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Article / Reading n° 1
Justin Lebo's story is very inspiring and interesting, because it reflects generosity, that is
doing something without expecting anything in return for your benefit and that's what
Justin did, because he found his passion in fixing bikes and found a way that his ability can
benefit people who need help without expecting anything in return, he did this because
he liked to fix bikes and make people happy. So, seeing for the first time that some
children were very happy for the bicycles he gave them, he decided to give bicycles to all
the children of Kilbarchan so that they would be happy and free. This challenge was not
easy because there were difficulties such as the money to buy bicycles, the short time to
deliver them and the fact that some people didn't believe in his project, however he was
able to complete his challenge with the help of his parents and the bicycle donations
which he received from other people who read the article about him. In the end, his
generosity was much greater and he gave bicycles to many more people, such as battered
women and children with AIDS. In conclusion, this story teaches us that we can use any
ability we have to help people who need help and it's very important to do these actions
of our own free will and because you like helping other people.

Article / Reading n° 2
In these readings, two positions are presented regarding mandatory volunteering. First, in
SOME TAKE THE TIME GLADLY by Mensah Dean, the author refers to a position in favor,
because he shows evidence of how volunteering is to the liking of some students and how
they help in various jobs, also students say that volunteering is better than just sitting
around and in this ways they can help into the community and at once they start doing it,
they’ll really like it and hopefully it will become a part of their lives. However, in Problems
with Mandatory Volunteering shows that the term "mandatory volunteering" is an
oxymoron, because as its term says, it is "volunteering", that is to say that it must be
decided by your own free will and don't forced to do it. Also, many students became
indignant about this because they also have other activities to do outside of school and a
lot of homework to do, so for some students, mandatory volunteering doesn't allow them
to manage their time well. Finally, some people say that it can help you to find out your
passion and continue volunteering after school, but this is not the case when you are
forced to volunteer, and it turns into a bad experience because you do it against your free
will, so many students become resentful and don't volunteer again in the future.
Personally, I strongly believe that volunteering couldn’t be mandatory, because for the volunteer
to be done effectively, this must be decided by your own will.
My English Lab
Unit Graphic Organiser

Time to commitment

Personal enrichment

Time to commitment

Personal enrichment

Personal choice, dedication to work

Personal choice, time to commitment

Time to commitment

Synthesize activity
Hi I’m Justin Lebo and I'd like to state that I am opposed to mandatory volunteering; I
consider that volunteering should never be like that, because it must be decided by your
own free will and don't forced to do it and in that way volunteering will be done effectively.
Also, about my experience, I decided by my own free will helped children and women who are in
necessity and gave them some happiness. It made me so happy because I enjoy seeing people
smile, and I did it because I was enthusiastic about it and didn't want anything in return and
obviously nobody forced me to do it. That, I believe, is the importance of volunteering: helping
others, seeing them happy, and, most importantly, enjoying yourself while doing so. In conclusion,
volunteering should not be viewed as a social action to help others simply to fulfill a graduation
requirement; rather, it should be viewed as a social action to help others because we enjoy doing
Create activity
2. I didn't expect that, however the fact that inspired me to accept this challenge was
when I saw the children very happy for the bicycles that I gave them, that was very
inspiring for me and I promised myself that I would give a bicycle to all the children of
Kilbarchan in instead of sitting around and wasting my passion.
3. The first time I heard his proposal I didn't think he could end up making so many bikes
in a short time. However, then I was surprised because I saw that Justin was able to
manage that project very well and he received a lot of help from other people's bike
4. I am in favor of mandatory volunteering because it is a way of contributing to the
community, for which one would feel proud to help. Also, at once you start doing it, you’ll
really like it and hopefully it will become a part of your live, so you could figure out what
your passion is. Moreover, there are many ways to volunteer, for example you can fulfill
your hours helping in a dog donation shelter or help in the construction of public space.
5. I'm against of mandatory volunteering because, as its term says, it is "volunteering",
that is to say that it must be decided by your own free will and don't forced to do it, so the
term "mandatory volunteering" is an oxymoron. Also. many students became indignant
about this because they also have other activities to do outside of school and a lot of
homework to do, so for some students, mandatory volunteering doesn't allow them to
manage their time well. Finally, some people say that it can help you to find out your
passion and continue volunteering after school, but this is not the case when you are
forced to volunteer, and it turns into a bad experience because you do it against your free
will, so many students become resentful and don't volunteer again in the future.

