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Biology 1 test I

 This paper consists of section A and B with total 10 questions
 Answer all questions from section A and only 2 question from section B

Time: 1: 30 hour
Section A (42 marks)
Answer all question from this section
1. (a) Define the term Heterozygous and Albinism
(b) What the probability of the children with albinism if the normal male married a
woman who are heterozygote of albinism?
2. (a) State the difference between Epigeal and Hypogeal germination. (4 points)
(b) Using the diagram state the main components of seed structures.
3. (a) State the following;
i. Steady state theory
ii. Cosmozoan theory
iii. Biochemical theory
iv. Abiogenesis theory

(b) Choose any two theories in 3(a) above and state the examples that support the
theory to verify the origin of life.

4. (a) Define the terms DNA and RNA

(b) State the difference between DNA and RNA
5. (a) What the process enable the green plants and protoctists to manufacture their
own food? Mention and define it
(b) What are the main two stages of the process you mentioned in 5(a) above?
6. (a) Define the term respiration
(b) Differentiate between the fermentation process that occur plant and animal.
7. (a) State how you will test for the presence of Non-reducing sugar in a given solution.
(b) What are the roles of the food substance you tested in 7(a) above?

Section B (18 marks)

Answer only 2 questions from this section
8. Using 6 point explain the importance of photosynthesis
9. (a) Describe the concept of Mutation and their consequences in Genetic
(b) Differentiate between complete and incomplete dominance
10. State 6 the commercial uses of anaerobic respiration in daily life.

Prepared by asfatc2023

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