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Form of Inspection Report as per Schedule-II

[ Refer Regulation-32 & 45 of CEA (Measures relating to Safety & Electric Supply) Regulations, 2023 ]

(Installations of voltage exceeding 650V)

Report No. : 122/23-24

Date of Inspection by Electrical
: 15 Mar 2024
Date of Last Inspection : -
1. Consumer No. : -
2. Voltage and system of Supply:-
(i) Voltage : 11 KV
(ii) No of Phases : 3 PHASE
(iii) AC/DC : AC
3. Name of Consumer/Owner : GE wellington
4. Address of Consumer/Owner : Cimbatore Mil Stn
5. Location of the premises : MES Complex at coimbatore

6. Particulatrs of Inspection : Periodic Inspection

Make Ser No Capacity Voltage Location

(a) Transformer :

(i) IndoTech IT-4991 of yr 1999 160 KVA 11/433 V MES Complex at coimbatore

(b) HT Breakers :

(c) Other HT Equipments :

(i) Two Pole Structure with one GoD 11 KV MES Complex at coimbatore
(d) Total connected load kW : 120 kW

7. General conditions of the Installation:-

The Outdoor HT installation along with yard is maintained in very good condition. However Regulation wise
points observed as under with respect to the outdoor installation shall be rectified on priorty:-

S No Regulation No Requirements Report

As per Chapter-II
1 Regulation -3 Is the register of the designated persons properly made and kept up to
date duly attested ? No

A record having the names of persons designated to operate and carry out the work on the electrical
apparatus is to be maintained. And that the designated persons shall possess a certificate of
competency or electrical work permit and the same shall be ensured by GE.

2 Regulation -5 Whether Electrical Safety Officer as required under the Regulation is

designated ? No

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
As per Chapter-III (General Safety Requirement)
3 Regulation -14 (i) Is/are there any visible sign(s) of overloading in respect of any
apparatus ? No

(ii) Whether any unauthorised temporary installation exists ? No

(iii) Whether the motors and controlling equipment are being over
hauled periodically and record kept of the same in register ? NA

(iv) Whether the transformer oil samples are being tested periodically Yes, Register is
and results recorded in a register ? maintained
(v) Whether suitable lightning arrestors have been provided near the
transformers for protection against lightning ? Yes

(vi) Whether earth resistance is being measured periodically once a

year and results recorded in a register ? Yes

Earth Resistance shall necessorily be measured in dry season. It is to be ensured that Earth Resistance
Register is regularily checked by AGE E/M and GE.

(vii) Any other defect or condition which may be source of danger. If

yes, please explain ? No

(viii) Whether operation and maintenence date has been clarified,

catergoized and computerized for prompt and easy retrieval ? Yes,

computorization is to be done for easy retrieval.

(ix) Whether residual life assessment and life extension programs are
being under taken for instalations or equipments of voltage exceeding
650V ? ( Applicable for installation or equipments more than 15 years Yes

(x) Whether all required type and routine test at factory done for
equipments. Deficiency and discrepancies in above test report and NA
results, if any, shall be reported.
(xi) Are there deficiencies in construction with refernce to Indian
Standard requirements? Please specify. No

4 Regulation -15 Give report on the condition of service lines, cables, wires, apparatus
and such other fittings placed by the supplier/owner of the premises. If Satisfactory,
not satisfactory, give details.

5 Regulation -16 Whether suitable cut-outs/CBs provided by the supplier at the

consumers premises are within enclosed fire proof receptacle ? Yes

6 Regulation -17 (i) Whether switches are provided on live conductors ? Yes
(ii) Whether indication of a permanent nature is provided as per
regulation so as to distungish earthed conductor or earthed neutral Yes
conductor from the live conductor ?
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the neutral in the case of single
phase double pole iron clad switch/CBs instead of fuse ? Yes

7 Regulation -18 (i) Whether earthed terminal is provided by the supplier ? Yes
(ii) General visible condition of the earthing arrangement ? Satisfactory
8 Regulation -19 (i) Are live parts in building inaccessible ? Yes
(ii) Whether readily accesible switches have been provided for
rendering them dead ? Yes
9 Regulation -20 Whether " Danger Notices" in Hindi and the local language of the
district and of a design as per relevant Indian Standard are affixed Yes
permanenetly in conspicuous position ?

Report No. 122/23-24 Page 2 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
10 Regulation -21 (i) Whether the practice of working on live lines and apparatus is
adoped? If so, have the safety measure been adopted as per No
Schedule-I ?
(ii) Whether insulating floor or mats confirming to IS-15652: 2006 have
been provided ? No

(iii) Whether identification of panel has been provided on the front and
the rear of the panel ? NA

11 Regulation -23 Whether flexible cables used for portable or transportable equipment
(For portable/ covered under the regulation are heavily insulated and adequately
transpoetable NA
protected from mechanical injury ?

12 Regulation -24 State the condition of metalic coverings provided for various
conductors. (For cables protected by bituminous materials) NA

13 Regulation -26 Whether the circuits or apparatus intended for operating at different
(Distinction of circuits) voltage(s) are distinguishable by means of indication(s) of permanent Yes
nature ?
14 Regulation -28 Whether all circuits and apparatus are so arranged that there is no
(Accidental charging of danger of any part(s) becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limits of voltage for which it/they is/are intended ?

15 Regulation -29 (i) In the case of generating stations/enclosed sub-stations/switching

sub-stations, whether fire buckets filled with clean dry sand been
conspicuously marked and kept in convenient situations in addition to No
fire extinguisher suitable for dealing with electric fires ?

