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1. C.

Essays are considered to be relatively less reliable for scoring and grading compared to other
types of tests. This is because essay questions are subjective in nature and can be interpreted
differently by different individuals.
2. C. This physics lab question falls into the 'Remembering' category of Bloom's Taxonomy cognitive
domain. When students are asked to identify something, they are essentially recalling information
from their memory.
3. D. If Teacher Carl has concluded that his students have achieved the lesson's goals, this signifies his
students understand the material. There's no need to review, enrich, or conduct remediation for the
4. C. Multiple Choice questions/type are assumed to measure a broader variety of learning objectives
than Alternate Response, Matching Type, or Short Answer as they can involve superior levels of
reasoning, integrate more materials, and go beyond memory recall.
5. D. In the given context, the teacher provided James with a module, including an objective set of test
items to aid his progression in his missed lessons. This kind of activity fits the term ‘Assessment as
Learning’, implying that assessment is active and an ongoing process.
6. C. It can be seen from cumulative frequency middle lie in the 18 years of age thus the
median is 18. That means, option C (18) is correct.
7. B. The limitation of a true-or-false test is that it is oversimplified and may not
effectively measure higher-order thinking skills.
8. C. Diagnostic assessment is used to identify students' strengths and weaknesses, and to
guide future instruction. Option C, where Teacher Ruben administers a test to
determine specific concepts that are difficult for students, is an example of diagnostic
9. D. Among the listed types of objective tests, "Alternate response" does not belong to
the group.
10. B. Measurement enables teachers to collect student data which can be used for further
evaluation of their understanding.
11. B. The test-retest method involves administering the same test to the same group of
individuals on two separate occasions with a time interval in between. By comparing
the scores obtained by the individuals on both occasions, we can assess the stability or
consistency of the test over time.
12. C. I and II is the correct answer when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents.
13. A. As Teacher Steph is creating his own table of specifications, he is guaranteeing that
his assessments match precisely with his teachings. This is known as content validity –
that the test contains a representative sample of tasks/ideas/parameters that were
14. D. In the learning areas of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and Music,
Arts, PE, and Health (MAPEH), performance tasks are given the largest weight
because both subjects primarily focus on developing and honing specific skills.
15. C. This essay style is beneficial for assessing multifaceted topics that require a robust
argument, analysis, and defense, such as the debate around COVID-19 vaccinations.
16. C. Assessment "of" learning is usually conducted at the end of a unit or course, to
determine the level of understanding and knowledge students have gained. Hence, this
kind of assessment is more focused on evaluating learning outcomes rather than
learning pace.
17. C. This scenario described in the question is about peer assessment. Peer-assessment
uses another student's work to evaluate another student's academic, learning progress,
or success.
18. D. A percentile score indicates a student's relative position or rank within a group. If
Kyle's percentile score is 82%, this means he scored better than 82% of his classmates.
19. B. Option B offers a more improved version of the sentence by modifying the
language to suggest a comparison ("at par") than asserting a judgment of being "the
20. B. Teacher Sheryl found that a significantly greater number of students from the upper
group of the class got test item number 24 correctly. This indicates that the item was
able to distinguish between students who performed well and those who did not.
Therefore, the test item has positive discriminating ability.
21. B. In criterion-referenced testing, difficulty indices are used to measure the level of
difficulty of test items. A high difficulty index indicates that the items are very difficult
for the test takers.
22. C. Teacher Carol's students are able to distinguish between the different parts of
speech and understand how they relate to each other. This demonstrates their ability to
analyze the components of language and comprehend their interconnections.
23. A. A t-score of 45 indicates that the student's raw score is 45 standard deviations above
the mean. Since the mean is considered the average or typical performance, a t-score
of 45 suggests that the student's performance is significantly above average. Therefore,
the raw score of the student can be described as above the mean performance.
24. D. Assessment in outcomes-based education is designed to measure the demonstrated
results of learning, which can include skills, knowledge, and competencies that
students have acquired and can apply in real-world situations. This approach
emphasizes the importance of practical application and the ability to transfer learning
to different contexts.
25. C. When deciding whether or not Antonio will be promoted to the next level, the basis
of the decision will be his previous grade. This means that his performance in his
regular classes prior to taking the remedial class will be taken into consideration.
26. B. Grading on the curve refers to a norm-referenced grading method. In this approach,
the performance of students is evaluated in relation to the performance of their peers.
27. D. An assessment referred to in this context is being used to evaluate the ending
accomplishment, learning growth, and determine the extent to which learning
outcomes are met after instruction. This role is played by a summative assessment.
28. C. In this scenario, Ms. Santos is trying to estimate the reliability of the Business
Mathematics test by re-administering it to the same group of students after two weeks.
29. C. The most appropriate test for discovering students' abilities in dramatizing would be
a performance-based assessment. This type of assessment allows students to
demonstrate their acting skills in a practical setting, which is directly relevant to
30. D. An impromptu speech provides the first-hand experience of the exact situation the
students are assessed on.

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