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Using a dictionary, find the definitions and translate the words/phrases below.

1. Chauffeur [ʃəʊˈfɜːr] – водій
2. Strapontin – ремінь
3. Draught – протяг
4. Cinders – попіл
5. Banister – перила
6. Vexation – роздратування, розгубленість
7. Will – заповіт
8. Spunk – запал
9. To route – спрямовувати
10.Tempt – спокушати
11.Contemplatе – споглядати
12.Nibble – гризти
13.Attain – досягати
14.peppy – веселий, бадьорий
15.Legitimate [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət] – законний
16.Decent – пристойний
17.marble-topped – мармуровий
18.To strap one’s bag – пристібати/прив’язувати чиюсь сумку
19.To be of an age – бути у віці by – минати, пропливати повз
21.cоme to a halt – зупинитися get the crank started – провернути ручку
23.hаng up – повісити
24.light a cigarette – запалювати сигарету the delinquent taxes – сплачувати просрочені податки
26.have the guts – набиратися духу, сміливості have a whack at – спробувати
28.Sound smb out – вислухати когось
Fill in the gaps using the words below:
In the dimly lit mansion, the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hallways.
Detective Smith, known for her 1) resolve and determination, was called to investigate a
mysterious case. A valuable piece of artwork had gone missing from the grand marble-
topped gallery, leaving the owner in a state of 2) vexation. As she entered the room, she
noticed faint traces of 3) cinders near the broken window. The owner explained that the
painting was locked securely in a glass case, but it seemed that the thief had managed to 4)
nibble away at the lock. Detective Smith 5) contemplated the scene, carefully examining the
surroundings. She approached the 6) banister overlooking the gallery and looked down, her
sharp eyes catching a glimmer of something unusual. A small piece of fabric was caught on
the edge, as if someone had brushed against it while making their escape. It was a 7) spunk
of evidence that could lead her to the culprit. The mansion’s 8) chauffeur was questioned,
revealing that he had seen a suspicious figure 9) contemplating the front gate just before the
alarm sounded. The detective’s instincts told her that this was her starting point. She
instructed the chauffeur to 10) have a whack at her to the nearby town, where she hoped to
11) route the locals for any information. Upon arriving in town, Detective Smith noticed a
quaint antique shop with an intriguing display of artwork. The shop owner, a 12) peppy
elderly woman, welcomed her inside. As they chatted, the detective’s questions led to a
surprising revelation. The missing painting was once part of an old collector’s 13)
strapontin, and rumors of its location had been circulating for years. With renewed
determination, Detective Smith decided to 14) contemplate locating the painting herself. She
followed a series of clues that eventually led her to an abandoned warehouse at the edge of
town. Inside, she found the stolen artwork along with a collection of other stolen items. The
case was solved, and the thief was brought to justice. Detective Smith’s sharp instincts and
unwavering 15) will had prevailed once again. As she left the warehouse, she couldn’t help
but 16) contemplate the twists and turns that had led her to this moment of triumph.
Translate the sentences from English into Ukrainian using the active vocabulary.
1. The peppy chauffeur navigated the winding roads with skill, tempting us to admire the
scenic views.
Бадьорий водій вправно маневрував звивистими дорогами з майстерністю,
спокушаючи нас милуватися мальовничими краєвидами.
2. While contemplating the intricate design of the marble-topped banister, Mr. Winfield
recalled his childhood home.
Споглядаючи хитромудрий вигадливий дизайн мармурових перил, містер
Вінфілд згадав свій дім.
3. The draught from the open window made Sheila shiver, so she decided to come to a
halt and close it.
Протяг з відчиненого вікна змусив Шейлу затремтіти, тому вона вирішила
зупинитися і закрити вікно.
4. After paying the delinquent taxes, Mr. Winfield finally attained peace of mind
regarding his financial obligations.
Сплативши прострочені податки, містер Вінфілд нарешті досягнув душевного
спокою щодо своїх фінансових зобов'язань.
5. Sheila’s spunk and determination inspired her friends to have the guts to try new
Запал і рішучість Шейли надихнули її друзів на те, щоб набратися духу
спробувати щось нове.
6. Mr. Winfield’s will specified that the estate would be divided among his children in a
legitimate and fair manner.
У заповіті містера Вінфілда було зазначено, що маєток буде розділений між його
дітьми законним та справедливим способом.
7. Sheila decided to hang up her coat on the banister, nibbling on a snack as she
contemplated her plans for the evening.
Шейла вирішила повісити пальто на перила, погризти перекус, споглядаючи свої
плани на вечір.
8. The vintage car’s crank was difficult to get started, but with some effort, Mr. Winfield
managed to bring it to life.
Ручка старовинного автомобіля важко заводилася, але, доклавши певних зусиль,
містеру Вінфілду вдалося привести його в рух.
9. Sheila decided to stream by the old park, recalling childhood memories as she drove
Шейла вирішила плопливти повз старим парку, згадуючи спогади дитинства,
проїжджаючи повз нього.
10.Despite his age, Mr. Winfield had the guts to have a whack at learning a new
instrument, showing his determination.
Незважаючи на свій вік, містер Вінфілд мав набрався духу навчитися грати на
новий інструмент, демонструючи свою рішучість.
11.As the sun set, Sheila and her friends lit a cigarette and continued their journey with
renewed energy.
Коли сонце сідало, Шейла та її друзі запалили сигарету і продовжили свою
подорож з новими силами.
12.Mr. Winfield decided to sound Sheila out about her plans for the future, hoping to gain
insight into her aspirations.
Містер Вінфілд вирішив вислухати Шейлу про її плани на майбутнє,
сподіваючись майбутнє, сподіваючись отримати уявлення про її прагнення.

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