Fire buckets are required to be kept and maintained at easily approachable place without any
obstruction on the way.

(ii) Whether First Aid boxes or cupboards conspicuously marked and

properly equipped are provided and maintained at generating stations /
enclosed sub-stations / enclosed switching sub-stations / Electrical No,
Maintenance vehicles except in case of unattended installations ?

(iii) Is adequate staff trained in First Aid Treatment and fire fighting ? No,
Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.
16 Regulation -30 (i) Whether instructions in English or Hindi and the local language of
the district and where Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi,
for the resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock have been No
affixed in a "conspicuous place" ?

(ii) Are the persons mentioned in this regulation able to apply

instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering electric shock ? No

Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.

As per Chapter-IV (General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity)

17 Regulation - 36 Leakage on premises : State insulation resisitance between conductors
and earth in Mega Ohms 1500 M Ohms

18 Regulation - 37 (i) Whether a suitable linked switch or circuit breaker, or a emergency

tripping device is placed near the point of commencement of supply so
as to be readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to Yes
completely isolate the supply ?

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(ii) Whether suitable linked switch or a circuit breaker to carry and
break the full load current is provided on the secondary side of a Yes
transformer ?
(iii) Whether every distinct circuit is protected against excess electricity
by means of suitable circuit breaker or cut outs ? Yes
(iv) Whether linked switch or circuit breaker or emergency tripping
device is provided near the motor or other apparatus at Voltage
exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33KV for controlling supply to the Yes
motor or apparatus ?

(v) Whether adequate precautions are taken to ensure that no live parts
are so exposed as to cause danger ? Yes

19 Regulation- 39 (i) Whethe clear space of 100cm is provided in front of the main switch
board ? NA

(ii) Whether the space behind the switch board exceeds 75cm in width
or is less than 20cm ? NA

(iii) In case the clear space behind the switch boards exceeds 75 cm,
State whether a passage way from either end of the switch board to a NA
height of 1.80 meters is provided ?

As per Chapter-VI (Safety provisions for electrical installations & apparatus of voltage exceeding 650V)
20 Regulation- 46 (i) Whether all conductors and apparatus including live parts thereof are
inaccesible ? Yes
(ii) Whether all windings of motors or other appparatus are suitably
protected ? NA
(iii) Whether the separation wall or fire wall between apparatuses or
consumer premises, in a substation or a switching station with
apparatus having more than 2000 litres of oil are installed, have been NA
provided as required under the regulation?

(iv) Where 9,000 litres or more oils used in any one oil tank, has
provisions been made for draining away or removal of oil which may NA
leak or escape from such tank(s) ?
(v) Whether suitable firefighting system as per the regulation has been
provided ? No

(vi) Whether trenches inside sub-station containing cable are filled with
non-inflammable material or completely covered with non-inflammable NA
slabs ?
(vii) Are conductors and apparatus so arranged that they may be made
dead in sections for carrying out work thereon ? Yes

21 Regulation- 47 Whether protections and inter-locks have been provided ? Give details
of the protection scheme & their settings. Yes

22 Regulation- 50 (i) Have all non-current carrying metal parts associated with the
(Connection with installation been effectively earthed with the earthng system or mat by Yes
earth for apparatus of two seperate & district connections ?
(ii) Is the earth wire free from any mechanical damage ? Yes
(iii) Has the neutral point at the transformer and generator been
earthed by two separate and distinct connections with earth ? Yes

(iv) Have the metal casings or metallic coverings containing or

protecting and electric supply line or apparatus been properly earthed
and so joined and connected across all junction boxes as to make good Yes
mechanical and electrical connection throughout their whole length ?

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(v) Whether earthings has been properly executed and has been Yes,1.3 Ohms
tested? If yes, give value of earth resistance. (BE&NE); 6 ohm(LA)
23 Regulation- 51 (i) Is the outdoor ( except pole type) sub-station efficiently protected by
fencing not less than 1.80 meteres in height ? Yes,

(ii) Whether the mounting of a transformer on a single pole or H Pole is

done as per relevant Standard. Yes

24 Regulation- 52 (For (i) Whether platform type construction is used for pole type substation,
Pole type sub- has sufficient space for a man to stand on the platform been provided ? NA

(ii) Has hand rail been provided and connected with earth ( if metalic
and if sub-station has not been erected on wooden supports and NA
wooden platform) ?

25 Regulation- 53 Has suitable provision been made for immdeiate and automatic or
manual discharge of every static condenser on disconnection of Yes
supply ?

As per Chapter-VII (Safety requirements of overhead lines and underground cables)

26 Over Head (OH) (i) What is the minimum size of the conductor of overhead lines used?
Lines State the type of conductors. (Regulation-57) NA

(ii) Whether clearances above ground of the lowest conductor of

overhead lines are as per Regulation-60 ? State clearance. NA

(iii) On the basis of maximum sag whether vertical clearance where the
lines of voltage exceeding 650V passes above or adjacent to any NA
building or part of a building as per Regulation-63 ? State clearance.
(iv) On the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure are
horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of NA
such building as per Regulation-61 ?

