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Art of writing a paper

Prof. N.Anantharaman

Three fundamental
rules 1/62
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1. Identify your group reader 2.

Think about what it is that
interests your
reader. 3. As you write, always
keep your reader and
their interests in mind.

Steps in preparing a
paper 2/62
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1. Decide whether it’s worth the

effort (include a search of the

literature) 2. Organize the paper

3. Write the first draft 4. Prepare
figures and tables

Steps in preparing a 3/62
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5. Revise the draft (several

times); focus on meaning, style,

and conciseness 6. Prepare the

Abstract and pick a Title 7.
Conduct a final detail check for

consistency, grammar, and

spelling 8. Get a second (third,

fourth) opinion!
This could be from your 4/62
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To be worth the effort, a paper should:

▪ Deal with a subject that is important to

engineering /science/Arts/ educators
▪ Do not duplicate work that has already

been published 5/62
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Decide whether it’s worth

the effort

• Papers describing a research

study should be based on

explicit, measurable objectives

and data that clearly address 6/62
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these objectives (different

journals and conferences require

different levels and

sophistication of data analysis)

• Review papers should be

based on careful analysis of the


Decide whether it’s 7/62
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worth the effort (contd.)

• Before you begin, don’t be

afraid to seek the advice of

colleagues, including seniors.

• Prior publication of a study

similar to the one you plan to

conduct need not deter you if

you can extend the work to a

significantly larger sample, 8/62
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different types of institutions,

more diverse student

populations, etc.

Search the literature

• Papers on engineering education

are published in a variety of

sources; e.g.: – ASEE’s Journal of

Engineering Education (title before 1993 9/62
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was Engineering Education) – IEEE

Transactions on Engineering Education
– International Journal of Engineering
Education – European Journal of
Engineering Education – Proceedings of

the ASEE Annual Conferences and the

Frontiers in Education Conferences

Search the literature

• A useful, searchable data base is the

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education
(Educational Resource Information Center 10/62
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sponsored by the U.S. Department of

• A search for the words “engineering,”
“education,” and “assessment” may yield
XXXX results.
• Other search resources could be

Organize the paper

• Abstract : Brief paragraph highlighting the

present article.
• Introduction: why your subject is important 11/62
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to your readers
• Background: what others have already
learned about your subject (with

references) and also identify research gap.

• Objectives: what you hoped to learn in
very specific terms

• Procedure: what you did to achieve your



Organize the paper

(contd.) 12/62
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• Results: what you found out?

• Conclusions: what your results mean for
your readers
• Acknowledgements: thanks to those who
helped and provided financial support for

the work
• References: listed in the format specified
by the publication to which the paper will be

• Highlights: List the salient points in
bulleted form 13/62
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Write the first draft

• Overcome’ block’ - It becomes

less of an obstacle with practice,

but for most of us it never goes

away. At least with a word 14/62
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processor, you don’t create as

much waste paper!

• Don’t worry too much about

style and grammar; when the

words start to flow, let them

come! You can clean up the

mess in the revision.


Write the first draft 15/62
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• Try to write as much as

possible in a single sitting; a

train of thought may be difficult

to recapture after too long a

break. Writing is difficult because

it forces us to clarify fuzzy ideas,

fill in gaps, organize your 16/62
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thoughts, and express these



Notes on Introduction

• The Introduction serves to

make the main point of the paper
• A useful way to focus your
introductory thoughts is to
conceive the paper as an explicit 17/62
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answer to a question. The

Introduction serves to state the


Notes on Background

• Unless you are writing a review

paper, the Background section

should be relatively brief and 18/62
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limited to discussing work that

applies directly to your study.

Editors and reviewers are not

impressed by a long list of

irrelevant references! If your

work extends a prior study, state

clearly the new contributions of

your paper. 19/62
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Notes on Objectives

• Objectives must be clear, explicit,

and (for research papers)

measurable, e.g.,
– “to determine the effect of interactive,
measurement of coal characteristics for

combustion performance” – “to evaluate

the value of standardized rubrics to 20/62
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improve inter-rater reliability in grading

engineering laboratory reports” – “to

describe the historical development of

water treatment in India over the past

100 years.”


