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Is a popular streaming service offered by Amazon as part of its prime membership program?
mazon Prime is a paid subscription service that costs $139 per year or $14.99 per month.
Prime members receive a wide variety of perks. The biggest perk, however, is free one- or
two-day shipping on most items sold by Amazon. Last year, the company revealed it has over
200 million paid Prime members worldwide. So if you've ever wondered what is Amazon
The purpose of the Amazon prime video application is to provide users with access to a vast
li8brary of movies, TV shows, and original content, allowing them to stream and download
content on various devices.
Key features of amazon prime video
1. Extensive content library; amazon prime video offers a vast collection of movies, tv
shows, and original content, including exclusive Amazon original series
1. Extensive Content Library: Amazon Prime Video offers a vast collection of movies, TV
shows, and original content, including exclusive Amazon Original Series and Movies.

2. Multi-Device Support: The app is available on various devices, including smartphones,

tablets, smart TVs, streaming devices (e.g., Roku, Chromecast), and gaming consoles (e.g.,
Xbox, PlayStation).

3. Streaming and Downloading: Users can stream content directly or download it for offline
viewing, making it convenient for commutes or areas with poor internet connectivity.

4. Personalized Recommendations: The app provides tailored content suggestions based on

users' viewing history and preferences.

5. X-Ray: This feature offers behind-the-scenes information, cast and crew interviews, and
other bonus content for select movies and TV shows.

6. Parental Controls: Users can create profiles for family members, setting limits on content
access and controlling viewing restrictions.

7. Multi-Language Support: The app offers content in various languages, with subtitles and
dubb2ing options available.

8. Original Content: Amazon Prime Video produces exclusive content, including critically
acclaimed series like "The Grand Tour," "The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel," and "Tom Clancy's
Jack Ryan."

9. Add-On Channels: Users can subscribe to additional channels like HBO, Showtime, and
Starz through the app, expanding their content options.

10. Free Trial and Membership: New users can try the service with a free trial, and existing
users can manage their prime membership and billing settings within the app.


Recently, Amazon announced that its Prime Video application is switching its architecture
from serverless microservices-based architecture to monolithic architecture.
Before we go further into the main topic, let us define our key terms:
- Server less micro services-based architecture means that the application developer does
not need to worry about the underlying infrastructure, as a piece of code is first invoked via a
trigger, then the AWS compute platform intercepts the trigger and executes the associated
piece of code. The application code is spread across hundreds, or even thousands, of files.
- Monolithic application architecture means that most of the application code is
concentrated in one or a handful of files along with the application’s needed configuration
information. Monolithic application code can be many millions of lines of code in one file,
depending on the application’s complexity and scope.
Since server less micro services-based architecture splits the application code in much
smaller segments of code, each piece is much simpler to write, manage, modify, and promote
into production. This architecture is well-suited for agile and global teams, as well as for
cloud and distributed infrastructure platforms. These infrastructure platforms are typically
constructed using smaller commodity hardware, and this type of architecture scales very well
However, while utilizing this architecture, Amazon observed that there was a huge amount of
communication overhead taking place across components on network and storage devices,
introducing undesirable performance degradation and latency.
After moving the Amazon Prime Video application to monolithic architecture, Amazon
observed that application performance improved greatly and overhead was significantly
reduced since communication across application modules did not need to travel over the
network and to the storage subsystems. Perhaps the biggest payoff of this change was that
Amazon was able to reduce infrastructure costs by 90%!
You may be asking, “If it is possible to improve application performance and reduce
infrastructure costs by 90%, why wouldn’t everyone choose to use monolithic
architecture?” It is not as simple as it may seem; remember, each architecture methodology
has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Monolithic applications do require vertical
infrastructure scaling – which means each server must be more powerful and needs more
CPUs, more memory, and other server components, leading to higher and more specialized
HW costs. For example, IBM Mainframe (also known as IBM Z Series) is legendary when it
comes to vertical scaling, so it was the hardware choice for past monolithic applications. It is
also worth noting that monolithic applications may prove hard to maintain over their life
Below are some notables for application architecture:
 Monolithic apps perform in-memory transfer so they provide huge performance gain
and are efficient.
 Server less apps are better at re-use of code, but needs system to manage this, thereby
making overall architecture more complex
 Monolithic application have been around for a long time, so have had a lot of
performance. Efficiencies, and other enhancements incorporated (think early z
processors, where memory was at a premium, so memory optimized coding was key).
In the monolithic architecture, there were no memory, processor, or network
limitations and coding became "sloppy" and less efficient.