(v) Where conductors forming parts of system at different voltages are

erected on the same supports, whether adequate provisions has been
made as per Regulation-64 to guard against danger to lineman and
others from the lower voltage system being charged above its normal NA
working voltage by leakage from the contact with higher voltage system
(vi) Whether OH lines cross or are in proximity to each other whether
they have been suitably protected to guard against possibility of their
coming in contact with each other as per Regulation-71 ? NA

(vii) Has every guard wire been properly earthed as per Regulation-72
at each point at which its electrical continuity is broken ? NA

(viii) (a) Whether metal supports of overhead lines and metallic fittings
attached thereto are permanenetly earthed as per Requlation-74 ? NA

(b) Has each stay wire ( except in case where an insulator has been
placed in it at a height not less than 3 meteres from the ground ) been NA
earthed as per Regulation-74 ?

(ix) (a) Whether OH lines is suitably protected with a device for

rendering the line electrically harmless in case it breaks as per NA
Regulation-76 ?
(b) Whether anti climbing devices have been provided at each support Yes, but non-
as per Regulation-75 ? standard

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(x) (a) Has the owner of overhead lines adopted efficient means for
diverting to earth any electrical surges due to lightining in every
overhead line which is so exposed as to be liable to injury from Yes
lightining as per Regultion-77 ?

(b) Whether earthing lead from the lightining arrestors been connected
to a separate earth electrode as per Regulation-77 ? Yes

(xi) Whether unsued overhead lines are being maintained in a safe

mechanical condition as per Regulation-78 ? NA

(xii) Whether statutory clearance from Authorities i.e. Forest

department/ Railways/ PTCC/ Defence(AHQ) /Civil Aviation have been NA
taken as per Indian Standard ? If yes, enclose copies of the same.

(xiii) Any other remarks.

8. Important Points observed which require attention:-

(i) In complince with Regulation-5, It shall be ensured that an Electrical Safety Officer is designated for ensuring observance of safety
measures specified under these regulations.

(ii) In compliance with Regulations-7&8, It shall be ascertained by GE to ensure safety measures for Operation & Maintenance of plants
and distribution lines system and they are operated by persons who hold degree / diploma in electrical / mechanical engineering.
Record for the maps,plans&sections of the system shall be maintained and submitted to the SEI as and when required.

(iii) In compliance with Regulation-10, Provision shall be ensured and a copy of maps shall be submitted to the SEI and a copy retained duly
certified by an appropriate authority.
(iv) In compliance with Regulation-11,12&13, It shall be ensured that the printed copies of the maps showing area of supply are always
maintained updated at GE office, and one copy is placed on display at the installation.

(v) In compliance with Regulation-77, During earth connections, it shall be ensured that the earthing lead for every lightning arrestor is
taken as directly as possible from the lightning arrestor without touching any other metal parts to a separate vertical ground electrode
or junction of the earthing subject to the avoidance of bends wherever practicable.

(vi) Fire Buckets with dry sand shall be provided at the installation.
(vii) Earth strip of LA are routed in befitting manner however its earth resistance is to be improved.
(viii) First aid box with proper medicinces shall be kept at nearby manned duty room.
(ix) Non-standard Anticlimbing Device shall be replaced with Standard ones.
(x) Identification of earth pits shall be done.

Date : (Signature of the Inspecting Officer)

Name : Saurabh, IDSE
Rank : CE(NF)
Disgnation : Senior Electrical Inspector
For ADG(P) Chennai

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Form of Inspection Report as per Schedule-II
[ Refer Regulation-32 & 45 of CEA (Measures relating to Safety & Electric Supply) Regulations, 2023 ]

(Installations of voltage exceeding 650V)

Report No. : 123/23-24

Date of Inspection by Electrical
: 15 Mar 2024
Date of Last Inspection : -
1. Consumer No. : -
2. Voltage and system of Supply:-
(i) Voltage : 22 KV
(ii) No of Phases : 3 PHASE
(iii) AC/DC : AC
3. Name of Consumer/Owner : GE wellington
4. Address of Consumer/Owner : Mudukkari Mil Stn
5. Location of the premises : Mudukkari Mil Stn

6. Particulatrs of Inspection : Periodic Inspection

Make Ser No Capacity Voltage Location

(a) Transformer :

(i) Volt Amp 12174/1 of yr 2008 250 KVA 22/433 V Mudukkari Mil Stn

(b) HT Breakers :

(c) Other HT Equipments :

(i) Two Pole Structure with one GoD 22 KV Mudukkari Mil Stn
(d) Total connected load kW : 70 kW

7. General conditions of the Installation:-

The Outdoor unmanned HT installation is found clean but yard is to be fenced on priority. However Regulation
wise points observed as under with respect to the outdoor installation shall be rectified on priorty:-

S No Regulation No Requirements Report

As per Chapter-II
1 Regulation -3 Is the register of the designated persons properly made and kept up to
date duly attested ? No

A record having the names of persons designated to operate and carry out the work on the electrical
apparatus is to be maintained. And that the designated persons shall possess a certificate of
competency or electrical work permit and the same shall be ensured by GE.

2 Regulation -5 Whether Electrical Safety Officer as required under the Regulation is

designated ? No

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
As per Chapter-III (General Safety Requirement)
3 Regulation -14 (i) Is/are there any visible sign(s) of overloading in respect of any
apparatus ? No

(ii) Whether any unauthorised temporary installation exists ? No

(iii) Whether the motors and controlling equipment are being over
hauled periodically and record kept of the same in register ? NA

(iv) Whether the transformer oil samples are being tested periodically Yes, Register is
and results recorded in a register ? maintained
(v) Whether suitable lightning arrestors have been provided near the
transformers for protection against lightning ? Yes

(vi) Whether earth resistance is being measured periodically once a

year and results recorded in a register ? Yes

Reading enetered in Register are not matching with readings tested at the installation. Earth
Resistance shall necessorily be measured in dry season. It is to be ensured that Earth Resistance
Register is regularily checked by AGE E/M and GE.
(vii) Any other defect or condition which may be source of danger. If
yes, please explain ? yes, no fencing

(viii) Whether operation and maintenence date has been clarified,

catergoized and computerized for prompt and easy retrieval ? Yes,

computorization is to be done for easy retrieval.

