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Prediction of heat transfer in the kraft recovery boiler superheater region

Article in Tappi Journal · October 1995

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5 authors, including:

M. Kawaji Xinhang Shen

City College of New York NAC Geographic Products Inc.


Honghi Tran
University of Toronto


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Superheater Tube Corrosion
Superheater Tube Corrosion

Prediction of heat transfer in the kraft

recovery boiler superheater region
Mashiro Kawaji, X. H. Shen, Honghi Tran, S. Esaki, and C. Dees

els, however, either cover the entire

ABSTRACT: Accurate prediction of tube surface temperature is boiler and place more emphasis on
important for determining whether accelerated superheater the combustion chamber than on the
superheaters (3) or require the flue-
corrosion will occur in kraft recovery boilers. A heat transfer gas flow field and temperature dis-
model, which combines an iterative numerical solution scheme tribution as input data to the
with a more realistic flue-gas flow field obtained from a CFD program (4).
Our objective, therefore, is to de-
code FLUENT, has been developed to predict the tube, steam, velop a heat transfer model that can
and flue-gas temperatures in the superheater region. Results of be used to predict the temperatures
tests performed for a recovery boiler show that temperatures of the tube surface, steam, and flue
gas at various locations in the super-
predicted by the model are in good agreement with actual heater region of a recovery boiler,
temperatures measured using thermocouples. The presence of a as a function of superheater design
large flue-gas recirculation zone above the bullnose is shown to and boiler operation. The first ver-
sion of the model, which also serves
have an adverse effect on the heat transfer in the superheater as the base model, has been de-
region. scribed in detail by Esaki et al. (5).
It was designed to accommodate
KEYWORDS: Energy transfer, furnaces, heat transfer, heating variations in the superheater design
equipment, models, recovery furnaces, superheaters, tempera- and geometry, tube dimensions,
ture. steam flow direction, physical prop-
erties of the deposit, flue gas, and
steam at various locations in the su-
perheater region. Validation of the

S evere corrosion of superheater

tubes has been experienced in a
number of kraft recovery boilers (1,
ture and flow rate, deposit thickness
and characteristics, and the rates of
convective and radiative heat trans-
base model was carried out through
a field study in a recovery boiler at
Willamette Industries in Hawesville,
2). The corrosion typically occurs at fer from the flue gas and furnace KY. The results showed that al-
the bottom tube bends of super- cavity. These parameters are, in though the model was successful in
heater platens, where the tube sur- turn, strongly affected by the super- predicting steam temperatures,
face temperature exceeds the first heater design and boiler operation. there was a significant over-predic-
melting point of the fireside depos- Several models have been devel- tion of the flue-gas temperatures in
its. There are many parameters that oped which can be used to obtain the the middle region of the superheater
can influence the tube surface tem- temperature distributions in the su- platens above the bullnose. The ma-
perature, including steam tempera- perheater region (3, 4). These mod- jor weakness of the base model was
that it did not take into account the
presence of the recirculation zone
above the bullnose, which greatly in-
Kawaji, Shen, and Tran work for The Pulp & Paper Centre and Department of
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
fluences the heat transfer (6).
Canada M5S 1A4. Esaki is with the Kagoshima National College of Technology, This paper describes the main fea-
1460-1 Sinko, Hayato-cho, Aiva-Gun, Kagoshima 899-51, Japan. Dees works for tures of the base model and the im-
Willamette Industries, Kentucky Mills, P.O. Box 130, Hawesville, KY 42348.

214 October 1995 Tappi Journal

1. Recovery boiler superheater tube arrangement at Willamette mill provements made to include the ef-
fect of the recirculation zone on heat
Attemperator transfer.
Steam flow

Heat transfer model

Tube 1 Base model

2 In the base model, all the tubes in
Upper wall
the central superheater platens of a
5 recovery boiler were divided into
5° Tube 86
6 many small segments, as shown in
7 87
8 88 Fig. 1. The mass and heat balance
9 equations for both steam and flue
10 gas were solved for each tube seg-
1 1
Seg. ment. The flue gas was assumed to
have a unidirectional flow parallel to
Boiler bank
the segment, and steam could flow
either parallel or counter to the di-
.2 rection of the flue-gas flow, so an
iterative solution scheme had to be
2 used to solve the mass and heat bal-
ance equations. This scheme was
7 found to have good convergence char-
5 acteristics and to be flexible enough
g. 3 to accommodate a fairly complicated
SH-1 SH-2 SH-3 SH-4 superheater tube layout with
3 Steam flow attemperators between the tube plat-
ens (5).
g. In a given computational cell, a
tube segment is covered by a deposit
layer, and all the heat transfer caused
low by both convection and radiation in
a sf 8
e-g both the inside and outside of a tube
Flu was modelled. On the outside, the
55° convective heat transfer coefficient
Se was calculated assuming a forced flow
4 of flue gas across a tube bank of cer-
tain pitch-to-diameter ratios, and the
radiative heat transfer between flue
g. Segment boundaries gas and deposit surface was calcu-
Se 6
lated according to the surrounding
flue-gas volume. The gas absorptiv-

Location of flue-gas ity and emissivity were estimated


temperature measurement
using the mean beam length and par-

tial pressures of main gas compo-



nents: CO2, H2O, N2, and O2. The


Se . 10

composition of the flue gas was esti-


Se . 12

mated from the composition of the


as-fired black liquor and the average

excess O 2 at which the boiler was
operated. Details of the calculations
can be found elsewhere (5).