Prepare figures and

tables - content

• Use tables to present, in

compact form, Indicate the
conditions of the study. 21/62
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• Use tables to summarize

results, e.g., numbers and mean
grades of students in different
categories completing a course
under different formats.


Prepare figures and

tables – content (contd.)

• Use figures to show trends over time; bar

charts may be useful here, since bars can
be placed side by side to compare results 22/62
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for different groups over time (clearer than

• A scatter plot may be useful in
demonstrating the correlation between
variables, e.g., % Recovery vs.
Concentration (as a function of Temp).


Prepare figures and

tables – content (contd.)

• Results, whether in figures or

tables, should relate directly to 23/62
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the objectives of the study.

• Include statistical parameters
showing significance of
numerical results.


Prepare figures and

tables - format

• Follow carefully any instructions

for the applicable journal or 24/62
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conference proceedings.
• Figures and tables should be

numbered consecutively in order of

appearance (separate numbering

for figures and for tables).

• Include only figures and tables

that illustrate significant points in

the text.


Prepare figures and 25/62
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tables - format

• Make captions simple but

descriptive, e.g., “Table 1. Effect

of Temperature on recovery.”
• Avoid color and shading in bar

charts (unless journal is printed

in color); use dot and crosshatch

patterns that reproduce clearly in

black and white. 26/62
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• Computer screen shots often

reproduce very poorly.

Bar charts Colour ,

Black and white 27/62
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Revise the draft

• For most of us, this is the most 28/62
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critical step in writing a good

paper; it needs to be repeated

several times with a rest in

• Here is where we need to pay

careful attention to meaning

(how our readers will interpret

what we say), grammar and

style, and conciseness. 29/62
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Revise the draft (contd)

• Refer to a good style manual; (depends

on Jl.)
• Meher LC, Vidya Sagar D, Naik SN. Technical aspects of
biodiesel production by transesterification—a review,
Renew Sust Energ Rev. 2006;10:248268.
• [25] Bahary, M., Experimental and computational studies
of hydrodynamics in three-phase and two-phase fluidised
beds. Ph.D. Thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago (1994).
• [26] Mitra-Majumdar, D., Farouk, B., Shah, Y.T.,
Hydrodynamic modeling of three- phase flows through a
vertical column, Chemical Engineering Science 52,4485
–4497 (1997). 30/62
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Revise the draft (contd)

“Vigorous writing is concise. A

sentence should contain no

unnecessary words, a paragraph

no unnecessary sentences, and

for the same reason that a 31/62
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drawing should have no

unnecessary lines and a

machine no unnecessary parts.

This requires not that the writer

make all sentences short, or

avoid all detail and treat subjects

only in outline, but that every

word tell.” (Strunk & White, p. 32/62
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23) 25

Get rid of needless

Students who failed
to complete the
• Before revision:
on-line assignments
The fact that certain
usually scored
students failed to
lower on the
complete the
following hour test.
on-line assignments
(16 words)
resulted, in most
instances, in lower
scores for these
individuals on the
following hour test.
(26 words)
• After revision: 33/62
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Use words properly

*Professor Ernest Brennecke of

Columbia is credited with inventing a
sentence that can be made to have eight
different meanings by placing ONE
WORD in all possible positions in the

*"I kissed her in the train yesterday."*

The word is *"ONLY"*.

27 34/62
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New Sentence
1. ONLY I kissed her in the train yesterday.

2. I ONLY kissed her in the train yesterday.

3. I kissed ONLY her in the train yesterday.

4. I kissed her ONLY in the train yesterday

5. I kissed her in ONLY the train yesterday

6. I kissed her in the ONLY train yesterday

7. I kissed her in the train ONLY yesterday

8. I kissed her in the train yesterday ONLY

This is the beauty and complexity of English language.