(ix) Whether residual life assessment and life extension programs are
being under taken for instalations or equipments of voltage exceeding
650V ? ( Applicable for installation or equipments more than 15 years Yes
(x) Whether all required type and routine test at factory done for
equipments. Deficiency and discrepancies in above test report and NA
results, if any, shall be reported.
(xi) Are there deficiencies in construction with refernce to Indian
Standard requirements? Please specify. No

4 Regulation -15 Give report on the condition of service lines, cables, wires, apparatus
and such other fittings placed by the supplier/owner of the premises. If Satisfactory,
not satisfactory, give details.

5 Regulation -16 Whether suitable cut-outs/CBs provided by the supplier at the

consumers premises are within enclosed fire proof receptacle ? Yes

6 Regulation -17 (i) Whether switches are provided on live conductors ? Yes
(ii) Whether indication of a permanent nature is provided as per
regulation so as to distungish earthed conductor or earthed neutral Yes
conductor from the live conductor ?
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the neutral in the case of single
phase double pole iron clad switch/CBs instead of fuse ? Yes

7 Regulation -18 (i) Whether earthed terminal is provided by the supplier ? Yes
(ii) General visible condition of the earthing arrangement ? Satisfactory
8 Regulation -19 (i) Are live parts in building inaccessible ? Yes
(ii) Whether readily accesible switches have been provided for
rendering them dead ? Yes
9 Regulation -20 Whether " Danger Notices" in Hindi and the local language of the
district and of a design as per relevant Indian Standard are affixed No
permanenetly in conspicuous position ?

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
10 Regulation -21 (i) Whether the practice of working on live lines and apparatus is
adoped? If so, have the safety measure been adopted as per No
Schedule-I ?
(ii) Whether insulating floor or mats confirming to IS-15652: 2006 have
been provided ? No

(iii) Whether identification of panel has been provided on the front and
the rear of the panel ? NA

11 Regulation -23 Whether flexible cables used for portable or transportable equipment
(For portable/ covered under the regulation are heavily insulated and adequately
transpoetable NA
protected from mechanical injury ?

12 Regulation -24 State the condition of metalic coverings provided for various
conductors. (For cables protected by bituminous materials) NA

13 Regulation -26 Whether the circuits or apparatus intended for operating at different
(Distinction of circuits) voltage(s) are distinguishable by means of indication(s) of permanent Yes
nature ?
14 Regulation -28 Whether all circuits and apparatus are so arranged that there is no
(Accidental charging of danger of any part(s) becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limits of voltage for which it/they is/are intended ?

15 Regulation -29 (i) In the case of generating stations/enclosed sub-stations/switching

sub-stations, whether fire buckets filled with clean dry sand been
conspicuously marked and kept in convenient situations in addition to No
fire extinguisher suitable for dealing with electric fires ?

Fire buckets are required to be kept and maintained at easily approachable place without any
obstruction on the way.

(ii) Whether First Aid boxes or cupboards conspicuously marked and

properly equipped are provided and maintained at generating stations /
enclosed sub-stations / enclosed switching sub-stations / Electrical No,
Maintenance vehicles except in case of unattended installations ?

(iii) Is adequate staff trained in First Aid Treatment and fire fighting ? No,
Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.
16 Regulation -30 (i) Whether instructions in English or Hindi and the local language of
the district and where Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi,
for the resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock have been No
affixed in a "conspicuous place" ?

(ii) Are the persons mentioned in this regulation able to apply

instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering electric shock ? No

Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.

As per Chapter-IV (General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity)

17 Regulation - 36 Leakage on premises : State insulation resisitance between conductors
and earth in Mega Ohms 1200 M Ohms

18 Regulation - 37 (i) Whether a suitable linked switch or circuit breaker, or a emergency

tripping device is placed near the point of commencement of supply so
as to be readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to Yes
completely isolate the supply ?

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(ii) Whether suitable linked switch or a circuit breaker to carry and
break the full load current is provided on the secondary side of a Yes
transformer ?
(iii) Whether every distinct circuit is protected against excess electricity
by means of suitable circuit breaker or cut outs ? Yes
(iv) Whether linked switch or circuit breaker or emergency tripping
device is provided near the motor or other apparatus at Voltage
exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33KV for controlling supply to the Yes
motor or apparatus ?
(v) Whether adequate precautions are taken to ensure that no live parts
are so exposed as to cause danger ? Yes

19 Regulation- 39 (i) Whethe clear space of 100cm is provided in front of the main switch
board ? NA

(ii) Whether the space behind the switch board exceeds 75cm in width
or is less than 20cm ? NA

(iii) In case the clear space behind the switch boards exceeds 75 cm,
State whether a passage way from either end of the switch board to a NA
height of 1.80 meters is provided ?

As per Chapter-VI (Safety provisions for electrical installations & apparatus of voltage exceeding 650V)
20 Regulation- 46 (i) Whether all conductors and apparatus including live parts thereof are
inaccesible ? Yes
(ii) Whether all windings of motors or other appparatus are suitably
protected ? NA
(iii) Whether the separation wall or fire wall between apparatuses or
consumer premises, in a substation or a switching station with
apparatus having more than 2000 litres of oil are installed, have been NA
provided as required under the regulation?