Data Transmission Protocols: WS Elemental Media Connect supports different protocols for
incoming (source) and outgoing (output) live video streams depending on the type of flow
you use.
For transport stream flows, which transport compressed content that is mixed (audio, video,
and ancillary data are combined) into a single stream, you use the following protocols:
 Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) (Simple profile only) is a highly
available, low-latency protocol that is suitable for long-distance applications. Media
Connect doesn't support encryption for sources or outputs that use the RIST protocol.
 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) has wide applicability and takes less
bandwidth than RTP-FEC. Media Connect doesn't support encryption for sources or
outputs that use the RTP protocol.
 Real-Time Transport Protocol with Forward Error Correction (RTP-FEC) has
wide applicability and forward error correction (FEC) to self-heal any corruption and
packet loss. Using this protocol takes more bandwidth than RTP without FEC. AWS
Elemental Media Connect doesn't support encryption for sources or outputs that use
the RTP-FEC protocol.
 Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is a highly available, low-latency protocol that is
suitable for long-distance applications.
o SRT listener is a pull-based implementation of the SRT protocol. SRT
listener can be used as a Source or Output. SRT listener must communicate
with an SRT caller.
o SRT caller is a push-based implementation of the SRT protocol. SRT caller
can be used as a Source or Output. SRT caller must communicate with an SRT
 Zixi is a highly available protocol suitable for most applications, especially use cases
that involve longer distances. If your encoder is not capable of using Zixi, you can use
the Zixi feeder/receiver software that was created specifically for use with
MediaConnect. You can access this software on the Zixi website, where you will be
asked to provide your information before you can download the software. If you set
up multiple flows for distribution, we recommend that you use Zixi as the protocol to
send content between flows. MediaConnect supports two Zixi protocol options:
o Zixi pull uses the Zixi protocol to send content to a receiver or an integrated
receiver decoder (IRD) that is behind a firewall. Additionally, you can use this
option when you need network address translation (NAT) to route the traffic
from MediaConnect to the receiver.
o Zixi push uses the Zixi protocol to send content to a receiver that has a static,
publicly addressable IP address. Use this option when the receiver is not
behind a firewall or NAT-based router.
o Zixi push for AWS Elemental Link uses the Zixi push protocol to connect
an AWS Elemental Link UHD device with a MediaConnect flow.
 Fujitsu-QoS is a low-latency, high throughput proprietary protocol from Fujitsu that
enables transport from Fujitsu devices into MediaConnect, and from MediaConnect
into Fujitsu devices. MediaConnect does not support source failover if you use the
Fujitsu protocol.
For CDI flows, which transport high-quality content that has been lightly compressed using
JPEG XS, you use the following protocols:
 AWS Cloud Digital Interface (AWS CDI) is a technology that allows you to
transport high-quality uncompressed video inside the AWS Cloud, with high
reliability and network latency as low as 8 milliseconds.
 ST 2110 JPEG XS is a low-latency protocol that can be used on streams with
minimal compression.
Optimization Techniques:
1. Content Encoding: Amazon uses advanced encoding techniques like H.264 and H.265 to
compress content, reducing the amount of data transmitted.
2. Caching: Amazon Prime Video caches content at edge locations and in users' devices
(e.g., smartphones, smart TVs) to reduce latency and improve streaming performance.
3. Content Delivery Acceleration: Amazon uses content delivery acceleration techniques
like byte-range requests and partial content delivery to optimize content transmission.
4. Network Congestion Control: Amazon Prime Video implements network congestion
control algorithms to adjust data transmission rates based on network conditions, preventing
buffering and ensuring smooth streaming.
5. Quality Adaptation: The service adjusts video quality based on users' internet bandwidth
and device capabilities, ensuring an optimal viewing experience.
6. Prefetching: Amazon Prime Video prefetches content, loading a portion of the video
before2 pla8yback, reducing start up time and improving the overall streaming experience.
7. Connection Optimization: Amazon optimizes connections between users' devices and its
servers, minimizing latency and improving streaming performance.