1. 2. ONLY I ONLY I kissed kissed her her in in the the 35/62
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The train train yesterday. yesterday.

_(None _(Did not else do kissed anything her except
except me)
kissing )_

Use words properly 3. I

kissed ONLY her in the train yesterday. _(I did not kiss
any other lady except her)_
4. I kissed her ONLY in the train yesterday _(I did not
kiss outside the train)_
5. I kissed her in ONLY the train yesterday _(Not other
6. I kissed her in the ONLY train yesterday _(There was
no other train that day)_
7. I kissed her in the train ONLY yesterday _(Not today
or any other day )_
8. I kissed her in the train yesterday ONLY _(Did not
wait for today)_
This is the beauty and complexity of English
29 36/62
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Prepare and check

carefully the list of

• Follow exactly the format

specified for the journal or

conference to which you are

submitting the paper.

• Normally, references are

numbered in order of 37/62
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appearance in the text (end-note

utilities in word processors do

this automatically, but too often

have minds of their own).


Prepare and check

carefully the list of
references (contd.) 38/62
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• Double-check the spelling of

authors’ names (dangerous

error: misspelling the name of

someone who might review the

• Check again for consistency!

31 39/62
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Reference Styles
S.No Journal Name Reference Style End Reference
1 Powder Technology
(Elsevier Publications)
D. Kunii, O. Levenspeil, Fluidization Engineering, 1st edition Wiley, New York, 1969.
S. Krishnamurthy, J.S.N. Murthy, G.K. Roy, V.S. Pakala, Gas–solid fluidization in baffled bed, IE
(I) J.-CH 61 (1981) 38–45. 2 Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research (ACS Publications)
Fluidization is the phenomenon of imparting the properties of a fluid to a bed of
particulate solids by passing a fluid (liquid or gas) through the material [1,2]
The HA structure mainly encompasses both
(1) Stevenson, F. J. Humus Chemistry: Genesis, aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds
Composition, Reactions; which constitute three main functional
John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1994.
groups such as carboxylic acids, phenolic alcohols, and methoxy carbonyls.1
Yuan, W.; Zydney, A. L. Humic acid fouling during ultrafiltration. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34,
3 RSC Advances Homogeneous base catalysts have several
drawbacks such as difficulty in the recovery of catalyst from reactant product mixture,
generation of excess wastewater and establishment of a continuous process.1,2
1 D. W. Lee, Y. M. Park and K. Y. Lee, Catal. Surv. Asia, 2009, 13, 63–77.

Reference Styles
4 Energy Conversion and
[1] Kouzu M, Kasuno T, Tajika M, Sugimoto Y, Yamanaka S, Hidaka J. Active phase
of calcium oxide used as solid base catalyst for transesterification of soybean oil
with refluxing methanol. Appl Catal A: Gen 2007;334:357–65.
5 Desalination and Water
Petroleum-based fuels meet the majority of the world energy needs, but are finite
and not sustainable. Due to the depletion of petroleum reserves and increase in 40/62
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environmental concerns, new alternative sources for petroleum-based fuel have

been widely studied [1].
[1] D. Wang, W. Zou, L. Li, Q. Wei, S. Sun, C. Zhao, Preparation and characterization of
functional carboxylic polyethersulfone membrane, J. Membr. Sci. 374 (2011) 93–101.
6 Separation Science and
Technology (Taylor & Francis)
The main inherent drawback of PES membrane is its hydrophobic nature, which leads
to the adsorption of solute particles resulting in the fouling on the membrane surface

Handa et al., have discussed various

Handa, B.K.; Seth, R. Xyz, P(1990) Waste emerging technologies such as the
management in distillery industry. J. IAEM, 17: 44 electrochemical method,
photo-catalysis, and sorption as promising techniques for the treatment of distillery
effluent (1)