(iv) Where 9,000 litres or more oils used in any one oil tank, has
provisions been made for draining away or removal of oil which may NA
leak or escape from such tank(s) ?
(v) Whether suitable firefighting system as per the regulation has been
provided ? No

(vi) Whether trenches inside sub-station containing cable are filled with
non-inflammable material or completely covered with non-inflammable NA
slabs ?
(vii) Are conductors and apparatus so arranged that they may be made
dead in sections for carrying out work thereon ? Yes

21 Regulation- 47 Whether protections and inter-locks have been provided ? Give details
of the protection scheme & their settings. Yes

22 Regulation- 50 (i) Have all non-current carrying metal parts associated with the
(Connection with installation been effectively earthed with the earthng system or mat by Yes
earth for apparatus of two seperate & district connections ?
(ii) Is the earth wire free from any mechanical damage ? Yes
(iii) Has the neutral point at the transformer and generator been
earthed by two separate and distinct connections with earth ? Yes

(iv) Have the metal casings or metallic coverings containing or

protecting and electric supply line or apparatus been properly earthed
and so joined and connected across all junction boxes as to make good Yes
mechanical and electrical connection throughout their whole length ?

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(v) Whether earthings has been properly executed and has been
tested? If yes, give value of earth resistance. Yes,1.7 to 18.5 ohms

23 Regulation- 51 (i) Is the outdoor ( except pole type) sub-station efficiently protected by No, fencing to be
fencing not less than 1.80 meteres in height ? provided
(ii) Whether the mounting of a transformer on a single pole or H Pole is
done as per relevant Standard. NA

24 Regulation- 52 (For (i) Whether platform type construction is used for pole type substation,
Pole type sub- has sufficient space for a man to stand on the platform been provided ? NA

(ii) Has hand rail been provided and connected with earth ( if metalic
and if sub-station has not been erected on wooden supports and NA
wooden platform) ?

25 Regulation- 53 Has suitable provision been made for immdeiate and automatic or
manual discharge of every static condenser on disconnection of Yes
supply ?

As per Chapter-VII (Safety requirements of overhead lines and underground cables)

26 Over Head (OH) (i) What is the minimum size of the conductor of overhead lines used?
Lines State the type of conductors. (Regulation-57) NA

(ii) Whether clearances above ground of the lowest conductor of

overhead lines are as per Regulation-60 ? State clearance. NA

(iii) On the basis of maximum sag whether vertical clearance where the
lines of voltage exceeding 650V passes above or adjacent to any NA
building or part of a building as per Regulation-63 ? State clearance.
(iv) On the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure are
horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of NA
such building as per Regulation-61 ?

(v) Where conductors forming parts of system at different voltages are

erected on the same supports, whether adequate provisions has been
made as per Regulation-64 to guard against danger to lineman and
others from the lower voltage system being charged above its normal
working voltage by leakage from the contact with higher voltage system
(vi) Whether OH lines cross or are in proximity to each other whether
they have been suitably protected to guard against possibility of their NA
coming in contact with each other as per Regulation-71 ?

(vii) Has every guard wire been properly earthed as per Regulation-72
at each point at which its electrical continuity is broken ? NA

(viii) (a) Whether metal supports of overhead lines and metallic fittings
attached thereto are permanenetly earthed as per Requlation-74 ? NA

(b) Has each stay wire ( except in case where an insulator has been
placed in it at a height not less than 3 meteres from the ground ) been NA
earthed as per Regulation-74 ?

(ix) (a) Whether OH lines is suitably protected with a device for

rendering the line electrically harmless in case it breaks as per NA
Regulation-76 ?
(b) Whether anti climbing devices have been provided at each support Yes, but non-
as per Regulation-75 ? standard

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S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(x) (a) Has the owner of overhead lines adopted efficient means for
diverting to earth any electrical surges due to lightining in every
overhead line which is so exposed as to be liable to injury from Yes
lightining as per Regultion-77 ?

(b) Whether earthing lead from the lightining arrestors been connected
to a separate earth electrode as per Regulation-77 ? Yes

(xi) Whether unsued overhead lines are being maintained in a safe

mechanical condition as per Regulation-78 ? NA

(xii) Whether statutory clearance from Authorities i.e. Forest

department/ Railways/ PTCC/ Defence(AHQ) /Civil Aviation have been NA
taken as per Indian Standard ? If yes, enclose copies of the same.

(xiii) Any other remarks.

8. Important Points observed which require attention:-

(i) In complince with Regulation-5, It shall be ensured that an Electrical Safety Officer is designated for ensuring observance of safety
measures specified under these regulations.

(ii) In compliance with Regulations-7&8, It shall be ascertained by GE to ensure safety measures for Operation & Maintenance of plants
and distribution lines system and they are operated by persons who hold degree / diploma in electrical / mechanical engineering.
Record for the maps,plans&sections of the system shall be maintained and submitted to the SEI as and when required.

(iii) In compliance with Regulation-10, Provision shall be ensured and a copy of maps shall be submitted to the SEI and a copy retained duly
certified by an appropriate authority.
(iv) In compliance with Regulation-11,12&13, It shall be ensured that the printed copies of the maps showing area of supply are always
maintained updated at GE office, and one copy is placed on display at the installation.

