Recent Science

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Answer in one word or few words:

a. Which part of the plant absorbs sunlight?

b. Which of the following plants have taproot ?

Onion / Grass / Bean

c. Name the process by which plants prepare food

d. Which of the following has trunk?

Tree/ Shrub/ Herb

e. Which kind of plant appear like a bush?

f. Name two medicinal plants

g. The green colour pigment found in leaves

h. Plant part that helps it to reproduce

i. A plant that stores food in its leaves

j. The food prepared as a result of Photosynthesis

k. An example of root modified to store food

l. Process of loss of water from plants

m. An example of leaf modified to store food

n. The part linking the leaf to the stem

o. The type of root where all roots donot originate from the stem

p. What does the word “Photosynthesis” mean?

q. The part that prevents the plant from falling down

r. Tube like structure that runs down the middle of the leaf
s. Tip of the leaf is called
The main part of the shoot
t. Name two household things that we get from plants
u. We get sugar and jiggery from which plant
v. Edge of the leaf
w. Two types of leaf blade/ lamina
x. Plants having weak stem and need support for climbing
y. Parts of a shoot system

2. Fill in the blanks:

a. The stem carries __________ and _________ to all other parts of the
b. Chlorophyll helps in making __________
c. Glucose is converted into _________
d. Chlorophyll present on leaves absorbs __________ from sunlight
e. Roots hold the __________ and prevents it from being washed away
f. Leaf has a ________ structure
g. Flower changes into ___________
h. ___________ is the basic requirement in photosynthesis as it
i. In presence of _________________, leaves change __________ and
________________into food
j. __________ are a great natural source for the existence of life
k. Roots grow downwards due to ___________
ix. Plants need ____________ to make food
x. All living organisms depend on plants for their _________ and
xi. Plants respire through _________
xii. Banyan tree has _________, _________ and __________ stems called
xiii. Herbs have a ____________, _____________ stem
xiv. ______________ have weak stems with heavy fruit that grow along
the ground
xv. We get furniture from ____________ of trees
xvi. Glucose is _________ ____________
xvii. Teak tree gives us ____________
xviii. _____________ stems provide support to the plants to stand
xix. Leaves are an important part of plants as they
xx. The leaf blade of a ____________ leaf is broader than the the leaf
blade of a _________________ leaf.
xxi. ___________ ________ is stored in the form of starch.
xxii. The leaf prepares food through ________________
xxiii. The taproot has a _________, ________ root from which many
__________ roots grow.
xxiv. The fibrous root has many ___________ and _______ roots instead of
one _________ root.
xxv. The stem stores _______ in some plants.
xxvi. __________ is made from the wood of trees.
xxvii. A plant uses the food prepared by it for its _________
xxviii. Cabbage stores _________ __________ in its leaves
xxix. Beetroot stores extra food in its ____________
xxx. Sugarcane stores extra food in its _______________
xxxi. The absorbed water and minerals are carried by the ___________
to the ___________
xxxii. Leaves take in __________________ from air with the help of
xxxiii. Leaves absorb sunlight with the help of _____________

3. Write True or False

a. Taproots have primary and secondary roots

b. Chlorophyll helps plants in making food
c. Stomata on leaves helps in intake and release of air
d. Gaseous exchange is a non stop process in plants
e. Transpiration happens mostly at night
f. Glucose and oxygen are products of photosynthesis
g. The stomata present on leaves throw out excess water
h. Stem gives support to plant
i. Pea plant has fibrous root
j. Carrot plant has tap root
k. Shrubs have a single, woody stem
l. There are certain plants that have weak stems too
m. A plant uses all the food that it makes
n. Some plants are big while others are small

4. Write examples of plants that give the following:

a. Medicines

b. Timber:

c. Fibre:

d. Spices:

e. Gum:

f. Oil:

5. If we securely tie a plastic bag around a portion of a twig having

leaves, water droplets appear on the inner surface of the plastic bag.
Due to which phenomenon this happens? If we tie this plastic bag
around a twig that doesnot have leaves, would we observe water
droplets? Explain

6. What is the function of transpiration in plants?

7. To show that green leaves need sunlight to prepare food, what test
do we perform?

8. If we take two plants, one with roots intact and other with roots
cut out and water them regularly, what will we observe after few
days? Why does the plant wither due to absence of roots
9. What is the main vein of the leaf known as?

10. How does a leaf absorb sunlight?

11. Why does the stems of potato, onion, ginger appear swollen?

12. Why does a beetroot appear thick and fleshy?

13. Why is the leaf called “kitchen of the plant?

14. Which solution is used to test the presence of starch in leaves?

15. Name some food items that we get from plants

16. Which of the following are parts of a leaf:

1. Leaf stalk
2. Leaf blade
3. Trunk
4. Tendrils
5. Stomata
6. Midrib

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