Reference Styles
7 Applied Thermal
[1] M.F. Loewenberg, E. Laurien, A. Class, T. Schulenberg, Supercritical water heat
transfer in vertical tubes: a look-up table, Prog. Nucl. Energy 50 (2008) 532e538.
8 International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications
Further, Md. Abdulla Al Masud, Syed Mithun Ali, Dr. Nikhil Ranjan Dhar [3] have
developed an artificial neural network (ANN) model as a function of cutting
parameters in turning steel for predicting chip tool interface temperature. In one
more attempt, H. Meradi, S. Bouhouche, and M. Lahreche [4] have used a back
propagation algorithm to learn the neural nets.
Literatures [1-5] have discussed about this property
[3] S.Koshizuka, N.Takano and Y.Oka, variation , literatures [5-12] have reported the
variation in
`Numerical Analysis of Deterioration heat transfer coefficient due this property variation
Phenomina in Heat Transfer to literatures [1], [2], [5] and [9-15] have reported the
Supercritical Water, International Journal in terms of wall temperature variation
indicating that
of Heat Mass Transfer, Great Britain, changes in fluid properties have a great impact on 41/62
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Pergaman Press 1995, Vol.38, pp 3077- heat transfer behavior

Reference Styles
(1980). Coupled transport
membranes. II: The mechanism of
9 Chemical Engineering
uranium transport with a tertiary
Communications (Taylor & Francis) amine, J. Membr. Sci., 7, 71–87.
The extraction of zinc from sulfuric Babcock, W. C., Baker, R. W.,
acid media has seen a renewed Lachapelle, E. D., and Smith, K. L.
interest because of the use of this (1980). Coupled transport
process on a commercial scale for membranes. II: The mechanism of
treating wastewater streams and to uranium transport with a tertiary
recover and reuse materials (Sainz- amine, J. Membr. Sci., 7, 71–87.
Dı ́az et al., 1996).
Babcock, W. C., Baker, R. W.,
Chiha, M., Samar, M. H., and
Lachapelle, E. D., and Smith, K. L.
Hamdaoui, O. (2006). Extraction of
(1980). Coupled transport
chromium (VI) from sulphuric acid
membranes. II: The mechanism of
aqueous solutions by a liquid
uranium transport with a tertiary
surfactant membrane (LSM),
amine, J. Membr. Sci., 7, 71–87.
Desalination, 194, 69–80.
Babcock, W. C., Baker, R. W.,
Lachapelle, E. D., and Smith, K. L.

Daas, A., and Hamdaoui, O. (2010). Extraction of bisphenol A from aqueous

solutions by emulsion liquid membrane, J. Membr. Sci., 348, 360–368. 42/62
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Prepare the abstract and

select a title
• After all revisions are completed, prepare
an abstract that summarizes in about 100
words what you did, why you did it, what
you found out, and what it means to your
• Select a title that clearly conveys your
subject in as few words as possible.
• Remember: many will decide whether or
not to read your paper based on the title 43/62
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and abstract.


Conduct a final check

• Check for consistency: Are you

capitalizing the same terms each

time? Does formatting follow the

instructions for the journal or 44/62
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conference proceedings to which

the paper will be submitted? Are

tables, figures, and references

numbered consecutively without

gaps, etc.?


Conduct a final check

• Check for correct grammar: Do 45/62
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verbs agree with their subjects?

(Note that data is a plural noun.)

Are you mixing tenses within a

paragraph? Are you using the

correct case for pronouns (who

vs. whom), etc.?

• Check spelling carefully: Be on

guard for errors the spell

checker will miss, e.g., affect for 46/62
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effect, two for too, etc.


Get a second (third,

fourth) opinion
If possible, persuade one or two
(or three)
colleagues to read your paper
and suggest improvements.
(This may require hosting tea or
other forms of gifts , but the
resulting paper will almost 47/62
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always be better than the

original version!)



