > 2 2) I  2 / 3& J  2

3) I  2 / 3& J  2 4) I  2 / 3& J  2
 /6
75.  sec
x d  x   x   is equal to

1) 3 2) 1/ 3 3)1 4) 2 3
76. The solution of ln    3x  4 y, y  0   0 is
 dx 

1) e3 x  e4 y  3  4 2) 4e3 x  e4 y  3 3) 3e3 x  4e4 y  7 4) 4e3 x  3e4 y  7

77. The solution of differential equation ydx   x  x 2 y  dy  0 is

1 1 1
1)  c 2) log y  cx 3)  log y  c 4)   log y  c
xy xy xy

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cos x  cos 3 x
78.  dx 
1  cos 3 x
2 1 3 1
1) sin  cos3/ 2 x   c 2) sin  cos3/ 2 x   c
3 2
2 3
3) cos 1  cos 3/ 2 x   c 4) cos 1  cos3/ 2 x   c
3 2
79. Area bounded by x 2/3  y 2/3  a 2/3 and OX , OY is
3 a 2 3 a 2  a2  a2
1) 2) 3) 4)
16 32 32 16
80. If  and  are the roots of ax2  bx  c  0 then Lt 1  ax2  bx  c  x  is
x 

1) a     2) log a     3) ea (  ) 4) ea (  )

81. The resistance of a metal given by R  , where V is the potential difference and I is
the current. In a circuit the potential difference across resistance is V   8  0.5  V , and
current in resistance, I   4  0.2  A . The value of resistance with its percentage error is
1)  2  5.6%   2)  2  0.7%   3)  2  35%   4)  2  11.25%  

82. A thief is running away on a straight road in a jeep moving with a speed of 9ms 1 . A
policeman chases him on a motor cycle moving at a speed of 10ms 1 . If the
instantaneous separation of the jeep from the motor cycle is 100m, how long will it
take for the policeman to catch the thief.
1) 1 s 2) 19 s 3) 90 s 4) 100 s
83. A car is moving towards east with a speed of 25 km/h. To the driver of the car, a bus
appears to move towards north with a speed of 25 3 km h . What is the actual velocity
of the bus.
1) 50 kmph, 30 0 east of north 2) 50 kmph, 30 0 north of east
3) 25 kmph, 30 0 east of north 4) 25 kmph, 30 0 north of east
84. Two wires of the same material and length but diameters in the ratio 1:2 are stretched
by the same force. The potential energy per unit volume for the two wires will be in
the ratio
1) 16 :1 2) 4 :1 3) 2 :1 4) 1:1

Sec: Sr.ICON ALL & LT Page 10

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
85. A copper ball of radius ‘r’ is moving with a uniform velocity ‘u’ in mustard oil. The
dragging force acting on the ball is F. The dragging force on the copper ball of radius
‘2r’ moving with uniform velocity ‘2u’ in the mustard oil is
1) F 2) 2F 3) 4F 4) 8F
86. A balloon of mass M is descending at a constant acceleration ‘  ’. when a mass ‘m’ is
released from the balloon it starts rising with the same acceleration. Assuming that its
volume does not change, what is the value of m?
 2  g  g
1) M 2) M 3) M 4) M
 g  g  2
87. A vertical disc of mass 5kg and radius 50 cm rests against a step of height 25 cm as
shown in the figure. What minimum horizontal force applied perpendicular to the axle
will make the disc to climb the step? Take g  10 m s 2 .



1) 50 N 2) 50 3 N 3) 25 N 4) None of these
88. 125 water droplets, each of the radius r, coalese to form a single drop. The energy
released raises the temperature of the drop. If ‘s’ represents surface tension, ‘r’
represents density, ‘S’ represents specific heat and ‘J’ represents mechanical
equivalent of heat, then the rise in temperature of the drop is
1) 12 5Jr  S 2) 12  7 JrS 3) 2  JrS 4) Zero
89. A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal table top. If the coefficient of friction
between the chain and the table surface is 0.25, then the maximum fraction of the
length of the chain that can hangover one edge of the table is
1) 20% 2) 25% 3) 35% 4) 15%

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
90. Find the value of friction forces between the blocks A and B and between B and
ground. Take g  10 m s 2 .

