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Name : Andika Nurtamin

NPM : 50420176

Class : 4IA06

Task 2 – Question Tag

a) Sharks are fish, aren't they?

b) Peter and Tom went to the cinema, didn't they?

c) Shakira is a famous singer, isn't she?

d) Jimmy was Italian, wasn't he?

e) Jenny didn't wash her car, did she?

f) Tim and Paul made a delicious cake, didn't they?

g) My pencil isn't on the table, is it?

h) You can't drive, can you?

i) Kate hasn't cooked a stew, has she?

j) Peter swam a lot yesterday, didn't he?

k) Michael and John don't run on Friday, do they?

l) Some frogs are mortal, aren't they?

m) Magellan didn't discover America, did he?

n) The Prehistory ended with the invention of writing, didn't it?

o) The animals won't use cars in the future, will they?

p) Plastic is more resistant than glass, isn't it?

q) Christopher Columbus didn't live in the Prehistory, did he?

r) The Middle Ages ended with the discovery of America, didn't they?

s) Roald Dahl is a famous writer, isn't he?

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