E3 LSK Speaking 3

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English 3

Linguaskill familiarization session

Speaking | session 3

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Learn about the content and format of Linguaskill Module I: Speaking
TASK TYPES: Part 1 (Interview), Part 2 (Reading aloud), Part 3 (Long turn 1), Part 4 (Long turn 2) and Part 5
(Communication activity)
Linguaskill familiarization session
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: learn about the content and format of
Linguaskill Module I: Speaking – Parts 1 to 5

Session overview

1. REVIEW 1: Parts 1 to 3
2. Part 1 – Interview PREPARE & PRACTICE
3. Part 2 – Reading aloud PREPARE & PRACTICE
4. Part 3 – Long turn 1 PREPARE & PRACTICE
5. REVIEW 2: Parts 4 and 5
6. Part 4 – Long turn 2 PREPARE & PRACTICE (PAIR WORK)
7. Part 5 – Communication activity PREPARE & PRACTICE (PAIR WORK)
REVIEW 1: Parts 1 to 3
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Part 1 - Interview Part 2 – Reading aloud Part 3 – Long turn 1

1. Answer eight questions about 1. This part focuses on grammar / 1. Talk about a topic you
yourself / someone you know pronunciation. choose / given topic.
(personal experiences,
interests, studies or work, future 2. Read 8 / 10 sentences on the 2. On the screen, you see the
plans, etc.) screen (shown one by one). topic and 3 / 5 main points.

2. You see / hear the questions. 3. There is / is not preparation 3. You have 40 / 60 seconds to
time. think and prepare before you
3. There is / is not preparation speak.
time. 4. You have 10 / 20 seconds to
record your answer. 4. You have 40 / 60 seconds to
4. You have 10 / 20 seconds to speak.
answer questions 1 - 4.
5. You have 10 / 20 seconds to
answer questions 5 - 8.

� What tips can you share for each part of the test?
GET STARTED (Optional task)
Getting to know the test format – Linguaskill Speaking

The speaking test lasts approximately 15 minutes. Answer all questions. There are five parts to this
test. Some of the parts require you to listen and respond. Some of the parts require you to read and

Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Interview Reading aloud Long turn 1 Long turn 2
n activity

You are given one or Give your opinions

You are given a more graphics (e.g. in the form of short
Answer questions Read sentences
topic to talk about a chart, diagram) to responses to
about yourself. aloud. talk about for 1 questions related to
for 1 minute.
minute. one topic.

No preparation No preparation 40 seconds for 1 minute for 40 seconds for

time time preparation preparation preparation

8 questions 8 sentences 1 question 1 question 5 questions

PRACTICE: Part 1 – Interview
You will be asked 8 questions. Listen to each question and answer after the tone.
For questions 1 – 4, you will have 10 seconds to speak. For questions 5 – 8 , you will have 20
seconds to speak.
PRACTICE: Part 2 – Reading aloud
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each sentence aloud after
the tone.

1. Dora put on her best suit and arrived fifteen 5. The schedule said the bus should arrive at
minutes early for the interview. the bus stop at 7:10.

2. Mr. Jones has high cholesterol and Mrs. 6. They both work and can afford to pay $1,050
Jones has gained weight. a month for rent.

3. You can cut the coupons out and take them 7. Mike wants an apartment close to his job
to the grocery store. while Laura wants a large kitchen and a patio.

4. Miriam’s parents work, but they don’t make 8. Mr. Wilson suggests that they order the
enough money to pay for her college tuition. stuffed mushrooms appetizer.

 Speak as clearly and naturally as you can.
PRACTICE: Part 3 – Long turn 1
You will have 1 minute to talk about a topic. First, you have 40 seconds to read the task and prepare
what you are going to say. You will then have 1 minute to speak. Please speak for all the time you have.


Talk about a practical skill you would like to learn.