(v) In compliance with Regulation-77, During earth connections, it shall be ensured that the earthing lead for every lightning arrestor is
taken as directly as possible from the lightning arrestor without touching any other metal parts to a separate vertical ground electrode
or junction of the earthing subject to the avoidance of bends wherever practicable.

(vi) Fire Buckets with dry sand shall be provided at the installation.
(vii) Earth strip of LA is touching c-channel & its earht resistance is very high(18.5 ohm). These shall be rectified on priority

(viii) Resistace of Tr BE is OK. But resistance of NE needs imrovement by bringing it down to below 5 ohms from existing 13 Ohms.

(ix) Earth strips at all joints and at Neutral terminal are found rusted. All these joints shall be renewed to avoid any discontinuity. Hanging
Earth strip on 2-Pole structure shall be fixed properly.
(x) Minor oil leak near Bushings shall be arrested on priority.
(xi) Non-standard Anticlimbing Device shall be replaced with Standard ones. Danger Notice Plates shall also be provided.

(xii) The installation is not at all fenced. It shall be fenced with min 1.8m ht on top priority to avoid any trespassing and accident.

(xiii) Identification of earth pits shall be done.

Date : (Signature of the Inspecting Officer)

Name : Saurabh, IDSE
Rank : CE(NF)

Report No. 123/23-24 Page 12 of 20

Disgnation : Senior Electrical Inspector
For ADG(P) Chennai

Report No. 123/23-24 Page 13 of 20

Form of Inspection Report as per Schedule-II
[ Refer Regulation-32 & 45 of CEA (Measures relating to Safety & Electric Supply) Regulations, 2023 ]

(Installations of voltage exceeding 650V)

Report No. : 124/23-24

Date of Inspection by Electrical
: 15 Mar 2024
Date of Last Inspection : -
1. Consumer No. : -
2. Voltage and system of Supply:-
(i) Voltage : 22 KV
(ii) No of Phases : 3 PHASE
(iii) AC/DC : AC
3. Name of Consumer/Owner : GE wellington
4. Address of Consumer/Owner : Mudukkari Mil Stn
5. Location of the premises : Mudukkari Mil Stn

6. Particulatrs of Inspection : Periodic Inspection

Make Ser No Capacity Voltage Location

(a) Transformer :

(i) Indian Transformer 9309 of yr 1988 150 KVA 22/433 V Mudukkari Mil Stn

(b) HT Breakers :

(c) Other HT Equipments :

(i) Two Pole Structure with one GoD 22 KV Mudukkari Mil Stn
(d) Total connected load kW : 65 kW

7. General conditions of the Installation:-

The Outdoor manned HT installation alongwith fenced yard is found in functional state. However Regulation
wise points observed as under with respect to the outdoor installation shall be rectified on priorty:-

S No Regulation No Requirements Report

As per Chapter-II
1 Regulation -3 Is the register of the designated persons properly made and kept up to
date duly attested ? No

A record having the names of persons designated to operate and carry out the work on the electrical
apparatus is to be maintained. And that the designated persons shall possess a certificate of
competency or electrical work permit and the same shall be ensured by GE.

2 Regulation -5 Whether Electrical Safety Officer as required under the Regulation is

designated ? No

Report No. 124/23-24 Page 14 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
As per Chapter-III (General Safety Requirement)
3 Regulation -14 (i) Is/are there any visible sign(s) of overloading in respect of any
apparatus ? No

(ii) Whether any unauthorised temporary installation exists ? No

(iii) Whether the motors and controlling equipment are being over
hauled periodically and record kept of the same in register ? NA

(iv) Whether the transformer oil samples are being tested periodically Yes, Register is
and results recorded in a register ? maintained
(v) Whether suitable lightning arrestors have been provided near the
transformers for protection against lightning ? Yes

(vi) Whether earth resistance is being measured periodically once a

year and results recorded in a register ? Yes

Reading enetered in Register are not matching with readings tested at the installation. Earth
Resistance shall necessorily be measured in dry season. It is to be ensured that Earth Resistance
Register is regularily checked by AGE E/M and GE.
(vii) Any other defect or condition which may be source of danger. If yes, very high Earth
yes, please explain ? resistances
(viii) Whether operation and maintenence date has been clarified,
catergoized and computerized for prompt and easy retrieval ? Yes,

computorization is to be done for easy retrieval.

(ix) Whether residual life assessment and life extension programs are
being under taken for instalations or equipments of voltage exceeding
650V ? ( Applicable for installation or equipments more than 15 years Yes
(x) Whether all required type and routine test at factory done for
equipments. Deficiency and discrepancies in above test report and NA
results, if any, shall be reported.
(xi) Are there deficiencies in construction with refernce to Indian
Standard requirements? Please specify. No

4 Regulation -15 Give report on the condition of service lines, cables, wires, apparatus
and such other fittings placed by the supplier/owner of the premises. If Satisfactory,
not satisfactory, give details.

5 Regulation -16 Whether suitable cut-outs/CBs provided by the supplier at the

consumers premises are within enclosed fire proof receptacle ? Yes

6 Regulation -17 (i) Whether switches are provided on live conductors ? Yes
(ii) Whether indication of a permanent nature is provided as per
regulation so as to distungish earthed conductor or earthed neutral Yes
conductor from the live conductor ?
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the neutral in the case of single
phase double pole iron clad switch/CBs instead of fuse ? Yes

7 Regulation -18 (i) Whether earthed terminal is provided by the supplier ? Yes
(ii) General visible condition of the earthing arrangement ? Satisfactory
8 Regulation -19 (i) Are live parts in building inaccessible ? Yes
(ii) Whether readily accesible switches have been provided for
rendering them dead ? Yes
9 Regulation -20 Whether " Danger Notices" in Hindi and the local language of the
district and of a design as per relevant Indian Standard are affixed No
permanenetly in conspicuous position ?