In summary, Amazon Prime Video's networking architecture, data transmission protocols,

and optimization techniques work together to provide a high-quality streaming experience.
By leveraging CDNs, edge locations, and regional data centres, Amazon reduces latency and
improves content delivery. Adaptive bitrate streaming, content encoding, caching, and quality
adaptation ensure efficient data transmission and optimal video quality.
Amazon Video app optimizes multimedia transmission for quality and reliability through the
following techniques:

1. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: Amazon Video uses adaptive bitrate streaming to adjust the
video quality based on the user's internet bandwidth. This ensures that the video plays
smoothly without buffering or stuttering.

2. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Amazon Video uses a CDN to distribute content
across multiple geographic locations. This reduces latency and improves streaming
performance by delivering content from the nearest location to the user.

3. Caching: Amazon Video caches content at multiple levels, including edge locations,
regional data centres, and users' devices. This reduces latency and improves streaming
performance by reducing the need for repeated requests to the origin server.
4. Content Encoding: Amazon Video uses advanced encoding techniques like H.264 and
H.265 to compress content, reducing the amount of data transmitted. This improves
streaming performance and reduces buffering.
5. Quality Adaptation: Amazon Video adjusts video quality based on users' internet
bandwidth and device capabilities. This ensures an optimal viewing experience, even on low-
bandwidth connections.
6. Prefetching: Amazon Video prefetches content, loading a portion of the video before
playback. This reduces start up time and improves the overall streaming experience.
7. Connection Optimization: Amazon Video optimizes connections between users' devices
and its servers, minimizing latency and improving streaming performance.
8. Error Correction: Amazon Video uses error correction techniques to detect and correct
errors that may occur during transmission. This ensures that the video plays smoothly without
errors or corruption.
9. Content Protection: Amazon Video uses digital rights management (DRM) and
encryption to protect content from piracy and unauthorized access.
10. Real-time Monitoring: Amazon Video monitors streaming performance in real-time,
detecting and resolving issues quickly to ensure a high-quality viewing experience.
11. Load Balancing: Amazon Video uses load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple
servers, ensuring that no single server becomes overwhelmed and reducing the risk of
buffering or errors.
12. Content Optimization: Amazon Video optimizes content for different devices and
platforms, ensuring that the video is delivered in the most suitable format for each device.

These techniques work together to ensure that Amazon Video provides a high-quality and
reliable streaming experience for users, even in challenging network conditions.
User experience (UX) considerations play a crucial role in Amazon Video's success. Here's a
thorough evaluation with examples:

Interface Design:
1. Simple Navigation: Amazon Video's interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear
categories and search functionality.
Example: The homepage features a prominent search bar, followed by curated content
sections like "Recommended for You" and "Trending Now".
2. Content Discovery: The interface encourages content discovery through features like
"Browse" and "Search".
Example: The "Browse" section offers various categories (e.g., movies, TV shows, original
content), while "Search" allows users to find specific titles or actors.
3. Personalization: Amazon Video's interface is personalized based on user behaviour and
Example: The "Recommended for You" section showcases content tailored to individual
users' viewing history and preferences.
4. Accessibility: The interface is designed with accessibility in mind, including features like
closed captions and audio descriptions.
Example: Users can ena8ble closed captions and audio descriptions for select content,
ensuring an 8inclusive experience.