  0.1 A 5 kg
B 15 kg   0.6

1) 90 N, 5 N 2) 5 N, 90 N 3) 5 N, 75 N 4) 0 N, 80 N
91. In perfectly inelastic collisions, the relative velocity of the bodies
1) Before impact is zero
2) Before impact is equal to that of after impact
3) After impact is zero
4) Is characterised by none of the above
92. For thin identical rods are joined to from a rigid square frame. The frame lies in the x
– y plane, with its centre at the origin and the sides parallel to the x and y axes.
Identify the correct order in which the moment of inertia increases in the following
(i) M.I about x-axis
(ii) M.I about the z-axis
(iii) M.I about an axis parallel to the z-axis and passing through a corner
(iv) M.I about one side
1) i, iv, iii and ii 2) ii, iii, iv and i 3) i, ii, iv and iii 4) iii, iv, ii and i
93. A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of constant radius r such that its
centripetal acceleration a c is varying with time as a c  k 2 rt 2 , where k is a constant.
The power delivered to the particle by the forces acting on it is
1) 2  m k 2 r 2 t 2) m k 2 r 2 t m k4 r2 t5 3)
4) Zero
   
94. Two particles of equal masses have velocity v1  2 i m s and v2  2 jm s . The first
  
particle has an acceleration a1   3 i  3 j  m s 2 while the acceleration of th other
 
particle is zero. The centre of mass of the two particles moves in a
1) Circle 2) Parabola 3) Straight line 4) Ellipse

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
95. A cylinder is completely filled with water. If ¼ th of the volume of water leaks out, its
centre of mass
1) moves up 2) moves down
3) does not change 4) moves towards one wall
96. A simple pendulum is vibrating in an evacuated chamber. It will
1) come to rest eventually
2) oscillate forever with the same amplitude and frequency
3) oscillate with same frequency but amplitude will decrease with time
4) oscillate with same amplitude but frequency will decrease with time.
97. A brass rod has length 0.2m area of cross-section 10cm 2 and Young’s modulus
1011 Nm 2 . It is compressed by 5kg-wt along its length then the change in its energy
will be
1) 2.4 105 J increase 2) 2.4 105 J decrease
3) 2.4  107 J increase 4) 2.4  107 J decrease
98. A tank with vertical wall is mounted so that its base is at a height H above the
horizontal ground. The tank is filled with water to a depth ‘h’. A hole is punched
inside the wall of the tank at a depth ‘x’ below the water surface. To have maximum
range of the emerging steam, the value of x is
Hh Hh Hh 3 H  h 
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 2 3 4
99. The escape velocity of a body on the earth’s surface is Ve. A body is thrown up with a
speed of KVe, where K  1 , assuming that the sun and planets do not influence the
motion of the body, then the velocity of the body at the infinite distance is
Ve Ve
1) 2) Ve k 2  1 3) Ve  k 2  1 4) 2
k 1 k 1

100. A meter scale made of steel is calibrated at 200C to give correct reading. Find the
distance between 50cm mark and 51cm mark if the scale is used at 100C coefficient of
linear expansion of steel is 1.1 105 0 C
1) 1.00011 cm 2) 1.0011 cm 3) 1.011 cm 4) 1.000011 cm/E

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
101. Two carnot engines A and B are operated in succession. The first one, A receives heat
from a source at T1  800K and rejects to a sink at T2K. The second engine B receives
heat rejected by the first engine and rejects to another sink at T3  300K . If the
efficiencies of two engines are equal, then the value of T2 is
1) 489.4 K 2) 469.4 K 3) 449.4 K 4) 429.4 K
102. Five gas molecules chosen at random are found to have speeds of 500, 600, 700, 800
and 900 m s then
1) the rms speed and average speed are the same
2) the rms speed is 14m/s higher than the average speed
3) the rms speed is 14m/s lower than the average speed
4) the rms speed is 14 m s higher than the average speed
103. A source of sound is travelling towards stationary observer. The frequency of sound
heard by the observer is 25% more than that of the actual frequency of speed of sound
is V, that of the source is
1) V/5 2) V/4 3) V/3 4) V/2
104. A double convexlens is made of glass which has refractive index 1.55 for violet rays
and 1.50 for red ray. If the focal length of violet rays is 20cm. The focal length of red
rays is
1) 9 cm 2) 18 cm 3) 20 cm 4) 22 cm
105. Both light and sound waves produce diffraction. It is more difficult to observe the
diffraction with light waves because
1) light wave do not require medium
2) wavelength of light waves is far smaller
3) light waves are transverse
4) speed of light is far greater
106. An electric dipole is formed two particles fixed at the ends of light rigid rod of length
l. The mass of each particle is m and charges are – q and +q. The system is suspended
by a torssionless thread in an electric field of intensity E such that the dipole axis is
parallel to the field if it is slightly displaced, the period of angular is
1 2qE m m 1 m
1) 2) 2 3) 2 4)
2 m qE 2qE 2 4qE