Report No. 124/23-24 Page 15 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
10 Regulation -21 (i) Whether the practice of working on live lines and apparatus is
adoped? If so, have the safety measure been adopted as per No
Schedule-I ?
(ii) Whether insulating floor or mats confirming to IS-15652: 2006 have
been provided ? No

(iii) Whether identification of panel has been provided on the front and
the rear of the panel ? NA

11 Regulation -23 Whether flexible cables used for portable or transportable equipment
(For portable/ covered under the regulation are heavily insulated and adequately
transpoetable NA
protected from mechanical injury ?

12 Regulation -24 State the condition of metalic coverings provided for various
conductors. (For cables protected by bituminous materials) NA

13 Regulation -26 Whether the circuits or apparatus intended for operating at different
(Distinction of circuits) voltage(s) are distinguishable by means of indication(s) of permanent Yes
nature ?
14 Regulation -28 Whether all circuits and apparatus are so arranged that there is no
(Accidental charging of danger of any part(s) becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limits of voltage for which it/they is/are intended ?

15 Regulation -29 (i) In the case of generating stations/enclosed sub-stations/switching

sub-stations, whether fire buckets filled with clean dry sand been
conspicuously marked and kept in convenient situations in addition to No
fire extinguisher suitable for dealing with electric fires ?

Fire buckets with dry sand and Fire extinguishers are required to be kept and maintained at easily
approachable place without any obstruction on the way.

(ii) Whether First Aid boxes or cupboards conspicuously marked and

properly equipped are provided and maintained at generating stations /
enclosed sub-stations / enclosed switching sub-stations / Electrical No,
Maintenance vehicles except in case of unattended installations ?

(iii) Is adequate staff trained in First Aid Treatment and fire fighting ? No,
Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.
16 Regulation -30 (i) Whether instructions in English or Hindi and the local language of
the district and where Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi,
for the resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock have been No
affixed in a "conspicuous place" ?

(ii) Are the persons mentioned in this regulation able to apply

instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering electric shock ? No

Regular training in liason with Stn HQ is required to be imparted.

As per Chapter-IV (General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity)

17 Regulation - 36 Leakage on premises : State insulation resisitance between conductors
and earth in Mega Ohms 1100 M Ohms

18 Regulation - 37 (i) Whether a suitable linked switch or circuit breaker, or a emergency

tripping device is placed near the point of commencement of supply so
as to be readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to Yes
completely isolate the supply ?

Report No. 124/23-24 Page 16 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(ii) Whether suitable linked switch or a circuit breaker to carry and
break the full load current is provided on the secondary side of a Yes
transformer ?
(iii) Whether every distinct circuit is protected against excess electricity
by means of suitable circuit breaker or cut outs ? Yes
(iv) Whether linked switch or circuit breaker or emergency tripping
device is provided near the motor or other apparatus at Voltage
exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33KV for controlling supply to the Yes
motor or apparatus ?
(v) Whether adequate precautions are taken to ensure that no live parts
are so exposed as to cause danger ? Yes

19 Regulation- 39 (i) Whethe clear space of 100cm is provided in front of the main switch
board ? NA

(ii) Whether the space behind the switch board exceeds 75cm in width
or is less than 20cm ? NA

(iii) In case the clear space behind the switch boards exceeds 75 cm,
State whether a passage way from either end of the switch board to a NA
height of 1.80 meters is provided ?

As per Chapter-VI (Safety provisions for electrical installations & apparatus of voltage exceeding 650V)
20 Regulation- 46 (i) Whether all conductors and apparatus including live parts thereof are
inaccesible ? Yes
(ii) Whether all windings of motors or other appparatus are suitably
protected ? NA
(iii) Whether the separation wall or fire wall between apparatuses or
consumer premises, in a substation or a switching station with
apparatus having more than 2000 litres of oil are installed, have been NA
provided as required under the regulation?

(iv) Where 9,000 litres or more oils used in any one oil tank, has
provisions been made for draining away or removal of oil which may NA
leak or escape from such tank(s) ?
(v) Whether suitable firefighting system as per the regulation has been
provided ? No

(vi) Whether trenches inside sub-station containing cable are filled with
non-inflammable material or completely covered with non-inflammable NA
slabs ?
(vii) Are conductors and apparatus so arranged that they may be made
dead in sections for carrying out work thereon ? Yes

21 Regulation- 47 Whether protections and inter-locks have been provided ? Give details
of the protection scheme & their settings. Yes

22 Regulation- 50 (i) Have all non-current carrying metal parts associated with the
(Connection with installation been effectively earthed with the earthng system or mat by Yes
earth for apparatus of two seperate & district connections ?
(ii) Is the earth wire free from any mechanical damage ? Yes
(iii) Has the neutral point at the transformer and generator been Yes, but strip
earthed by two separate and distinct connections with earth ? touching Tr body
(iv) Have the metal casings or metallic coverings containing or
protecting and electric supply line or apparatus been properly earthed
and so joined and connected across all junction boxes as to make good Yes
mechanical and electrical connection throughout their whole length ?