Vol. 78, No. 10 Tappi Journal 215

Superheater Tube Corrosion
Improved model 2. Flue-gas flow field predicted by FLUENT
The major feature of the improved g
model is the incorporation of a more
realistic flue-gas flow field (Fig. 2)
into the base model. The flue-gas flow
field in this case is a two-dimensional
flow field integrated from a three-
dimensional flow field obtained us-
ing a CFD code FLUENT (7). The
distributions of the steam tempera-
ture and overall heat transfer coeffi-
cient in the individual superheater
platens obtained from the base model
predictions are employed as the ther-
mal boundary conditions for FLU-
ENT, as shown in Fig. 3. For the
conditions under study, the flue-gas
flow field as predicted by FLUENT
includes a large recirculation zone
existing in the region above the
bullnose, which is very different from
the parallel flow assumed in the base
model. lncorporating the flue-gas
flow field in the recirculation zone
into the base model makes the pre-
dictions much more realistic and ac-
As shown in Fig. 4, we define Uij
and Ui+1j as the flue-gas velocity com-
ponents parallel to the segment, and
Vij and Vij+1 as the vertical velocity
components at the boundaries of the
cell (i,j). Using the two-dimensional
flue-gas velocity components, U and
V, the mass flow rates of flue gas
crossing the cell boundaries can be
calculated as Wx = pgUA x and Wy = 3. New calculation scheme
pgVAy, respectively. Here, the flue-
gas density, pg, must be evaluated at Base model
an appropriate cell boundary tem- (one-dimensional)
perature, and Ax and Ay are the cross-
sectional flow areas. The cell inlet Ui, Ts

temperature of the flue gas is then Flow field computation

given by,
Flow field
Tin (i,j) = [Wx(i,j)Tx(i,j) + Wy (i,j)Ty(i,j)]/ Tg uij, vij Ui, Ts
[W x(i,j) + Wy(i,j)]
Modified model
(two-dimensional model)
where Tx and Ty are the flue-gas tem-
peratures at the cell inlet boundaries.
Since the total inlet and outlet gas
flow rates must be equal to conserve Distributions of:
Heat transfer coefficients:
mass, Hc, hr, U
Wg = Wx(i,j) + Wy(i,j) = Wx (i+1,j) + Temperature:
Wy (i,j+1) T s, Tg, Tout, Tin, Td

216 October 1995 Tappi Journal

12. Comparison of predicted and measured flue-gas temperatures 13. Comparison of measured flue-gas temperatures with the FLU-
(see Fig. 1 for measurement locations) ENT predictions (see Fig. 1 for measurement locations)
/S / G G 3 0 cas