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
107. In the circuit diagram given below, the value of the potential differences across the
plates of the capacitors are
3 F

12 kv 7F

13 kv

1) 17.5 kv, 7.5 kv 2) 10 kv, 15 kv 3) 5 kv, 20 kv 4) 16.5 kv, 8.5 kv

108. An ideal battery of emf 2V and a series resistance R are connected in the primary
circuit of a potentiometer of length 1m and resistance 5 . The value of R to give a
potential difference of 5mV across the 10cm of the potentiometer wire is
1) 180 2) 190 3) 195 4) 200
109. In the following circuit, 5 resistor develops 45J/S due to current flowing through it.
The power developed across 12 resistor is
i1 9 6


i2 5

1) 16 W 2) 192 W 3) 36 W 4) 64 W
110. The magnetic induction at the centre of solenoid is B. If the length of the solenoid is
reduced to half and the same wiere is wound in two layers the new magnetic induction
1) B 2) 2B 3) B/2 4) 4B
111. A galvanometer is shunted so that only 1% of the total current flows throw it. If the
resistance of the galvanometer is 49.5 . This shunt resistance required is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 0.5 4) 4
112. The efficiency of a transformers is 98% the primary voltage and current are 200V and
6A. If the secondary voltage is 100V, the secondary current is
1) 11.76 A 2) 12.25 A 3) 3.06 A 4) 2.94 A

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113. A proton when accelerated through a.p. of V volt has wavelength  associated with it.
An   paritcle in order to have the same wavelength  must be accelerated through a
p.d of
1) v/8 volt 2) v/4 volt 3) v volt 4) 2v volt
114. The ratio of magnetic dipole moment to angular momentum of electron in hydrogen
like atom is
q q q 2q
1) 2) 3) 4)
m 2m 3m m
115. Let N  be the number of  particles emmited by 1 gram of Na 24 radioactive nuclei

(half life = 15hrs) in 7.5 hours, N  is close to (avagadro number  6.023  1023 g mole )

1) 1.75 1022 2) 1.25 1022 3) 7.5 1021 4) 6.2 1021

116. A full wave p – n junction diode rectifier uses a load resistance of 1300 . The internal
resistance of each diode is 9 . Find the efficiency of this full wave rectifier
1) 81.2% 2) 40.6% 3) 80.4% 4) 40.2%
117. X-rays are known as to be electromagnetic radiation. Therefore the X-rays photon has
1) electric charge but no magnetic moment
2) magnetic moment but no electric charge
3) both electric charge and magnetic moment
4) neither electric charge nor magnetic moment
118. The temperature coefficient of resistivity of material is 0.0004/K when the
temperature of the material is increased by 500C, its resistivity increases by
2 108   m . The initial resistivity of the material in ohm-meter is
1) 50  108 2) 90  108 3) 100  108 4) 200  108
119. A coil in the shape of an equilatral triangle of side ‘l’ is suspended between the pole
pieces at a permant magnet such that ‘B’ is in plane of the coil, if due to current ‘i’ in
the triangle a torque ‘ ’ acts on it, the side ‘l’ of the triangle is
1 1
2      2   2
1  
1)   2) 2   3)   4)  
3  Bi   3Bi  3  Bi  3  Bi 
120. The power of a A.M transmitter is 100W. If the modulated index is 0.5 and the
transmission having single side band. The percentage of useful power is
1) 1.2 W 2) 2.2 W 3) 22 W 4) 11 W
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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
121. Which of the following species is not paramagnetic?
1) NO 2) O2 3) CO 4) B2
122. A metal crystallizes in a F.C.C structure. If the edge length of its unit cell is ‘a’, the
closest approach between two atoms in metallic crystal will be
1) 2) 2a 3) 2 2a 4) 2a
123. Arrange the following in increasing order of stability
 
