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Light: bright, indirect light

Water: monthly (let dry completely between watering)

Sandstone: Fine-grained rocks such as sandstone make good aquifers. They can hold water
like a sponge, and with their tiny pores, they are good at filtering surface pollutants.

LED grow lights are excellent for your succulents. They produce exactly the light
wavelengths your succulents need to grow and thrive. They run cooler and are less
expensive to operate than fluorescent grow lights.

Can Succulents Survive Without Soil?

Succulents can grow without soil because they store water in their leaves. This allows them to survive for long
periods of time with no access to surface moisture.

However, to do so, they must have a significant amount of water and nutrients available from the surrounding

For the most part, succulents can grow in rocks without soil and water. The key is to have a rock that allows for
easy absorption of water and nutrients like pumice as it is porous and absorbs a great amount of water.

2. Lettuce

Select a sunny spot for the best growth. Ideally, the plants should get at least 6 hours of sun
per day, though lettuce will still grow if given less than that. The soil should be loose and
drain well so that it's moist without staying soggy.

When you think “hydroponics”, the first vegetable that comes to mind is probably
lettuce. Leafy greens, and lettuce especially, are perfectly suited for hydroponic systems.
They grow fast, produce well, and have a small footprint in your grow space.

Best light for a lettuce plant-

The VIPARSPECTRAL light is a 600W LED grow light with 120pcs of bulbs. It is suitable for a 3x 3 ft
vegetative coverage.

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