1000 1000

900 Measurements 900

800 Predicted Predicted

700 700

600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The outlet flue-gas temperature, q = 0.00283P4/3 ∆Tsat3 The heat flux from the flue gas to
Tout(i,j), is then given by a heat bal- where the saturated water is calculated us-
ance, as shown in Fig. 5, q = boiling heat flux, W/m2 ing an overall heat transfer coeffi-
cient formulated in terms of the
CpgWg[T out(i,j) – Tin(i,j)] = Cps Ws∆Ts P = saturated water pressure, kPa radiative and convective heat trans-
where the right-hand side indicates ∆Tsat = tube wall superheat, Twall – Tsat, fer coefficients in the same manner
the change in the energy of the su- in °C. as for a superheater tube.
perheated steam across the compu- The improved model is solved in
tational cell, and the heat diffusion On the outside of a tube in the an iterative manner by first assum-
caused by the turbulence gas mixing bullnose, radiative heat transfer is ing a uniform flue-gas temperature
on the cell boundaries is ignored. modeled in the same manner as for a field and performing the calculations
The rate of heat transfer between superheater tube, but the convec- from the first tube on the left to the
the flue gas and steam is calculated tive heat transfer coefficient is cal- last tube on the right. The obtained
using an overall heat transfer coeffi- culated from a heat transfer flue-gas and steam temperatures are
cient computed for each cell by ac- correlation for convection on a flat then used in the second iteration,
counting for the convection of the plate of length L. and so on, until convergence is
inner and outer flows, thermal ra- Nu = hmL/k g = 0.037 Re0.8Pr1/3 achieved.
diation from the flue gas to the de-
posit surface, and heat conduction where
Case description
across the tube wall and deposit Re = VL/vg
and related assumptions
layer. The details of the correlations hm = average convective heat trans-
The present model has been applied
used to compute the overall heat fer coefficient
to a recovery boiler at the Willamette
transfer coefficient are given else-
Pr = Prandtl number of the flue gas Hawesville mill. As shown in Fig. 1,
where (5).
the boiler has four superheater tube
The heat transfer from flue gas to V = the flue-gas velocity component
banks referred to as Superheater
the bullnose at the bottom of the parallel to the bullnose
superheater has also been added to No.1 (SH-1) through No. 4 (SH-4).
kg = thermal conductivity The saturated steam from the boiler
the model. For the tube-side heat
transfer, saturated boiling of high- vg = kinematic viscosity of the flue bank flows through SH-1, SH-4, SH-
pressure water is assumed and gas. 2, and then SH-3. The steam flow is
Levy’s correlation (8) is used, parallel to the flue-gas flow in SH-1
and SH-2, while it runs counter to
Vol. 78, No. 10 Tappi Journal 219
Superheater Tube Corrosion
the flue-gas flow in SH-3 and SH-4. the boiler from side to side. Within evation, the deposit surface tempera-
There are two attemperators to re- a platen, the steam flow rate is ture for a given tube also shows a
duce the steam temperature located equally distributed to individual large variation (Fig. 9).
between SH-4 and SH-2 and between tubes.
SH-2 and SH-3. Heat transfer coefficients
3. There is no loss in steam pres-
The tube bank SH-1 consists of 22 Because of the low flue-gas veloci-
sure due to friction in the tubes;
platens, which are spaced 0.352 m ties and temperatures in the recir-
that is, steam inlet and outlet
apart across the width of the boiler; culation zone, both the convective
pressures are the same.
SH-2 and SH-3 are set up the same and radiative heat transfer coeffi-
way. Each platen of SH-1 has five 4. Radiative heat transfer from flue cients are substantially reduced, as
tubes, with each tube making two gas to a superheater tube depends shown in Fig. 10. The overall heat
passes before steam is discharged on the volume of the flue gas sur- transfer coefficient is also lower in
to the outlet header; the platen of rounding the tube; i.e., the radia- the recirculation zone.
either SH-2 or SH-3 has four tubes, tion from flue gas to the tubes Figure 11 shows the heat trans-
and each tube has six passes. SH-4 located at the outer edges of each fer rates. Cooling of the superheated
consists of 43 platens, and the spac- platen is larger than that to the steam occurs in some parts of the
ing between the two adjacent plat- other tubes. The deposits’ surface recirculating zone, where heat is
ens is 0.176 m from tube to tube. emissivity is taken as 0.7. transferred from the steam to the
Each platen consists of two tubes; The actual inlet and outlet super- flue gas by both convection and ra-
one tube makes 14 passes while the heated steam temperatures of SH-2 diation. From a heat transfer point
other makes 16 passes. All the su- and SH-3, and flue-gas temperatures of view, the presence of the recircu-
perheater tubes here have a 44.5 mm at eight locations, were measured lating zone is not desirable due to
o.d. and 4.6 mm wall thickness. using thermocouples at various li- the reduction in the effective heat
For computational purposes, the quor firing loads. The steam flow transfer area of the superheater. For
central superheater platens are se- rate, water flow rate for attem- the recovery boiler examined, it ap-
lected, and a tube number is desig- peration, pressure of the boiler bank, pears that even if the lengths of the
nated for each vertical pass of the air flow rate supplied to the boiler, superheater platens are reduced to
superheater platens from the left to and O 2 concentration of the outlet approximately half of the present
the right side of the upper boiler. flue gas were also measured. lengths, there may be little change
Thus, the left-most tube pass in SH- in the superheater performance. The
1 is called tube No. 1 and is con- reduction of the platen length, how-
nected to tube No. 10 at the bottom Results and discussion
ever, could result in substantial sav-
of the platen through the outermost ings in capital and maintenance costs
bend, while tube No. 5 is connected Steam, tube surface,
of the superheater.
to tube No. 6 through the innermost and flue-gas temperatures
bend, and so on. To incorporate the The distributions of the superheated Model validation
thermal radiative effects from the steam temperature and outer-tube
furnace cavity, the bottom segment As a result of the modifications, the
surface temperature are shown in
(Segment No. 11 in Fig. 1) of tube predicted flue-gas temperatures are
Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The pre-
No. 1 in SH-1 and that (Segment in better agreement with the field
dicted results are similar to those of
No. 12) of tube No. 11 in SH-2 are data, as shown in Fig. 12. There are
the base model. However, the flue-
assumed to receive direct radiation no predictions for the measurement
gas temperature distribution shown
from the lower furnace with a tem- at locations 1 through 4, since the
in Fig. 8 is significantly different
perature of 1200°C. Other major as- measured flue-gas temperatures at
from that predicted by the base
sumptions made in the calculations those locations are used as part of
model. The effect of recirculation just
are: the boundary conditions in the
above the bullnose on the flue-gas
present model. The low flue-gas tem-
1. Deposits are formed uniformly on temperature is clearly evident as the
peratures measured at locations 5
all tubes in the superheater (i.e., recirculating flue gas at the lower
through 8 in the recirculation zone
same thickness, morphology, and elevations (fifth segments and be-
are now correctly predicted by the
thermal conductivity), and the av- low) flows back from the superheater
improved model. The only signifi-
erage deposit thickness is as- exit with a temperature close to or
cant discrepancy between the pre-
sumed to be 6.0 mm. lower than that of the superheated
dicted and measured values is at
steam in the tubes.
2. There is no steam leakage in all location 6. This is due to the unreal-
As a result of the wide variation
the superheater platens across istic assumption made on the heat
in the flue-gas temperature with el-
balance in each computational cell,