You should say:

• what practical skill you would like to learn
• why you would like to learn this practical skill
• how difficult you think it would be to learn this skill
REVIEW 2: Parts 4 and 5
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Part 4 – Long turn 2 Part 5 – Communication activity

1. Talk about only one / one or more graphic(s) on the 1. Answer 5 / 8 questions about a topic.
screen (a chart, a diagram, a process or some 2. You can see / only hear the topic and the key points
information). about what the questions will be about.
2. You can see / only hear the instructions to the task. 3. You can see / only hear the instructions to the task.
You may need to describe, compare and contrast or You may need to describe things, give opinions,
make recommendations. speculate, explain and give examples to support your
3. The information stays / doesn’t stay on the screen ideas.
when you record your answer. 4. You have 40 / 60 seconds to prepare before the first
4. You have 40 seconds / 1 minute to prepare before question.
you speak. 5. You can see / only hear the questions.
5. You have 40 seconds / 1 minute to speak. 6. There is / is not preparation time after each question.
7. You have 20 / 40 seconds to answer each question.

�What tips can you share

for each part of the test?
PAIR WORK: Part 4 – Long turn 2
Imagine you want to take a trip to a city for the weekend and you are looking for a hotel to stay in.
This web page shows reviews of three hotels in the city.

In turns,

• recommend each hotel.

• explain why you think each hotel is

Choose one hotel and say why you think
it’s the best.

 Try to speak as much as possible.
 Don’t worry about talking about everything
you see in the graphic. Choose the most
important things you want to talk about.
PRACTICE: Part 4 – Long turn 2
You will have 1 minute to leave a message for an English-speaking friend about some visual
information. First, you have 1 minute to look at the information and prepare what you are going to say.
You will then have 1 minute to leave your message. The visual information will stay on the screen.
Please speak for all the time you have.


Your English-speaking friend wants to take a trip to

a city for the weekend and is looking for a hotel to
stay in.

This web page shows reviews of three hotels in the


Leave a message for your friend, recommending a

hotel and explaining why you think this hotel is
PAIR WORK: Part 5 – Communication activity
• Work in pairs. Find out your partner’s opinion about technology and the Internet. Ask and answer
questions 1 – 5 below.
• When you answer the questions, give opinions, explain your ideas and give examples to support your

A journalist is writing a magazine article Question 1. Which technology do you think is most
about people’s attitudes to technology and useful to people in their daily life?
the Internet. He wants to find out your
opinion about technology and the Internet.
Question 2. How important do you think it is to have the
newest technology?
He will ask you questions about:
• useful technology in daily life Question 3. What’s your view on social media?
• having the newest technology
• social media
• online advertising Question 4. How do you think people feel about online
• depending on technology advertising?

Question 5. Some people say we depend too much on

Tips: technology. What do you think?
 Try to answer the questions as fully as possible.
 Don’t worry about giving factual information in your answers.
 Remember you have 20 seconds to answer each question, but don’t worry if you get interrupted before the end
of your answer.
PRACTICE: Part 5 – Communication activity
You will hear five questions about a topic. First, you have 40 seconds to read the task. After you
hear each question, you will have 20 seconds to give your answer. Please speak for all the time you

A journalist is writing a magazine article about people’s attitudes to

technology and the Internet. He wants to find out your opinion about
technology and the Internet.

He will ask you questions about:

• useful technology in daily life

• having the newest technology
• social media
• online advertising
• depending on technology
SPEAKING TIPS: Parts 1 to 5

Part 1 • Remember, you will hear the questions, they won’t be on the screen.
Interview Wait until you hear the beep before you start speaking.

Part 2 • Pace yourself and speak as clearly as you can. Look for
Reading aloud punctuation (e.g. commas) which helps you pause when you speak.

Part 3 • Read the topic and the three main points carefully. Find any words
Long turn 1 or phrases from the main points to structure your ideas.

Part 4 • Remember the information you can see in the graph or chart will
stay on screen when you record your answer. You can pick out
Long turn 2 what you think are the most important things to talk about.

Part 5
• Read the topic and the five main points carefully. Try to predict
Communication what questions you could be asked for each main point.

Now I know . . .

 the content and format of Linguaskill Module I: Speaking –

Parts 1 to 5.
 Hashemi, L. and Thomas, B. (2011). IELTS Trainer. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University press.
 https://studentlanguages.com/linguaskill-speaking/
 Travis, P. (2020). Cambridge English Qualifications B1 Preliminary.
United Kingdom: Collins.
 Linguaskill Speaking: Speaking test advice for
the candidate https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/Images/582297-
 Cambridge Assessment English - Official QuickGuide to Linguaskill
 https://www.flaticon.com/
English 3
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