(a) CH 3 2 C  CH 2  CH 3 (b) CH 3 3 C
  
(c) CH 3 2 CH (d) CH 3 CH 2 (e) CH 3

1) e < d < c < b < a 2) e < d < c < a < b

3) a < e < d < b < c 4) d < e < c < b < a
124. Wave length of most energetic spectral line in Lyman series of hydrogen atom is
1) 3648A0 2) 6563A0 3) 912A0 4) 14592A0
125. The strongest acid amongst the following compounds is

3) CH 3CH 2CH Cl COOH  4) ClCH 2CH 2 CH 2COOH

126. The largest number of molecules are in

1) 36gm H 2O 2) 28gm CO 3) 46 gm ethanol 4) 54 gm N2 O5

127. How many Faradays are needed for reduction of 5 mole of Cr2 O72 into Cr 3
1) 25 2) 10 3) 5 4) 30
128. Which has the lowest boiling point?
1) AsH 3 2) PH 3 3) NH 3 4) SbH 3
129. The atomic radius of elements of which of the following series would be nearly the
1) F , Cl , Br , I 2) Na , K , Rb, Cs 3) Fe, Co, Ni , Cu 4) Li, Be, B, C
130. Coordination number of Ni in 
Ni C2O4  
3  is
1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3
Sec: Sr.ICON ALL & LT Page 17
Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
131. The Ka value of HCN is 10-9. what is the pH of decimolar HCN solution.
1) 9 2)5 3)3 4)4
132. Which of the following is not equal to zero in a cyclic process
1) G 2) S 3) W 4) H
133. The product formed by the reaction of acetamide with Bromine in the presence of
NaOH is
1) CH 3CN 2) CH 3CHO 3) CH 3CH 2OH 4) CH 3 NH 2
134. (A) : Tetracyclin is a broad spectrum antibiotic
(R) : Tetracyclin is effective against a number of types of bacteria, large viruses &
typhoid fever.
1) A & R are correct and R is correct explanation of A.
2) A & R are correct and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true, R is false
4) Both A & R are false
135. Benzoic acid undergoes dimerisation in Benzene solution. The Van’t Hoff factor(i) is
1) i  1  x 2) i  1  x 3) i  1  x
 4) i  1  x

    2  2 
136. The secondary structure of a protein refers to
1) Hydrophobic interactions
2) Sequence of   aminoacids
3) Fixed configuration of the polypeptide backbone
4)   helical back bone
137. Match the following
List – I (Polymers) List – II (structure)
1) Urea formaldehyde resin a)  NH  CH 2
    CO  5 n

2) Neoprene b)  NH  CH   NH 
2 6 n
 
3) PVC CH 2  C|  CH  CH 2  
c) 
 Cl n
 
4) Nylon – 6 d) 
  CH 2  CH |
 
 Cl n
e)  NH  CO  NH  CH 2 n
The correct match is
1) 1-e 2-d 3-c 4-b 2) 1-e 2-c 3-d 4-b
3) 1-a 2-c 3-d 4-b 4) 1-e 2-c 3-d 4-a

Sec: Sr.ICON ALL & LT Page 18

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
138. Ethyne is subjected to excess of sodium gives A. A on treated with excess of methyl
chloride to give B. B is
1) 1- Butyne 2) 2- Butyne 3) Propyne 4) Sodium acetalyde
139. Which one of the following is the correct order for the decomposition temperatures of
CaCO3  X  , MgCO3 Y  and BaCO3 Z  ?
1) Z > X > Y 2) X > Y > Z 3) Y > Z > X 4) X > Z > Y
140. 7 grams of N 2 is present at 1270c and 16g of o 2 at 270c. calculate the ratio of kinetic
energies of N2 and O 2.
1) 2:3 2) 1:2 3) 2:1 4) 3:2
141. The volume of perhydrol required to get two liter of oxygen gas at STP is
1) 20 ml 2) 10 ml 3) 30 ml 4) 5 ml
142. The greenhouse effect is mainly caused by
1) CO 2) NO2 3) NO 4) CO2