220 October 1995 Tappi Journal

which ignores the effect of the vio- of heat transfer in the superheater Recovery Boilers,” in Heat Transfer in
Fire and Combustion Systems, ASME
lent turbulent mixing between the region indicates significantly cold HTD, 1993, ASME, New York, Vol. 350,
recirculating gas and the gas directly flue gas in the recirculation zone can pp. 235–242.
rising from the lower furnace just result in negative heat transfer from 6. Vakkilainen, E. K., Adams, T. N., and
Horton, R. R., International Chemical
above the bullnose on the heat trans- the flue gas to the steam. Minimiz- Recovery Conference Proceedings, 1992,
fer. ing such recirculation zones by im- TAPPI PRESS, Atlanta, p. J101.
However, this shortcoming can be proved configuration of the bullnose 7. FLUENT User’s Guide, Ver. 4.0, Fluent
Inc., Lebanon, NH, 1993.
overcome by first using the overall is expected to improve the heat 8. Levy, S., J. Heat Transfer 81C: 37(1959).
heat transfer coefficient and steam transfer performance of the super-
temperature distributions of the su- This work is part of the research on “Recovery
heater significantly. TJ Boiler Fireside Deposits,” supported by ABB
perheater platens predicted by the Combustion Systems, Ahlstrom Corp., Aracruz
present model in FLUENT to ob- Cellulose SA, Babcock & Wilcox Co., Champion
tain the flue-gas temperature field.
Literature cited International Corp., Diamond Power Specialty
Co., E. B. Eddy Forest Products Ltd.,
The results as shown in Fig. 13 indi- 1. Tran, H. N., Pryke D. C., Barham, D., et Gotaverken Energy Systems, Jansen Combus-
cate that more realistic predictions al., Tappi J. 68(6): 102(1985). tion and Boiler Technologies Inc., James River
2. Backman, R. and Hupa, M., Tappi J. 70(6): Corp., Tampella Power Corp., Union Camp
of the flue-gas temperatures are 123(1987). Corp., Westvaco Corp., Weyerhaeuser Co.,
achieved. 3. Wessel, R. A., Parker, K. L., and Akan- Willamette Industries, and the Ontario Minis-
For further improvement of the Etuk, A., TAPPI 1993 Engineering Con- try of Colleges and Universities through its
ference Proceedings, TAPPI PRESS, URIF program.
calculation procedure, we suggest Atlanta, p. 651.
that both the flue-gas velocity and 4. LaFond, J. F., Verloop, A., and Walsh, A. Received for review June 23, 1994.
temperature distributions predicted R., Tappi J. 75(6): 101(1992). Accepted Dec. 21, 1994.
5. Esaki, S., Dees, C., Kawaji, M., et al., “A
by FLUENT be used in the super- Heat Transfer Model for Predicting Su- Presented at the TAPPI 1994 Engineering Con-
heater code, and the superheated perheater Tube Temperatures in Kraft ference.
steam temperature and overall heat
transfer coefficient predictions from
the superheater code then be used
in FLUENT, in an iterative man-
ner. The calculation should ideally
converge after a few iterations be-
tween these two codes.

An improved heat transfer model has
been developed to predict the heat
transfer rates in the superheater
region of kraft recovery boilers. The
model takes into account the flue-
gas recirculation and heat loss to the
bullnose. Predictions using the model
for a recovery boiler at the
Willamette Hawesville mill show
good agreement with the actual mea-
surements for both the steam and
flue-gas temperatures. The analysis

Vol. 78, No. 10 Tappi Journal 221

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