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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. A social media platform wants to implement a feature that detects and filters out hate speech and offensive content
in user comments. What technology or field is best suited for this task?
(a) Computer Vision (b) Natural Language Processing
(c) Data Science (d) Robotics
2. Why is Al considered important?
(a) It makes computers look cool
(b) It helps in creating video games
(c) It can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence
(d) It helps in sending emails

3. An e-commerce company wants to provide personalized product recommendations to its customers based on their
browsing and purchase history. What area of expertise is crucial for building recommendation systems?
(a) Expert System (b) Computer Vision
(c) Natural Language Processing (d) Data Science

4. Imagine you are tasked with developing a system to automatically caption images with descriptive text. What field
of expertise is most directly applicable to this task?
(a) Computer Vision (b) Face detection
(c) Natural Language Processing (d) Data Science

5. What is AI?
(a) Animals Interacting (b) Artificial Intelligence
(c) Advanced Interaction (d) Automated Information

6. What does NLP stand for?

(a) Natural Language Platform (b) New Linguistic Programming
(c) National Language Preference (d) Natural Language Processing

7. Which task belongs to the domain of Computer Vision?

(a) Translating Languages (b) Playing Chess
(c) Recognizing Faces (d) Answering Questions

8. What is Data Science about?

(a) Finding Patterns in Data (b) Painting Artworks
(c) Predicting Weather (d) Both (a) and (c)

9. Which Al domain helps computers understand and generate human language?

(a) Computer Vision (b) Data Science
(c) Natural Language Processing (d) Robotics

10. What can Al do in a smart home?

(a) Bake Cookies (b) Walk the Dog
(c) Control Lights (d) Write Stories

11. Which Al domain is related to recognizing diseases in medical images?

(a) Natural Language Processing (b) Computer Vision
(c) Data Science (d) Robotics
12. What is a smart home?
(a) A House with No Windows (b) A Home for Robots
(c) A Home with Advanced Technology (d) A Home Made of Smart phones

13. What does NLU stand for in NLP?

(a) New Language Understanding (b) Notable Linguistic Upgrade
(c) Natural Language Understanding (d) Next Level Understanding

14. Which AI domain helps computers identify and verify people based on their faces?

(a) Natural Language Processing (b) Data Science

(c) Robotics (d) Computer Vision

15. Why is Al bias a concern?

(a) It makes Al too expensive. (b) It can make Al systems too fast.
(c) It can result in unfair or discriminatory decisions. (d) It makes Al too powerful.

16. What is the role of ethics in Al?

(a) Making Al robots (b) Ensuring Al behaves like humans
(c) Ensuring Al systems are developed and used responsibly (d) Making Al more colorful

17. What is Al access?

(a) Making Al difficult to understand
(b) Limiting the use of Al to a few people
(c) Ensuring Al is only used by experts
(d) Making Al tools and knowledge available to a wide range of people

18. How can Al bias happen?

(a) Al doesn't listen to humans (b) Al systems create their own rules
(c) Biases in the data used to train Al (d) Al is too smart for its own good

19. You are in a team creating a city-wide Al surveillance system for public safety. What ethical principles should guide
the deployment of such a system?
(a) Transparency and accountability (b) Data security overreaches
(c) Limited oversight (d) Bias

20. You work for a social media company that is developing measures to detect and prevent the spread of deep fake
videos. What ethical concern does this technology raise?
(a) Data privacy (b) Misinformation and deception
(c) Efficient data processing (d) None of these

21. Which of the following is an ethical concern related to Al?

(a) Protecting user data and privacy (b) Transparent decision-making
(c) Eliminating all human involvement in Al systems (d) Limited accessibility to Al technologies

22. How does Al impact human development in healthcare?

(a) Has no role in healthcare
(b) Can assist in medical diagnosis and treatment recommendations
(c) Can only perform administrative tasks in healthcare
(d) Can replace human healthcare professionals
23. Which of the following is a potential drawback of Al and automation in the workplace?
(a) Increased productivity (b) Enhanced job security
(c) Job displacement in certain industries (d) Reduced efficiency

24. What does "sustainability" mean in the context of Al and human development?
(a) Meeting present needs without thinking about the future
(b) Ignoring the impact of Al on human development
(c) Exclusively focusing on future needs at the expense of present needs
(d) Balancing current and future needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

Fill in the blanks:

1. Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Computer Science that focuses on creating intelligent computational system.
2. General AI,or Strong AI,represents a theoretical level of AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human
can do.
3. The history of AI dates back to 1956 when the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first coined.
4. AI can be categorized into two main types: Weak/Narrow AI and Strong/General AI.
5. Narrow AI, also known as weak AI,is designed to perform specific tasks and is highly specialized.
6. Object Detection in computer vision not only recognize objects in an image but also locates and draws bounding
boxes around them.
7. AI aims to develop machines and software capable of performing tasks that typically require human Intelligence.
8. Facial recognition is a prominent application of Computer Vision that identifies and verifies individuals by
analyzing their facial features.
9. The two basic components of Natural Language Processing (NLP) are NLG( Natural Language Generation) and
NLU( Natural Language Understanding).
10. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that combines statistics , computer science,and domain knowledge to
extract valuable insights from data.
11. AI Ethics refers to the principles and guidelines that helps us determine what is morally right or wrong in various
12. Expert systems can influence real-world outcomes such as job opportunities, loan approvals or medical
13. The use of AI raises concerns related to User data and Privacy.
14. Data Privacy means safeguarding personal information, keeping it confidential unless permission is granted.
15. Sustainable agriculture, a key component of SDG 2, benefits from AI applications like precision farming,
improving efficiency and productivity .
16. AI-driven systems advance SDG 7 by ensuring universal access to modern Energy Management solutions.
17. The existence of biased conduct in AI systems is called AI biasing.
18. Facial recognition systems have exhibited racial biasing , displaying lower accuracy rates when identifying
Individuals with darker skin tones.
19. AI systems can make decisions by analyzing data that may be challenging for humans to interpret.
20. AI access pertains to the capability to engage with artificial intelligent systems or utilize AI tools.

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