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Last summer you had a part-time job as a lifeguard. Your friend is interested in
working this summer and he/she has asked for some information about that job.
Write an e-mail giving him/her information about your part-time job. Write about the
hours, the salary, the working conditions and the skills he/she might need to have. *

Hi Barni,

It was great to hear from you. I am very busy at the moment, because I am working at a zoo.
Anyway, I am going to give you some advice, and information about the lifeguard part time
job, that I did last summer.

To begin with, I will tell you about the job. The full time job was 9 hours per a day, but you
know that I just applied a part time job, which was 5 hours per a day. I did this job for 2
months. It took place at Zalakaros, not far from Nagykanizsa. The boss was really helpful
and kind and the collegees too. At the first week I had to help to other lifeguards, just to see
what it’s like. Then, the next week I had to do it by myself, but if there was any problem,
the others helped me. You have to know how to swim, and you mustn’t afraid of water, and
deep. The salary was not perfect, but it was okay. I got 3000/day.

So, if you are thinking about that you choose this, I recommend it. If there is anything else
you would like to know, just write me.

All the best,


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