Cl H Cl

C  C  Cl
Cl Cl
The above compound is mainly used as
1)Herbiside 2) Fungiside
3) Insectiside 4) Bleaching agent
144. Which of the following can undergo neither aldol condensation nor iodoform reaction
1) CH 3COCH 3 2) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CO  CH 3
3) CH 3CHO 4) CH 3  CCl2  CHO
145. The IUPAC name of the compound is

1) 3,3-demethyl – 1 – hydroxy cyelohexane
2) 3,3 – dimethyl – 1 – cyclohexanol
3) 1,1 – dimethyl – 3 – cyclohexane
4) 1,1 – dimethyl – 3 –Hydroxycyclohexane
Sec: Sr.ICON ALL & LT Page 19
Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
146. Choose correct statement in the following
1) Borax bead test is used for identification of all basic radicals in qualitative analysis
2) In Boranecarbonyl except dative bond, both ionic & covalent bonds are present
3) Anhydrous sodium tetraborate is also called octahedral Borax
4) Aqeous solution of Borax is alkaline
147. In the reaction
BF3 ,500 atm
C2 H 5OC2 H 5  CO 
1500 C
A what is A ?
1) Ethyl propionate 2) Ethyl Carbonate
3) Diethyl peroxide 4) Diethyl Carbonate
148. Wrong statement in the following
1) Sodium lead alloy is called white metal
2) Sodium hydroxide is prepared in Middle compartment of Castner-Kellner cell
3) Hydration enthalpy of alkalimetal cations decreases down the group
4) Washing soda is an efflorescent substance
149. Aqueous sodium cyanide is used as a reagent in the metal extraction. This process is
1) Self reduction 2) Hydrometallurgy
3) Electrometallurgy 4) Bessemerisation
150. Choose correct order of Lone pair and Bond pair ratio in the following
1) XeF6  XeF4  XeF2 2) XeF2  XeF6  XeF4

3) XeF2  XeF4  XeF6 4) XeF4  XeF6  XeF2

151. Strong oxidizing agent in the following
1) HClO4 2) HClO2 3) HOCl 4) HClO3

152. Molecularity of a hypothetical reaction X 2  Y2  2 XY is given below

(a) X 2  X  X fast
  (b) X  Y2  XY  Y slow 
(c ) X  Y  XY  fast 
The overall order of the reaction is
1) 0 2) 2 3) 1.5 4) 1

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy Sr.ICON All & LT_EAMCET Practice_GT-4_Q’P
153. Which of the following statement is not correct ?
1) The value of equilibrium constant is changed in the presence of catalyst in the
reaction at equilirbrium
2) Enzyme catalyse mainly biochemical reactions
3) Coenzymes increases the catalytic activity of enzymes
4) Catalyst does not initiate any reaction
154. Which of the following oxides of chromium is amphoteric in nature?
1) CrO5 2) CrO 3) Cr2O3 4) CrO3
155. Choose correct statement in the following
1) Fuming sulphuric acid contains 2 moles peroxy bonds
2) Nitric acid is week oxidant than sulphuric acid
3) SO3 molecule contain more P  P bonds than SO2 molecule.
4) Acidic nature of hydrides increases down the VIA group
156. The correct order of the stoichiometries of AgCl formed when AgNO3 in excess is

treated with the complexes CoCl3 4NH 3 & CoCl3 5NH 3 respectively is
1) two AgCl and one AgCl 2) one AgCl and two AgCl
3) Three Agcl and two Agcl 4) Two Agcl and Three Agcl
157. The metal that cannot be obtained by electrolysis of an aqueous solution of its salt is
1) Cr 2) Cu 3) Ca 4) Ag
158. One litre of buffer solution contains 0.1 mole of acetic acid and one mole of sodium
acetate. Find its P H if P ka of acetic acid is 4.8
1) 4.8 2) 5.8 3) 4.0 4) 3.8
159. Incorrect in the following
1) Ionisation enthalpy  S  P  O  N
2) Ionic radius  Mg 2  Na   K 
3) Electron affinity  O  S  Se
4) Electronegativity  F  Cl  Br  I
160. Total number of radial nodes and angular nodes present in 4P orbital
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 5

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