Report No. 124/23-24 Page 17 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(v) Whether earthings has been properly executed and has been
tested? If yes, give value of earth resistance. No, 5.5 to 24.0 ohms

23 Regulation- 51 (i) Is the outdoor ( except pole type) sub-station efficiently protected by
fencing not less than 1.80 meteres in height ? Yes

(ii) Whether the mounting of a transformer on a single pole or H Pole is

done as per relevant Standard. NA

24 Regulation- 52 (For (i) Whether platform type construction is used for pole type substation,
Pole type sub- has sufficient space for a man to stand on the platform been provided ? NA

(ii) Has hand rail been provided and connected with earth ( if metalic
and if sub-station has not been erected on wooden supports and NA
wooden platform) ?

25 Regulation- 53 Has suitable provision been made for immdeiate and automatic or
manual discharge of every static condenser on disconnection of Yes
supply ?

As per Chapter-VII (Safety requirements of overhead lines and underground cables)

26 Over Head (OH) (i) What is the minimum size of the conductor of overhead lines used?
Lines State the type of conductors. (Regulation-57) NA

(ii) Whether clearances above ground of the lowest conductor of

overhead lines are as per Regulation-60 ? State clearance. NA

(iii) On the basis of maximum sag whether vertical clearance where the
lines of voltage exceeding 650V passes above or adjacent to any NA
building or part of a building as per Regulation-63 ? State clearance.
(iv) On the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure are
horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of NA
such building as per Regulation-61 ?

(v) Where conductors forming parts of system at different voltages are

erected on the same supports, whether adequate provisions has been
made as per Regulation-64 to guard against danger to lineman and
others from the lower voltage system being charged above its normal NA
working voltage by leakage from the contact with higher voltage system

(vi) Whether OH lines cross or are in proximity to each other whether

they have been suitably protected to guard against possibility of their
coming in contact with each other as per Regulation-71 ? NA

(vii) Has every guard wire been properly earthed as per Regulation-72
at each point at which its electrical continuity is broken ? NA

(viii) (a) Whether metal supports of overhead lines and metallic fittings
attached thereto are permanenetly earthed as per Requlation-74 ? NA

(b) Has each stay wire ( except in case where an insulator has been
placed in it at a height not less than 3 meteres from the ground ) been NA
earthed as per Regulation-74 ?

(ix) (a) Whether OH lines is suitably protected with a device for

rendering the line electrically harmless in case it breaks as per NA
Regulation-76 ?
(b) Whether anti climbing devices have been provided at each support
as per Regulation-75 ? No

Report No. 124/23-24 Page 18 of 20

S No Regulation No Requirements Report
(x) (a) Has the owner of overhead lines adopted efficient means for
diverting to earth any electrical surges due to lightining in every
overhead line which is so exposed as to be liable to injury from Yes
lightining as per Regultion-77 ?

(b) Whether earthing lead from the lightining arrestors been connected
to a separate earth electrode as per Regulation-77 ? Yes

(xi) Whether unsued overhead lines are being maintained in a safe

mechanical condition as per Regulation-78 ? NA

(xii) Whether statutory clearance from Authorities i.e. Forest

department/ Railways/ PTCC/ Defence(AHQ) /Civil Aviation have been NA
taken as per Indian Standard ? If yes, enclose copies of the same.

(xiii) Any other remarks.

8. Important Points observed which require attention:-

(i) In complince with Regulation-5, It shall be ensured that an Electrical Safety Officer is designated for ensuring observance of safety
measures specified under these regulations.

(ii) In compliance with Regulations-7&8, It shall be ascertained by GE to ensure safety measures for Operation & Maintenance of plants
and distribution lines system and they are operated by persons who hold degree / diploma in electrical / mechanical engineering.
Record for the maps,plans&sections of the system shall be maintained and submitted to the SEI as and when required.

(iii) In compliance with Regulation-10, Provision shall be ensured and a copy of maps shall be submitted to the SEI and a copy retained duly
certified by an appropriate authority.
(iv) In compliance with Regulation-11,12&13, It shall be ensured that the printed copies of the maps showing area of supply are always
maintained updated at GE office, and one copy is placed on display at the installation.

(v) In compliance with Regulation-77, During earth connections, it shall be ensured that the earthing lead for every lightning arrestor is
taken as directly as possible from the lightning arrestor without touching any other metal parts to a separate vertical ground electrode
or junction of the earthing subject to the avoidance of bends wherever practicable.

(vi) Fire Buckets with dry sand & Fire Extinguishers shall be provided at the installation.
(vii) Earth strip of LA is touching 2-Pole Str & its earht resistance is very high(24 ohm). These shall be rectified on priority.

(viii) NE strip is touching Tr Body. NE and BE resistances are very high. These shall be rectified on priority.
(ix) Electric shock chart shall be displayed at the installation.

(x) First Aid Box shall be provided & placed at a fixed location.
(xi) Anticlimbing Device and Danger Notice Plates shall also be provided.
(xii) The Transformer is kept in slightly tilted position, it shall be corrected.
(xiii) Identification of earth pits shall be done.
(xiv) The transformer is of old vintage. Transformer body rusted at places. Difference in output voltage & Frequent breakdowns are
repoerted by Engineer-in-charge. It may be considered for replacement as and when it becomes U/S and major repair is required.

Date : (Signature of the Inspecting Officer)

Name : Saurabh, IDSE
Rank : CE(NF)
Disgnation : Senior Electrical Inspector
Report No. 124/23-24 Page 19 of 20
For ADG(P) Chennai

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