Essay Draft
A well know phrase of Elizabeth Andrew says “volunteers don't necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart! ". It is the real meaning of volunteering; however, most of
schools apply mandatory volunteering as a requirement for many students. As a result,
they make of volunteering something annoying and losing the real meaning of
volunteering. So, I strongly believe that volunteering couldn’t be mandatory, although
many people believe and support mandatory volunteering.
First, most of people believe that mandatory volunteering is helpful to encourage the
social and philanthropic awareness of students; although, they will intend to volunteer
just for academic purpose. Mandatory volunteering shows a wrong idea of what
volunteering is, because the term “‘mandatory volunteering’’ is an oxymoron. Students
should have the intention by themselves of helping others but not being forced to do it
because of an academic requirement. However, students that volunteer for academic
purposes change the essence of volunteering, so mandatory volunteering is bad for
Second, some people believe that students would not know about the benefits of
volunteering until they do a mandatory volunteering; however, they ignore that
volunteering is a personal choice and students may become resentful with volunteering in
their future. A bad volunteering experience will generate a bad quality on volunteering
service causing more harm than good in the community. Therefore, a bad volunteering
experience will stop students from volunteering again in the future. So, mandatory
volunteering will create a negative impression of community service for students. It will
definitely be harmful to the motivation of being a volunteer.
Finally, despite the fact that volunteering is better than just sitting around watching TV or
playing video games, students should not be required to do anything after school except
homework. Because many students have busy after school schedules helping their families
or working, they don’t have enough time to volunteer. Therefore, school starts and ends
at set time, and any school-related activity after those times is extracurricular. Students
today are overwhelmed.

A well know phrase of Elizabeth Andrew says “volunteers don't necessarily have the time;
they just have the heart! ". It is the real meaning of volunteering; however, most of
schools apply mandatory volunteering as a requirement for many students. As a result,
they make of volunteering something annoying and losing the real meaning of
volunteering. So, I strongly believe that volunteering couldn’t be mandatory, although
many people believe and support mandatory volunteering.
First, most of people believe that mandatory volunteering is helpful to encourage the
social and philanthropic awareness of students; although, they will intend to volunteer
just for academic purpose. Mandatory volunteering shows a wrong idea of what
volunteering is, because the term “‘mandatory volunteering’’ is an oxymoron. Students
should have the intention by themselves of helping others but not being forced to do it
because of an academic requirement. However, students that volunteer for academic
purposes change the essence of volunteering, so mandatory volunteering is bad for
Second, some people believe that students would not know about the benefits of
volunteering until they do a mandatory volunteering; however, they ignore that
volunteering is a personal choice and students may become resentful with volunteering in
their future. A bad volunteering experience will generate a bad quality on volunteering
service causing more harm than good in the community. Therefore, a bad volunteering
experience will stop students from volunteering again in the future. So, mandatory
volunteering will create a negative impression of community service for students. It will
definitely be harmful to the motivation of being a volunteer.
Finally, despite the fact that volunteering is better than just sitting around watching TV or
playing video games, students should not be required to do anything after school except
homework. Because many students have busy after school schedules helping their families
or working, they don’t have enough time to volunteer. Therefore, school starts and ends
at set time, and any school-related activity after those times is extracurricular. Students
today are overwhelmed.
In conclusion, volunteering service couldn’t be mandatory. Mandatory volunteering can
have more cons than benefits not only for the community but also for the future of
volunteering service. In addition, a bad experience can develop more problems because
volunteering is a personal decision that involves personal will, time and devotion. So, is it
correct to think in volunteering service as something forced and mandatory?

Unit Reflexion
First, about Justin Lebo's story is very inspiring and interesting, because it reflects
generosity, that is doing something without expecting anything in return for your benefit
and that's what Justin did, because he found his passion in fixing bikes and found a way
that his ability can benefit people who need help without expecting anything in return, he
did this because he liked to fix bikes and make people happy. So, seeing for the first time
that some children were very happy for the bicycles he gave them, he decided to give
bicycles to all the children of Kilbarchan so that they would be happy and free. This
challenge was not easy because there were difficulties such as the money to buy bicycles,
the short time to deliver them and the fact that some people didn't believe in his project,
however he was able to complete his challenge with the help of his parents and the
bicycle donations which he received from other people who read the article about him. In
the end, his generosity was much greater and he gave bicycles to many more people, such
as battered women and children with AIDS. In conclusion, this story teaches us that we
can use any ability we have to help people who need help and it's very important to do
these actions of our own free will and because you like helping other people. On the other
hand, two positions are presented regarding mandatory volunteering. First, in SOME TAKE
THE TIME GLADLY by Mensah Dean, the author refers to a position in favor, because he
shows evidence of how volunteering is to the liking of some students and how they help in
various jobs, also students say that volunteering is better than just sitting around and in
this ways they can help into the community and at once they start doing it, they’ll really
like it and hopefully it will become a part of their lives. However, in Problems with
Mandatory Volunteering shows that the term "mandatory volunteering" is an oxymoron,
because as its term says, it is "volunteering", that is to say that it must be decided by your
own free will and don't forced to do it. Also, many students became indignant about this
because they also have other activities to do outside of school and a lot of homework to
do, so for some students, mandatory volunteering doesn't allow them to manage their
time well. Finally, some people say that it can help you to find out your passion and
continue volunteering after school, but this is not the case when you are forced to
volunteer, and it turns into a bad experience because you do it against your free will, so
many students become resentful and don't volunteer again in the future. Personally, I
strongly believe that volunteering couldn’t be mandatory, because for the volunteer to be
done effectively, this must be decided by your own will and volunteering should not be
viewed as a social action to help others simply to fulfill a graduation requirement; rather,
it should be viewed as a social action to help others because we enjoy doing so. Finally, I
consider that is very important to know how to write a persuasive essay, because it gives
you some techniques of how to convince the reader about your point and how to support

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