Device Compatibility:
1. Multi-Device Support: Amazon Video is available on various devices, including
smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, streaming devices (e.g., Roku, Chromecast), and gaming
consoles (e.g., Xbox, PlayStation).
Example: Users can seamlessly switch between devices, resuming playback where they left
2. Responsive Design: The interface adapts to different devices and screen sizes, ensuring an
optimal viewing experience.
Example: On smartphones, the interface is optimized for vertical viewing, while on smart
TVs, it's optimized for horizontal viewing.
3. Device-Specific Features: Amazon Video leverages device-specific features, like mobile
device GPS and smart TV remote controls.
Example: On mobile devices, users can download content for offline viewing, while on smart
TVs, they can use voice control with Alexa or other compatible remotes.
4. Consistent Experience: Amazon Video ensures a consistent experience across devices,
with a unified interface and features.
Example: Users can access their watchlist, recommendations, and settings across all devices,
maintaining a seamless experience.
By prioritizing user experience considerations like interface design and device compatibility,
Amazon Video provides a user-friendly and accessible platform for streaming content,
enhancing user engagement and loyalty.

Assess the application's ability to handle varying loads and

network disruptions.
1. Scalability:
 Server Infrastructure: Amazon Prime Video is backed by Amazon Web
Services (AWS), which offers scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure.
AWS's elastic scalability allows Prime Video to dynamically adjust its server
capacity based on demand, ensuring that the service can handle varying loads
effectively. During peak usage times, such as when a popular show is released,
Prime Video can automatically scale up its resources to accommodate
increased traffic without sacrificing performance or reliability.
2. Content Delivery Network (CDN):
 Global CDN: Amazon Prime Video utilizes a global content delivery network
(CDN) to distribute content closer to end-users, reducing latency and
improving streaming performance. By caching content on servers located in
strategic locations worldwide, Prime Video can efficiently deliver video
streams to users regardless of their geographical location. This helps mitigate
network congestion and ensures smooth playback, even during periods of high
3. Adaptive Streaming Technology:
 Dynamic Bitrate Adjustment: Prime Video employs adaptive streaming
technology, such as MPEG-DASH and HLS, to adjust the bitrate of video
streams dynamically based on network conditions. This ensures optimal video
quality and smooth playback even in challenging network environments.
When network congestion occurs or bandwidth fluctuates, Prime Video can
seamlessly switch between different bitrates to prevent buffering or
interruptions, providing a consistent viewing experience for users.
4. Buffering and Preloading:
 Buffering Optimization: Prime Video optimizes buffering algorithms to
minimize buffering times and maximize the utilization of available network
bandwidth. By preloading segments of video content ahead of time and
maintaining an appropriate buffer size, Prime Video can mitigate the impact of
network fluctuations and provide uninterrupted playback, even on slower or
congested networks.
 Prefetching and Caching: Prime Video may prefetch and cache segments of
video content on the user's device or network edge servers to reduce latency
and improve responsiveness. By proactively fetching data before it's needed
and storing it locally or closer to the user, Prime Video can accelerate the
delivery of content, especially for frequently accessed or popular videos.
5. Network Optimization:
 Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring: Prime Video continuously monitors
network performance and quality of service (QoS) metrics to identify potential
issues and optimize streaming performance. By analyzing metrics such as
latency, packet loss, and throughput, Prime Video can adapt its streaming
parameters and delivery strategies to maximize the quality of the viewing
 Bandwidth Throttling and Compression: Prime Video may employ
bandwidth throttling techniques and video compression algorithms to optimize
bandwidth utilization and reduce data consumption without compromising
video quality. By dynamically adjusting video encoding parameters and
applying compression algorithms, Prime Video can deliver high-quality video
streams efficiently, even over limited or congested networks.