Special thanks for their most helpful

comments on this presentation go to three

friends with extensive technical

communication experience: Dr.K.N. Singh:

Division of Bio-Technology, IIT X, India 48/62
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Director: IIT, X for support Dr. Sara Joseph:

Department of Chemical Engineering,
XXXX, for technical support CSIR for their
generous funding


Thank you! 49/62
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Group Exercise

• Form pairs with your neighbour

• Take about 15 minutes to list at
least five ways your assigned
paper could be improved. You
can consider, e.g.:
– The title – The abstract – The 50/62
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organization and logical flow of ideas


The impact factor (IF)

The impact factor (IF) is a

measure of the frequency with
which the average article in a
journal has been cited in a
particular year.
It is used to measure the
importance or rank of a journal 51/62
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by calculating the times it's

articles are cited.


the number of times

Impact articles were cited
factor by the number of
articles that are
How Impact
Factor is
Calculation of 2010
IF of a journal:

The calculation is
A = the number of
based on a
times articles
two-year period and
published in 2008
involves dividing
and 2009 were 52/62
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cited by indexed 2008 and 2009.

journals during
2010. B = the total A/B = 2010 impact
number of "citable factor
items" published in

The h-index
The h-index is an author-level metric that
attempts to measure both the productivity
and citation impact of the publications of a
scientist or scholar.

The index is based on the set of the

scientist's most cited papers and the
number of citations that they have received
in other publications. 53/62
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G index

The g-index is an index for quantifying

productivity in science, based on
publication record (an author-level metric).
It was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe.[1]
The index is calculated based on the
distribution of citations received by a given
researcher's publications, such that given a
set of articles ranked in decreasing order of
the number of citations that they received, 54/62
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the g- index is the unique largest number

such that the top g articles received
together at least g2 citations.

It can be equivalently defined as the largest

number n of highly cited articles for which
the average number of citations is at least


i-10 index

It is the number of publications with at least

10 citations.

This very simple measure is only used by

Google Scholar, and is another way to help 55/62
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gauge the productivity of a scholar.



Scopus is a bibliographic database

containing abstracts and citations for
academic journal articles.

It covers nearly 22,000 titles from over

5,000 publishers, of which 20,000 are
peer-reviewed journals in the scientific,
technical, medical, and social sciences 56/62
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(including arts and humanities).

It is owned by Elsevier and is available

online by subscription. Searches in Scopus
also incorporate searches of patent


Science Citation Index


The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a

citation index originally produced by the
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and
created by Eugene Garfield.
It was officially launched in 1964. It is now
owned by Clarivate Analytics (previously 57/62
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the Intellectual Property and Science

business of Thomson Reuters). The larger
version (Science Citation Index Expanded)
covers more than 8,500 notable and
significant journals, across 150 disciplines,
from 1900 to the present. These are
alternatively described as the world's
leading journals of science and technology,
because of a rigorous selection process.


The Science Citation Index (SCI) is a

sub-set of the Science Citation Index
Expanded (SCIE), containing journals that
rank competitively among the most 58/62
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highly-cited core journals in their category

or categories. The Science Citation Index
Expanded is essentially the web version of
what used to be a database available only
on CDRom/Diskette.



The Emerging Sources Citation Index is

a citation index produced since 2015 by
Thomson Reuters, and now by Clarivate
Analytics. According to the publisher, the
index includes "peer-reviewed publications 59/62
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of regional importance and in emerging

scientific fields".[1] It has been observed that
among the databases produced by
Clarivate Analytics, the Emerging Sources
Citation Index is the easiest one to get into
and that as a result it contains many
predatory journals.



The Social Sciences Citation Index

(SSCI) is a commercial citation index
product of Clarivate Analytics. It was
originally developed by the Institute for
Scientific Information from the Science 60/62
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Citation Index.

The Social Sciences Citation Index is a

multidisciplinary index and indexes over
3,000 social sciences journals – 1988 to


Thank you 61/62
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53 62/62

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