Ad-free online streaming for movies and TV shows on virtually any device — that is the
promise of both Netflix and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Netflix has a larger content
library and apps for more platforms and devices than that supported by Amazon Prime.
Netflix also offers subtitles (or closed-captioning) for more TV shows and movies than
The biggest bone of contention between Amazon Prime and Netflix has been the size of the
content library. Amazon Prime has a smaller library of available titles, but tends to offers
more of the latest movies and TV shows for instant watching. Netflix, on the other hand only
offers TV shows and movies that are over a year old (with the exception of Netflix's own
productions), but has a much larger library of shows and movies than Amazon.
Both services offer a free trial for one month — for Netflix here and here for Amazon Prime.
product Video streaming on Video on demand, Free
demand, online DVD 2-Day Shipping (same
and Blu-ray day for some products),
disc rental. Prime Music
price Monthly: $8 to stream nnual Amazon Prime
on 1 screen at a time in membership $99 per
standard definition; $9 year (includes
for streaming on 2 unlimited free 2-day
screens simultaneously shipping, and free
in HD; $12 to stream same-day shipping on
on 4 screens certain items and orders
simultaneously. over $35, one Kindle
Additional $8/month book free/month)
for DVD-by-mail
service and an extra
$2/month for Blu-ray
Library size About More than 40,000
100,000 movies and streaming movies and
TV shows TV shows
subscribers About 30 million eport pegs membership
subscribers, plus 7.75 more than 10 million
million internationally (Mar 2013)
(Jun 2013)
Video quality Tier 1: DVD Quality Quality depends
(1.5Mbit/s connection on internet connection,
needed), Tier 2 (Better with DVD quality files;
than DVD Quality streaming HD at 720p;
3Mbit/s needed) Tier TiVo download
3: 720p (5Mbit/s at 1080i
needed). Tier 4: 1080p
HD has been
When tv shows Not until the next current season TV
are available season of a show shows are generally not
begins available on Amazon.
Most available shows
are ones that ended
years ago.

1. Emerging Technologies:
 Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Prime Video could
integrate VR and AR technologies to offer immersive experiences, such as
virtual cinemas or interactive storytelling.
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Leveraging AI and
machine learning algorithms, Prime Video can enhance content
recommendations, content discovery, and personalized user experiences.
 5G Technology: With the rollout of 5G networks, Prime Video can deliver
higher-quality streaming experiences with reduced latency and faster
download speeds, enabling seamless playback of high-resolution content on
mobile devices.
 Blockchain: Exploring blockchain technology for content distribution and
digital rights management could improve transparency, security, and rights
management in the distribution of content.
2. User Demands:
 Content Diversity: Prime Video must continue to expand its library to cater
to diverse audience preferences, including content from different genres,
languages, and cultures.
 High-Quality Streaming: Users expect high-quality streaming experiences
with minimal buffering and interruptions. Prime Video should invest in
technologies and infrastructure to ensure smooth playback, especially for high-
resolution content like 4K and HDR.
 Offline Viewing: Providing robust offline viewing options allows users to
download content for later consumption, especially in regions with limited
internet connectivity or during travel.
 Live Streaming: Expanding into live streaming of events, sports, and concerts
can attract new users and engage existing subscribers with real-time content
3. Security Concerns:
 Content Piracy: Prime Video must combat content piracy through robust
digital rights management (DRM) technologies, content fingerprinting, and
anti-piracy measures to protect the rights of content creators and licensors.
 Data Privacy: Safeguarding user data is paramount. Prime Video must adhere
to stringent data privacy regulations, implement strong encryption protocols,
and transparent data handling practices to protect user privacy.
 Cybersecurity: Protecting the platform from cyber threats, such as hacking
attempts, malware, and phishing attacks, requires investing in cybersecurity
solutions, regular security audits, and user education on best security practices.

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